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Spiritual Journeys
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Moment of Grace ellie LeJeune 7 2014-01-26 09:29 AM
+This Golden Vessel+ ellie LeJeune 6 2014-01-26 09:23 AM
A Saviors Birth WhtDove 18 2013-02-19 09:36 PM
Shark Bait Lighthousebob 8 2010-02-21 10:15 PM
Sweet Angel Band deleeme 4 2009-08-11 04:29 PM
A Grain of Sand WhtDove 19 2009-01-01 02:05 PM
What Hills Are These Ohme 7 2008-04-26 08:16 AM
Have You Read Your Valentine? sandgrain 6 2008-01-22 07:06 PM
9-11-01 My view WhtDove 9 2007-09-11 04:54 PM
I Was Lifted Up On Angles Wings.....#2 WhtDove 17 2007-05-24 11:41 PM
Rainbows MoonShadow 7 2007-03-17 11:54 PM
Go the the ant, thou sluggard WhtDove 6 2007-02-04 08:30 PM
Faith Guides my Blindness MoonShadow 8 2006-12-04 08:31 PM
Faith MoonShadow 6 2006-12-04 08:30 PM
BEHOLD! A LIGHT! Earth Angel 6 2006-06-29 02:00 AM
A Thread of Sound Trillium 17 2006-06-23 02:00 PM
Love Is The WAy Joyce Johnson 4 2006-06-23 01:54 PM
I found You last night LoveBug 4 2006-06-23 01:49 PM
Love is the Answer Joyce Johnson 11 2006-06-23 01:36 PM
How Much Further Must I Go ? Marge Tindal 15 2006-05-26 04:06 PM
Umbilically His Marge Tindal 25 2006-05-26 03:42 PM
Seeking God Poet deVine 9 2006-05-26 03:40 PM
Lily (Easter Poem) Lighthousebob 11 2006-04-14 10:13 PM pour... serenity blaze 10 2005-09-06 04:55 PM
~In The Presence of Angels~ Janet Marie 10 2005-06-15 12:45 PM
A favorite old poem...for Whitedove Janet Marie 9 2005-06-15 01:55 AM
At Last I Call You Friend (from # 4) Denise 6 2005-03-21 02:12 PM
If You Ever Doubt Lighthousebob 9 2005-02-08 09:34 PM
How Thankful Are We WhtDove 6 2005-02-07 11:19 AM
Do we have it that bad? WhtDove 12 2005-02-07 11:17 AM
Thank-You WhtDove 10 2005-02-03 11:04 PM
My Guardian Angel (Ellie's Challenge) WhtDove 11 2005-02-03 10:18 PM
Beacon Of Light -- for Lighthouse Bob Mark Bohannan 15 2005-01-03 01:34 AM
Peace, Joy (God) WhtDove 24 2004-12-15 03:19 PM
A Christmas Tale Michael 9 2004-12-15 02:51 PM
Death's Obeisance (Spenserian Sonnet) jbouder 5 2004-04-29 03:24 PM
God, where are you? Skyfire 13 2004-02-24 10:23 PM
Simple Words Janet Marie 26 2003-08-08 06:25 AM
I Promise Radrook 6 2003-06-27 12:29 PM
He Anchors Me Marge Tindal 24 2003-06-13 06:28 PM
The Miracle of Life (White Dove Challenge) Lighthousebob 12 2003-03-04 10:03 AM
On Wings of Faith Songbird 4 2003-01-27 06:52 PM
I AM the Life! Radrook 3 2003-01-25 03:09 PM
When God Opens Heaven's Gates Echo Rhayne 9 2003-01-13 09:43 PM
What If Encarta 5 2003-01-05 01:30 PM
Coming Home caterina 3 2003-01-02 03:42 PM
Just For You Joyce Johnson 4 2003-01-02 03:41 PM
The Light in our Path WhtDove 14 2003-01-02 03:36 PM
Subjective Amaranthine 2 2002-10-15 06:09 PM
I Walked With the Lord Encarta 6 2002-10-11 09:01 PM
Jubilee of Morning, Come serenity blaze 12 2002-10-10 08:40 PM
Hey Jesus... Mistletoe Angel 26 2002-10-10 08:31 PM
But what about...? Larry C 9 2002-10-10 12:40 PM
You're the Only One...In Power aries_luv_ppl 5 2002-10-09 02:46 PM
Falling Lighthousebob 8 2002-10-09 12:36 PM
Tomorrow Never Ends 2dalimit 5 2002-10-09 07:23 AM
Happy dalainn 3 2002-10-08 07:42 PM
Dear Little Bird Joyce Johnson 16 2002-10-07 06:14 PM
The Wonders of THE Mind VAS 4 2002-10-07 06:13 PM
Each Leaf That Falls Trillium 14 2002-10-05 06:39 PM
Spell of Stars Essorant 6 2002-10-04 11:23 AM
Diary of a Young Monk Charles 2 2002-10-01 07:08 PM
Our Example Radrook 5 2002-10-01 03:30 AM
2 poems from August sermon VAS 3 2002-09-30 07:06 PM
God Speaks Redneck_13 3 2002-09-30 01:04 PM
Gold and Silver Strands Trillium 20 2002-09-30 12:57 PM
Just a Wave of Your Hand BSC 7 2002-09-30 07:22 AM
The Man Redneck_13 5 2002-09-28 11:34 PM
psychological inflection Tanzanite 1 2002-09-28 11:26 PM
My King of Knights CSKpoet 3 2002-09-28 11:24 PM
Let The People Live Tommysgirl03 2 2002-09-28 06:17 PM
Sending Fishes-for EagleScorpion Lighthousebob 10 2002-09-28 01:45 PM
When You've Done All You Can Do Tommysgirl03 1 2002-09-27 09:42 PM
You Taught Me To Love The Lord Tommysgirl03 1 2002-09-27 09:38 PM
Father, I Love You Tommysgirl03 5 2002-09-27 09:31 PM
Tommysgirl03 2 2002-09-27 09:31 PM
Gratitude Joyce Johnson 5 2002-09-27 09:29 PM
Doubling His Promise Marge Tindal 12 2002-09-27 09:25 PM
Navigating Trillium 8 2002-09-27 05:33 PM
Behind The Veil Tommysgirl03 2 2002-09-26 05:15 PM
God Made Me Just For You Tommysgirl03 1 2002-09-26 05:13 PM
How About You? Tommysgirl03 3 2002-09-23 11:15 AM
RainFalls From Heaven Tommysgirl03 3 2002-09-23 11:14 AM
Your Little Angel Is In Heaven....Samantha Runnion Tommysgirl03 4 2002-09-22 06:51 PM
Calling For Reach Out aries_luv_ppl 6 2002-09-22 04:14 PM
He Calls To Me Trillium 10 2002-09-21 05:57 PM
He Understands Tommysgirl03 5 2002-09-21 02:20 PM
Grander Realities Imagined GOlDsparklESS 5 2002-09-20 04:43 PM
Where Do I Look? Larry C 7 2002-09-16 02:07 AM
God's Palette Trillium 10 2002-09-15 11:22 PM
Life JasonE 5 2002-09-15 09:51 PM
Heaven's Glory WhiteRose 6 2002-09-14 11:46 PM
stronger than Allstaria22 4 2002-09-14 05:16 PM
"you must be crazy" Allstaria22 4 2002-09-14 02:16 PM
God's Explanation (about Ginger & Papa) Larry C 26 2002-09-14 01:53 AM
Help my Healing Heart miriam 7 2002-09-13 05:06 PM
I Saw the Face of Jesus Elizabeth Santos 7 2002-09-12 11:31 PM
Screaming Thoughts..., Part 2 Lonely Always 2 2002-09-11 09:43 PM
I am blessed Interloper 3 2002-09-10 11:01 PM
Harvest Of Angels Marge Tindal 18 2002-09-10 09:23 PM
Where Was God...9/11 WhiteRose 8 2002-09-10 08:35 PM
Fall Clean Up Time Joyce Johnson 4 2002-09-10 01:09 PM
Even Now WhiteRose 3 2002-09-10 04:40 AM
Never Alone WhiteRose 3 2002-09-10 04:33 AM
Still A Wonderful Day WhiteRose 3 2002-09-10 04:22 AM
Distant Thunder on 9-11 Romy 4 2002-09-08 11:24 PM
For WhtDove Joyce Johnson 5 2002-09-04 04:58 PM
The LORD Will deleeme 5 2002-09-04 12:06 PM
The Lord Does Speak WhiteRose 17 2002-09-04 12:05 PM
His Heirs Trillium 12 2002-09-03 10:36 PM
Elijah, The Prophet Trillium 12 2002-09-03 12:48 PM
I Cannot Lie Essorant 2 2002-09-02 10:31 PM
THIS WORLD OF OURS Earth Angel 6 2002-09-02 08:08 PM
A Gardener's Prayer Joyce Johnson 10 2002-09-01 11:48 PM
Forgiveness Dulcinea 8 2002-09-01 11:20 PM
A Man Guardurthoughts 2 2002-08-31 09:57 PM
Glim of Him Essorant 6 2002-08-30 09:06 PM
Lover of My Soul (a Psalm of Devotion) Dulcinea 6 2002-08-30 11:25 AM
Hold Me, Enfold Me (a Psalm of Deliverence) Dulcinea 9 2002-08-30 11:23 AM
A Turtles Visit Gemini 10 2002-08-29 10:22 PM
Poem entry- I Will Annette Kimmel 4 2002-08-26 12:56 PM
Poem Entry-Refuse You Loose Annette Kimmel 8 2002-08-26 12:30 PM
Fair Walking Marge Tindal 9 2002-08-25 03:21 PM
what went wrong? punkrockerrobin 9 2002-08-25 11:46 AM
A Grain of Sand Trillium 18 2002-08-24 07:10 PM
As I walk upon this earth tracie66 7 2002-08-24 02:41 AM
In Sunbeam's Reach Marge Tindal 10 2002-08-23 11:20 PM
A Calling Yet To Be Realized Keith Morgan 1 2002-08-22 01:38 AM
The Holy Trinity Joyce Johnson 3 2002-08-21 01:27 PM
Heaven's Gate Paul Wilson 11 2002-08-21 09:40 AM
Silence nichola_louise 3 2002-08-20 11:16 AM
2 from today's message VAS 4 2002-08-20 11:14 AM
The Christian way . . . Senryu Interloper 6 2002-08-20 11:11 AM
A Song Dustin462 2 2002-08-20 11:02 AM
My Mom and Dad Joyce Johnson 5 2002-08-20 10:57 AM
Payment Onto Death Mistletoe Angel 5 2002-08-20 10:56 AM
in spite of me serenity blaze 8 2002-08-20 09:51 AM
Army Of Angels ellie LeJeune 7 2002-08-20 06:04 AM
Gifts Rosebud1229 6 2002-08-20 06:02 AM
A Fulfilled Day Joyce Johnson 6 2002-08-19 11:24 PM
Compared to God (A Simple Analogy) Lighthousebob 4 2002-08-19 10:32 PM
Poem -I'll Never Say Good-bye Annette Kimmel 6 2002-08-18 08:33 PM
Child of My Soul The Napkin Writer 9 2002-08-18 12:16 PM
Wedding Vows (Please help...needs to be ready for Saturday) Marilyn 7 2002-08-17 09:30 AM
I'm Not Ashamed WhiteRose 5 2002-08-16 11:13 PM
Ode to an Unknown Drifter Lighthousebob 5 2002-08-16 11:09 PM
presence GOlDsparklESS 4 2002-08-16 08:55 PM
Life is a Research Paper aries_luv_ppl 4 2002-08-16 03:34 PM
A Flickering Light Anonymity 9 2002-08-15 03:22 PM
Inside Dustin462 4 2002-08-11 12:45 PM
Poem- Visions Of God, My Coice To Choose Annette Kimmel 2 2002-08-10 12:56 PM
Good Things Trillium 14 2002-08-09 11:50 PM
Tonight... Yet Once Again aries_luv_ppl 4 2002-08-09 09:30 PM
New Hope Joyce Johnson 4 2002-08-09 09:06 PM
Beside Me WhiteRose 5 2002-08-09 07:57 PM
You Are Special miriam 18 2002-08-09 02:05 PM
The Power Of God Gentle Spirit 6 2002-08-09 12:50 PM
2 poems inspired by today's message VAS 9 2002-08-09 12:48 PM
I'll Fly Away WhiteRose 4 2002-08-09 12:46 PM
Love Stars Lighthousebob 9 2002-08-09 12:43 PM
Midnight WhiteRose 3 2002-08-09 12:40 PM
Shekinah Mistletoe Angel 6 2002-08-07 08:58 PM
Crimson Dawn WhiteRose 2 2002-08-06 04:00 PM
My Hope WhiteRose 6 2002-08-06 04:57 AM
Lost Lake Trillium 12 2002-08-05 11:52 PM
Sleep Forever Stryder 3 2002-08-05 05:08 PM
Jesus Saves Joyce Johnson 5 2002-08-05 05:04 PM
Adore Lighthousebob 5 2002-08-05 04:58 PM
Oh Lord, Especially Now WhiteRose 5 2002-08-05 03:41 PM
Rejoice! Lighthousebob 2 2002-08-04 05:03 PM
Pilgrimage (repost from teen) WYD 2002 LCBS 3 2002-08-03 10:15 PM
Attitude...Mirror Says... aries_luv_ppl 4 2002-08-03 01:29 AM
Prayers Elizabeth Santos 5 2002-08-03 01:08 AM
Raven's Prayer Syneq 2 2002-08-03 01:02 AM
Prayers, Pledges and Patriotism likitysplit 2 2002-07-30 01:37 PM
I am a single rose i'd really like feed back on this akira 9 2002-07-29 07:21 PM
Another Page aries_luv_ppl 3 2002-07-26 12:48 PM
Murmurings of an Unreachable Paradise EagleScorpion 21 2002-07-26 12:46 PM
The Sneeze miriam 5 2002-07-26 12:45 PM
this is my soul (from our saviors point of view) shadowchild458 6 2002-07-25 11:23 PM
An Angel Came Trillium 10 2002-07-25 11:08 PM
Let's raise a prayer miriam 6 2002-07-25 08:47 PM
Listening for Answers 2dalimit 8 2002-07-24 05:58 PM
Mark's Story Joyce Johnson 2 2002-07-23 10:27 PM
Where...Am I? aries_luv_ppl 4 2002-07-23 10:21 PM
Jesus Saves Today (Villanelle) Lighthousebob 9 2002-07-22 07:45 PM
Rush aries_luv_ppl 4 2002-07-22 06:35 PM
An angel, blinded. Guardurthoughts 3 2002-07-22 05:00 PM
Maestro Trillium 6 2002-07-22 12:56 PM
Secrets in the Night Sky Dulcinea 17 2002-07-21 10:01 AM
(Un)acceptable risk LWF31407 1 2002-07-20 10:51 PM
God's Outdoors Trillium 12 2002-07-20 06:25 PM
In His Footsteps Joyce Johnson 7 2002-07-18 09:10 PM
God of wonders punkrockerrobin 6 2002-07-18 02:24 PM
Walk of Faith Keith Morgan 7 2002-07-18 12:25 PM
Laugh aries_luv_ppl 5 2002-07-18 11:22 AM
A Voice Now Tittered The Napkin Writer 7 2002-07-17 06:25 PM
Change of Hours Trillium 10 2002-07-17 04:28 PM
Black Birds The Napkin Writer 2 2002-07-16 09:10 PM
Girl In The Mirror aries_luv_ppl 5 2002-07-16 03:34 PM
Faith Alone Joyce Johnson 3 2002-07-16 03:19 PM
Psalm 4: A Prayer for Comfort (dedicated to Lauren) Dulcinea 10 2002-07-16 02:30 PM
To Be a Cloud Trillium 4 2002-07-14 04:07 PM
Pessimism was never my intent LWF31407 7 2002-07-13 05:01 PM
If You Have faith, it is all you need LWF31407 7 2002-07-13 07:16 AM
I Go Ahead Joyce Johnson 14 2002-07-13 01:18 AM
Shameful Stigmata (repost) LWF31407 2 2002-07-11 11:53 PM
Pride Complex LWF31407 5 2002-07-11 11:52 PM
The Pauper and the Hypocrite Church LWF31407 5 2002-07-11 11:51 PM
Dear Barbara LWF31407 4 2002-07-11 11:51 PM
Don't Hide aries_luv_ppl 3 2002-07-11 02:59 PM
A Diamond in Mine Eyes Lighthousebob 2 2002-07-11 12:42 PM
Brief Perfume aries_luv_ppl 3 2002-07-11 02:53 AM
It's In GOD's Word Lighthousebob 6 2002-07-11 01:04 AM
A Secret Haven Elizabeth Santos 20 2002-07-10 12:09 PM
Shepherds in Black Ivory Mistletoe Angel 12 2002-07-09 11:44 PM
I've Seen the Light Elizabeth Santos 17 2002-07-09 11:23 PM
Dream of Tears Keith Morgan 5 2002-07-09 10:48 PM
When My Heart Is Not Gray aries_luv_ppl 6 2002-07-09 10:28 PM
Insanity Grubbymitts 7 2002-07-09 10:09 PM
a simple trilogy of prayersong serenity blaze 11 2002-07-09 10:02 PM
Divine Intervention (The Elizabeth Santos Challenge) Lighthousebob 6 2002-07-09 09:57 PM
the world trembles BloomingRose 8 2002-07-09 10:46 AM
Paternally Lighthousebob 2 2002-07-08 05:27 PM
ascension GOlDsparklESS 3 2002-07-08 02:42 PM
my angel is here punkrockerrobin 5 2002-07-07 02:10 AM
Be Not Afraid Lighthousebob 7 2002-07-06 04:44 PM
His ellie LeJeune 9 2002-07-06 04:34 PM
Modern Miracles continued Joyce Johnson 10 2002-07-06 03:54 PM
A Rose In God's Garden Mysteria 14 2002-07-06 07:14 AM
The Song Joyce Johnson 7 2002-07-06 06:41 AM
Journey of Peace Songbird 5 2002-07-05 11:25 AM
On Angel Wings (revised) Denise 11 2002-07-05 11:23 AM
Dear God Trillium 10 2002-07-05 11:09 AM
A Warrior's Prayer Dulcinea 7 2002-07-05 11:06 AM
God's Guarantee Trillium 14 2002-07-05 11:03 AM
In the Darkness Dulcinea 11 2002-07-05 10:46 AM
a child cries BloomingRose 11 2002-07-05 06:08 AM
Friend, Lighthousebob 9 2002-07-05 05:53 AM
Simple Things Lighthousebob 8 2002-07-03 04:27 PM
Summer's Angels Lighthousebob 8 2002-07-03 04:19 PM
GOD Gave (Revised) Lighthousebob 8 2002-07-03 04:07 PM
God is With me punkrockerrobin 7 2002-07-01 05:20 PM
His Presence Gentle Spirit 10 2002-07-01 08:46 AM
With God's Help Joyce Johnson 10 2002-07-01 08:35 AM
Gift Of Gold Marge Tindal 17 2002-07-01 07:49 AM
tempting time BloomingRose 7 2002-07-01 07:47 AM
Modern Miracles Joyce Johnson 5 2002-06-30 11:07 AM
The Final Sands BloomingRose 8 2002-06-30 01:22 AM
Stuck on My GOD-elations (Happy summer everyone!) Lighthousebob 2 2002-06-29 06:55 PM
Rejoice! Rejoice! Lighthousebob 4 2002-06-28 11:36 PM
Eyes of GOD Lighthousebob 7 2002-06-28 11:11 AM
If I Would be a Mountain VAS 7 2002-06-28 08:59 AM
Hope Shines Through Lighthousebob 13 2002-06-27 11:31 PM
Today Lighthousebob 11 2002-06-27 11:27 AM
I Asked Lighthousebob 16 2002-06-27 11:25 AM
I Corinthians 13 Dulcinea 10 2002-06-27 11:16 AM
Bare Feet Mistletoe Angel 9 2002-06-27 11:02 AM
Strengthen Me Larry C 33 2002-06-26 09:49 PM
Elysian Fields Stryder 7 2002-06-23 02:21 AM
The House of God Trillium 6 2002-06-22 12:23 PM
Just One Set....... BSC 6 2002-06-22 10:22 AM
Everyone has a "daddy," but... WhtDove 10 2002-06-22 08:08 AM
you Tanzanite 5 2002-06-22 02:41 AM
As I Walk Upon This Earth tracie66 10 2002-06-22 02:34 AM
Disheartened Tanzanite 5 2002-06-21 10:18 PM
But It Won't Stay aries_luv_ppl 9 2002-06-21 05:51 PM
Peace, be still Trillium 20 2002-06-19 06:10 PM
Below the Firmament Trillium 14 2002-06-19 06:08 PM
Daddy's Day Joyce Johnson 7 2002-06-19 09:10 AM
Risk taking and truth seeking matrixtrinity303 7 2002-06-19 07:46 AM
The Waters Edge BSC 12 2002-06-18 10:46 PM
The Harvest Joyce Johnson 7 2002-06-17 10:55 PM
V is for Victorious Songbird 6 2002-06-17 10:51 PM
Faith Within tracie66 15 2002-06-17 06:10 AM
Practicing a GOD-full Day deleeme 7 2002-06-16 10:49 PM
together we journey tracie66 11 2002-06-16 08:12 AM
captive GOlDsparklESS 3 2002-06-11 10:27 PM
Tender Etchings BSC 7 2002-06-09 09:14 PM
The Errant Gardener Joyce Johnson 5 2002-06-08 10:27 PM
Maybe When I'm Old VAS 5 2002-06-08 11:06 AM
Failed Words/Feelings Prevail deleeme 4 2002-06-08 10:45 AM
. . . where . . . Interloper 6 2002-06-07 05:19 PM
Yellow Sky Trillium 10 2002-06-05 11:42 AM
I Believe Janet Marie 19 2002-06-05 10:52 AM
Joy Joyce Johnson 6 2002-06-05 04:25 AM
Sing along:) Encarta 7 2002-06-05 04:24 AM
Dare We Possess a Joyous Faith--sermon inspired poem VAS 5 2002-06-05 04:11 AM
His grace Interloper 6 2002-06-05 04:04 AM
God's strength Interloper 3 2002-06-05 04:01 AM
Should this be considered finished? VAS 3 2002-06-03 10:12 AM
Our King Trillium 6 2002-05-31 10:51 PM
Majesty His Poet 7 2002-05-31 03:09 AM
Powerful GOlDsparklESS 7 2002-05-31 02:23 AM
Restoration Vision Magicmystery 8 2002-05-31 01:44 AM
for we all are sinners. haydenjames 2 2002-05-30 05:01 PM
The Changing Sky Trillium 18 2002-05-30 11:54 AM
His gift Interloper 14 2002-05-30 09:21 AM
A Place of Love tracie66 4 2002-05-30 05:26 AM
thanks to you tracie66 14 2002-05-30 05:23 AM
Were There Roses? Trillium 28 2002-05-29 11:31 PM
Not Alone Joyce Johnson 14 2002-05-29 10:19 PM
She Realized the Miracle aries_luv_ppl 5 2002-05-28 11:41 PM
sentiments GOlDsparklESS 6 2002-05-28 09:55 PM
Alleluia, You are Hosanna aries_luv_ppl 7 2002-05-28 10:07 AM
Immortal Grace In Time ellie LeJeune 7 2002-05-28 10:06 AM
Here In My Soul as suggested by SEA tracie66 9 2002-05-28 05:59 AM
And So I Pray........... SEA 10 2002-05-26 11:38 PM
Memorial Day 2002 Joyce Johnson 4 2002-05-26 07:36 PM
Bless You My Daughter (for Ginger Michelle) Larry C 20 2002-05-26 10:07 AM
Unlocked Doors Ivy Rose 5 2002-05-25 02:56 AM
Fearing Love Neala 6 2002-05-22 02:09 PM
For Every Ear, a Tongue--for pentecost Sunday VAS 3 2002-05-21 06:15 PM
Faith Bridget Shenachie 10 2002-05-20 08:40 PM
Accepting God's Full Providence deleeme 4 2002-05-20 08:09 PM
In Hibernated State Lighthousebob 14 2002-05-20 03:30 PM
Watching Clouds Trillium 12 2002-05-19 02:43 PM
My Prayer oh2beme 3 2002-05-19 01:18 PM
A Greater Plan Joyce Johnson 7 2002-05-19 01:16 PM
Promise oh2beme 4 2002-05-19 01:13 PM
God's Presence Elizabeth Santos 14 2002-05-19 01:11 PM
One Way to Heaven Kit McCallum 10 2002-05-19 01:05 PM
Guiding Light Marge Tindal 12 2002-05-19 01:01 PM
Soldiers of the cross aries_luv_ppl 8 2002-05-14 08:43 PM
peace Tramp Poet 7 2002-05-13 08:27 AM
Keepers Of The Flame Mistletoe Angel 6 2002-05-11 10:56 PM
the Finding Tramp Poet 6 2002-05-08 12:23 PM
If only I could be the Christ Muys 6 2002-05-08 12:06 PM
No title Alan 3 2002-05-08 12:03 PM
Mother's Day Memories Joyce Johnson 5 2002-05-08 11:59 AM
Life's Struggle See me? 5 2002-05-06 07:16 PM
Young David Trillium 6 2002-05-05 11:52 PM
poem written during sermon...untitled VAS 4 2002-05-05 03:01 PM
Lead Me, God CwboyAtHeart 5 2002-05-05 02:55 PM
Keep Him Close 2dalimit 11 2002-05-05 02:40 PM
Psalms of Praise Dulcinea 9 2002-05-01 11:09 AM
Holy Communion Silver Streak 0 2002-04-29 10:00 AM
The Scarlet Cord Trillium 8 2002-04-28 04:59 PM
On your birthday Silver Streak 10 2002-04-27 09:20 AM
In faith, a prayer for healing of anxiety for Shirley Silver Streak 2 2002-04-26 08:56 PM
My Prayer Diamond deleeme 7 2002-04-26 05:27 PM
Songs Of Praise Marge Tindal 9 2002-04-26 05:23 PM
Impatient Gardener Joyce Johnson 7 2002-04-26 05:21 PM
Love belongs to God Silver Streak 8 2002-04-26 04:04 PM
Praise Together ShadowRider 3 2002-04-26 12:14 PM
As I strike Silver Streak 0 2002-04-26 10:58 AM
A Place We Call Tomorrow 2dalimit 8 2002-04-25 07:43 PM
The Passion Of I Am Ivy Rose 4 2002-04-25 07:37 PM
Your face tracie66 11 2002-04-25 02:49 AM
Brightness In His Righteousness Encarta 5 2002-04-24 05:44 PM
He Walked, They Churned VAS 3 2002-04-24 03:26 AM
A Mansion Of Memories BloomingRose 10 2002-04-23 09:23 AM
In the Hope of Spring...a poem of prayer VAS 7 2002-04-22 11:58 AM
Lord, why must I cry? Silver Streak 4 2002-04-19 10:27 PM
A Humble Song Trillium 10 2002-04-18 04:39 PM
Beautiful bright shining jewels. Silver Streak 4 2002-04-16 06:54 PM
To Julie {dedicated of a former fellow TMI team member} Magicmystery 4 2002-04-13 08:46 PM
Wind Whispered Fields BloomingRose 8 2002-04-11 09:15 PM
Daffodils and the Like Joyce Johnson 6 2002-04-11 07:52 PM
There Is A Place BloomingRose 6 2002-04-11 06:31 PM
Just let it go aries_luv_ppl 6 2002-04-11 04:42 PM
sermon inspired piece VAS 4 2002-04-11 04:19 PM
King of Kings Trillium 8 2002-04-09 06:18 PM
Underneath Your Clothes Mistletoe Angel 6 2002-04-09 09:42 AM
The Devil's Reproof (Limerick) Lighthousebob 7 2002-04-09 09:29 AM
Generation To Generation Marge Tindal 18 2002-04-08 04:25 PM
3 Poetic Forms 2dalimit 7 2002-04-07 10:54 PM
Time for You Joyce Johnson 7 2002-04-07 10:54 PM
Love's Cathedral BluesSerenade 4 2002-04-07 07:40 AM
Silence is Golden (The way of contemplative prayer) Morcastlin 3 2002-04-07 07:01 AM
grace... Tramp Poet 7 2002-04-06 04:43 PM
Two paths Encarta 7 2002-04-06 12:10 PM
Prayer Lighthousebob 5 2002-04-06 11:25 AM
The Oasis Encarta 6 2002-04-06 11:21 AM
Growing Wings Lighthousebob 13 2002-04-06 11:14 AM
Paid the Price (Tanka) 2dalimit 6 2002-04-06 08:58 AM
A rebirth Silver Streak 8 2002-04-05 11:38 PM
Full circle Trillium 4 2002-04-05 09:52 PM
Whispering Winds BloomingRose 9 2002-04-05 10:05 AM
The Stars and the Planets Mystic Mystron 7 2002-04-05 08:18 AM
Shine!!! Magicmystery 6 2002-04-05 08:12 AM
Different Viewpoints Denise 7 2002-04-03 03:54 PM
The Hour Comes Trillium 14 2002-04-02 09:32 PM
He is Risen Joyce Johnson 4 2002-04-02 02:35 PM
The Heralds Trillium 10 2002-04-02 02:14 PM
Look Inside Lighthousebob 9 2002-04-02 01:32 PM
The Crucifixion Joyce Johnson 9 2002-04-02 04:01 AM
This I Pray oh2beme 6 2002-04-02 03:50 AM
Crucified for loving you Silver Streak 4 2002-03-31 08:33 PM
A Prayer for Today & our Troubling Times deleeme 4 2002-03-31 08:15 PM
A Day Late Alan 6 2002-03-30 06:46 PM
He has risen Interloper 4 2002-03-30 02:20 PM
Fire, fire, fire Silver Streak 6 2002-03-29 06:41 PM
Across God's Meadow Marge Tindal 15 2002-03-28 10:08 PM
He Bleeds For You Mistletoe Angel 6 2002-03-28 09:33 PM
Show Praise Rosebud1229 8 2002-03-28 09:29 PM
Gospel Etheree deleeme 5 2002-03-28 02:44 PM
Profound Love ellie LeJeune 6 2002-03-28 02:11 PM
Touching Peace Ivy Rose 5 2002-03-28 12:58 PM
Daddy's Prayer Lighthousebob 8 2002-03-28 10:24 AM
United We Kneel 2dalimit 7 2002-03-28 10:03 AM
Saved by Grace Rosebud1229 6 2002-03-27 10:14 PM
Alpha and Omega Trillium 7 2002-03-27 10:07 PM
Gratitude 2000 Years Later His Poet 9 2002-03-27 12:32 PM
Freely Given Lighthousebob 8 2002-03-26 05:56 PM
Just Ask 2dalimit 11 2002-03-26 05:50 PM
Oh what was on his mind Encarta 8 2002-03-24 07:18 PM
Jesus Barabbas Silver Streak 12 2002-03-24 06:08 PM
He Lives Joyce Johnson 7 2002-03-24 05:54 PM
The Baker ellie LeJeune 5 2002-03-24 05:53 PM
Amazing Love Rosebud1229 6 2002-03-23 12:15 PM
The Sparrow’s Trust His Poet 6 2002-03-21 07:19 PM
The Glory of Him Trillium 10 2002-03-21 04:28 PM
pathway Tramp Poet 6 2002-03-21 07:40 AM
messenger laconic 9 2002-03-21 07:21 AM
Pik-a-Nik-in Tramp Poet 5 2002-03-20 10:15 PM
to my little one GOlDsparklESS 6 2002-03-20 12:25 PM
I, Selfishly nakdthoughts 5 2002-03-19 10:07 PM
The Word of God - inspired by Ivy Rose's poem, "The Dance" Silver Streak 8 2002-03-19 09:57 PM
An Angel Has My Hand Silver Streak 2 2002-03-19 09:56 PM
Of Mice and Men Lighthousebob 7 2002-03-18 11:55 AM
The Sand Dollar Mistletoe Angel 9 2002-03-17 10:05 PM
Gifted, the Man nakdthoughts 8 2002-03-17 07:28 PM
The road uphill Silver Streak 10 2002-03-17 07:19 PM
Spirit Elizabeth Santos 14 2002-03-17 07:18 PM
good morning my friend Dark Stranger 11 2002-03-17 07:10 PM
Thanking You Joyce Johnson 5 2002-03-17 06:52 PM
Closer I am to God PearlsB4Swine 5 2002-03-17 06:47 PM
Darkness Does Not Hide Us Trillium 6 2002-03-17 05:09 PM
Path of Peace Silver Streak 4 2002-03-15 07:33 PM
Rainbow Covenant Ivy Rose 4 2002-03-15 07:07 PM
My Compass Trillium 10 2002-03-14 06:29 PM
Spirit of God Silver Streak 4 2002-03-14 08:42 AM
GOD's Hands Lighthousebob 5 2002-03-14 01:07 AM
Of Sunlight Filtered Ivy Rose 9 2002-03-14 01:05 AM
Eternal life Silver Streak 6 2002-03-13 07:55 PM
You are here... Tramp Poet 9 2002-03-13 11:51 AM
Sweet harmony (Haiku) Silver Streak 6 2002-03-11 08:13 PM
Glorious King His Poet 6 2002-03-11 03:43 PM
Broken family Silver Streak 9 2002-03-10 06:41 PM
Easter With You Joyce Johnson 3 2002-03-10 02:41 PM
God's Promise Trillium 12 2002-03-09 06:37 PM
Come fly with HIM -Inspired by Marsha's poem in HIM Silver Streak 4 2002-03-09 06:13 PM
Blessing Song Ivy Rose 5 2002-03-09 05:18 PM
Until strbbux 9 2002-03-09 05:13 PM
Futuristic Faith(world's shortest spiritual poem) kaile 12 2002-03-09 05:05 PM
Eyes of Easter His Poet 8 2002-03-07 03:00 PM
Evening Prayer Trillium 8 2002-03-06 10:13 PM
I'd die for you Silver Streak 8 2002-03-06 07:21 PM
Know Your Giftings Lighthousebob 13 2002-03-06 11:34 AM
My God Adored strbbux 13 2002-03-06 11:11 AM
Candle of Light Silver Streak 17 2002-03-05 07:05 PM
Only Believe Joyce Johnson 7 2002-03-05 06:55 PM
On The Winds Of Grace ellie LeJeune 9 2002-03-05 06:32 PM
When Angels Wept His Poet 8 2002-03-05 02:39 PM
The Heaven's Sing Trillium 11 2002-03-04 06:00 PM
Color-Coded Prayers Trillium 22 2002-03-04 05:56 PM
Gethsemane Lighthousebob 5 2002-03-04 02:13 PM
Alone With God Joyce Johnson 11 2002-03-04 02:12 PM
Because It is Written, I Stand VAS 2 2002-03-04 02:11 PM
Universal music Ivy Rose 5 2002-03-04 02:10 PM
Health (Double Tanka and prayer) Silver Streak 8 2002-03-04 02:02 PM
Desert Bloom Ivy Rose 5 2002-03-04 01:58 PM
Not Merely a Child Magicmystery 6 2002-03-04 01:57 PM
Jonah and the Big Fish His Poet 8 2002-03-03 09:49 PM
The Chapel Doors FoxXena 6 2002-03-03 03:32 PM
Giving Trillium 12 2002-03-02 10:17 PM
I am God's (Double Tanka) Silver Streak 9 2002-03-02 03:37 PM
Questions gracianna 10 2002-03-02 03:35 PM
The best frind i could ask for See me? 6 2002-03-02 09:16 AM
With Your Love Silver Streak 11 2002-03-01 08:24 PM
Just an Ordinary Day Lighthousebob 5 2002-03-01 08:12 PM
A Day - Aflame with Hope ellie LeJeune 6 2002-02-28 02:54 PM
Seeking: The Heart of Love Magicmystery 7 2002-02-26 02:45 PM
As I drift through eternity Silver Streak 6 2002-02-23 07:34 PM
On the sabbath day laconic 6 2002-02-23 07:05 PM
Narrow Way Alicat 13 2002-02-23 06:28 PM
Crucifixtion Cup Ivy Rose 4 2002-02-23 06:16 PM
Dreams of Dreams whipsnade 5 2002-02-22 10:05 PM
This Valley called “You” xerxes 5 2002-02-22 09:14 PM
Communion Silver Streak 2 2002-02-21 09:28 PM
poem inspired by sermon VAS 3 2002-02-20 02:19 PM
When you can't find him, look by your side. Encarta 7 2002-02-20 02:13 PM
This Day A Jewel ellie LeJeune 7 2002-02-19 09:09 PM
My Perfect Valentine His Poet 10 2002-02-19 09:05 PM
Release and love Silver Streak 14 2002-02-18 03:41 PM
The Invitation VAS 6 2002-02-18 01:11 PM
We Must Tell the World Lighthousebob 15 2002-02-17 07:56 PM
I Never Pray Alone VAS 6 2002-02-17 07:55 PM
something way different... Tramp Poet 4 2002-02-17 03:26 PM
Joyful Waterfall of Tears ellie LeJeune 6 2002-02-17 03:21 PM
Wonderful Lighthousebob 3 2002-02-16 10:56 PM
Misty Time Song Ivy Rose 4 2002-02-16 06:45 PM
my Father's voice Tramp Poet 9 2002-02-16 02:33 PM
Everlasting Days Trillium 10 2002-02-15 09:57 PM
Dying Trees Honeybunch 5 2002-02-15 09:56 PM
I will call your name, Lord Encarta 4 2002-02-15 09:51 PM
Name Above All Names His Poet 10 2002-02-15 09:50 PM
Let us Love Silver Streak 8 2002-02-15 09:02 PM
Your piece of clay Silver Streak 2 2002-02-15 08:58 PM
There, On the Mount VAS 7 2002-02-15 08:37 PM
God's Gift strbbux 7 2002-02-15 08:24 PM
Home? jfreak 9 2002-02-14 10:34 PM
Whew! That’s A Relief! Denise 7 2002-02-14 06:59 PM
Rainbows Trillium 12 2002-02-13 03:03 PM
God is God Silver Streak 18 2002-02-13 01:38 PM
I Look for God Joyce Johnson 8 2002-02-12 06:24 PM
Selfish pride Silver Streak 8 2002-02-11 05:45 PM
Beacon of Light His Poet 7 2002-02-11 04:05 PM
Love Lifted Me His Poet 11 2002-02-08 09:23 PM
Praise to God Silver Streak 12 2002-02-07 07:44 PM
Reach Out strbbux 8 2002-02-07 04:00 PM
I am Love Honeybunch 6 2002-02-07 02:42 PM
Morning Praise Lighthousebob 7 2002-02-07 01:20 PM
My Name is Eve Trillium 12 2002-02-06 05:12 PM
Giving life Silver Streak 18 2002-02-05 04:08 PM
I Would Tell Him Marge Tindal 17 2002-02-05 12:57 PM
Grace - A Queen ellie LeJeune 6 2002-02-05 12:13 PM
Loves Hope - A Cinquain ellie LeJeune 6 2002-02-05 10:10 AM
Hope Shines Through Lighthousebob 8 2002-02-05 10:05 AM
Testimonial Living deleeme 11 2002-02-05 09:19 AM
Queen of Sheba Trillium 7 2002-02-04 04:28 PM
Today a prayer BloomingRose 7 2002-02-01 04:22 PM
Love with truth and reason Silver Streak 8 2002-02-01 04:21 PM
She Is Faith ellie LeJeune 8 2002-02-01 04:18 PM
Feathered Longing Ivy Rose 8 2002-02-01 04:16 PM
Trust Him! Trillium 16 2002-02-01 04:11 PM
Reaching for the Stars His Poet 8 2002-02-01 11:56 AM
When Tears Flow His Poet 11 2002-01-31 08:53 PM
Not Another Like HIM deleeme 4 2002-01-30 05:10 PM
For Chrissy and friend, Never Let Go Of My Hand strbbux 9 2002-01-30 04:58 PM
Ghazal Silver Streak 6 2002-01-30 02:38 PM
The Day I Chose Life Chrissy 6 2002-01-30 02:30 PM
All Of Him Ivy Rose 8 2002-01-30 02:16 PM
~Wounded Dove~ Janet Marie 18 2002-01-30 12:29 PM
Shelter of Love His Poet 10 2002-01-30 10:19 AM
Beloved Disciple His Poet 12 2002-01-30 10:16 AM
Sin Silver Streak 8 2002-01-29 10:23 PM
His blood Silver Streak 4 2002-01-29 10:22 PM
The Way Silver Streak 10 2002-01-29 10:14 PM
Lord, Can You Visit Me Today? strbbux 9 2002-01-29 09:08 PM
Hear His Voice cpalmer 11 2002-01-29 08:57 PM
My High Tower Trillium 6 2002-01-29 08:54 PM
Smile He Died cpalmer 8 2002-01-29 08:50 PM
Happy Birthday Ron Carnell Nan 6 2002-01-29 07:34 PM
An Empty Shroud Ivy Rose 5 2002-01-29 06:59 PM
Angels strbbux 11 2002-01-29 06:47 PM
If He Did Not Insist Marge Tindal 12 2002-01-28 10:25 PM
searching for god rich-pa 2 2002-01-28 04:56 PM
Love has a dream Silver Streak 4 2002-01-28 12:32 PM
Unfolding Love ellie LeJeune 8 2002-01-28 12:08 PM
Lighthouse Way Ivy Rose 6 2002-01-25 11:19 PM
Let my people go! Silver Streak 12 2002-01-23 08:57 PM
I Live For Him strbbux 14 2002-01-23 06:43 PM
I thought I saw Him in a rosebud Elizabeth Santos 19 2002-01-23 05:08 PM
For What I Pray Oz 10 2002-01-23 05:06 PM
More VAS 8 2002-01-23 05:04 PM
Cycle of Renewal Trillium 14 2002-01-23 05:00 PM
- Dreamer Of Dreams - Honeybee 14 2002-01-23 04:46 PM
Look Up Look Around Joyce Johnson 9 2002-01-23 01:05 PM
The Sea Breeze Ivy Rose 7 2002-01-23 12:43 PM
Sweet Delicacy Ivy Rose 8 2002-01-23 12:26 PM
Mercy and Grace His Poet 12 2002-01-23 12:05 PM
Kingdom of God Silver Streak 14 2002-01-23 09:31 AM
Content Flowers BloomingRose 10 2002-01-23 08:17 AM
yesterday BloomingRose 7 2002-01-23 07:35 AM
Three Steps To Joy - Senryu ellie LeJeune 10 2002-01-22 07:22 PM
I walk naked Silver Streak 3 2002-01-22 06:48 PM
me and you GOlDsparklESS 4 2002-01-22 12:15 PM
Blessed By Angels Trillium 19 2002-01-21 10:00 PM
Between The Land And Sky strbbux 12 2002-01-21 03:24 PM
Life's Storms a duet with my internet Mom Alan 6 2002-01-21 02:48 PM
Well Laid Plans His Poet 13 2002-01-21 10:28 AM
Mother's Nursery Rhyme Lighthousebob 10 2002-01-21 10:23 AM
Like David Silver Streak 6 2002-01-21 10:06 AM
Unhearing Ears Joyce Johnson 10 2002-01-20 09:50 PM
Caress From The Creator Ivy Rose 7 2002-01-20 05:56 PM
Esther Silver Streak 12 2002-01-20 05:46 PM
Holding Up SavedbyGrace 10 2002-01-20 08:41 AM
Faith punkrockerrobin 10 2002-01-20 07:11 AM
your essence SeekerofLight 2 2002-01-20 07:07 AM
Broken Oz 10 2002-01-19 04:49 PM
I Praise Him strbbux 16 2002-01-19 12:42 PM
In purity Silver Streak 6 2002-01-18 10:11 PM
God loves you Silver Streak 10 2002-01-18 07:42 PM
God's Orchestra Lighthousebob 15 2002-01-18 04:11 PM
Kissing Jesus Feet strbbux 6 2002-01-18 03:31 PM
Glory Bound His Poet 13 2002-01-18 01:59 PM
Here, Outside of Eden Lighthousebob 30 2002-01-18 01:42 PM
I Am Restored strbbux 21 2002-01-18 12:34 PM
Seek Not Springs Without Water VAS 10 2002-01-18 10:31 AM
What do you say? SavedbyGrace 8 2002-01-18 09:11 AM
His Presence L Tiuch 16 2002-01-17 11:31 PM
joy of life GOlDsparklESS 10 2002-01-17 10:53 PM
My Passion Lighthousebob 5 2002-01-17 10:45 PM
Love living Silver Streak 6 2002-01-17 10:33 PM
Forgotten Allstaria22 7 2002-01-17 10:29 PM
In The Hollow Ivy Rose 11 2002-01-17 10:04 PM
sonogram coyote 8 2002-01-17 04:46 PM
A muse Silver Streak 8 2002-01-17 04:20 PM
Touch! Silver Streak 8 2002-01-17 04:18 PM
A Child's Prayer Ivy Rose 6 2002-01-17 03:30 PM
The Love He shares Silver Streak 6 2002-01-17 03:11 PM
Your Promises True strbbux 8 2002-01-17 03:00 PM
East of Eden Silver Streak 18 2002-01-17 02:58 PM
This God is Mine His Poet 17 2002-01-17 10:28 AM
Me? BlackDove 4 2002-01-16 07:47 PM
My Winter's Village Lighthousebob 5 2002-01-16 07:45 PM
Judas mauddib 5 2002-01-16 07:42 PM
Eagle Prayer Ivy Rose 7 2002-01-16 04:54 PM
Sapphire Night Ivy Rose 6 2002-01-16 04:43 PM
One nichole2005 5 2002-01-16 11:23 AM
Gifts of The Spirit Silver Streak 12 2002-01-16 09:28 AM
Reality Silver Streak 16 2002-01-16 09:25 AM
Overflow Of Love strbbux 18 2002-01-16 07:34 AM
Four Fisherman His Poet 16 2002-01-16 04:13 AM
I Stand in Awe His Poet 8 2002-01-15 10:49 AM
The Poem nichole2005 8 2002-01-13 08:12 PM
Understanding Love HumbleBee 7 2002-01-13 06:29 PM
Answer to VAS " Here Outside of Eden Joyce Johnson 7 2002-01-13 09:53 AM
Your Presence Joyce Johnson 10 2002-01-12 09:34 PM
Abiding Faith Trillium 7 2002-01-12 07:08 PM
I Am A Day Off Lord Kelath Von Saint 8 2002-01-12 04:55 PM
In Glory Silver Streak 12 2002-01-12 12:34 PM
Light On Dark strbbux 8 2002-01-12 12:26 PM
Sublime Symphonie Ivy Rose 7 2002-01-12 02:26 AM
For those who scream "Why me?" Interloper 8 2002-01-12 02:21 AM
Shadows Honeybunch 3 2002-01-11 07:07 PM
Night of Falling Stars Trillium 14 2002-01-11 06:58 PM
I See You Hanging Over There Cerenity 7 2002-01-11 06:38 PM
Where You Are Lighthousebob 10 2002-01-11 06:31 PM
Your Song - Senryu ellie LeJeune 8 2002-01-11 06:30 PM
Trampled Rose His Poet 15 2002-01-11 10:13 AM
Live For God strbbux 8 2002-01-11 09:44 AM
His Blood Silver Streak 6 2002-01-10 07:30 PM
His Treasure Silver Streak 14 2002-01-10 07:28 PM
Song Of The Spice Orchard Ivy Rose 6 2002-01-10 06:25 PM
. . . renewing my soul . . . Senryu Interloper 10 2002-01-09 06:36 PM
I feel God's fire Silver Streak 14 2002-01-09 03:36 PM
Bright Moons And Illumined Suns Ivy Rose 5 2002-01-09 02:58 PM
Just Today strbbux 10 2002-01-09 02:55 PM
Lightly, with Grace ellie LeJeune 8 2002-01-09 02:05 PM
He Calms the Sea His Poet 8 2002-01-09 11:21 AM
Keeper Of The Keys strbbux 22 2002-01-09 09:23 AM
Planting Trillium 10 2002-01-08 11:23 PM
Saying Thanks Trillium 14 2002-01-08 11:20 PM
Melody Of The Soul Ivy Rose 8 2002-01-08 09:53 PM
Dragon's Altar amberdragoness 7 2002-01-08 09:03 PM
His Crystal Kiss Ivy Rose 6 2002-01-08 06:35 PM
Choices strbbux 10 2002-01-08 06:29 PM
The Kingdom of God Silver Streak 4 2002-01-08 01:51 PM
2 from today VAS 7 2002-01-08 10:39 AM
But a Word (Sonnet) Lighthousebob 7 2002-01-08 10:29 AM
The Alpha and Omega His Poet 9 2002-01-08 10:24 AM
Righteous living Silver Streak 12 2002-01-08 10:03 AM
embrace Allstaria22 4 2002-01-07 11:32 PM
The Cloth Of Faith strbbux 12 2002-01-07 10:59 PM
My Three-Fold Hold and Focus(for 2002) deleeme 4 2002-01-07 08:12 PM
You Freely Give strbbux 12 2002-01-07 06:29 PM
Without pain Silver Streak 6 2002-01-07 03:11 PM
A Bridge to Cross His Poet 8 2002-01-07 11:00 AM
A Plea Honeybunch 4 2002-01-06 10:51 PM
In peace Silver Streak 6 2002-01-06 07:44 PM
Connect with Me Silver Streak 6 2002-01-06 03:55 PM
Salt -Tears In A Black Sea Ivy Rose 7 2002-01-06 03:45 PM
Angelic Visit strbbux 18 2002-01-05 09:44 PM
This Night - One Love ellie LeJeune 9 2002-01-04 05:03 PM
Born Anew Honeybunch 5 2002-01-04 04:46 PM
Joyful Survivors deleeme 4 2002-01-04 04:18 PM
From Heaven Elizabeth Santos 10 2002-01-04 01:58 PM
Heaven Bound Lighthousebob 3 2002-01-04 01:51 PM
But for God’s Grace His Poet 6 2002-01-04 01:49 PM
Christmas Joyce Johnson 8 2002-01-04 01:23 PM
Never Thirst Again his poet II 4 2002-01-03 09:12 AM
The Tramp strbbux 10 2002-01-02 07:20 PM
The Perfect Gift His Poet 7 2002-01-02 01:04 PM
The Path Home His Poet 6 2002-01-02 12:52 PM
With Prayers and Pen Trillium 16 2002-01-01 10:18 PM
Sorrow Heard - Love Listens ellie LeJeune 6 2002-01-01 06:16 PM
He is Worthy his poet II 8 2001-12-31 03:05 PM
A Christmas Prayer Lighthousebob 9 2001-12-31 02:58 PM
Let Captives Pray Stephanos 6 2001-12-31 02:28 PM
Enchantment Trillium 13 2001-12-31 02:26 PM
The Flute In the Wooded Stream Lord Kelath Von Saint 9 2001-12-31 12:47 PM
He Forever Holds You strbbux 6 2001-12-30 04:51 PM
The New Year Joyce Johnson 4 2001-12-30 04:43 PM
Jesus strbbux 14 2001-12-30 04:30 PM
Winter Solitude BloomingRose 6 2001-12-30 02:25 PM
The Celtic Cross Trillium 8 2001-12-30 02:23 PM
+Love's Promise+ ellie LeJeune 6 2001-12-30 01:38 PM
Where Shall We Rest? aries_luv_ppl 5 2001-12-30 01:30 PM
The Truth Honeybunch 4 2001-12-30 10:02 AM
Christmas Eve Joyce Johnson 6 2001-12-30 09:17 AM
Let God Not Grieve strbbux 6 2001-12-30 09:16 AM
Breath Of God BloomingRose 6 2001-12-29 10:42 PM
to let go Allstaria22 4 2001-12-29 10:36 PM
Just a Simple Greetings. Lord Kelath Von Saint 6 2001-12-29 10:31 PM
loving God pity aries_luv_ppl 5 2001-12-29 10:25 PM
She Brought Us Joy Trillium 17 2001-12-29 07:19 PM
Going the Mile Lost Dreamer 6 2001-12-29 09:51 AM
Thy Will Be done strbbux 6 2001-12-27 03:54 PM
Lost and Found Dusty Rhodes 4 2001-12-23 04:00 PM
Tender Hands aries_luv_ppl 3 2001-12-23 03:58 PM
In the Dark, with Bogart. Lord Kelath Von Saint 2 2001-12-23 03:21 PM
repent my heart - Haiku aries_luv_ppl 2 2001-12-22 04:20 PM
Sounds Of Holy Silence - Haiku ellie LeJeune 8 2001-12-20 11:58 AM
Paradise Island rwood 20 2001-12-18 07:14 AM
The Darkness L Tiuch 12 2001-12-16 06:56 PM
Trinity 2dalimit 11 2001-12-16 05:31 PM
Whispering Winds Lord Kelath Von Saint 10 2001-12-16 05:25 PM
I apologize? rwood 9 2001-12-14 06:56 AM
Red, White and Blue Christmas BSC 8 2001-12-13 11:11 PM
The Quietness of Christmas Victoria 11 2001-12-13 10:58 PM
Angels Song - Senryu ellie LeJeune 11 2001-12-11 11:49 PM
Nativity Of The Heart - Senryu ellie LeJeune 6 2001-12-11 11:40 PM
There I Stood..... BSC 11 2001-12-11 11:12 PM
Flower Last So An Hour aries_luv_ppl 6 2001-12-11 10:55 PM
Glad Tidings Joyce Johnson 5 2001-12-11 10:50 PM
Mistletoe Angel Lighthousebob 6 2001-12-11 07:54 PM
Look Closely Lighthousebob 9 2001-12-11 04:28 PM
Dusting the Heavens BSC 5 2001-12-10 07:37 PM
A Country Christmas WhtDove 32 2001-12-10 07:35 PM
Lilac Sky Lighthousebob 5 2001-12-10 07:33 PM
Perfect Love on This Imperect Christmas! ellie LeJeune 15 2001-12-10 07:31 PM
Sunday Morning Sunshine 6 2001-12-09 02:35 PM
In Joy! Lighthousebob 6 2001-12-09 12:55 PM
Resolution aries_luv_ppl 3 2001-12-05 10:43 PM
Do Not Disturb Elizabeth Santos 8 2001-12-04 04:43 PM
Uncle Money-Teeth(Repost) fractal007 1 2001-12-04 12:59 PM
Take A Little Journey With Me Marge Tindal 2 2001-12-04 12:12 PM
Word Perfect Plan Songbird 4 2001-12-04 08:25 AM
Supplication Jonas 4 2001-12-04 08:13 AM
From The Valley......... Lighthousebob 7 2001-12-04 08:08 AM
Morning Light Was Never Brighter Songbird 6 2001-12-04 08:06 AM
Decembers List sandgrain 6 2001-12-04 08:03 AM
Mystical soaring eagle 3 2001-12-04 01:23 AM
Sisters, I Love You aries_luv_ppl 7 2001-12-04 01:21 AM
Thankful Thanksgiving WhtDove 9 2001-12-04 01:20 AM
The Fisherman aries_luv_ppl 5 2001-12-04 01:16 AM
please suggest a title aries_luv_ppl 3 2001-12-04 01:11 AM
Inspired by... VAS 3 2001-12-04 01:07 AM
Look Towards Heaven Lost Dreamer 10 2001-12-04 01:03 AM
Somewhere in the Mist Trillium 11 2001-12-04 01:02 AM
How Many Days? Lighthousebob 3 2001-12-03 11:14 AM
Thanksgiving Prayer Songbird 6 2001-12-02 04:57 PM
Tea aries_luv_ppl 5 2001-12-02 03:14 PM
Path Of Life Jer 4 2001-12-02 01:01 PM
A Pilgrim's Prayer Trillium 6 2001-11-25 05:48 PM
Fear and Faith sandgrain 4 2001-11-25 05:07 PM
Empty Chairs sandgrain 7 2001-11-25 04:16 PM
Thanksgiving Guests Joyce Johnson 7 2001-11-24 11:00 PM
cigarette Allstaria22 3 2001-11-24 10:37 PM
Take Rule of My Life, O LORD deleeme 6 2001-11-24 10:35 PM
I Know of GOD Lighthousebob 4 2001-11-24 10:27 PM
Passion In All Things ellie LeJeune 7 2001-11-23 08:31 PM
What Would It Take? Wanda 8 2001-11-22 09:53 PM
An Ordinary Touch aries_luv_ppl 3 2001-11-22 09:04 PM
un Allstaria22 6 2001-11-22 07:24 PM
Rambing Rose Lighthousebob 3 2001-11-22 04:26 PM
Leave Behind a Prayer Sunshine 11 2001-11-22 03:34 PM
helping me Allstaria22 3 2001-11-22 03:30 PM
A Humble Act Trillium 10 2001-11-22 11:52 AM
Sewing aries_luv_ppl 4 2001-11-21 02:19 PM
A Little Apple aries_luv_ppl 2 2001-11-20 06:16 PM
Broken Hearted jfreak 8 2001-11-20 09:25 AM
Loves Birth - Senryu ellie LeJeune 4 2001-11-19 09:29 PM
Guess Who I Am aries_luv_ppl 4 2001-11-18 06:20 PM
Watching You Wanda 10 2001-11-18 02:22 PM
Terror Joyce Johnson 8 2001-11-18 12:21 PM
~Lessons Learned~ Janet Marie 12 2001-11-17 06:16 PM
Tomato aries_luv_ppl 6 2001-11-17 03:00 PM
In a Mirror Dimly VAS 4 2001-11-17 12:24 PM
Im always here for you. K2001 5 2001-11-16 11:20 PM
Hypocrite Pie Songbird 6 2001-11-16 08:33 PM
The Tomato Song Lighthousebob 7 2001-11-16 06:44 PM
With A Thankful Heart Wanda 10 2001-11-16 12:50 PM
To Find the Renewal of Morn VAS 4 2001-11-15 05:42 PM
Prayer from an unworthy man III keoni 3 2001-11-15 05:38 PM
Beyond Today Trillium 6 2001-11-13 11:19 PM
my walk Allstaria22 6 2001-11-12 11:21 PM
Jounery With You aries_luv_ppl 4 2001-11-12 11:17 PM
Confess to a Candle aries_luv_ppl 6 2001-11-12 04:21 PM
Spiritual View VAS 4 2001-11-12 02:42 PM
My Someday House Songbird 3 2001-11-12 02:39 PM
Reporting for Duty Songbird 4 2001-11-12 02:37 PM
Awaiting My liberty K. Rebel 4 2001-11-11 11:53 PM
what do you think the title should be? aries_luv_ppl 4 2001-11-11 04:49 PM
An Angel Smiles Trillium 4 2001-11-11 03:45 PM
Prayer from an unworthy man II keoni 6 2001-11-11 08:06 AM
Being Thankful Wanda 7 2001-11-10 10:25 PM
Jealousy Sickens My Mind aries_luv_ppl 4 2001-11-10 12:58 PM
Loosing the Belt Stephanos 7 2001-11-09 09:16 PM
Things to Know Wanda 6 2001-11-09 08:16 AM
Let Praises Ring Trillium 11 2001-11-08 11:22 PM
A love letter to my father The Lady of Shallot 8 2001-11-08 04:43 PM
Remember Once Before deleeme 7 2001-11-08 02:42 PM
Eternal Garden ellie LeJeune 6 2001-11-08 02:40 PM
Playing the Game Joyce Johnson 6 2001-11-08 02:39 PM
The Most Important Thing Lighthousebob 8 2001-11-08 02:35 PM
Deep Understanding Lighthousebob 7 2001-11-08 02:33 PM
breathe the_rescue 4 2001-11-08 02:30 PM
the straight and narrow Interloper 8 2001-11-08 02:27 PM
two poems from sermon VAS 7 2001-11-08 02:17 PM
Prayer of an Unworthy Man keoni 4 2001-11-08 09:40 AM
In a world that seems so cruel (song) the_rescue 2 2001-11-06 05:33 PM
Waiting for Heaven's Call Wanda 10 2001-11-05 10:28 PM
Good News Wanda 4 2001-11-04 11:50 PM
Dancing on God's Finger Wanda 11 2001-11-04 06:14 PM
Loves Resting Place - Senryu ellie LeJeune 8 2001-11-04 05:50 PM
Morning Prayer Lone Wolf 10 2001-11-04 05:49 PM
Adam and Wife Joyce Johnson 5 2001-11-04 01:17 PM
Suppose He Comes Today Wanda 6 2001-11-03 01:49 PM
In the Garden Scene I Songbird 5 2001-11-03 12:56 PM
Fulfilled Elizabeth Santos 6 2001-11-03 01:09 AM
Where We Live Trillium 12 2001-11-02 05:06 PM
Guiding Light janmew 6 2001-11-02 04:37 PM
This Kind of Day BSC 10 2001-11-02 04:23 PM
Cleansing ellie LeJeune 9 2001-11-02 04:19 PM
America justme 13 2001-11-01 11:18 PM
Hearts Aglow - Senryu ellie LeJeune 8 2001-11-01 12:59 PM
Autumn Prayers Trillium 11 2001-11-01 12:51 PM
My Fatheer Wanda 12 2001-10-31 06:58 PM
Where Life Began Lighthousebob 12 2001-10-31 06:23 PM
Rest in Me Wanda 10 2001-10-31 07:01 AM
I Shall Never Walk This Way Wanda 12 2001-10-31 06:56 AM
Bars on my Window, Freedom in my Heart Wanda 6 2001-10-31 06:48 AM
Autumn Ending Trillium 11 2001-10-30 11:54 PM
Epitaph of Peace Victoria 4 2001-10-30 09:36 PM
Can Two Walk Together Wanda 8 2001-10-30 08:18 PM
Together, again Rodney Belcher 10 2001-10-30 07:56 PM
Praise Unto his Name janmew 3 2001-10-30 07:53 PM
What About The Children Joyce Johnson 5 2001-10-30 07:49 PM
How Big is Your God Wanda 10 2001-10-30 07:16 PM
Train Up a Child Wanda 10 2001-10-30 11:05 AM
Good Evening Lord Alan 9 2001-10-28 09:49 PM
GOD is Amazing! Lighthousebob 3 2001-10-28 01:49 PM
Her Full Colors BSC 10 2001-10-27 06:07 PM
What Can I Give? Trillium 16 2001-10-27 04:43 PM
He Walked into the Room Wanda 4 2001-10-26 11:21 PM
A Mother's Tears Wanda 6 2001-10-26 06:40 PM
A Child's Friend Startime 4 2001-10-26 05:44 PM
My Death Lisa 6 2001-10-26 02:09 PM
Lay Me Down Lighthousebob 5 2001-10-26 01:59 PM
I Love HIS Way Lighthousebob 5 2001-10-26 01:55 PM
First Flowers Trillium 12 2001-10-26 10:40 AM
Providence Grubbymitts 5 2001-10-26 10:29 AM
Thanksgiving Prayer of a Lazy Gardener Joyce Johnson 4 2001-10-25 11:56 PM
Light and Fog Trillium 12 2001-10-25 11:21 PM
No Work On Sunday Joyce Johnson 7 2001-10-25 11:05 PM
Circle of Hands Alan 5 2001-10-25 08:17 PM
The Sweetest Music Elizabeth Santos 14 2001-10-23 04:07 PM
Jesus Rosebud1229 6 2001-10-22 06:47 PM
Tao Kevin Taylor 2 2001-10-22 12:45 PM
What A Friend BloomingRose 8 2001-10-20 02:30 PM
Guardian Angel BloomingRose 8 2001-10-20 02:24 PM
The Mission (letter 4) Jeen 3 2001-10-20 01:36 AM
We're All Frogs Lighthousebob 8 2001-10-19 11:37 PM
F. R. O. G. Lighthousebob 2 2001-10-19 11:33 PM
Planting Trillium 2 2001-10-19 11:30 PM
Divine Grace Lone Wolf 10 2001-10-17 09:01 PM
Catch The Joy! BloomingRose 6 2001-10-17 08:48 AM
update on Teasa Joyce Johnson 4 2001-10-16 11:16 PM
Teasa Joyce Johnson 7 2001-10-16 05:47 PM
Quiet Moments sunshinemist 10 2001-10-16 05:41 PM
The Rose Lighthousebob 7 2001-10-16 04:12 PM
No Dice BloomingRose 5 2001-10-15 07:08 PM
The Mission (letter 3) Jeen 4 2001-10-15 06:20 PM
Perfect Love - Haiku ellie LeJeune 8 2001-10-15 08:42 AM
Angelness Kevin Taylor 9 2001-10-15 07:36 AM
A Daughters Love sunshinemist 10 2001-10-14 07:07 PM
Please Michael 16 2001-10-14 04:39 PM
A New Beginning WhtDove 13 2001-10-14 04:35 PM
Where The Blood Runs Red Lighthousebob 6 2001-10-13 06:28 PM
The Mission (letter #2) Jeen 4 2001-10-13 06:23 PM
The Mission Jeen 11 2001-10-13 06:02 PM
Heavens Gate sunshinemist 12 2001-10-13 06:00 PM
A Question Interloper 12 2001-10-13 12:10 PM
Beyond These Walls of Color Lighthousebob 6 2001-10-11 12:17 PM
Chaos and the Cross Trillium 10 2001-10-10 06:10 PM
Lord, Lift Us Now Marge Tindal 11 2001-10-10 11:41 AM
Rapture of The Light sunshinemist 4 2001-10-08 02:15 PM
Two Baptisms Joyce Johnson 2 2001-10-08 12:54 PM
Soldier of God NathanS 7 2001-10-08 12:14 PM
Measure of Time sunshinemist 8 2001-10-08 10:27 AM
I Know You and You Know Me (II Chronicles 7:13-14) Lighthousebob 6 2001-10-07 10:22 PM
Prayers Do Not Wear Out Trillium 19 2001-10-07 01:30 AM
A Place Of Enchantment ellie LeJeune 6 2001-10-06 11:01 PM
Keep The Faith sunshinemist 10 2001-10-06 03:52 PM
On The March Joyce Johnson 5 2001-10-06 02:40 PM
In a corner NathanS 5 2001-10-06 02:39 PM
Imagine.. It's can't be too far away. Songbird 4 2001-10-06 02:35 PM
Tears WhtDove 11 2001-10-06 07:25 AM
Disconnect Me Suzanne Arlene 6 2001-10-05 08:03 AM
Watching Angel sunshinemist 4 2001-10-04 09:10 PM
Hopeful Faith sunshinemist 9 2001-10-04 12:28 PM
Answering With Psalm 91 Songbird 4 2001-10-04 12:23 PM
Choices Trillium 6 2001-10-04 12:20 PM
Faith---modeled after Emily Dickenson's "Hope" VAS 3 2001-10-03 08:52 PM
The 23rd Psalm For Peace ellie LeJeune 7 2001-10-03 08:49 PM
The Sun is Still Shining Songbird 5 2001-10-03 06:58 PM
A Thousand Times BloomingRose 8 2001-10-03 01:29 PM
where is the lesson? Allstaria22 5 2001-10-03 11:00 AM
Pitter-Patter of Angel Wings sunshinemist 8 2001-10-03 10:49 AM
If Tears Were Flowers Trillium 13 2001-10-02 06:43 PM
The Silver Lining sandgrain 7 2001-10-02 06:16 PM
Let Us Welcome SEA BSC 5 2001-10-02 02:39 PM
In the Secret Place Songbird 4 2001-10-02 02:11 PM
A World Without God Joyce Johnson 9 2001-10-02 01:03 PM
Welcome SEA! WhtDove 4 2001-10-02 01:00 PM
Abba Father Songbird 6 2001-10-02 11:39 AM
The Power of Your Words VAS 4 2001-10-02 11:06 AM
Amen (April 3, 2000) scout 12 2001-09-30 05:16 PM
the in- and af- poems of fection (the stomach series #4198) scout 7 2001-09-29 08:36 PM
Liberty Trillium 10 2001-09-26 06:17 PM
prayer poem Allstaria22 6 2001-09-26 01:43 PM
Brushed Serenity BSC 6 2001-09-26 12:34 PM
And They Cried..... BSC 11 2001-09-24 03:59 PM
Come To Me Oh Ye Of Little Faith pegasus111 7 2001-09-24 11:57 AM
The World Rocks Songbird 4 2001-09-24 08:30 AM
A Mass of Angels Trillium 9 2001-09-23 02:54 PM
How Can It Be? ellie LeJeune 8 2001-09-23 12:46 PM
Rush Of Wind BloomingRose 3 2001-09-22 06:59 PM
Eternal Shores Of Love ellie LeJeune 10 2001-09-22 05:59 PM
as much as I try Allstaria22 4 2001-09-22 05:29 PM
Glimmers Of Hope Lighthousebob 4 2001-09-22 05:14 PM
The President's Plea Joyce Johnson 4 2001-09-22 05:10 PM
mourn of autumn's day VAS 3 2001-09-22 02:48 PM
All Dressed In White Lighthousebob 4 2001-09-22 02:31 PM
Dark Days Joyce Johnson 6 2001-09-22 01:59 PM
We'll Be One! Lighthousebob 3 2001-09-22 12:02 PM
Jesus' Open Arms 2dalimit 6 2001-09-21 03:44 PM
Count Your Blessings................ Lighthousebob 5 2001-09-20 08:58 PM
We Hold All Life Sacred Songbird 5 2001-09-20 08:15 PM
Hear Him Knocking? Songbird 4 2001-09-20 09:34 AM
Success--But at What??? deleeme 4 2001-09-20 06:03 AM
Freedom Rings sandgrain 4 2001-09-19 07:09 PM
He Called it "Called to Higher Ground" VAS 4 2001-09-19 09:59 AM
From the Ashes Songbird 6 2001-09-18 05:21 PM
Yesterday Songbird 6 2001-09-17 05:46 PM
911 call to God Midnitesun 11 2001-09-17 01:43 AM
Must We Go Back? Lighthousebob 5 2001-09-16 11:28 PM
Time and Chance Trillium 6 2001-09-16 05:56 PM
An Awe Inspiring Zenith Lighthousebob 2 2001-09-16 12:08 PM
God Weeps ellie LeJeune 8 2001-09-16 11:34 AM
Act of ArchAngels ShadowRider 5 2001-09-16 08:23 AM
This is my hope BloomingRose 5 2001-09-15 11:31 PM
We Gathered At The Courthouse Today Lighthousebob 3 2001-09-15 11:11 PM
Left Behind BloomingRose 4 2001-09-15 06:54 PM
Disciples Joyce Johnson 3 2001-09-14 12:55 PM
Unity Song Lighthousebob 4 2001-09-13 04:22 PM
Dance Sweet Angel cpalmer 2 2001-09-11 05:08 PM
Angels' Gate Grubbymitts 5 2001-09-11 03:07 PM
The Well Trillium 2 2001-09-11 02:21 AM
Isabel The Faithful Lighthousebob 9 2001-09-11 02:16 AM
God's Birds Trillium 8 2001-09-09 11:20 PM
Out Of The Wilderness BloomingRose 4 2001-09-09 08:35 PM
A Mother's Prayer Joyce Johnson 2 2001-09-09 08:31 PM
Za Zen Nathan James Nugent 6 2001-09-09 07:48 PM
The Eyes of Three Lighthousebob 4 2001-09-09 12:37 PM
No Fear Joyce Johnson 5 2001-09-09 07:12 AM
Thank you, Poet Friends 2dalimit 5 2001-09-08 01:12 PM
My Promise--sermon message poem VAS 5 2001-09-06 07:59 AM
The Cry of An Orca Midnitesun 8 2001-09-05 12:31 PM
A Prayer of Supplication VAS 3 2001-09-04 03:01 PM
The Vital Link Trillium 1 2001-09-04 02:09 AM
Triumph Trillium 13 2001-09-03 11:01 PM
where i dgvarner 8 2001-09-03 01:26 PM
Miracle Of The Lightness Of A Feather ellie LeJeune 5 2001-09-03 01:02 PM
I Think I Know Lighthousebob 4 2001-09-03 11:37 AM
In His Name Trillium 5 2001-09-02 02:30 PM
He Built A Bridge Marge Tindal 5 2001-09-02 01:20 PM
goodside Allstaria22 5 2001-09-01 09:55 PM
Like Theocrite Joyce Johnson 3 2001-09-01 06:30 PM
One Small Light - Senryu ellie LeJeune 5 2001-09-01 06:15 PM
When is Enough, Enough? deleeme 7 2001-09-01 02:29 PM
Just Like Thee Midnitesun 6 2001-09-01 02:38 AM
I Came To The Board With a Tear in My Eye Midnitesun 10 2001-09-01 02:36 AM
the strength to die Allstaria22 6 2001-08-30 10:19 PM
Now I do See You punkrockerrobin 2 2001-08-30 10:14 PM
Testify Rosebud1229 2 2001-08-30 10:09 PM
Trumpet Ring jfreak 7 2001-08-30 07:28 PM
An Angel's Voice vlraynes 14 2001-08-30 03:20 AM
Unfriendly Stone jfreak 8 2001-08-28 09:35 PM
May He Be Healed Lord ShadowLost 1 2001-08-27 11:42 PM
Judas... the misunderstood apostle citizenx 4 2001-08-27 04:30 PM
John 14:5-6... VAS 2 2001-08-27 12:55 PM
A Fall Day Joyce Johnson 2 2001-08-27 12:36 PM
Four Seasons Songbird 3 2001-08-26 03:20 PM
Like Spokes on a Wheel Midnitesun 10 2001-08-26 03:21 AM
Communing VAS 3 2001-08-25 11:18 PM
Forever in His Debt Trillium 6 2001-08-25 06:50 PM
It is Well.... cpalmer 9 2001-08-25 11:31 AM
Practicing VAS 3 2001-08-25 08:38 AM
I Prayed a Prayer Elizabeth Santos 6 2001-08-24 10:56 PM
It Only Takes One Wing Marge Tindal 19 2001-08-24 10:28 PM
Keeper of the Light Trillium 18 2001-08-24 05:08 PM
. . . The perfect gift . . . Senryu string Interloper 4 2001-08-24 04:59 PM
God Takes and Gives Elizabeth Santos 12 2001-08-24 07:52 AM
To Serve Man ShadowRider 8 2001-08-24 01:32 AM
In Response To: I DO NOT SEE YOU Lighthousebob 4 2001-08-23 02:40 AM
The Strength to Die Allstaria22 5 2001-08-22 06:58 PM
That Tree Of Calvary by Andrea Michaud age 11 Lighthousebob 14 2001-08-22 06:51 PM
At the River VAS 5 2001-08-22 06:47 PM
It Does Good to Do Good! deleeme 6 2001-08-22 06:45 PM
you found out punkrockerrobin 2 2001-08-22 06:42 PM
Have They Heard? Joyce Johnson 2 2001-08-22 06:41 PM
If I... VAS 5 2001-08-21 12:21 PM
A lesson In Summers Waning ellie LeJeune 6 2001-08-20 10:09 PM
Noisy Gong VAS 2 2001-08-20 04:02 PM
Our Summer's Voice ShadowRider 3 2001-08-20 04:01 PM
Blessings To Grow Songbird 3 2001-08-20 10:41 AM
Dear God (Rewritten) Elizabeth Santos 9 2001-08-20 01:23 AM
What I've Found deleeme 5 2001-08-20 01:18 AM
3 verses VAS 2 2001-08-20 01:13 AM
Like an Anchor Trillium 8 2001-08-18 10:58 PM
The Schoolbus Driver's Prayer Joyce Johnson 7 2001-08-18 10:29 PM
2 verses VAS 2 2001-08-18 07:17 PM
1 verse REVISED VAS 1 2001-08-18 07:15 PM
Sunrise MoonShadow 6 2001-08-16 10:38 PM
Homage to Kuan Yin Isis 3 2001-08-16 09:41 PM
Faith is Your Brace" MoonShadow 4 2001-08-15 10:46 AM
Ancient of Days Dulcinea 10 2001-08-15 09:22 AM
Watchmen On The Wall jwesley 3 2001-08-14 06:10 PM
A Painted Dawn Trillium 6 2001-08-14 01:05 AM
The Green tree or the Dry Stephanos 5 2001-08-13 11:49 PM
Forgive me Father for I have sin walker 2 2001-08-13 12:40 PM
I keep My Lamps Filled Joyce Johnson 2 2001-08-13 12:18 PM
Waves Of Grace - Senryu ellie LeJeune 9 2001-08-13 12:13 PM
God's Answer Joyce Johnson 3 2001-08-13 12:08 PM
Kindled For Thee Songbird 5 2001-08-13 12:02 PM
Spirit Rain Lighthousebob 4 2001-08-12 11:48 PM
I do Not See You punkrockerrobin 10 2001-08-12 11:41 PM
Birds MoonShadow 6 2001-08-12 11:30 PM
The Very Beginning Trillium 7 2001-08-11 01:39 AM
The Journey Trillium 7 2001-08-11 01:30 AM
Keeper Of The Flowers Marge Tindal 12 2001-08-10 11:27 PM
Long Ago Summers Joyce Johnson 6 2001-08-10 07:20 PM
Angel's Eyes Trillium 14 2001-08-09 12:28 PM
Lightning Strikes Lighthousebob 9 2001-08-09 08:52 AM
The Christmas Gift tophat 9 2001-08-09 08:47 AM
Twilight MoonShadow 4 2001-08-08 10:16 PM
Gentle Awakening ellie LeJeune 2 2001-08-08 04:43 PM
We lift you up punkrockerrobin 7 2001-08-08 02:03 AM
The Farmer's Promise Joyce Johnson 11 2001-08-07 06:40 PM
Friendships From The Garden Marge Tindal 30 2001-08-07 06:35 PM
BY HIS GRACE WE CAN DWELL[Double Acrostic] deleeme 4 2001-08-07 12:38 PM
Glimpses Constance 5 2001-08-06 07:41 PM
Once There Was Heaven Elizabeth Santos 6 2001-08-06 06:22 PM
Gifts Elizabeth Santos 13 2001-08-06 08:10 AM
Final Exam VAS 7 2001-08-05 05:49 PM
Radiant Light and Ebony Night Dulcinea 10 2001-08-05 03:15 PM
Two Brothers; One Father ShadowRider 4 2001-08-05 11:15 AM
Prayer is my melody A Tone of Voice 6 2001-08-05 10:59 AM
A Prism of Hope Songbird 7 2001-08-04 11:51 AM
Riches ShadowRider 9 2001-08-04 10:46 AM
Darkest Hour Trilogy - Senryu ellie LeJeune 10 2001-08-03 07:20 PM
Take My Burden Lone Wolf 9 2001-08-03 07:16 PM
His Love Dulcinea 8 2001-08-03 07:09 PM
Are You Still Here? VAS 14 2001-08-02 09:00 PM
When your down Rosebud1229 10 2001-08-02 08:26 PM
Of God and mammon Stephanos 5 2001-08-02 08:13 PM
The Pastor's Wife Joyce Johnson 8 2001-08-02 06:55 PM
A Simple Depth VAS 1 2001-08-02 05:55 PM
Struggling Dawn BSC 13 2001-08-02 05:06 PM
I Mourn Lighthousebob 7 2001-08-02 09:07 AM
A Gift From God And Heaven Rick 7 2001-08-02 08:48 AM
puddles Ree Ree 4 2001-08-02 08:44 AM
The Secret Constance 4 2001-08-02 06:54 AM
Finishing the Course Trillium 11 2001-08-02 01:26 AM
Heaven's Train Is Crossing Lighthousebob 2 2001-08-01 12:57 PM
Heavens door Rick 5 2001-08-01 06:14 AM
For Those Who Fear Death (Sonnet ) Tony Abbot 7 2001-08-01 01:47 AM
In God's Eyes Trillium 12 2001-07-30 10:10 PM
Knights Ferry Memoir Lighthousebob 2 2001-07-30 12:22 PM
In the Time of Baal VAS 3 2001-07-29 11:25 PM
As For Me and My House...A Prayer Rodney Belcher 7 2001-07-29 09:31 PM
Many Names WhtDove 22 2001-07-29 10:53 AM
Manna? VAS 4 2001-07-26 12:03 PM
Have We Thanked Him Joyce Johnson 5 2001-07-25 08:55 PM
The Light Trillium 9 2001-07-25 06:23 PM
In Loving Memory WhtDove 11 2001-07-24 10:06 PM
like the Prodigal... Tramp Poet 7 2001-07-24 09:30 AM
As If a Child, May I Come? VAS 4 2001-07-24 06:41 AM
by His Spirit VAS 5 2001-07-24 06:33 AM
Heaven's Resurection Lighthousebob 4 2001-07-24 06:24 AM
Decorated In Sea Life Lighthousebob 5 2001-07-24 06:21 AM
Daddy Talks Lighthousebob 9 2001-07-24 06:18 AM
The Holy Roadmap Joyce Johnson 4 2001-07-24 06:12 AM
God Wrote Two Books Lighthousebob 5 2001-07-23 10:57 PM
If I Could Count The Times Marge Tindal 13 2001-07-22 12:01 PM
The search for God brian madden 20 2001-07-22 10:15 AM
Reaping Faith VAS 3 2001-07-22 02:15 AM
A Place For Me Trillium 7 2001-07-21 01:24 PM
Say Hello to God for Me Balladeer 33 2001-07-20 08:55 PM
Soft Dayglow BSC 8 2001-07-20 06:44 PM
Cross Words Stephanos 8 2001-07-19 09:17 PM
As A Sky Falls ShadowRider 3 2001-07-19 07:53 PM
The Insurance Policy Lighthousebob 1 2001-07-19 07:49 PM
My Little Girl Turned Five Today Jeen 7 2001-07-18 09:51 PM
I & he deleeme 4 2001-07-18 03:12 PM
The Walk--it's been a prolific day...inspired by VAS 5 2001-07-18 02:44 PM
R.s.v.p. Trillium 9 2001-07-18 12:59 PM
It's Me, Lord vlraynes 17 2001-07-17 09:11 PM
The Resurrection Lone Wolf 6 2001-07-17 07:04 PM
Why Dreams? Lighthousebob 4 2001-07-17 06:52 PM
You For Me Lighthousebob 7 2001-07-17 06:43 PM
Lost and Found rwood 3 2001-07-17 12:59 PM
For My Name's Sake--written during Sun. Mess. 7/15/01 VAS 4 2001-07-17 12:31 PM
truE facE ShadowRider 7 2001-07-17 07:51 AM
acrostic VAS 6 2001-07-17 02:04 AM
Fulfill the Law of Christ Joyce Johnson 8 2001-07-17 01:23 AM
I Am But a Servant Skyfire 5 2001-07-16 11:54 PM
Where We Fly Lighthousebob 4 2001-07-16 10:52 PM
Glorious Gift BSC 7 2001-07-16 10:17 PM
Sift rwood 13 2001-07-16 10:01 PM
Afraid of The Dark? deleeme 6 2001-07-16 07:15 PM
Fresh rwood 8 2001-07-16 02:09 PM
When Glory Sings Hallelujah ! Marge Tindal 14 2001-07-16 02:03 PM
do you remember neweyeday 12 2001-07-16 01:37 PM
To Satan With Love (Dear John Letter) rwood 5 2001-07-15 07:15 PM
today you are sky neweyeday 10 2001-07-15 04:53 PM
A.S.A.P (The Hidden Agenda) Tarancula 7 2001-07-15 12:19 PM
What Does It Really Mean 2dalimit 6 2001-07-15 12:16 PM
Where is God 2dalimit 5 2001-07-15 06:11 AM
A River's Journey Lighthousebob 6 2001-07-14 07:59 PM
When Eden Was a Perfect Place Trillium 13 2001-07-14 03:24 PM
Unto the Hills Trillium 11 2001-07-14 03:17 PM
the in- and af- poems of fection (the stomach series #4197) scout 3 2001-07-14 12:39 PM
My Final Hour Tarancula 9 2001-07-14 12:26 PM
The Greatest Gift Joyce Johnson 8 2001-07-14 09:52 AM
Love the_rescue 6 2001-07-14 06:26 AM
The devil's pit Rick 6 2001-07-14 06:08 AM
With His rwood 8 2001-07-12 09:26 PM
Hello Again rwood 4 2001-07-12 08:08 PM
Oh, Sower VAS 7 2001-07-12 05:21 PM
Higher Ground Trillium 5 2001-07-11 10:18 PM
Hannah's Generation Stephanos 14 2001-07-11 09:52 PM
The Reunion Joyce Johnson 5 2001-07-11 09:46 PM
The Kingdom of God is Within You - Tanka ellie LeJeune 5 2001-07-11 09:44 PM
Honesty Rodney Belcher 5 2001-07-11 08:27 PM
In the Darkest Shadow Comes a Promise VAS 4 2001-07-11 08:25 PM
please ?..- senryu - anonymous albert ? 5 2001-07-10 04:47 PM
Finding strength when weak Rick 7 2001-07-08 12:46 PM
if I could write a song the_rescue 7 2001-07-08 12:44 PM
The Grace Of Freedom - Senryu ellie LeJeune 10 2001-07-08 10:52 AM
Making Love Lighthousebob 7 2001-07-08 10:43 AM
The Library scout 17 2001-07-08 08:58 AM
The Angels Cry Lisa 13 2001-07-07 04:15 PM
Greet the Morning Trillium 11 2001-07-06 11:16 PM
Saved Rodney Belcher 3 2001-07-06 09:52 PM
There Comes a Day Trillium 6 2001-07-06 04:40 PM
Forgiven scout 13 2001-07-06 01:54 PM
Be Tempted Stephanos 9 2001-07-06 01:35 PM
Giving Sunshine 6 2001-07-06 11:35 AM
Heal Me, O Lord Lone Wolf 6 2001-07-06 11:12 AM
My Days Joyce Johnson 8 2001-07-06 11:00 AM
My Purpose Lone Wolf 9 2001-07-06 10:47 AM
Thank You Joyce Johnson 7 2001-07-06 10:21 AM
A Freedom Day Double Acrostic deleeme 6 2001-07-05 12:05 PM
Heaven Lighthousebob 5 2001-07-04 11:41 PM
Blessed Are the Pure VAS 5 2001-07-04 05:22 PM
Jesus Head Nightlight Anson Beau Cavell 2 2001-07-04 05:02 PM
My strength inside Rick 7 2001-07-04 12:08 PM
Your Welcome Lighthousebob 4 2001-07-02 06:50 PM
God's Hymnal Lighthousebob 6 2001-07-02 06:42 PM
Peace Again KokoStewartKoomoa 8 2001-07-02 06:39 PM
Request Rick 9 2001-07-02 06:38 PM
Angel Whispers Trillium 8 2001-07-02 06:29 PM
So Near Joyce Johnson 7 2001-07-02 06:28 PM
Little David's Prayer Lighthousebob 4 2001-07-02 06:26 PM
The Devil Is A Weasel Lighthousebob 5 2001-07-02 06:23 PM
Miracles Rick 8 2001-07-02 06:22 PM
Sedona Lighthousebob 5 2001-07-02 06:20 PM
Broken Into Wholeness - Senryu ellie LeJeune 8 2001-06-30 09:35 PM
The Devil's Song Lone Wolf 5 2001-06-30 09:32 PM
Mommy In The Moonlight Romy 10 2001-06-30 09:19 PM
If there is any hope... scout 14 2001-06-28 08:20 PM
A Shroud of Fog Trillium 10 2001-06-28 07:07 PM
Roads Trillium 15 2001-06-28 07:02 PM
Jesus Is Joyce Johnson 10 2001-06-28 06:12 PM
creation scout 9 2001-06-28 05:21 PM
The most important teaching of Christ. brian madden 17 2001-06-28 02:19 PM
We Are Love Lighthousebob 7 2001-06-27 09:46 PM
Do You Know How Much Power You Wield? deleeme 12 2001-06-27 09:46 AM
The Master Gardener Trillium 17 2001-06-26 07:53 PM
Unexplored Horizons Trillium 11 2001-06-26 07:47 PM
Heavenly Displays Of His Passion - Tanka ellie LeJeune 11 2001-06-25 10:23 PM
Quiet Comfort Lone Wolf 13 2001-06-25 10:21 PM
Keep Your Fork 2dalimit 10 2001-06-25 09:00 PM
King David's Fatherly Advice (Acrostic) deleeme 9 2001-06-25 06:49 PM
The Unclean and the Hallowed Stephanos 6 2001-06-25 06:11 PM
What Be Your Attitude VAS 5 2001-06-25 03:35 PM
Sacrifice Of Love Lone Wolf 5 2001-06-25 02:50 PM
Your Word Master 7 2001-06-25 02:16 PM
No Fear Lighthousebob 10 2001-06-25 11:25 AM
Collison Upon High (repost from teen #4) Angel in Flight 6 2001-06-24 06:34 PM
Earthen Vessels Trillium 13 2001-06-24 05:29 PM
What Truth Shall Come? VAS 6 2001-06-24 12:27 PM
The Redeemed. YeshuJah Malikk 9 2001-06-24 12:23 PM
Your Birthday Joyce Johnson 11 2001-06-24 12:20 PM
Those Who Hunger and Thirst---written during Sunday sermon, yesterday, 6/17 VAS 5 2001-06-24 12:09 PM
Amen Sunshine 10 2001-06-23 04:25 PM
Grandma's Example Marge Tindal 13 2001-06-23 05:36 AM
God is... Anson Beau Cavell 4 2001-06-22 08:32 PM
Taoism brian madden 10 2001-06-22 06:13 PM
Moonlight Blossoms BSC 14 2001-06-21 11:55 PM
Timothy McVeigh Joyce Johnson 10 2001-06-21 11:44 PM
Clean and Ready VAS 4 2001-06-21 11:35 PM
You Lighthousebob 11 2001-06-20 10:29 AM
Illusion ellie LeJeune 4 2001-06-19 03:47 PM
Summers First Butterfly - Haiku ellie LeJeune 8 2001-06-18 10:29 PM
Father's Day Joyce Johnson 3 2001-06-18 10:27 PM
Curiosity killed my post Anson Beau Cavell 1 2001-06-18 10:18 PM
His Playful Mood Joyce Johnson 9 2001-06-18 07:39 PM
The Journey to Greatness & Blessing deleeme 7 2001-06-17 10:51 PM
Counterfeit Excitement (reply to challenge) Stephanos 11 2001-06-17 10:39 PM
When Men Lived To Marry Lighthousebob 4 2001-06-17 10:30 PM
Field Trip Lighthousebob 4 2001-06-17 10:28 PM
Peter VAS 4 2001-06-17 10:26 PM
Please Try Your Call Again sodpossom 5 2001-06-17 10:24 PM
Agony in the Garden Master 1 2001-06-15 09:53 PM
Prayer for Today Songbird 7 2001-06-12 10:01 AM
Take a Thread (Weave a Rainbow) Mabel A. Dilley 10 2001-06-11 08:37 PM
Where Is My Holy Ground? VAS 5 2001-06-10 02:15 PM
He Lighthousebob 8 2001-06-10 02:06 PM
Call on God Joyce Johnson 5 2001-06-10 02:04 PM
With Open Hearts Trillium 8 2001-06-10 02:02 PM
His Summer Promise - Haiku ellie LeJeune 6 2001-06-10 12:10 PM
Humanity or Divinity? Mary's Question Songbird 3 2001-06-10 10:31 AM
What Reason VAS 4 2001-06-10 02:44 AM
He is my verse Dennis 6 2001-06-10 02:32 AM
A Spiritual Journey Isis 6 2001-06-09 09:35 PM
In Time Songbird 7 2001-06-09 08:18 PM
Trust In Him Lone Wolf 8 2001-06-09 07:06 PM
Glory - A Haiku Lone Wolf 12 2001-06-09 07:02 PM
Across The River Marge Tindal 17 2001-06-09 10:58 AM
My Stars VAS 2 2001-06-09 09:34 AM
VAS Challenge Isis 12 2001-06-08 06:45 PM
What Words Will Say? VAS 5 2001-06-08 05:36 PM
Surprise ! - Tanka ellie LeJeune 5 2001-06-08 03:23 PM
When Your Boat Won't Float (sermon poem) deleeme 4 2001-06-08 03:07 PM
Thank You LoveBug 8 2001-06-08 12:36 PM
Lord I pray...... WhtDove 14 2001-06-08 12:12 PM
Sanctuary - Senryu's ellie LeJeune 5 2001-06-08 11:01 AM
The Preparing.. Senyru's Songbird 6 2001-06-08 08:13 AM
The inclination to travel the wider path--challenge Romy 10 2001-06-08 06:13 AM
vigil. . . Sven 8 2001-06-07 10:59 PM
Weak Aimster 8 2001-06-07 01:48 PM
He Reigns Songbird 6 2001-06-07 12:26 PM
I Have Become As A Child - Senyru ellie LeJeune 14 2001-06-07 12:25 PM
My God Angel 11 2001-06-07 12:20 PM
Questionable... Evylyn 9 2001-06-05 05:33 PM
The Son of God came Down deleeme 4 2001-06-05 05:28 PM
A Community at Pentecost--written during city-wide service VAS 4 2001-06-05 07:49 AM
Unbelievable!!!! BSC 9 2001-06-04 10:14 PM
Yellow Sky Trillium 19 2001-06-04 07:03 PM
Home With A View Lighthousebob 7 2001-06-04 05:33 PM
a crimson stain VAS 5 2001-06-02 03:45 PM
God Gave Lighthousebob 3 2001-06-01 10:05 PM
Fall CwboyAtHeart 7 2001-06-01 10:01 PM
True Blue Lighthousebob 4 2001-06-01 09:54 PM
Camping at the Coast (Nature Challenge) Trillium 6 2001-06-01 12:09 PM
Highlights (haiku form) Lighthousebob 2 2001-05-31 10:15 PM
Keep Walking Lighthousebob 5 2001-05-30 08:33 PM
Your Poems Joyce Johnson 6 2001-05-30 03:56 PM
Fall CwboyAtHeart 1 2001-05-29 07:39 PM
In the Stillness of the Night (repost) WhtDove 12 2001-05-29 07:34 PM
Giving Thanks For Such a Sky! Trillium 8 2001-05-29 07:30 PM
The Word Lighthousebob 4 2001-05-29 07:09 PM
I Did Not Know deleeme 7 2001-05-29 11:29 AM
When Surrender is Not Defeat deleeme 4 2001-05-29 10:01 AM
He Knows Betty Gravitt 9 2001-05-29 09:51 AM
His Dwelling Place ellie LeJeune 6 2001-05-29 02:27 AM
The X Files Lighthousebob 5 2001-05-29 02:19 AM
Nature's Majesty (challenge & repost) WhtDove 9 2001-05-28 09:13 PM
The Return (Nature Challenge) Joyce Johnson 8 2001-05-26 11:48 AM
The Performer Lone Wolf 3 2001-05-26 03:49 AM
His Love Remains CwboyAtHeart 4 2001-05-26 03:34 AM
Need your opinion!!! Stephanos 2 2001-05-26 03:06 AM
Thank God For His Thorns Lighthousebob 16 2001-05-25 10:56 PM
Nature Sang! Trillium 5 2001-05-25 09:49 PM
Holy Spirit Lighthousebob 9 2001-05-25 07:25 PM
Delight - Senyru ellie LeJeune 5 2001-05-25 06:49 PM
Brilliance - Nature challenge Tanka ellie LeJeune 5 2001-05-25 06:34 PM
Afternoon Prayer Lone Wolf 6 2001-05-25 06:49 AM
Where Love Abides Joyce Johnson 5 2001-05-25 06:47 AM
Wilderness Lake (Nature's Majesty challenge) Trillium 8 2001-05-24 11:25 PM
When Mountains Call (nature challenge) Trillium 9 2001-05-24 11:20 PM
Pleasures Evermore Stephanos 9 2001-05-24 10:57 PM
Where Are You???? Lighthousebob 5 2001-05-24 09:48 PM
Here Am I Lighthousebob 2 2001-05-24 06:40 PM
Gossip Joyce Johnson 5 2001-05-24 06:32 PM
Challenge- The Wide Highway Joyce Johnson 4 2001-05-24 06:23 PM
Ode to Afterlife Master 4 2001-05-24 05:13 PM
Revelation Xeonox 7 2001-05-24 12:36 PM
Untitled Xeonox 2 2001-05-24 12:34 PM
Challenge- inclination to travel the wide path walker 4 2001-05-24 11:05 AM
You're with me, when I become undone walker 4 2001-05-24 10:59 AM
Challenge - inclination to travel the the wide path joycerogers 5 2001-05-23 08:03 PM
A Gift For The Father's Pleasure joycerogers 2 2001-05-23 06:57 PM
Every Now And Then...It Still Rains joycerogers 3 2001-05-23 06:33 PM
When You Have Finished Your Stirring joycerogers 7 2001-05-23 05:37 PM
Before My Candle Goes Out joycerogers 6 2001-05-23 05:27 PM
Challenge - Counterfeit Excitement joycerogers 3 2001-05-23 12:50 PM
The Devil's Path (VAS Challenge) Lighthousebob 2 2001-05-23 02:46 AM
please see challenge in discussions/poetry challenge VAS 1 2001-05-21 12:18 PM
We Are Blessed! Lighthousebob 10 2001-05-21 11:29 AM
Watching the Wild (Nature Challenge) Trillium 6 2001-05-19 07:18 PM
A Slight Prayer obscurity of cloud 8 2001-05-18 11:12 PM
Close Your Eyes And Listen (Nature Challenge) Lighthousebob 8 2001-05-18 11:09 PM
God Is Near Joyce Johnson 5 2001-05-16 08:01 AM
Nature WhtDove 17 2001-05-15 08:44 PM
This Day Joyce Johnson 5 2001-05-15 12:54 PM
When Sunsets Die Trillium 12 2001-05-15 12:48 PM
The Rat Race Lighthousebob 2 2001-05-15 09:36 AM
Songs Of Praise CwboyAtHeart 3 2001-05-14 07:35 PM
MOTHER--FATHER (Double Acrostic) Lighthousebob 4 2001-05-14 10:21 AM
Savior Fading Away 10 2001-05-14 01:18 AM
In God's Image Lighthousebob 9 2001-05-14 01:14 AM
Mama Use To Hold Me Up (Song) Lighthousebob 4 2001-05-13 11:40 PM
Time With God Trillium 17 2001-05-13 09:56 PM
Soon They'll Be Gone Lighthousebob 5 2001-05-13 09:33 PM
To the Mountaintop VAS 9 2001-05-13 09:29 PM
Limits Joyce Johnson 11 2001-05-13 09:25 PM
Survivor of the Holocaust Mabel A. Dilley 5 2001-05-13 02:24 PM
Crystalline Memories--formerly To Live VAS 3 2001-05-13 11:54 AM
Sleepless shadows Hallucination 5 2001-05-12 06:31 PM
Tears of Grace - Haiku - Senryu ellie LeJeune 9 2001-05-12 05:58 PM
Judgement Xeonox 1 2001-05-11 01:59 AM
God's Good Grace IS Sufficient for Me deleeme 8 2001-05-10 10:59 PM
Spring Rain VAS 7 2001-05-10 10:42 PM
Storms 2dalimit 7 2001-05-10 10:26 PM
Morning Song Trillium 13 2001-05-10 08:08 PM
A Knowing Stillness ellie LeJeune 7 2001-05-09 11:43 PM
I Am Known Lighthousebob 9 2001-05-09 08:55 PM
Flowers Found Beneath The Weeping Willow Songbird 10 2001-05-09 08:42 PM
Six Figures wayoutwalt 5 2001-05-09 08:22 PM
Upon This Day Marge Tindal 8 2001-05-09 08:19 PM
New Dreams Songbird 3 2001-05-08 12:31 PM
Love At last Recieved ellie LeJeune 5 2001-05-07 09:57 AM
The Year 2001 Joyce Johnson 4 2001-05-06 12:45 PM
What HE Says Goes! deleeme 9 2001-05-06 12:41 PM
to Bloom a Wake of Smiles VAS 5 2001-05-06 12:19 PM
Creationism or Evolution Joyce Johnson 9 2001-05-06 08:03 AM
John 3:16 and Romans 10:13 (Paradelle) 2dalimit 7 2001-05-06 07:55 AM
There is a Season Trillium 9 2001-05-06 07:47 AM
Is There No Words? Lighthousebob 9 2001-05-06 07:31 AM
I Have a Friend VAS 4 2001-05-05 08:00 PM
Have You Seen Me? Lighthousebob 5 2001-05-05 04:21 AM
Freedom Xeonox 5 2001-05-03 09:12 PM
Loving a Child Joyce Johnson 8 2001-05-03 09:08 PM
The Bubble Blowers Trillium 4 2001-05-03 09:01 PM
Why Do I Garden? BloomingRose 3 2001-05-03 08:36 PM
First Day Of May ellie LeJeune 6 2001-05-03 09:43 AM
Just For the Joy Trillium 10 2001-05-03 01:29 AM
Giver of All Things Trillium 9 2001-05-02 12:52 PM
Life Joyce Johnson 7 2001-05-02 12:47 PM
Light KokoStewartKoomoa 4 2001-05-02 12:43 PM
Come On Home! Lighthousebob 9 2001-05-02 12:01 PM
How Will I Know? VAS 5 2001-05-02 11:59 AM
My Angel Who Visits BloomingRose 8 2001-05-02 11:11 AM
What Vessels? VAS 7 2001-05-02 09:45 AM
in need of a nice poem for my uncle who has cancer. balltongue89 3 2001-05-02 02:13 AM
His Loving Never Fails Trillium 4 2001-05-02 01:35 AM
Teach My Heart ellie LeJeune 7 2001-05-02 01:28 AM
The Garden at Gethsemane Master 3 2001-05-01 11:36 PM
All this , Lot, we can endure. lordmakemeweak 1 2001-05-01 10:55 PM
The Gift of Health-Acrostic deleeme 5 2001-05-01 09:15 PM
A Gift Trillium 4 2001-05-01 05:29 PM
Historical Clay Pots (Prose) Lighthousebob 5 2001-04-28 05:36 PM
From My Eyes........ Lighthousebob 4 2001-04-28 10:57 AM
Shrinking Joyce Johnson 2 2001-04-27 10:32 PM
acknowledge this life for me... anonymous albert ? 5 2001-04-27 03:04 AM
Through a Needles Eye Mabel A. Dilley 7 2001-04-25 04:42 PM
The Perfect Father WhtDove 9 2001-04-25 12:36 PM
God by Our Side KrZyThinker 7 2001-04-25 11:25 AM
You and my thoughts walker 4 2001-04-25 10:55 AM
Flowering Strength ellie LeJeune 4 2001-04-25 10:47 AM
Lord, I need you walker 4 2001-04-25 09:47 AM
He'll Be There Joyce Johnson 4 2001-04-25 09:30 AM
For an orage tree yields oranges, NEVER apples. lordmakemeweak 6 2001-04-24 08:04 PM
Gentle Strength Joyce Johnson 5 2001-04-24 12:19 PM
Nothing Too Powerful MindlessPoet 5 2001-04-22 09:36 PM
His Dynasty Trillium 4 2001-04-22 02:40 PM
Reverie Trillium 12 2001-04-22 02:38 PM
Promises Trillium 9 2001-04-22 02:34 PM
More than an empty grave to prove (belated) Stephanos 9 2001-04-22 09:10 AM
Da ellie LeJeune 7 2001-04-22 09:05 AM
Now That I Know VAS 4 2001-04-22 09:01 AM
His Rhapsody of Love ellie LeJeune 5 2001-04-22 08:57 AM
If I Had But One Song Joyce Johnson 8 2001-04-22 08:52 AM
Magdalene II Master 5 2001-04-22 08:50 AM
Shimmering Pale Blue Regret EagleScorpion 6 2001-04-21 02:28 PM
Veronica Master 9 2001-04-20 11:47 PM
Flowers (my inheritance from grandma written 1918) Songbird 6 2001-04-20 11:32 PM
Buzzing By Joyce Johnson 7 2001-04-20 11:29 PM
Pointing Hands VAS 7 2001-04-20 11:27 PM
My Champion Has Returned! lordmakemeweak 4 2001-04-20 11:25 PM
My God's Praise=My Life Message deleeme 4 2001-04-20 09:44 PM
My Heart's Desire Fading Away 8 2001-04-20 08:44 PM
Whispering Love - Haiku ellie LeJeune 4 2001-04-20 07:29 PM
I Die Daily"-A Poetic Meditation deleeme 7 2001-04-20 05:09 PM
Where is My Champion? lordmakemeweak 0 2001-04-19 02:35 PM
Peace Always Lighthousebob 5 2001-04-19 11:06 AM
Forgive Me, Please sandgrain 10 2001-04-19 10:01 AM
Dancing With Angels Trillium 10 2001-04-18 06:07 PM
The Baker ellie LeJeune 9 2001-04-18 12:07 PM
Don't Buy A Dress Lighthousebob 6 2001-04-18 11:30 AM
Sharon's Rose (Repost) Lighthousebob 4 2001-04-17 11:54 PM
Psalm of Genesis (acrostic) Stephanos 9 2001-04-17 11:52 PM
The Power Of Forgiveness Lone Wolf 9 2001-04-17 06:52 PM
The Arms of Perfection son of man 8 2001-04-17 06:46 PM
The Fullness of that Empty Tomb deleeme 6 2001-04-16 10:48 PM
This life AngelShell 8 2001-04-16 09:52 PM
Alpha and Omega Trillium 9 2001-04-16 04:59 PM
Lay Down lordmakemeweak 5 2001-04-15 08:51 PM
April Showers of Grace - Haikus ellie LeJeune 10 2001-04-15 01:23 PM
Hope Trillium 5 2001-04-15 12:40 PM
I Remember When Easter Was Joyce Johnson 7 2001-04-14 04:43 PM
Give Me Childlike Faith. Joyce Johnson 5 2001-04-14 04:38 PM
Our Lord is Near Joyce Johnson 8 2001-04-14 02:34 PM
Caught Up in our Cares or Christ? deleeme 8 2001-04-14 12:27 PM
How Grand Is The Plan BloomingRose 3 2001-04-14 02:16 AM
Lord, of me, open thou lordmakemeweak 9 2001-04-13 11:30 PM
as I looked out on the patio, this ... VAS 5 2001-04-13 10:58 PM
The Bicycle and The Car Songbird 4 2001-04-13 10:31 PM
His World Trillium 7 2001-04-13 10:21 PM
When You First Loved Me VAS 4 2001-04-13 10:09 PM
Reflections kcsgrandma 7 2001-04-13 09:42 PM
Blossoming Soul - Haiku & Senryu ellie LeJeune 2 2001-04-13 07:23 PM
Three Tanka kcsgrandma 5 2001-04-13 07:02 PM
Abraham was their husband ---- BUT------ lordmakemeweak 1 2001-04-13 06:56 PM
My Prayer For Everyone Lighthousebob 5 2001-04-13 10:55 AM
New Life Lighthousebob 6 2001-04-13 09:24 AM
Forever (50's Song) Lighthousebob 3 2001-04-12 06:11 AM
Your Cross Lighthousebob 4 2001-04-10 03:08 PM
Magdalene Master 5 2001-04-10 02:50 PM
Your Cross Lighthousebob 3 2001-04-10 02:35 PM
Legend of the Lily Trillium 8 2001-04-10 12:31 PM
Unchained Beauty BloomingRose 14 2001-04-08 07:32 PM
This Weathered Cross Trillium 8 2001-04-08 05:21 PM
I've Been Dreaming Over Lighthousebob 5 2001-04-08 01:45 AM
Hello Mysteria 8 2001-04-08 01:39 AM
Childlike Faith (Double Acrostic) Lighthousebob 6 2001-04-07 11:57 PM
Evensong Stephanos 6 2001-04-07 11:45 PM
My Humble Limerick Joyce Johnson 5 2001-04-07 06:45 PM
Jesus' Friends Joyce Johnson 6 2001-04-07 05:54 PM
one more tattoo Allstaria22 4 2001-04-07 11:11 AM
Venusian Heart - No Warmer One EVER lordmakemeweak 3 2001-04-06 06:10 PM
Glass Staircase (acrostic) Allan Riverwood 13 2001-04-05 05:34 PM
Man on a cross 2 (also limericks) Stephanos 10 2001-04-04 09:58 PM
A Place to Turn 2dalimit 9 2001-04-04 09:53 PM
Gospel Limericks(or there abouts) deleeme 8 2001-04-04 09:49 PM
Before Adonijah EVER touches a hair on your Beautiful Sheban Head lordmakemeweak 3 2001-04-04 09:42 PM
Thermals Of Grace - Haiku & Senyru ellie LeJeune 8 2001-04-04 07:14 PM
Affects Challenge WhtDove 6 2001-04-04 05:45 PM
Forgive Me Joyce Johnson 5 2001-04-04 12:43 PM
The Gift (limerick) Joyce Johnson 8 2001-04-04 09:27 AM
The Woodland Stream - Effects Challenge ellie LeJeune 12 2001-04-04 09:26 AM
Roads Trillium 11 2001-04-04 09:24 AM
2 More Limericks After the Cross Lighthousebob 4 2001-04-04 09:20 AM
The Manger and the Cross Trillium 5 2001-04-04 01:14 AM
What Maketh A MAn? lordmakemeweak 3 2001-04-03 10:36 PM
Heavenly "Hugs" from Above deleeme 11 2001-04-03 09:53 PM
Words from the Devout dragonpoe 9 2001-04-03 07:26 PM
God In My Life affects Challenge Joyce Johnson 7 2001-04-03 06:59 PM
Man On a Cross (limerick challenge) Trillium 15 2001-04-03 04:37 PM
She Wept - Limerick Challenge ellie LeJeune 8 2001-04-02 10:41 PM
Fowl Comedy Songbird 8 2001-04-02 10:31 PM
My Day Joyce Johnson 6 2001-04-02 08:27 PM
Uncloaked---written Apr.2, 2000 VAS 4 2001-04-02 08:22 PM
Effects of the Unseen (Challenge) sandgrain 7 2001-04-02 12:12 PM
More Limericks of the Cross Stephanos 6 2001-04-01 10:30 PM
My friend (effects challenge) Allan Riverwood 7 2001-04-01 10:28 PM
Effects (taking the challenge) Stephanos 6 2001-04-01 10:08 PM
Morning Prayers Trillium 11 2001-04-01 02:44 PM
Unexplored Horizons Trillium 9 2001-04-01 12:33 PM
Keeper of My Soul (WhtDove Challenge) Trillium 6 2001-04-01 12:31 PM
Man on a Cross (limerick) Allan Riverwood 9 2001-03-31 11:19 PM
Eternity Tree Joyce Johnson 2 2001-03-31 07:49 PM
Prayer Answered Rodney Belcher 7 2001-03-31 02:40 PM
2 X Millennium's Falcon Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-31 02:10 PM
Torn away robin-shep 7 2001-03-31 06:59 AM
My Sunday Joyce Johnson 5 2001-03-30 04:52 PM
Next Weeks Challenge WhtDove 2 2001-03-30 04:30 PM
Needed Hugs From God (Challenge) Lighthousebob 14 2001-03-30 09:08 AM
More Hugs from God Joyce Johnson 8 2001-03-30 06:02 AM
It Feels Good To Pray Mysteria 7 2001-03-29 09:32 PM
Grandma's Eggs Joyce Johnson 4 2001-03-29 05:43 PM
Ever In You VAS 5 2001-03-29 12:24 PM
Inquiring Minds Songbird 4 2001-03-29 10:43 AM
A Good Example Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-29 06:17 AM
An Answer Came Trillium 7 2001-03-28 05:56 PM
sweet ache(challenge) Allstaria22 4 2001-03-28 05:08 PM
My Hug from God Joyce Johnson 7 2001-03-28 04:36 PM
New Challenge WhtDove 4 2001-03-28 03:37 PM
The Locket Lighthousebob 8 2001-03-28 03:35 PM
No Strings Attached Songbird 9 2001-03-28 12:40 PM
Happiness Found Within ellie LeJeune 5 2001-03-28 12:19 PM
Appellations of A Great & Wonderful God deleeme 7 2001-03-28 12:16 PM
Beauty Revealed ellie LeJeune 4 2001-03-28 12:04 PM
- Heaven's Gate - (Revised) Honeybee 8 2001-03-28 09:47 AM
Hugs From God (challenge) Trillium 12 2001-03-27 10:27 PM
Hugs from God Challenge - Tanka ellie LeJeune 5 2001-03-27 09:17 PM
Hugs from God (challenge) Allan Riverwood 7 2001-03-27 09:11 PM
Stone of Tumbling Stephanos 7 2001-03-27 09:07 PM
Hugs from God (challenge) WhtDove 7 2001-03-27 09:06 PM
First Robin Joyce Johnson 4 2001-03-27 08:51 PM
Life's Drastic Turns deleeme 6 2001-03-27 08:34 PM
The Rainbow Joyce Johnson 8 2001-03-27 08:09 PM
Where I'm Secure Lighthousebob 3 2001-03-27 04:34 PM
Angels Passing By Trillium 11 2001-03-27 02:35 PM
At times walker 5 2001-03-27 08:48 AM
Heavenly Scent - Haiku ellie LeJeune 9 2001-03-26 11:23 PM
On Wings of Grace ellie LeJeune 10 2001-03-26 11:17 PM
I wonder Joyce Johnson 7 2001-03-26 10:51 PM
Spring sandgrain 10 2001-03-26 10:46 PM
Life's Isn't Fair sandgrain 8 2001-03-26 07:19 PM
His Glory Lives! Trillium 5 2001-03-26 05:48 PM
From the Streets of Stockton (1000th Post) Lighthousebob 8 2001-03-25 07:42 PM
Another Triolet Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-25 01:03 PM
Castle's In Sinking Sand Lighthousebob 6 2001-03-25 12:37 PM
Spring's Tide Trillium 4 2001-03-24 11:13 PM
The Cookie Jar Joyce Johnson 5 2001-03-24 07:31 PM
Unlimited Forgiveness VAS 5 2001-03-24 05:35 PM
Three written during church service VAS 9 2001-03-24 04:41 PM
If Only Trillium 9 2001-03-24 02:43 PM
A Friend Sent Me A Book Today deleeme 6 2001-03-24 02:39 PM
Mortal Angels Trillium 7 2001-03-24 02:33 PM
Blessings of the Day Trillium 10 2001-03-24 02:23 PM
New site Possum 1 2001-03-24 02:12 PM
God's Hand Trillium 6 2001-03-24 02:10 PM
Dreams Lost Dreamer 3 2001-03-24 10:40 AM
Heal The Wounds (miracle challange) BloomingRose 5 2001-03-23 10:33 PM
karma Marian's Lover 11 2001-03-23 07:06 PM
The Song of a Flower Elizabeth Santos 17 2001-03-23 12:05 PM
A Triolet Joyce Johnson 7 2001-03-23 09:27 AM
Tip-Tap Shoes and Princess Dress (Repost) Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-23 09:22 AM
Are You Possessed? Lighthousebob 3 2001-03-23 09:19 AM
The Smell of Church Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-22 09:13 PM
Why? Joyce Johnson 5 2001-03-22 08:55 PM
The Children Joyce Johnson 6 2001-03-22 08:36 PM
Spirit In Motion BloomingRose 4 2001-03-21 02:33 PM
possible robin-shep 6 2001-03-21 02:27 PM
Let Me See Me Songbird 4 2001-03-20 07:53 PM
No Miracle's Asked Songbird 4 2001-03-20 07:43 PM
Etched Upon My Years Stephanos 5 2001-03-20 09:30 AM
A What If for My Grandson Joyce Johnson 7 2001-03-20 09:30 AM
Another Miracle, Please (Miracle Challenge) sandgrain 5 2001-03-20 09:19 AM
Sing By The River Of Gold BloomingRose 14 2001-03-19 10:28 PM
Blessings by the Sea Dennis L. White 13 2001-03-19 07:07 PM
Only A Man lordmakemeweak 5 2001-03-19 06:55 PM
All you poets WhtDove 7 2001-03-19 06:09 PM
What I Ask (Miracle Challenge) Trillium 12 2001-03-19 03:25 PM
classic poems of faith, uplift robin-shep 1 2001-03-18 11:19 PM
A Perfect Day Trillium 8 2001-03-18 10:23 PM
A World of Miracles Trillium 10 2001-03-18 10:21 PM
In a corridor walker 4 2001-03-18 08:15 PM
Sweet Cherub Dream BSC 9 2001-03-18 06:27 PM
Miracle Challenge WhtDove 10 2001-03-18 06:19 PM
Miracle challenge walker 6 2001-03-18 06:13 PM
Miracle Challenge Blondie 11 2001-03-18 06:06 PM
Miracle challenge Romy 10 2001-03-18 06:01 PM
Thirty-eight Years Waiting (Miracle Challenge) Lighthousebob 8 2001-03-18 05:59 PM
Blessings (an old one) Miracle Challenge BSC 6 2001-03-18 05:57 PM
Miracle Challenge ellie LeJeune 8 2001-03-18 05:53 PM
Shades of Rose Lighthousebob 3 2001-03-18 05:28 PM
Angel Wings Trillium 8 2001-03-18 04:45 PM
Song of Praise to my Redeemer fractal007 3 2001-03-18 09:32 AM
Forever To Him Bow Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-17 10:25 PM
Your love walker 4 2001-03-17 10:22 PM
I Can't Help Myself Lighthousebob 6 2001-03-17 10:15 PM
I can Come Here Sunshine 5 2001-03-17 10:11 PM
He Loves Us So! Trillium 6 2001-03-15 10:26 PM
Someday.......... BSC 5 2001-03-15 05:26 PM
Ahhhhh Springtime BSC 6 2001-03-15 05:01 PM
His Utopia Dream Lighthousebob 4 2001-03-10 03:01 PM
God's Design WhtDove 9 2001-03-09 09:31 PM
Peace Beyond Understanding WhtDove 6 2001-03-09 09:09 PM
And The Angels Sing ellie LeJeune 9 2001-03-09 08:37 PM
Three Responses Lighthousebob 5 2001-03-09 08:31 PM
Peace Lone Wolf 10 2001-03-08 08:05 PM
Leap of Faith Sunshine 8 2001-03-07 08:10 PM
Two Glimmering Shadows Lost Dreamer 4 2001-03-07 08:08 PM
Wings Unfold BloomingRose 6 2001-03-06 09:41 PM
To Him My Heart Given ellie LeJeune 4 2001-03-06 09:39 PM
St Peter jbaker 4 2001-03-05 08:35 AM
Don't LoveAll 7 2001-03-04 10:59 PM
Mr. Moses lordmakemeweak 2 2001-03-04 10:53 PM
Trusting you walker 6 2001-03-04 09:21 PM
Where Two or Three are Gathered deleeme 7 2001-03-04 01:10 PM
Stuffed Shirt lordmakemeweak 3 2001-03-04 12:03 PM
Your Son-rise - Tanka ellie LeJeune 5 2001-03-03 07:34 AM
My Mirror Songbird 6 2001-03-03 06:30 AM
Even among that which externally speaking is of total ugliness lordmakemeweak 2 2001-03-02 12:53 PM
To the Rear, March! VAS 5 2001-03-02 08:43 AM
I need you walker 4 2001-03-02 08:34 AM
Faith walker 1 2001-03-02 01:07 AM
Child Of Evil Jeremy Redinger 1 2001-03-01 11:05 PM
The Good News is... deleeme 10 2001-03-01 10:10 PM
Differentials LoveAll 8 2001-03-01 03:47 PM
I Turn...written dur. Sun. Service VAS 5 2001-03-01 03:30 PM
Expressions Of Love twilah 7 2001-03-01 07:50 AM
Everything's Going to be all right. lordmakemeweak 2 2001-02-25 10:15 PM
That covers me walker 4 2001-02-25 12:19 PM
The Desires Of The Heart ellie LeJeune 5 2001-02-25 06:34 AM
Brother Bill, Brother Bill deleeme 7 2001-02-25 06:25 AM
At the River VAS 5 2001-02-24 06:31 PM
Remembrance twilah 10 2001-02-24 05:54 PM
Wife - Thou Art Truly Kind and Faithful lordmakemeweak 2 2001-02-24 03:14 PM
Someday BSC 6 2001-02-24 02:54 PM
Welcome Home Songbird 4 2001-02-24 02:49 PM
Only God holds the key walker 3 2001-02-24 02:42 PM
My brand new skin walker 5 2001-02-24 01:13 PM
Our Movie Rating System Lighthousebob 2 2001-02-24 01:07 PM
Isaiah, PROPHET OF PROPHETS lordmakemeweak 4 2001-02-23 07:28 PM
To a wonderful father walker 6 2001-02-23 07:24 PM
The scalpel not made by mans hands lordmakemeweak 4 2001-02-23 09:30 AM
Two Feathers In The Wing Of An Angel ! ellie LeJeune 4 2001-02-23 05:49 AM
Treasures Not Yet Seen BloomingRose 3 2001-02-22 05:54 PM
Casting Pearls Stephanos 5 2001-02-22 10:45 AM
Those Barracudas VAS 4 2001-02-22 01:37 AM
No need to change the world walker 4 2001-02-21 06:48 PM
Thank You Lord jbaker 7 2001-02-20 05:45 PM
Sorrow Transformed - Tanka ellie LeJeune 7 2001-02-20 05:29 PM
Stretching Fingers Grow Songbird 6 2001-02-20 05:07 PM
The Light Of Your Glory BloomingRose 5 2001-02-20 04:59 PM
Lazarus, COME FORTH! lordmakemeweak 2 2001-02-20 01:15 PM
On The Whisper Of Angels Wings ellie LeJeune 9 2001-02-20 10:06 AM
My Emotions, My Resolve lordmakemeweak 4 2001-02-20 09:54 AM
Those Dreaded Set-Backs in Life deleeme 5 2001-02-19 06:21 PM
Silence zorkon65 5 2001-02-19 04:39 PM
Pieces of iron zorkon65 7 2001-02-19 04:36 PM
No 8 Admirals like unto these most Beautiful lordmakemeweak 1 2001-02-19 03:50 PM
I am walker 5 2001-02-19 03:46 PM
Yet there is a Road lordmakemeweak 6 2001-02-19 03:31 PM
Solomon and Sheba lordmakemeweak 3 2001-02-19 03:19 PM
Our serpents walker 2 2001-02-19 02:56 PM
I close my eyes walker 4 2001-02-19 02:48 PM
Your hold your child walker 3 2001-02-19 02:44 PM
His Arms Still Open Wide Lighthousebob 5 2001-02-19 09:51 AM
Wings of Darkness WinterTalon 6 2001-02-16 08:11 AM
Quiet Presence Sunshine 6 2001-02-15 10:25 PM
Dreams Sunshine 9 2001-02-15 03:47 PM
Senryus Sunshine 12 2001-02-15 02:45 PM
Life's Most Perfect Valentine deleeme 3 2001-02-15 08:07 AM
Come Dance With Me Suzanne Arlene 13 2001-02-14 08:40 AM
In His Hands VAS 5 2001-02-14 08:39 AM
His Purpose Songbird 3 2001-02-14 08:38 AM
I Got No Time! Lighthousebob 3 2001-02-14 08:37 AM
The Crimson Sky nona 7 2001-02-12 03:35 PM
My Forever Valentine - Senryu ellie LeJeune 7 2001-02-12 09:50 AM
The Calming Presence of the LORD deleeme 3 2001-02-12 07:54 AM
An Angel Stood Aware Lighthousebob 5 2001-02-12 07:53 AM
Mother's Watchful Eye Songbird 6 2001-02-12 07:51 AM
An Infinity With The Breath Of God BloomingRose 5 2001-02-12 07:50 AM
A Quiet Reflection Stephanos 5 2001-02-12 07:47 AM
The One Justbleu 16 2001-02-12 01:12 AM
Forever Lovely Lighthousebob 7 2001-02-11 09:33 PM
If You Played with the Universe laryalee 8 2001-02-11 09:28 PM
Forgiven, Indeed lordmakemeweak 4 2001-02-11 02:23 PM
Is it a Date? BSC 7 2001-02-09 01:47 PM
Under the Stars Songbird 7 2001-02-09 01:28 PM
Thinking On Things BloomingRose 8 2001-02-09 12:37 PM
The Horizons Of His Will ellie LeJeune 4 2001-02-09 12:19 PM
How Are We SPENDING our Lives? deleeme 5 2001-02-09 11:50 AM
In Your Arms ellie LeJeune 4 2001-02-07 10:28 PM
Quiet Blizzard BSC 11 2001-02-06 09:50 AM
Keeping Faith Alive laryalee 10 2001-02-05 06:55 PM
The Light Of The World ellie LeJeune 2 2001-02-05 06:51 PM
On Bended Knee--A thank you to BloomingRose Mark Bohannan 9 2001-02-04 12:13 PM
Apart, But Always Together! deleeme 5 2001-02-03 04:52 PM
All Is Given - Senyru ellie LeJeune 3 2001-02-03 04:40 PM
Christian, Do You? Lighthousebob 8 2001-02-03 03:14 PM
Joy Beyond The Glass Bridge BloomingRose 11 2001-02-02 09:20 PM
Safe Embrace WinterTalon 5 2001-02-01 08:16 PM
Gently Do I Leave You, In His Care ellie LeJeune 4 2001-02-01 07:13 PM
In So Many Ways BloomingRose 5 2001-01-31 10:03 PM
a man named hate Allstaria22 5 2001-01-31 07:10 PM
Angels - Senryu ellie LeJeune 5 2001-01-30 02:05 PM
Stay A While BloomingRose 2 2001-01-30 09:29 AM
Passionate is Your Divine Love ellie LeJeune 5 2001-01-30 09:04 AM
I Thank God For The Blood Lighthousebob 7 2001-01-29 06:30 AM
Indwelling ellie LeJeune 8 2001-01-28 10:08 PM
From Deep Inside Lighthousebob 8 2001-01-28 09:06 PM
Life's Valleys Songbird 6 2001-01-26 07:42 PM
Fair Maiden Of The Meadow ellie LeJeune 7 2001-01-26 01:49 PM
Gone BloomingRose 4 2001-01-25 09:06 PM
Letting Go To Soar ellie LeJeune 6 2001-01-23 09:06 PM
The Message---written during Sunday sermon VAS 6 2001-01-23 07:14 PM
Deep Winter and Pure Faith ellie LeJeune 5 2001-01-23 09:28 AM
A small thought... BSC 8 2001-01-23 09:26 AM
A Man In Need Lighthousebob 7 2001-01-22 10:10 PM
Just A Little Word............ Lighthousebob 7 2001-01-22 09:22 PM
Hollow Heart WinterTalon 4 2001-01-22 07:41 PM
The Rock That Sang Songbird 6 2001-01-21 07:11 PM
New Life - Tanka ellie LeJeune 5 2001-01-21 07:08 PM
The Dragon- for Poetic Enchantress Lighthousebob 5 2001-01-19 12:45 PM
Reflections on existence Master 5 2001-01-19 08:58 AM
All Happens for a Reason deleeme 6 2001-01-19 04:13 AM
Finding Help in the Storms of Life deleeme 7 2001-01-17 05:41 PM
To Come Into His Presence Songbird 4 2001-01-16 02:29 PM
The Last Day- A Letter To Jesus BloomingRose 5 2001-01-16 01:25 PM
Nothing left, But You ellie LeJeune 12 2001-01-15 07:39 PM
Sunday's Greeting........................... Sunshine 5 2001-01-15 11:36 AM
The Only Companion snowpants 7 2001-01-14 11:26 PM
Let my life be as the morning gidget7 6 2001-01-14 09:14 PM
By Faith DYME 6 2001-01-14 07:24 PM
Lord I'm On My Knees BloomingRose 12 2001-01-14 07:21 PM
Jesus in the wind gidget7 7 2001-01-14 07:17 PM
Thou Art My Starshine - Tanka ellie LeJeune 4 2001-01-14 02:49 PM
The Poetry of Psalm Twenty-Three deleeme 15 2001-01-14 01:26 PM
A Ray of Sunshine Suzanne Arlene 14 2001-01-14 08:07 AM
Cowboy's Poetry- For Mark Bohannan Lighthousebob 9 2001-01-13 09:29 PM
When God Loves Someone BloomingRose 7 2001-01-13 08:50 PM
Thank You DYME 6 2001-01-13 07:38 PM
An Acrostic for the new Year deleeme 4 2001-01-13 07:28 PM
Thanks Lord David Generous 5 2001-01-13 06:28 PM
Christian Bikers? Tramp Poet 8 2001-01-13 05:53 PM
God will Arise for battle Mandi 7 2001-01-13 04:33 PM
Symbolic Crusification gidget7 7 2001-01-13 03:25 PM
Morning Snow BSC 8 2001-01-13 02:32 PM
A Letter To My Father DYME 7 2001-01-13 01:56 PM
Strong Medicine Lighthousebob 3 2001-01-12 08:35 PM
+ Angel's Prayer of Love + Tanka ellie LeJeune 6 2001-01-12 12:43 PM
Storms Aftermath Of Grace ellie LeJeune 9 2001-01-10 12:19 PM
layers Allstaria22 4 2001-01-10 10:30 AM
Meadow Within ellie LeJeune 7 2001-01-08 05:13 PM
No Help Needed ellie LeJeune 5 2001-01-08 12:30 PM
For the Journey of 'Journeys' Stephanos 5 2001-01-08 10:43 AM
The Face of God fractal007 2 2001-01-08 10:14 AM
A Friend's Touch :) :) deleeme 3 2001-01-08 10:13 AM
Post Holiday Senryu Dennis L. White 6 2001-01-08 10:11 AM
some time Allstaria22 7 2001-01-08 10:10 AM
A Special Jigsaw Puzzle deleeme 6 2001-01-08 10:05 AM
God And His Special Hug(sorry about all the poems) Mandi 2 2001-01-08 10:03 AM
God sent me an Angel and i was not aware Mandi 8 2001-01-08 10:01 AM
Brothers In Flight Mandi 3 2001-01-08 09:55 AM
Perfect Will, This Mighty Oak ellie LeJeune 4 2001-01-08 09:50 AM
The Story of the Atheist and the Christian fractal007 5 2001-01-07 11:41 AM
Thank God for our Families deleeme 6 2001-01-06 06:01 PM
Empowering Peace *prevailing*darkness* 4 2001-01-06 02:58 PM
New Millennium Senryu Dennis L. White 2 2001-01-05 11:17 PM
As I Take Down the Christmas Lights Songbird 6 2001-01-04 08:59 PM
The Gift Songbird 6 2001-01-04 04:48 PM
Will you come in?..................... Sunshine 20 2001-01-03 02:12 PM
Falling In Love With Winter ellie LeJeune 9 2001-01-03 11:39 AM
7 Days of Creation Lighthousebob 2 2001-01-02 01:55 PM
God is Evolution CitiZen-One 4 2001-01-01 12:03 PM
The Master Mechanic Lighthousebob 7 2001-01-01 09:22 AM
Transformation CitiZen-One 5 2000-12-30 04:52 PM
Dear Lord tq_99 3 2000-12-30 04:09 PM
Y2K Plus One deleeme 3 2000-12-30 12:12 PM
Stones Lighthousebob 12 2000-12-29 11:59 AM
Spiritual Eyes To See His Love ellie LeJeune 6 2000-12-29 09:44 AM
The Anticipation gidget7 5 2000-12-29 09:29 AM
Thankful for Faith fractal007 7 2000-12-29 09:18 AM
Scholars of His Word fractal007 2 2000-12-29 02:05 AM
Candle Flame ellie LeJeune 2 2000-12-28 12:03 PM
The Brightest Star Lone Wolf 5 2000-12-27 03:58 PM
This Silent Night BloomingRose 4 2000-12-27 03:12 PM
Marcus Eugenicus, a Roman Soldier CitiZen-One 6 2000-12-26 09:38 AM
The Gift gidget7 15 2000-12-25 07:26 AM
Where Love is Thy Home Zyell 7 2000-12-24 12:48 PM
Umbered Plains Marge Tindal 13 2000-12-23 12:38 PM
Look To Me Lighthousebob 3 2000-12-23 07:23 AM
Song of the Moon fractal007 5 2000-12-23 07:20 AM
What is Heard Best Sunshine 6 2000-12-22 11:42 AM
Leaving My Light on for Him deleeme 4 2000-12-21 04:57 PM
The Holiest of Places Suzanne Arlene 4 2000-12-21 10:54 AM
God is There - Haiku Stanza'd poem fractal007 3 2000-12-20 06:15 PM
You're My Saviour gidget7 3 2000-12-20 01:02 PM
Ice Storm Reflections deleeme 4 2000-12-18 07:19 PM
His Favorite Rock BSC 5 2000-12-16 10:02 PM
Christmas Everyday - Haiku ellie LeJeune 5 2000-12-16 09:59 PM
I Pray . . . Lone Wolf 5 2000-12-16 08:35 PM
Manger in the Heart - Haiku ellie LeJeune 3 2000-12-13 07:09 PM
I Sing! My Heart is Open. wayoutwalt 13 2000-12-12 03:49 AM
Gentle Palms Victoria 7 2000-12-10 10:51 PM
Wings Of Grace ellie LeJeune 5 2000-12-10 08:08 PM
O Shield of Faith deleeme 5 2000-12-10 01:57 PM
quiet merlynh 3 2000-12-10 01:41 PM
Everlasting love (Conclusion to Fairy Tale Love) Ladycat 9 2000-12-10 01:38 PM
Lift Our Voices to Jesus kindasorta 6 2000-12-10 01:31 PM
Song In the Color Of Grey Suzanne Arlene 4 2000-12-10 01:28 PM
The Lord Is . . . Lone Wolf 9 2000-12-08 12:46 PM
Senryu of Light Sunshine 6 2000-12-08 12:34 PM
There is a Light Ahead (acrostic) Kit McCallum 12 2000-12-07 01:27 PM
Designer's Touch Songbird 7 2000-12-07 12:59 PM
God's Angels (A Christmas Sonnet) Lighthousebob 5 2000-12-07 12:48 PM
-Loves Warmth- ellie LeJeune 8 2000-12-06 08:49 PM
God's House fractal007 5 2000-12-06 03:37 PM
Holy Journey Ladycat 6 2000-12-05 01:03 PM
Rejoice The Birth Of Jesus Lighthousebob 6 2000-12-05 12:43 PM
Go Ahead! Lighthousebob 8 2000-12-05 12:29 PM
Judge Not ellie LeJeune 9 2000-12-04 11:20 PM
The Ocean brings serenity WhtDove 18 2000-12-04 10:47 PM
- Christmas in The Heart - ellie LeJeune 8 2000-12-03 04:27 PM
Let Me Be a Child Again deleeme 6 2000-12-03 12:06 PM
Heaven Bound PhaerieChild 8 2000-12-03 06:40 AM
One lone tear drop Allstaria22 4 2000-12-02 04:30 AM
Sweet, sweet night Artur Hawkwing 7 2000-12-02 04:09 AM
The Heart Of Christmas (Post from Holiday Cheer) BloomingRose 3 2000-12-02 03:06 AM
Theology 101 from a 5 Year Old Julie Jordan Scott 7 2000-12-01 06:50 PM
In Troubled Times Elizabeth Santos 11 2000-12-01 01:42 PM
His Plan LoveAll 7 2000-11-30 06:30 PM
Thanksgiving Tanka Dennis L. White 8 2000-11-30 11:07 AM
The Rescue Songbird 3 2000-11-30 11:00 AM
+Self-forgiveness+ ellie LeJeune 7 2000-11-30 10:54 AM
He Found His Voice BSC 3 2000-11-29 08:28 PM
Feathered Faith BSC 12 2000-11-28 04:00 PM
Once Upon an Eternity deleeme 6 2000-11-27 10:43 PM
Living Garden In All Seasons ellie LeJeune 7 2000-11-27 10:35 PM
Ocean Of Love Senryu Honeybee 10 2000-11-27 04:50 PM
Share The Gift BloomingRose 6 2000-11-27 12:36 PM
His Word BloomingRose 6 2000-11-27 12:32 PM
My Friends Son Suzanne Arlene 10 2000-11-27 02:06 AM
The High Priestess Stacey 11 2000-11-25 07:27 PM
Turmoil ! Dennis L. White 9 2000-11-25 07:05 PM
Water's Wine serenity blaze 9 2000-11-25 06:57 PM
Flight compassion 4 2000-11-25 06:37 PM
I am Thankful Today deleeme 5 2000-11-25 06:27 PM
With Thee [acrostic] Sunshine 2 2000-11-25 05:51 PM
Pray it forward............................................................. Sunshine 7 2000-11-25 05:45 PM
Jack Frost...... Foiled !!! ellie LeJeune 5 2000-11-23 03:44 PM
Cradled in the Hands of God Poet deVine 7 2000-11-23 03:32 PM
Free As The Eagle BloomingRose 10 2000-11-23 03:21 PM
I have to say I'm sorry & a WELCOME WhtDove 4 2000-11-21 11:39 AM
Understatement Allstaria22 3 2000-11-20 08:32 PM
The Dream a listener 5 2000-11-20 12:09 PM
In the Shadow of the Shepard (Thankfulness Challenge) Songbird 7 2000-11-20 12:00 PM
Blessed Alle'cram 10 2000-11-20 11:09 AM
Turkey Dinner Lighthousebob 7 2000-11-20 11:04 AM
Give Me Strength dragonpoe 5 2000-11-20 10:42 AM
Thanksgiving Haiku's compassion 7 2000-11-20 10:42 AM
Just for the Moment BSC 8 2000-11-20 10:38 AM
Thanks Senryu Dennis L. White 6 2000-11-20 10:36 AM
Words Suzanne Arlene 5 2000-11-20 10:21 AM
Rare Allstaria22 6 2000-11-19 11:33 PM
Tie A Knot In The Prayer Rope Marge Tindal 14 2000-11-19 10:14 PM
Walking Within Mark Bohannan 14 2000-11-19 04:58 PM
Thanksgiving Prayer (Challenge) WhtDove 14 2000-11-19 04:40 PM
White Velvet Cloak BSC 6 2000-11-19 04:35 PM
Goodness And Mercy ellie LeJeune 6 2000-11-19 09:37 AM
Warming Snow BSC 9 2000-11-17 09:32 PM
garden of prayer vlraynes 13 2000-11-17 06:50 PM
call me 'friend' vlraynes 18 2000-11-17 06:47 PM
In time of sorrowed tears Deb Lynne 9 2000-11-17 02:49 PM
Going Home Deb Lynne 6 2000-11-17 01:46 PM
sister Allstaria22 5 2000-11-14 10:37 AM
His Hope Lies Deep in Earth And Heart - Tanka ellie LeJeune 8 2000-11-14 08:53 AM
Good-bye WhtDove 6 2000-11-14 08:51 AM
You Still Love BloomingRose 5 2000-11-14 08:47 AM
Thank You (a reply to BSC) Allstaria22 6 2000-11-14 08:45 AM
Sin Crushed BloomingRose 3 2000-11-14 08:42 AM
Love In Your Call The Poetic Plumber 6 2000-11-14 08:39 AM
What is Man? (BSC challenge) Dennis L. White 6 2000-11-14 08:35 AM
Our God Lone Wolf 9 2000-11-14 08:33 AM
In Thanks of Providential Care (BSC Challenge) deleeme 6 2000-11-14 08:30 AM
Thankful For His Gift of Laughter - Bonnie's Challenge ellie LeJeune 8 2000-11-14 08:25 AM
Thanksgiving Sharing Challenge BSC 4 2000-11-12 11:03 PM
A Rustling In The Wind BloomingRose 6 2000-11-12 09:36 PM
Healing Knows No Bounds a listener 7 2000-11-12 06:44 PM
Transfusion Allstaria22 5 2000-11-10 11:54 PM
You'll Be There BSC 9 2000-11-10 11:42 PM
The first inquiry Arabian Knight 11 2000-11-09 12:44 PM
Thou Anointest My Head With Oil ellie LeJeune 6 2000-11-08 10:54 PM
Seeking My Fullness in Thee deleeme 6 2000-11-08 10:40 PM
Why do we do this to ourselves?............... Sunshine 5 2000-11-08 10:23 AM
I Need Your Grace WhtDove 8 2000-11-07 10:09 PM
An Invisible Force Songbird 3 2000-11-07 10:07 PM
O LORD, I Feel... deleeme 5 2000-11-07 12:03 PM
Petals Of Love BloomingRose 4 2000-11-07 09:01 AM
Almost Remember Allstaria22 3 2000-11-07 08:40 AM
The Constant Allstaria22 3 2000-11-07 08:34 AM
My Savior, My Friend (tanka) Dennis L. White 7 2000-11-07 04:31 AM
welcome home vlraynes 17 2000-11-07 02:02 AM
God The Author of True Friendship -Tanka ellie LeJeune 11 2000-11-07 01:29 AM
Freedom, Freedom a listener 12 2000-11-05 04:57 PM
Heaven's Keeper of Books a listener 1 2000-11-05 12:19 PM
Behold our Curiosities Stephanos 10 2000-11-04 08:24 PM
And for that Allstaria22 6 2000-11-04 07:28 PM
Chatting on the Steps BSC 11 2000-11-04 06:07 PM
America's Love Lighthousebob 6 2000-11-04 05:51 PM
The Power Of Our Love ellie LeJeune 6 2000-11-04 05:43 PM
Where'd Everyone Go???? BSC 10 2000-11-04 05:34 PM
Jesus Has A Cell Phone Alle'cram 12 2000-11-04 03:10 AM
Treasured Moments juliet_2u 15 2000-11-02 11:26 PM
An Angel in the Sky bestgirl911 5 2000-11-02 10:38 PM
Bringing us Love Alle'cram 6 2000-11-02 06:12 PM
A belief Ron K. Fox 7 2000-11-02 06:27 AM
I Lift My Praise BloomingRose 10 2000-11-01 08:15 PM
Friend Of A Wounded Heart juliet_2u 6 2000-10-31 11:22 PM
-Your Summers Love In Winters Chill- ellie LeJeune 9 2000-10-31 09:55 PM
Glory Be Marge Tindal 13 2000-10-31 09:36 PM
the strength to believe-from Open #10 Sven 5 2000-10-31 09:31 PM
My Gift (tanka) Dennis L. White 6 2000-10-31 03:59 PM
Scriptures Alle'cram 5 2000-10-31 12:04 PM
A plea for forgiviness from me to you . . . juliet_2u 7 2000-10-30 10:11 AM
Whispers Ron K. Fox 10 2000-10-30 08:16 AM
A Song to My God ellie LeJeune 16 2000-10-29 09:28 PM
500 x 500 Lighthousebob 9 2000-10-29 09:23 PM
My King jlocke 8 2000-10-29 07:26 PM
--- Trust 'Til The End --- The Lonely Stranger 8 2000-10-29 06:45 PM
Angels Cry Holy Holy Holy BloomingRose 11 2000-10-29 04:02 PM
Leap of Faith firecrakker 13 2000-10-29 12:29 PM
At The Edge Lighthousebob 15 2000-10-29 12:14 PM
What is This Life ? Dennis L. White 12 2000-10-29 11:40 AM
My Mortality Well Noted deleeme 10 2000-10-29 09:43 AM
Remembering Mother 2dalimit 10 2000-10-29 06:58 AM
Death (Senryu) 2dalimit 12 2000-10-29 06:55 AM
A Message For You gidget7 5 2000-10-28 10:18 PM
Fear Of Dying Alle'cram 9 2000-10-26 02:39 PM
Little Warriors firecrakker 5 2000-10-25 10:07 PM
She Watches Over Me BloomingRose 10 2000-10-25 10:00 PM
Knee Mail Mark Bohannan 15 2000-10-25 09:58 PM
Fear No Evil ellie LeJeune 6 2000-10-25 01:40 AM
Trixie's Miracles Alle'cram 15 2000-10-24 02:10 PM
Bargaining...again Jeen 12 2000-10-23 09:37 PM
Song Of Praise Lone Wolf 6 2000-10-23 11:34 AM
Window To Your World Marge Tindal 11 2000-10-22 03:58 PM
Wisdom Of A Child Marge Tindal 15 2000-10-22 03:24 PM
Crucified...........forgotten? Jon Mewett 21 2000-10-21 10:31 PM
There in the Hills BSC 9 2000-10-21 08:13 PM
A Walk In The Park BloomingRose 8 2000-10-21 08:03 PM
Our Way Echo Rhayne 8 2000-10-21 08:03 PM
Warm Heart in Winter - Haiku ellie LeJeune 11 2000-10-21 07:59 PM
A Rescued Lamb Dennis L. White 7 2000-10-21 07:55 PM
Lost in His Love ellie LeJeune 6 2000-10-21 01:24 PM
They Know BloomingRose 8 2000-10-21 12:55 PM
Open Your Eyes Lighthousebob 9 2000-10-21 12:37 PM
Prophet's Cry Lighthousebob 10 2000-10-20 11:55 PM
Cross The Line BloomingRose 5 2000-10-20 02:10 PM
Walk With Me ---- Duet with BloomingRose Mark Bohannan 16 2000-10-19 04:57 PM
More 5-7-5's --- Do not give up on me Mark Bohannan 14 2000-10-18 01:46 PM
3 Boys Lighthousebob 11 2000-10-18 01:56 AM
A Light To All Nations ellie LeJeune 9 2000-10-18 01:19 AM
My Destiny Denise 13 2000-10-17 10:39 PM
Do we really need to pray? YeshuJah Malikk 4 2000-10-17 10:04 PM
Judgement Day sweetypie5 8 2000-10-17 06:09 PM
When I Grow Up-Tribute to Grandma Songbird 5 2000-10-17 10:11 AM
A Touch Of Heaven BloomingRose 5 2000-10-15 01:36 PM
You see a new face now deleeme 12 2000-10-15 01:24 PM
Angel Chorus Marge Tindal 19 2000-10-15 01:05 PM
Divine Love Lone Wolf 10 2000-10-15 12:56 PM
the Guiding Write deleeme 9 2000-10-15 12:52 PM
Raking Memories BSC 10 2000-10-14 11:19 PM
Nothings impossible WhtDove 12 2000-10-14 11:14 PM
The Friend BloomingRose 9 2000-10-13 09:38 PM
Trust In Him Lone Wolf 10 2000-10-12 12:11 PM
alone Winnifer Fayre 11 2000-10-11 10:33 PM
Unconditional Love sandgrain 10 2000-10-11 09:55 PM
Stay my Love ellie LeJeune 10 2000-10-11 09:48 PM
The Next Dance BSC 9 2000-10-11 09:41 PM
He's Making Rounds Marge Tindal 21 2000-10-11 08:45 PM
Open Heart Surgery Lighthousebob 6 2000-10-11 12:45 PM
To Know BloomingRose 9 2000-10-11 09:05 AM
**Darkness & Light*** A Romantic Heart 12 2000-10-11 03:08 AM
Illusions of Love And Reality of Grace ellie LeJeune 8 2000-10-10 01:48 PM
Give A Sinner Lighthousebob 15 2000-10-09 11:51 PM
Great Blessings through Trials deleeme 7 2000-10-09 08:24 PM
A Deserving Doxology deleeme 5 2000-10-08 11:52 PM
Please Take Her Gently Lord BSC 7 2000-10-08 11:31 PM
Lost Soul CitiZen-One 4 2000-10-08 08:53 PM
the fearful one (repost from the pub) dgvarner 7 2000-10-08 10:56 AM
Three Steps to Know God jlocke 4 2000-10-07 01:36 PM
Perspectively Stephanos 7 2000-10-07 01:20 PM
In His Hands Marge Tindal 17 2000-10-06 08:06 PM
Morning Dove Sent From Above BloomingRose 8 2000-10-05 06:17 PM
Expressing Gratitudes Sunshine 7 2000-10-05 03:15 AM
Silent Beckonings-For Deb aka BloomingRose Mark Bohannan 9 2000-10-04 10:08 PM
Life Like Poems Lighthousebob 6 2000-10-04 02:21 PM
The End Is Near purplesunshine 11 2000-10-04 02:10 PM
The Comforter YeshuJah Malikk 6 2000-10-04 01:10 PM
Haiku Sunshine 10 2000-10-04 10:46 AM
Only Us ! ellie LeJeune 8 2000-10-04 10:28 AM
A new last Jon Mewett 11 2000-10-03 04:08 PM
A Very Simple Word Lighthousebob 10 2000-10-03 01:13 AM
Sweet Peace pasqually 7 2000-10-02 05:03 PM
A Touch of Grace BSC 10 2000-10-02 10:53 AM
His Eternal Promise of Spring ! ellie LeJeune 5 2000-10-02 10:31 AM
Gracious Gifts, Humbly Accepted deleeme 6 2000-10-01 11:57 PM
Restoration Not In Vain BloomingRose 7 2000-10-01 11:06 PM
To my friend Silas Dennis L. White 7 2000-10-01 08:33 PM
Giraffes and the awesomeness of God! WhtDove 6 2000-10-01 08:22 PM
Gained Innocence Lighthousebob 12 2000-10-01 06:40 PM
This Could Be The Day BloomingRose 5 2000-10-01 05:44 PM
Reasons To Believe BloomingRose 11 2000-10-01 03:44 PM
Rainbow Hill BloomingRose 5 2000-09-30 07:31 PM
Haiku Sunshine 5 2000-09-30 07:21 PM
The Creators Zyell 4 2000-09-30 10:23 AM
Reasons Not Seen (for Mark) BloomingRose 7 2000-09-29 02:39 PM
Empty Vessel Sunshine 8 2000-09-29 11:46 AM
You Always Have A Choice Marge Tindal 14 2000-09-29 07:03 AM
Marge Tindal's Challenge to Sunshine and Mark Bohannan's Challenge Lighthousebob 9 2000-09-28 09:51 AM
The Sacrifice Lone Wolf 11 2000-09-28 08:05 AM
You Don't Know Me Songbird 10 2000-09-26 10:04 PM
He Restoreth my Soul ellie LeJeune 13 2000-09-26 06:54 AM
She Gave To Me - For Marcy Marge Tindal 9 2000-09-25 10:08 PM
Angelic Seduction CitiZen-One 2 2000-09-25 06:59 PM
To keep you informed WhtDove 2 2000-09-25 01:10 PM
Follow The Leader Lighthousebob 12 2000-09-25 12:36 PM
Tears of God [Haiku] Sunshine 15 2000-09-25 12:20 PM
How Do You Do? Lighthousebob 6 2000-09-23 11:45 PM
Fallen Angel CitiZen-One 7 2000-09-23 10:26 PM
It's Raining In Heaven Pearls_Of_Wisdom 10 2000-09-23 01:00 PM
Our Moment Of Sleep Lighthousebob 5 2000-09-23 12:56 PM
Amazingly Graced BSC 7 2000-09-23 08:11 AM
Fallen Stones (inspired by Blooming Rose) Stephanos 5 2000-09-22 10:42 PM
There Will Be A Party Sunshine 13 2000-09-22 08:43 PM
Let Me Say Sunshine 8 2000-09-22 08:38 PM
What Might Have Been? Stephanos 7 2000-09-22 12:05 PM
Enters Mercy and Grace BloomingRose 6 2000-09-22 10:44 AM
Lord, Please Take my Hand Elizabeth Santos 9 2000-09-20 10:57 PM
No friend Like Him BloomingRose 8 2000-09-20 10:22 PM
Ahhhh Fall......... BSC 6 2000-09-20 10:20 PM
Just had to let you know WhtDove 3 2000-09-19 06:17 PM
Stop Running... Dedicated to Deep & Sven juliet_2u 14 2000-09-19 12:39 PM
Dont Cry essenceofangels 4 2000-09-19 12:36 PM
Still Waters Through Green Pastures ellie LeJeune 8 2000-09-19 11:52 AM
On this Lords' Day Morning Dennis L. White 9 2000-09-19 10:31 AM
My Morning Walk BSC 11 2000-09-19 10:15 AM
My Angel Nikkisweet 2 2000-09-19 10:10 AM
utopia soulfulpoet 4 2000-09-19 10:08 AM
A Grace Reminder Lighthousebob 4 2000-09-19 09:46 AM
The Plastic Roof BloomingRose 2 2000-09-19 09:40 AM
Three Haikus Lone Wolf 10 2000-09-18 11:18 PM
Peace BloomingRose 9 2000-09-18 09:11 PM
Black Velvet, North Latitude 18 degrees 25 minutes whipsnade 9 2000-09-17 09:41 PM
Captain God Alle'cram 6 2000-09-17 10:08 AM
Here Let it be Said deleeme 5 2000-09-17 09:44 AM
Trials Alle'cram 5 2000-09-17 06:43 AM
untitled Alle'cram 8 2000-09-16 10:10 PM
Here My Are Alle'cram 8 2000-09-16 05:07 PM
Angel Wings BloomingRose 7 2000-09-16 03:02 PM
God Whispers - Haiku ellie LeJeune 11 2000-09-16 11:47 AM
Devine Spirit Nicki 3 2000-09-15 10:17 PM
Miracles (Challenge) sandgrain 10 2000-09-15 09:59 PM
Weekly Meetings Wilfred Yeats 6 2000-09-15 05:40 PM
Choose Now BloomingRose 9 2000-09-15 05:32 PM
Gone Home BloomingRose 5 2000-09-15 05:16 PM
feeling Nicki 7 2000-09-15 04:42 PM
Rainbow Nicki 3 2000-09-15 04:03 PM
Greater Help Lakewalker 9 2000-09-15 01:44 PM
Me as an Aquarian(Mellisa Honeybee's challenge) deleeme 7 2000-09-15 12:23 PM
One miracle I won't forget! WhtDove 8 2000-09-13 03:06 PM
Darkness essenceofangels 8 2000-09-13 09:37 AM
Children Janie 10 2000-09-13 09:05 AM
Christian WhtDove 12 2000-09-12 09:52 PM
The Gathering Lighthousebob 9 2000-09-12 09:49 PM
A Good Name Lighthousebob 6 2000-09-12 09:44 PM
Sustenance Janie 7 2000-09-12 09:40 PM
Lambs of the Shepherd ellie LeJeune 7 2000-09-12 09:09 PM
(Add a verse) Alle'cram 19 2000-09-11 06:55 PM
the gardens: post 2,997 Sven 19 2000-09-11 06:52 PM
The Beast jlocke 4 2000-09-10 08:59 PM
ellie LeJeune 0 2000-09-10 03:01 PM
ellie LeJeune 0 2000-09-10 03:00 PM
Death of a Victim (re: "fabric of romance" challenge) Pearls_Of_Wisdom 6 2000-09-10 01:30 PM
My Crutch Janie 5 2000-09-09 10:07 PM
My Parent's, My Guardian Angels, My Miracle BSC 7 2000-09-09 12:29 PM
The Gift of Tears deleeme 7 2000-09-09 08:40 AM
A Song of Summer ellie LeJeune 9 2000-09-09 08:35 AM
A New Creation - White Dove's Challenge ellie LeJeune 6 2000-09-09 08:21 AM
My greatest miracle & most awesome blessing juliet_2u 12 2000-09-08 11:45 PM
(WhtDove'sMiracle Challenge) Alle'cram 6 2000-09-08 11:38 PM
Passion Friends Alle'cram 7 2000-09-08 11:24 PM
One Good Friend Lighthousebob 6 2000-09-08 08:37 PM
Stairways (Senyru) Alle'cram 5 2000-09-08 08:31 PM
Challenge WhtDove 7 2000-09-07 10:30 AM
Destiny Unfolds BloomingRose 5 2000-09-07 10:07 AM
His Love, as Endless as the Sea (Co-written with Ellie LeJeune) deleeme 10 2000-09-07 08:37 AM
And He, Will Wipe Your Tears Marina 6 2000-09-06 09:22 PM
Scriptural Adaptations (in Haiku/Senyru form) deleeme 5 2000-09-06 08:50 PM
By the Fire... (re: Miracle Challenge) Pearls_Of_Wisdom 11 2000-09-06 05:26 PM
Visitation Rights YeshuJah Malikk 5 2000-09-06 02:16 PM
I Will Stand Lil OnE 5 2000-09-06 10:01 AM
Baby Jesus cathybohannan 4 2000-09-05 11:35 PM
Who Needs a Sleeping Pill! BSC 8 2000-09-05 06:52 PM
Sunrise Honey Bunch 4 2000-09-05 05:10 PM
The Miracle of Life II Lighthousebob 2 2000-09-05 04:54 PM
A Prayer For Mankind Janie 7 2000-09-05 10:59 AM
A Labor Day Meditation deleeme 3 2000-09-04 07:18 PM
God's Wind Honey Bunch 6 2000-09-04 12:35 PM
Romans 8:28 Alle'cram 11 2000-09-03 11:47 PM
The Prodigal Son Janie 7 2000-09-03 11:03 PM
Summers Rainbow Gift ! ellie LeJeune 9 2000-09-03 08:20 PM
A Penny For Your Thoughts juliet_2u 20 2000-09-03 04:56 AM
You Were There Lil OnE 3 2000-09-01 10:32 PM
Undone Heart BloomingRose 2 2000-09-01 10:29 PM
Passive Resistance Wilfred Yeats 5 2000-09-01 06:37 PM
Breakfast At God's Janie 6 2000-09-01 11:36 AM
He Comforts Me Elizabeth Santos 8 2000-09-01 11:16 AM
A Living Prayer Janie 2 2000-09-01 11:00 AM
Your Shadow Lighthousebob 3 2000-08-31 09:11 PM
Metamorphosis Lighthousebob 4 2000-08-31 09:09 PM
Let The Waters Pour Elizabeth Santos 9 2000-08-31 10:27 AM
And He Is......Senryu juliet_2u 17 2000-08-31 10:12 AM
Sending These Beauties ! ellie LeJeune 8 2000-08-31 07:47 AM
No Sweeter Sound BloomingRose 7 2000-08-30 07:21 PM
Keep Your Eyes Open Janie 1 2000-08-30 12:24 PM
Zoom Lighthousebob 6 2000-08-29 09:37 PM
Of Birth and Death Elizabeth Santos 8 2000-08-29 09:34 PM
Human Failings and Forgiveness ellie LeJeune 4 2000-08-29 09:25 PM
How Do I Know? YeshuJah Malikk 10 2000-08-29 09:17 PM
Where Is Your Mind? Lighthousebob 4 2000-08-29 09:11 PM
Unworthy Alle'cram 11 2000-08-28 08:05 PM
Sunday Tanka Wilfred Yeats 10 2000-08-28 12:37 PM
Senryus of the Soul deleeme 7 2000-08-27 04:46 PM
It's Midnight BloomingRose 5 2000-08-27 04:12 PM
Erosion Rex 4 2000-08-27 01:03 PM
The Cross Of Wood jwesley 11 2000-08-27 10:12 AM
Greater Is He juliet_2u 10 2000-08-27 02:50 AM
The Light In My Closet Janie 8 2000-08-27 01:36 AM
Picture a Picture Alicat 7 2000-08-26 10:39 PM
Spiritual Journey Poets, Please Read Sunshine 4 2000-08-26 12:42 PM
...Ain't Over 'til it's Over! deleeme 8 2000-08-26 12:08 PM
A Psalm of blue Stephanos 7 2000-08-26 12:03 PM
A Cry Was Heard gidget7 5 2000-08-26 11:58 AM
Seashore Rhapsody - Haiku ellie LeJeune 9 2000-08-26 11:49 AM
No Longer in Hiding BSC 9 2000-08-26 10:57 AM
Hold Me Lord Alle'cram 10 2000-08-25 10:33 AM
Art LoveAll 7 2000-08-24 01:11 PM
Mother Mary Lighthousebob 7 2000-08-24 11:49 AM
Jesus, My lord Wet 2 2000-08-23 10:14 PM
This Moment Divine ellie LeJeune 8 2000-08-23 10:03 PM
He Didn't Stop On The Cross gidget7 5 2000-08-23 09:58 PM
Christ's Image Lighthousebob 8 2000-08-22 11:02 PM
The Artist Janie 5 2000-08-22 10:56 PM
A Giant's Garden Janie 7 2000-08-22 09:56 PM
Fathers Reflections gidget7 8 2000-08-22 07:35 PM
Heavenly (Senryu) BSC 5 2000-08-22 07:23 PM
Dignity Rex 4 2000-08-22 07:03 PM
Travelling Companions deleeme 9 2000-08-22 05:52 PM
God's Little Creatures BSC 5 2000-08-22 05:51 PM
Poppies Lighthousebob 6 2000-08-22 05:50 PM
Green Velvet Path of Love ellie LeJeune 10 2000-08-22 05:46 PM
Poems Are Like Prayers (A present from me to everyone on this forum) Janie 14 2000-08-22 05:18 PM
The Cross Of Wood jwesley 6 2000-08-22 12:39 PM
Traces Rex 5 2000-08-22 01:29 AM
Take This Thing From Me gidget7 6 2000-08-22 01:07 AM
Double Haiku WhtDove 17 2000-08-21 10:22 PM
Gently as the River Flows Elizabeth Santos 19 2000-08-20 04:46 PM
A New Day gidget7 12 2000-08-20 04:23 PM
Poet's Heaven Alle'cram 13 2000-08-19 10:58 PM
Easter Lily Lighthousebob 5 2000-08-19 08:52 PM
The Dream (based on a real dream I had) Janie 5 2000-08-19 12:37 PM
My Eyes, My Ears, My Hands Elizabeth Santos 7 2000-08-18 12:40 PM
Good Morning!!!! BSC 8 2000-08-17 10:35 PM
Addiction Excuses Lighthousebob 6 2000-08-17 01:25 PM
None Like You juliet_2u 11 2000-08-17 12:51 PM
Trust the Master Weaver LoveBug 7 2000-08-17 12:12 PM
Gospel Dennis L. White 5 2000-08-17 12:08 PM
Under Your Wings juliet_2u 10 2000-08-17 06:42 AM
Storms (Haiku) Alle'cram 8 2000-08-17 04:34 AM
Today, Show Me Alle'cram 6 2000-08-17 04:32 AM
Just Like You! Alle'cram 7 2000-08-17 04:28 AM
Web of Dewdrop, Web of Love ! ellie LeJeune 11 2000-08-16 03:11 PM
Jesus MelissaL 5 2000-08-16 07:58 AM
Christocentric Lighthousebob 6 2000-08-16 07:56 AM
Heckle YeshuJah Malikk 3 2000-08-14 08:12 PM
Believing Nikolette Sadness 4 2000-08-14 04:40 PM
Cleaning the Temple Songbird 7 2000-08-14 04:22 PM
Good Evening from God Haiku ellie LeJeune 9 2000-08-14 03:16 PM
Jesus Delights My Senses! ellie LeJeune 6 2000-08-14 03:02 PM
Just Look, It's There BSC 7 2000-08-13 11:26 AM
Lord Where Are You? juliet_2u 14 2000-08-12 02:17 PM
Our Deep Intimacy Lighthousebob 10 2000-08-12 12:32 PM
In Search. YeshuJah Malikk 6 2000-08-12 11:11 AM
On Television (just some thoughts) Stephanos 6 2000-08-12 01:13 AM
Silver & Dross Poe Ay 8 2000-08-11 10:38 AM
First Haiku to you! Stephanos 4 2000-08-10 11:04 PM
Good Afternoon from God Haiku ellie LeJeune 4 2000-08-10 10:44 PM
Good Morning from God Haiku ellie LeJeune 7 2000-08-10 08:10 PM
Illucid Blue Lighthousebob 7 2000-08-08 09:38 PM
My Heavenly Visitation juliet_2u 18 2000-08-08 12:19 PM
Garden on the Edge of the Woods ellie LeJeune 7 2000-08-08 12:16 PM
To Visit the Angels ellie LeJeune 6 2000-08-08 12:12 PM
Scottie's Song...Angels prayer... Tramp Poet 4 2000-08-08 09:14 AM
The Spell of Moy Mell Rex 7 2000-08-07 10:07 PM
God and Jacob. Kethry 3 2000-08-07 09:48 PM
Points of view newbieauthor12 3 2000-08-07 09:35 PM
Great Wonders Squirter 6 2000-08-07 09:27 PM
Two roads FacesinHim 3 2000-08-06 11:49 PM
Faint with love FacesinHim 3 2000-08-06 11:44 PM
Gall to drink FacesinHim 4 2000-08-06 11:41 PM
We'll Meet There, O.K.? BSC 9 2000-08-06 11:36 PM
City of Gold littleC 7 2000-08-06 03:02 PM
Psalm of Promised Glory Stephanos 7 2000-08-05 11:10 AM
In a twinkling of an eye FacesinHim 8 2000-08-04 09:33 PM
Gideon's Torch Stephanos 5 2000-08-04 09:07 PM
Revelation of Him FacesinHim 4 2000-08-04 12:04 PM
Religious blues FacesinHim 6 2000-08-04 08:37 AM
What did God REALLY say? (in the Gareden) FacesinHim 4 2000-08-04 03:20 AM
Pharisees FacesinHim 4 2000-08-04 02:49 AM
Dark I am yet lovely FacesinHim 5 2000-08-04 02:15 AM
All thigs find their proper places FacesinHim 4 2000-08-04 02:05 AM
Romancing the Mundane ellie LeJeune 13 2000-08-03 01:47 PM
Holy Spirit LoveAll 12 2000-08-02 04:27 PM
A Far Cry.. YeshuJah Malikk 11 2000-08-02 04:18 PM
The Meteorite Elizabeth Santos 10 2000-08-02 10:25 AM
I Corinthians 15:10--Challenge Sven 15 2000-08-02 10:17 AM
Imprint Lynne Dale 6 2000-08-02 05:29 AM
Blinded to All but Love ellie LeJeune 10 2000-08-01 09:50 PM
Theophany. YeshuJah Malikk 5 2000-08-01 01:33 PM
Death of a Soul (common misconception) WhtDove 9 2000-08-01 01:05 PM
amazing grace wordancer 7 2000-08-01 01:00 PM
Western Whailing Wall littleC 6 2000-07-31 11:09 PM
The Beacon Dennis L. White 6 2000-07-31 10:39 PM
Reunion Greetings (from a friend) Stephanos 4 2000-07-31 10:00 PM
Late Night Conversation jfreak 9 2000-07-31 09:17 PM
Peter Lighthousebob 6 2000-07-31 08:41 AM
This Morning BSC 12 2000-07-30 11:38 PM
Messages in The Attic ellie LeJeune 9 2000-07-30 11:00 PM
While we slept sandgrain 8 2000-07-30 10:22 PM
Dimensions of our Lives deleeme 5 2000-07-30 09:40 PM
Guardian Angel - The answer to my challenge . . . Lone Wolf 10 2000-07-30 05:28 PM
Death of a Soul(Another View) deleeme 6 2000-07-30 05:09 PM
We Wish BONNIE(BSC)- a Happy Birthday! deleeme 8 2000-07-30 03:30 PM
Can't You BSC 12 2000-07-30 03:26 PM
a friend's precious testimonial... Tramp Poet 10 2000-07-30 02:56 PM
The Masters Canvas juliet_2u 8 2000-07-29 05:55 PM
Waiting (haiku) Lighthousebob 6 2000-07-29 04:54 PM
The Golden Girl With The Sky BLue Eyes [BETH ADDS HER THANKS] ellie LeJeune 15 2000-07-29 03:16 PM
*A Nine Year Olds Letter To God* from times past MagnoliaBlue 8 2000-07-28 11:13 AM
To Nicholas L Tiuch 6 2000-07-27 11:38 PM
I have a Confession for you, my Friends deleeme 12 2000-07-27 03:30 PM
Daily prayer. YeshuJah Malikk 11 2000-07-27 03:24 PM
Desert Weed Lighthousebob 13 2000-07-27 03:01 PM
Her Favorite Course BSC 9 2000-07-27 04:55 AM
Confluence Rex 11 2000-07-27 04:48 AM
Our Awesome Lord juliet_2u 10 2000-07-26 07:00 PM
The Earth Rejoiced juliet_2u 19 2000-07-26 06:46 PM
Joys of a mother! ellie LeJeune 7 2000-07-26 06:17 PM
And Then Rex 7 2000-07-26 05:59 PM
I want to walk through my garden brian madden 11 2000-07-26 11:31 AM
Let Me Be Your Child Lighthousebob 12 2000-07-26 04:52 AM
Thoughts on Having a BLEST Day deleeme 11 2000-07-26 04:31 AM
Agape Love Dennis L. White 10 2000-07-26 02:20 AM
God Alone Knows Why L Tiuch 4 2000-07-25 06:45 PM
God's Building Lighthousebob 5 2000-07-25 04:57 PM
Pain Unfolded ellie LeJeune 10 2000-07-25 11:27 AM
Barabas or Jesus? deleeme 5 2000-07-24 10:41 AM
The Child in ME Ardonida 6 2000-07-23 10:39 PM
make a choice Tramp Poet 8 2000-07-23 10:31 PM
Grace Reigns ellie LeJeune 13 2000-07-23 10:14 PM
Stargazer Liliy ellie LeJeune 11 2000-07-23 10:05 PM
Patterns of Love ellie LeJeune 8 2000-07-23 09:59 PM
Peace Rex 12 2000-07-23 07:19 PM
Angel Mine Lynne Dale 7 2000-07-23 05:34 PM
Lament Rex 9 2000-07-23 05:10 PM
Lifeguard Alle'cram 9 2000-07-22 07:41 AM
I Danced With The Devil ROSE MARY 9 2000-07-21 06:42 PM
When it's my turn Allstaria22 2 2000-07-21 06:35 PM
Little Things sandgrain 20 2000-07-20 09:53 PM
The Record Shows. YeshuJah Malikk 8 2000-07-19 10:18 PM
The Many Faces of Me deleeme 9 2000-07-17 07:03 PM
Just this one thing. YeshuJah Malikk 11 2000-07-16 12:51 PM
The Little Hand (Repost from Open 6) Elizabeth Santos 6 2000-07-16 09:58 AM
The Heron Rex 10 2000-07-15 07:56 PM
To One Who Lost the Way Rex 3 2000-07-15 07:47 PM
God Holds Me Close... Sunshine 15 2000-07-15 01:37 PM
Your Love pasqually 14 2000-07-15 09:23 AM
How Much? Lighthousebob 7 2000-07-15 08:46 AM
Because His Grace reaches me deleeme 12 2000-07-15 08:43 AM
Storms of Life Alle'cram 6 2000-07-15 06:13 AM
the differences enrichen us all... Tramp Poet 21 2000-07-15 05:55 AM
bleeding or Bleeding? Tramp Poet 7 2000-07-15 05:48 AM
Only LyricFetish 9 2000-07-15 04:22 AM
His Valley BSC 7 2000-07-15 04:16 AM
God, Did You Do That? Elizabeth Santos 13 2000-07-14 11:32 PM
Strong, yet Loving WhtDove 14 2000-07-13 11:55 AM
Awakening Bliss ellie LeJeune 12 2000-07-13 08:59 AM
Just Needed to Ask BSC 7 2000-07-12 12:44 PM
I Believe Musicmaker1969 9 2000-07-12 09:56 AM
The Lighthouse Lighthousebob 7 2000-07-12 09:54 AM
Where is God When We Need Him? Elizabeth Santos 7 2000-07-12 09:19 AM
Salvation JP 8 2000-07-10 09:39 PM
Faith? JP 7 2000-07-10 09:32 PM
God's Wrath JP 6 2000-07-10 09:12 PM
Judgment Calling... Lighthousebob 5 2000-07-10 08:53 PM
Lesson Of Life pasqually 17 2000-07-10 12:22 PM
A Poem toes21 1 2000-07-09 09:42 PM
Blue Velvet Silence ellie LeJeune 6 2000-07-08 10:55 PM
Lord Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-08 12:14 PM
In The Footsteps Of The Savior Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-08 12:07 PM
The Word Lighthousebob 6 2000-07-08 08:39 AM
I Will Dance Musicmaker1969 4 2000-07-07 06:57 PM
To The Victory I Long To Win ROSE MARY 10 2000-07-07 06:40 PM
The Fragrance of You ellie LeJeune 6 2000-07-07 04:28 PM
The River Musicmaker1969 3 2000-07-07 01:09 PM
Father of My Heart Musicmaker1969 3 2000-07-06 05:56 PM
Uncovered WhtDove 12 2000-07-06 05:53 PM
God's Wisdom Rex 5 2000-07-06 11:01 AM
Your Life is Your Own Parade deleeme 6 2000-07-06 10:57 AM
Jesus Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-06 10:51 AM
Jesus Whispers Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-05 10:21 PM
Someone Does Care Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-05 10:17 PM
My Shepherd Musicmaker1969 3 2000-07-05 08:02 PM
Abba Father Musicmaker1969 4 2000-07-05 07:57 PM
Love Will Not Depart Musicmaker1969 5 2000-07-05 07:49 PM
Storm Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-05 07:43 PM
Forever Young Musicmaker1969 5 2000-07-05 07:37 PM
Teacher of the Word Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-05 07:20 PM
My Child Musicmaker1969 2 2000-07-05 07:15 PM
feel the nails miriam 5 2000-07-05 01:17 PM
A Little Sunday Ritual Sunshine 6 2000-07-04 03:48 PM
The Dunes Rex 5 2000-07-04 03:43 PM
A wonderful Tree ROSE MARY 4 2000-07-04 01:06 PM
Church Pigeons Lighthousebob 4 2000-07-04 12:56 PM
Can't take my Salvation Alle'cram 8 2000-07-04 12:45 PM
In the "I AM" of the Storms deleeme 4 2000-07-04 12:40 PM
Blessed Muse ellie LeJeune 6 2000-07-03 10:42 PM
God is Here with Me Lost Dreamer 7 2000-07-03 10:35 PM
Calvary Rex 5 2000-07-03 04:55 PM
Secret Agent...? Lighthousebob 4 2000-07-02 11:31 PM
Driftwood sgreybe 4 2000-07-02 07:09 PM
Have you Ever jfreak 8 2000-07-01 12:12 PM
Angel's Secrets BSC 10 2000-06-30 12:07 PM
A Prayer JP 15 2000-06-30 09:43 AM
Shamu jfreak 6 2000-06-30 03:29 AM
Seeking Allstaria22 7 2000-06-29 01:43 PM
Where Do I Belong??? DJLI 5 2000-06-29 01:02 PM
Beloved ellie LeJeune 9 2000-06-29 10:03 AM
Prayer Warrior Lighthousebob 5 2000-06-29 10:00 AM
The Silent Liar deleeme 6 2000-06-29 09:34 AM
Had to share this WhtDove 5 2000-06-28 11:00 AM
God's Greatest Treasure Lighthousebob 7 2000-06-28 01:55 AM
Sunday's Thanks Sunshine 15 2000-06-27 09:44 PM
I Hear You... Sunshine 13 2000-06-27 02:52 PM
Love Musicmaker1969 6 2000-06-27 12:46 PM
From the Far Side Songbird 6 2000-06-27 12:40 PM
My Treasure BSC 7 2000-06-27 09:42 AM
There's a Man Lost Dreamer 9 2000-06-26 10:21 PM
A Passing Friend LadySofia 9 2000-06-26 10:10 PM
A Heartfelt Journey deleeme 5 2000-06-26 04:50 PM
Ocean Scene jennie may* 4 2000-06-26 12:41 PM
Open douglasbailey 7 2000-06-26 08:03 AM
...there might be angels... Tramp Poet 4 2000-06-26 02:22 AM
LifeTimes DJLI 3 2000-06-25 09:35 PM
First Week Songbird 2 2000-06-25 09:19 PM
Spirits Windchimes ellie LeJeune 10 2000-06-25 07:54 PM
Gone Too Soon BSC 10 2000-06-25 07:50 PM
Life Giving Waters ellie LeJeune 7 2000-06-25 07:47 PM
Who & what i am deleeme 5 2000-06-25 11:51 AM
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (haiku) Lighthousebob 4 2000-06-25 11:30 AM
If you can hear me... jennie may* 8 2000-06-25 01:09 AM
Make me whole douglasbailey 5 2000-06-24 09:11 PM
Encouragement for a Troubled Friend deleeme 9 2000-06-24 08:31 PM
Together Lost Dreamer 7 2000-06-24 08:25 PM
Taught to Forgive Lost Dreamer 4 2000-06-24 08:19 PM
He Lost Dreamer 6 2000-06-24 08:13 PM
The Maze ROSE MARY 7 2000-06-24 06:50 AM
Paradox Lighthousebob 6 2000-06-24 06:39 AM
If any one can answer my questions feel free thanks. douglasbailey 3 2000-06-23 07:57 PM
Rum bum Bum jfreak 7 2000-06-23 07:45 PM
One Way Alle'cram 10 2000-06-23 02:35 PM
Summers Morning Delight ellie LeJeune 10 2000-06-22 09:39 PM
Are Your Thanks Full? Lighthousebob 5 2000-06-21 09:42 PM
Counting On Love JustinPain 5 2000-06-21 06:54 PM
My Evening Prayer Geo 6 2000-06-21 06:45 PM
Five Suns FlyHigh 6 2000-06-21 02:39 PM
questions Tramp Poet 9 2000-06-21 12:22 PM
Another Dawn Allstaria22 5 2000-06-20 10:24 AM
Over The Hills Lighthousebob 3 2000-06-19 11:54 PM
Summer Daze BSC 8 2000-06-19 10:11 PM
Dad-(Gone-but still with me) deleeme 6 2000-06-19 08:27 AM
My Dear Sister Ellie Dennis L. White 6 2000-06-18 06:41 AM
In Nine Long Lighthousebob 7 2000-06-17 10:24 PM
Spreading It Sunshine 11 2000-06-17 10:15 AM
Not Mine Jeen 8 2000-06-16 10:12 PM
A New And Glorious Day Lighthousebob 3 2000-06-16 02:40 PM
What, Who & Where? deleeme 6 2000-06-16 02:16 PM
Keeping Me On Your Mind ROSE MARY 2 2000-06-16 02:11 PM
If You Are a God of Love? Lighthousebob 10 2000-06-16 11:26 AM
~~Eternal Dance~~ ellie LeJeune 7 2000-06-15 11:52 PM
I believe you died zorkon65 3 2000-06-15 11:05 PM
It Rippled Today Sunshine 9 2000-06-15 04:58 PM
To Be or Not to be? jfreak 10 2000-06-15 04:04 PM
New Romanticism brian madden 4 2000-06-15 02:17 PM
Vain Visions WhtDove 8 2000-06-15 12:59 PM
This One's For You Dad BSC 4 2000-06-15 12:49 PM
The mark jfreak 10 2000-06-15 12:11 PM
Connect The Dots ROSE MARY 5 2000-06-14 11:57 PM
I thank God for Friends deleeme 7 2000-06-14 08:58 PM
I am not a partime God ROSE MARY 4 2000-06-14 08:52 PM
~~Deep Spring~~ ellie LeJeune 10 2000-06-14 08:15 PM
The Rest of My Days Dennis L. White 9 2000-06-14 07:31 PM
~~Tides of Acceptance~~ ellie LeJeune 5 2000-06-14 05:33 PM
who among the crowd Allstaria22 6 2000-06-14 02:51 PM
Dirty Allstaria22 7 2000-06-14 02:43 PM
My Beautiful Carefree Robin ROSE MARY 2 2000-06-14 11:49 AM
Safe Allstaria22 4 2000-06-14 11:49 AM
What You Offer ROSE MARY 5 2000-06-14 11:46 AM
truth and grace pharon 5 2000-06-14 11:26 AM
What do I do? (part prayer part poem) zorkon65 4 2000-06-14 11:18 AM
Child Of God erieval 5 2000-06-14 09:15 AM
Untitled lynkx 2 2000-06-14 09:02 AM
Healing lynkx 3 2000-06-13 08:41 PM
Garden of TAO. repost from Open forum 7 brian madden 6 2000-06-12 11:13 PM
Change in the forums! Poet deVine 1 2000-06-11 10:13 AM
Call me Back from the Pain Sunshine 12 2000-06-10 02:45 PM
Souls on the Wind Rodney Belcher 4 2000-06-10 12:30 PM
~~Promises yet to keep~~ ellie LeJeune 6 2000-06-10 12:23 PM
Born a Mountain Climber Songbird 7 2000-06-10 12:18 PM
the newness of our spirit ROSE MARY 6 2000-06-10 12:10 PM
All Around Me Jesus ROSE MARY 3 2000-06-10 12:02 PM
Thank God He made me a Man deleeme 5 2000-06-10 11:56 AM
~~Silent Song~~ ellie LeJeune 7 2000-06-10 11:51 AM
I Asked For Inspiration (Written as a reply to a post by Sunshine) hoot_owl_rn 10 2000-06-10 08:40 AM
rainbow after the storm ROSE MARY 4 2000-06-09 11:21 PM
His Creations ROSE MARY 5 2000-06-09 09:59 PM
~God's Painting Haiku~ Honeybee 9 2000-06-08 07:24 PM
Spiritual Limericks deleeme 3 2000-06-08 07:21 PM
Never Alone Rodney Belcher 9 2000-06-08 07:18 PM
Security jfreak 6 2000-06-08 05:32 PM
Evening Splendor BSC 6 2000-06-08 02:10 PM
~~Mixed Messages~~ ellie LeJeune 7 2000-06-08 11:29 AM
Dreams! Sudhir Iyer 5 2000-06-07 12:42 PM
The Old Clothes ROSE MARY 2 2000-06-07 12:23 PM
Janie Marie Jester59701 12 2000-06-07 12:16 PM
what do you want of me? zorkon65 4 2000-06-07 12:11 PM
God is like a Magnet Geo 6 2000-06-07 09:57 AM
Thank You Sunshine 7 2000-06-06 11:44 PM
i'm going to die today pharon 7 2000-06-06 12:35 PM
I Went To Church This Morning Songbird 6 2000-06-06 12:23 PM
What is Mine [dedicated to Alle'cram] Sunshine 5 2000-06-06 08:54 AM
prayer Alle'cram 5 2000-06-06 04:27 AM
New Day's Charm BSC 7 2000-06-05 11:58 PM
To YOU.................from me.............. Sunshine 7 2000-06-05 09:55 PM
A Purposeful Life deleeme 5 2000-06-05 09:32 PM
Welcome Alle'cram 11 2000-06-05 03:50 PM
Glad Reunion Days(a Pantoum?) deleeme 4 2000-06-05 02:34 PM
the shoe box in the closet ROSE MARY 8 2000-06-05 01:15 PM
Without Prejudice Songbird 12 2000-06-05 12:24 PM
The Best Job BSC 6 2000-06-05 12:08 PM
The Promise Keeper Geo 5 2000-06-05 12:03 PM
Dust to Dust Elizabeth Santos 11 2000-06-05 11:14 AM
A Cherub in the Garden BSC 6 2000-06-04 11:06 PM
~Fruit of the Spirit~ ellie LeJeune 5 2000-06-04 01:54 PM
Will ya'll Hate me? netswan 9 2000-06-04 08:14 AM
Mom Please Hear What I Am Saying ROSE MARY 4 2000-06-03 01:31 PM
Sitting in the sun rwood 10 2000-06-03 12:43 PM
Just to let you know WhtDove 6 2000-06-02 11:55 PM
Exactly ellie LeJeune 8 2000-06-02 10:19 PM
God Persued Me (Sunshine's challenge) sandgrain 7 2000-06-02 10:02 PM
3 "D's" for 3"D's" deleeme 7 2000-06-02 09:48 PM
Circle of Faith Sunshine 8 2000-06-02 06:37 PM
One of my many Religious Songs netswan 4 2000-06-02 04:55 PM
Buckle Up With Jesus ROSE MARY 6 2000-06-02 04:45 PM
Butterflies Know ellie LeJeune 9 2000-06-02 09:12 AM
I Remember the Moment (Sunshine's Challenge) BSC 10 2000-06-02 08:48 AM
Oh What a Dream I'm Dreaming! deleeme 10 2000-06-01 11:45 PM
Emotions from God sandgrain 14 2000-06-01 11:37 PM
The Burden Elizabeth Santos 14 2000-06-01 10:01 PM
~My Life Lesson~ Honeybee 7 2000-06-01 04:56 PM
The Irony of Life's Greatest Investor deleeme 7 2000-06-01 04:50 PM
THE GALL Mark 15:23 Scarlet Lady 4 2000-06-01 10:29 AM
Fathomless Goodness & Greatness deleeme 6 2000-06-01 10:12 AM
A Prayer LyricFetish 6 2000-05-31 08:36 PM
Beyond Our Asking purplesunshine 5 2000-05-31 08:32 PM
use that paycheck daily ROSE MARY 6 2000-05-31 06:40 PM
The Night I Found God (Challenge) Elizabeth Santos 14 2000-05-31 01:53 PM
Word Power Jester59701 11 2000-05-31 09:55 AM
-Life- Lindsay Kaznowski 7 2000-05-30 06:52 PM
Do you ever feel... WhtDove 17 2000-05-30 10:06 AM
Grandma's Hand jwesley 7 2000-05-29 05:46 PM
Reflections of Heaven -Sunshine's challenge brian madden 10 2000-05-29 05:45 PM
Loves Refining Fires - A Sonnet ellie LeJeune 8 2000-05-29 03:31 PM
While God Stood Watch Marge Tindal 7 2000-05-29 02:30 PM
A Gentle Love Lindsay Kaznowski 6 2000-05-29 02:13 PM
Sunshine's Challenge (story) WhtDove 7 2000-05-29 12:17 PM
The First Sunday (Sunshine's challenge) Songbird 7 2000-05-29 11:02 AM
Birds, Stinging Bees and God (Sunshine's Challenge) LadySofia 9 2000-05-29 10:48 AM
Take His Love Scarlet Lady 6 2000-05-29 10:09 AM
When You Cry Alone jwesley 10 2000-05-29 10:08 AM
Lead Us Alle'cram 7 2000-05-29 10:07 AM
The Auction (brought back up for Sunshine's challenge) Echo Rhayne 17 2000-05-28 05:49 PM
Years Ago And Eons Past jwesley 5 2000-05-27 11:10 PM
Sunshine's Challenge (Mini-Story) Alle'cram 7 2000-05-27 11:03 PM
A Cry to Sunder the Stillness... LadySofia 4 2000-05-27 06:20 PM
The Lover's Relentless Persuit ellie LeJeune 7 2000-05-27 04:50 PM
We all know the years allan 5 2000-05-27 01:54 PM
testing ROSE MARY 3 2000-05-27 12:34 PM
Welcome some Sunshine in your life Poet deVine 14 2000-05-27 12:28 PM
Darkness Dispelled (Sunshines Challenge) ellie LeJeune 5 2000-05-27 12:23 PM
This Lonely School ROSE MARY 4 2000-05-27 12:00 PM
First Challenge from Sunshine...get ready, get set, go! Sunshine 11 2000-05-27 11:48 AM
The Broken Vessel Echo Rhayne 11 2000-05-26 08:53 PM
Invisible Men Alle'cram 6 2000-05-26 05:34 PM
What is on the horizon zorkon65 5 2000-05-26 05:34 PM
Overpowering kari 5 2000-05-26 03:04 PM
In The End jwesley 6 2000-05-25 08:51 PM
Look For Light His Gifts To Come [my first post as co-moderator] Sunshine 10 2000-05-25 08:19 PM
Journey Of A Tear Drop ROSE MARY 6 2000-05-25 10:12 AM
holiday in the valley of death Tramp Poet 10 2000-05-25 02:01 AM
Where will you go? Karen 4 2000-05-25 01:52 AM
Drenching Grace ellie LeJeune 3 2000-05-23 09:20 PM
?? title ?? pharon 5 2000-05-23 08:56 PM
Songs of Praise Alle'cram 4 2000-05-23 05:22 PM
My Place in this world! Ardonida 3 2000-05-23 03:56 PM
If There Were No Words Songbird 6 2000-05-22 09:20 PM
Reminder of His Love Geo 6 2000-05-22 09:05 PM
anywhere but there pharon 4 2000-05-22 08:59 PM
Letter From Heaven WhtDove 2 2000-05-22 12:48 PM
Poor Man whipsnade 8 2000-05-22 11:50 AM
To Die For Loves Sake ellie LeJeune 7 2000-05-22 11:39 AM
A hurting Spirit Ardonida 4 2000-05-21 10:24 PM
SIT", "WALK", "STAND"(3 Keys to EPHESIANS) deleeme 2 2000-05-21 06:16 PM
A Messenger ROSE MARY 3 2000-05-21 04:23 PM
Prayer of Thanks - Restored Vision poetFemmeFatale 3 2000-05-21 01:00 PM
Beside a River of Destiny LadySofia 7 2000-05-21 06:39 AM
I am a Jesus freak ROSE MARY 5 2000-05-20 11:42 PM
A Simple Thank You Snb4everm 9 2000-05-20 11:33 PM
Help me, Lord deleeme 5 2000-05-20 11:25 PM
Walking by Faith Alle'cram 7 2000-05-20 08:25 PM
Mighty Little Wings BSC 8 2000-05-20 08:10 PM
Witnessing DFen213 6 2000-05-20 08:06 PM
Thoughts Geo 6 2000-05-20 08:02 PM
Canvas Sky ellie LeJeune 5 2000-05-20 07:59 PM
HABITS: Yea & Nay deleeme 6 2000-05-20 07:56 PM
Goodbye Mom Snb4everm 8 2000-05-20 12:29 PM
Live Life For a Reason DFen213 9 2000-05-20 12:12 PM
Tomorrow Is Another Day jwesley 5 2000-05-19 10:50 PM
May I Dennis L. White 7 2000-05-19 06:01 PM
I Want You To Know Snb4everm 9 2000-05-18 10:58 PM
Follow A Blessing ROSE MARY 4 2000-05-18 10:47 PM
Evening's Answers BSC 5 2000-05-18 10:39 PM
The Old Town Country Doctor Kavika 8 2000-05-18 04:34 PM
Get Thee Behind Me Jonas 12 2000-05-18 04:05 PM
Standing Over You with Jesus as My Friend kari 5 2000-05-18 02:01 PM
love is a heavenly gift ROSE MARY 6 2000-05-18 12:54 PM
A Prayer for True Humility deleeme 6 2000-05-18 08:39 AM
A Wonderful World Cyndol Claycamp 4 2000-05-18 08:19 AM
Spirit Dance Wobbly Head Bob 10 2000-05-17 02:46 PM
Serendipity ellie LeJeune 8 2000-05-17 11:43 AM
Thy Ways Dennis L. White 6 2000-05-17 05:33 AM
Ruach (Spirit) WhtDove 12 2000-05-16 09:39 PM
Bless This House Songbird 6 2000-05-16 07:10 PM
The Library 's Grand Opening deleeme 7 2000-05-16 11:21 AM
My Child - Where Have You Gone? Snb4everm 9 2000-05-16 08:45 AM
Mother's Love pharon 5 2000-05-15 04:00 PM
Oh May I Truly See!(Isis Challenge) deleeme 3 2000-05-15 12:14 PM
And Then There Was Sun BSC 8 2000-05-15 02:19 AM
Judgement Day Kavika 7 2000-05-14 08:47 PM
The greatest reward of a child rwood 8 2000-05-14 12:42 PM
Rebirth Kevin Taylor 4 2000-05-14 12:27 PM
What's For Dinner? Kavika 6 2000-05-14 12:04 PM
50th Anniversary of Dianetics Kevin Taylor 11 2000-05-14 05:17 AM
The Store Of Life ROSE MARY 4 2000-05-14 05:10 AM
The Calm After the Storm WhtDove 15 2000-05-13 11:18 PM
on threshold of adulthood... Tramp Poet 11 2000-05-13 08:24 PM
It's Your Day Mom!!! BSC 11 2000-05-13 03:31 PM
I've Lost my Mind ellie LeJeune 9 2000-05-13 12:20 PM
Ode to A Friend soulfulpoet 3 2000-05-13 03:54 AM
losing a friend soulfulpoet 6 2000-05-13 03:51 AM
Will in the Tree KimW 10 2000-05-12 11:06 PM
You Are a Garden in my Life ellie LeJeune 5 2000-05-12 10:59 PM
Sorry soulfulpoet 3 2000-05-12 10:59 PM
His Hand Karen 8 2000-05-12 06:35 PM
A New Day Dennis L. White 9 2000-05-11 11:44 PM
Slumber's Kingdom BSC 5 2000-05-11 11:24 PM
Take A Break zorkon65 3 2000-05-11 11:20 PM
Thief zorkon65 2 2000-05-11 11:17 PM
Chains: sgreybe 4 2000-05-11 11:08 PM
Step By Step I'll Find Jesus ROSE MARY 6 2000-05-11 11:07 PM
My Mom The Gift of Love ROSE MARY 7 2000-05-11 10:54 PM
Your Little Boat ROSE MARY 4 2000-05-11 08:19 PM
I'm Gettin' Old I Reckon Kavika 12 2000-05-11 10:22 AM
PAIN: A Foe or Friend? deleeme 8 2000-05-11 03:42 AM
They Came Elizabeth Santos 8 2000-05-11 02:38 AM
Forget- me -not ellie LeJeune 9 2000-05-10 11:38 PM
New Paths ellie LeJeune 10 2000-05-10 11:01 PM
With Mother's Day Approaching... deleeme 7 2000-05-10 10:53 PM
Gauntlet Jonas 9 2000-05-10 10:06 PM
God"s Team ROSE MARY 6 2000-05-10 10:00 PM
To The Victory I Long To Win ROSE MARY 2 2000-05-10 12:02 PM
The Lighthouse ROSE MARY 7 2000-05-09 11:51 PM
Shedding Scales (Isis Challenge) Alle'cram 4 2000-05-09 10:27 PM
miscellaneous Alle'cram 8 2000-05-09 07:43 AM
A Mother's imagination rwood 8 2000-05-09 07:38 AM
Adultery ???? - Please Comment paulsm 12 2000-05-09 02:35 AM
the Voice of God? Tramp Poet 4 2000-05-08 09:50 PM
Divineness Lost Dreamer 5 2000-05-08 05:25 PM
Why do we ROSE MARY 6 2000-05-08 10:44 AM
Searching Poet deVine 13 2000-05-07 12:13 PM
An Alien Abduction Jester59701 17 2000-05-07 05:29 AM
The Fortress sgreybe 8 2000-05-06 06:07 PM
calling back to wisdom son of man 9 2000-05-06 05:44 PM
Cancer AGAIN? (Update) sandgrain 9 2000-05-06 01:32 PM
Prodigal Friend Jester59701 9 2000-05-06 12:25 PM
The Famine WhtDove 13 2000-05-06 09:02 AM
Responsibility Carl 5 2000-05-06 06:23 AM
Passions Alle'cram 6 2000-05-05 11:53 PM
Oh Dear, He's Graduating!!!! BSC 7 2000-05-05 11:46 PM
give birth to his poetry ROSE MARY 5 2000-05-05 11:24 PM
My Leaf ROSE MARY 4 2000-05-05 11:10 PM
I Am A Grain Of Sand Songbird 12 2000-05-05 09:03 PM
In the Middle of the Storm WhtDove 12 2000-05-05 05:34 PM
Clouds Forrest Cain 5 2000-05-05 04:59 PM
Radar Installed Alle'cram 8 2000-05-05 04:56 PM
My Life's Billboard (My challenge) WhtDove 15 2000-05-05 09:44 AM
I Haven't a Clue! ellie LeJeune 8 2000-05-05 09:21 AM
My Life's Billboard(Dove's Challenge) deleeme 3 2000-05-05 09:14 AM
Dove's challange (My life's billboard) Jester59701 11 2000-05-05 08:16 AM
Dove's Challenge {My Life's Billboard} ellie LeJeune 8 2000-05-04 07:21 PM
Dove's Challenge (Life's Billboard) BSC 6 2000-05-04 07:08 PM
Dove's Challenge (Life's Billboard) Alle'cram 7 2000-05-04 06:58 PM
Dove's Challenge (My life's billboard) sandgrain 6 2000-05-04 11:42 AM
Life's Billboard deleeme 11 2000-05-04 11:15 AM
Challenge Time....... WhtDove 4 2000-05-03 09:48 PM
Eternities Cloak Forrest Cain 9 2000-05-03 01:35 PM
One Bell Forrest Cain 6 2000-05-03 01:33 PM
Submissive Questionings deleeme 8 2000-05-03 12:46 PM
Beauty in the Night BSC 8 2000-05-03 10:22 AM
The Mighty Sword ! ellie LeJeune 9 2000-05-03 10:16 AM
Writer's Block? Jester59701 9 2000-05-02 10:57 PM
exalted son of man 10 2000-05-02 07:10 PM
A Wonderful Tree ROSE MARY 7 2000-05-02 10:48 AM
Holiday Inn rwood 7 2000-05-02 10:40 AM
The Teacher Forrest Cain 6 2000-05-02 10:15 AM
a letter to the lamb son of man 9 2000-05-02 10:11 AM
Boundaries of Grace ellie LeJeune 8 2000-05-01 11:32 PM
Behind the Waterfall BSC 7 2000-05-01 10:27 PM
Gods Truth Forrest Cain 8 2000-05-01 10:19 PM
Our Walk Alle'cram 9 2000-05-01 09:49 PM
Transversing Life's Intersections deleeme 8 2000-05-01 09:39 PM
To Feel Loved ellie LeJeune 6 2000-04-30 10:24 PM
Flowers from the enemy rwood 8 2000-04-30 04:47 PM
Three Steps Back BSC 8 2000-04-30 12:59 PM
Dear Children Dennis L. White 8 2000-04-30 12:38 PM
I Looked to Him UndyingLove 9 2000-04-30 08:59 AM
The Turtle Songbird 7 2000-04-30 08:34 AM
Amazed (i don't know if this is the definite title) pharon 8 2000-04-30 03:54 AM
April Rain ellie LeJeune 12 2000-04-30 01:07 AM
The Great Smoky Mountains rwood 9 2000-04-29 07:50 PM
My Tarnished Nation Dennis L. White 10 2000-04-29 01:02 PM
A Bad Day at the Office(PILATE)[Part Four] deleeme 12 2000-04-28 11:17 AM
Spring Cleaning sandgrain 11 2000-04-28 10:54 AM
Our" Garden BSC 8 2000-04-28 01:51 AM
The invisible rwood 9 2000-04-28 01:24 AM
sacrifice son of man 6 2000-04-27 09:29 PM
Grateful Reflections deleeme 9 2000-04-27 05:35 PM
A Babe in His Arms ellie LeJeune 7 2000-04-27 02:23 AM
Love Does Not Hurt ROSE MARY 5 2000-04-26 10:39 PM
The white flag mirjam 12 2000-04-26 09:52 PM
From The Heavens I Feel A Sprinkle Lost Dreamer 6 2000-04-25 11:24 PM
An Easter Egg For Jesus Marge Tindal 9 2000-04-25 11:15 PM
Jack in the Box mirjam 8 2000-04-25 10:52 PM
Let Go Of The Stone rainchild 5 2000-04-25 08:38 PM
Trancedent Wonder Forrest Cain 6 2000-04-25 08:33 PM
We Are Here Forrest Cain 5 2000-04-25 08:29 PM
He is Risen Nan 6 2000-04-25 08:22 PM
Master Of The Storm rainchild 8 2000-04-25 08:17 PM
Don't Walk Away ROSE MARY 3 2000-04-25 08:12 PM
Following Jesus Forrest Cain 6 2000-04-25 07:03 PM
the battle zorkon65 4 2000-04-25 06:35 PM
Sea of Forgetfulness Scarlet Lady 3 2000-04-25 06:18 PM
A Bad Day at the Office(PILATE)[Part Three] deleeme 5 2000-04-25 11:03 AM
A Bad Day at the Office(PILATE)[Part Two] deleeme 4 2000-04-25 10:59 AM
A Bad Day at the Office(PILATE)[Part One] deleeme 4 2000-04-25 10:54 AM
This Old Church BSC 6 2000-04-24 11:52 PM
Sentient zorkon65 5 2000-04-24 03:22 PM
Walls Michael 11 2000-04-24 02:21 AM
Jesus Loves my Chaos ! ellie LeJeune 6 2000-04-23 10:29 PM
Who can Imagine such a Fire?(dhuron challenge) deleeme 7 2000-04-23 10:21 PM
end of the rainbow ROSE MARY 8 2000-04-23 10:01 PM
Amazing Grace Danny Holloway 17 2000-04-23 12:55 PM
I See Your Risen Face ! ellie LeJeune 7 2000-04-23 12:07 PM
What's a Miracle? Nan 11 2000-04-22 03:30 PM
Prophecy Enacted erieval 8 2000-04-22 02:03 PM
His Hidden Glade BSC 8 2000-04-22 10:19 AM
The Answer LindaMac 7 2000-04-22 10:04 AM
Senseless Tragedy Part 1 WhtDove 25 2000-04-22 09:59 AM
One God Elizabeth Santos 8 2000-04-21 03:10 PM
A Lighthouse sandgrain 8 2000-04-21 02:52 PM
I Upward Glanced Elizabeth Santos 6 2000-04-21 12:48 PM
Senseless Tragedy Part 2 WhtDove 27 2000-04-21 12:03 PM
Senseless Tragedy Turned Miracle WhtDove 25 2000-04-21 12:00 PM
The Wonders of God Stephen Jones 4 2000-04-21 03:05 AM
The Answer LindaMac 4 2000-04-20 11:17 PM
His Wounds ellie LeJeune 8 2000-04-20 11:09 PM
Misery ROSE MARY 5 2000-04-20 11:05 PM
Because Michael 29 2000-04-20 10:56 PM
Precious Little Treasure erieval 2 2000-04-20 10:52 PM
Gardens of Tomorrow ellie LeJeune 9 2000-04-20 10:49 PM
Eternal Life Marge Tindal 12 2000-04-20 07:43 PM
God's Crossword Puzzle Michael 36 2000-04-20 06:15 PM
Lighthouse erieval 9 2000-04-20 12:39 PM
God's Greatest Gift LindaMac 10 2000-04-19 10:11 PM
A Dream's a Dream Elizabeth Santos 2 2000-04-19 09:48 AM
~Unjustified Passage~ devina 11 2000-04-18 11:04 PM
Looking for Jesus? Find Him in the Word! deleeme 7 2000-04-18 10:50 PM
Peering Through the Windows BSC 7 2000-04-18 09:19 PM
While He Was Passing By Songbird 6 2000-04-18 01:40 AM
With out a Doubt Joel the wolf 6 2000-04-18 01:14 AM
God Takes and Gives Elizabeth Santos 12 2000-04-17 11:50 PM
Esquisite Gift (Repost from Open #5) Elizabeth Santos 8 2000-04-17 11:00 AM
Alex - The Pied Piper ! ellie LeJeune 5 2000-04-16 11:30 PM
The Search WhtDove 20 2000-04-16 11:07 PM
Every Single Moment BSC 10 2000-04-16 10:52 PM
Hewn in Love ( Re post from the corner Pub) Jon Mewett 9 2000-04-16 10:47 PM
The Waiting Room ROSE MARY 5 2000-04-16 09:51 PM
It Only was...or was it? (tori challenge) deleeme 7 2000-04-16 09:38 PM
A Challenge ... WhtDove 5 2000-04-16 10:59 AM
Final Hour kynder 7 2000-04-15 02:12 PM
Love Changes Quickly Like the Seasons Madden18 1 2000-04-14 11:44 PM
Forgiven Marge Tindal 13 2000-04-14 10:19 PM
Tommy's Lie Alle'cram 5 2000-04-14 08:39 PM
Sin's Local Object lesson deleeme 7 2000-04-14 08:06 PM
Change my Ways ROSE MARY 5 2000-04-14 01:26 PM
HOW DID YOU GET SO ANGRY? (Tori's challenge) ellie LeJeune 8 2000-04-14 01:15 PM
To Gwen - His Newest Angel BSC 4 2000-04-14 12:53 PM
Good Morning Lord ROSE MARY 5 2000-04-14 12:04 PM
Raining bullets rwood 6 2000-04-14 10:04 AM
A Matter of FAITH, Not FATE deleeme 7 2000-04-14 09:52 AM
Shattered Silence (Tori's Challenge) BSC 5 2000-04-14 07:01 AM
An Easter Walk ROSE MARY 5 2000-04-13 11:55 PM
You Can do Nothing Apart From me - John15:5 ellie LeJeune 7 2000-04-13 11:25 PM
The Lion and the Lamb songwater 5 2000-04-13 11:22 PM
Upon My Face (Repost From Open # ?) Denise 12 2000-04-13 11:17 PM
Coastline kynder 4 2000-04-13 11:14 PM
Priceless Gifts ROSE MARY 6 2000-04-13 11:00 PM
Look Within (repost from the archives) WhtDove 12 2000-04-11 08:53 PM
The I.R.S. and You deleeme 7 2000-04-11 08:21 PM
Walk in The Light ellie LeJeune 6 2000-04-11 07:56 PM
The Crucifix Songbird 6 2000-04-11 07:45 PM
~ I'm Sorry ~ Rex Allen McCoy 8 2000-04-11 06:46 PM
an invatation to you ROSE MARY 4 2000-04-11 06:14 PM
A Poem ROSE MARY 7 2000-04-11 12:21 PM
#2 Easter Poem ROSE MARY 4 2000-04-10 11:34 PM
Dancing in the wind songwater 9 2000-04-10 06:35 PM
Spring is in the Air achicade 9 2000-04-10 06:20 PM
~Gifts Of This Day~ dedicated to passions poets Janet Marie 3 2000-04-10 06:16 PM
Through the eyes of Jesus (NC) WhtDove 15 2000-04-09 10:22 PM
Raining Tranquility BSC 6 2000-04-09 10:16 PM
April Snow ellie LeJeune 5 2000-04-09 10:02 PM
I,Judas Iscariot [Part Two] deleeme 7 2000-04-09 09:38 PM
I, Judas Iscariot [Part One] deleeme 6 2000-04-09 09:34 PM
The Baker (nc) ellie LeJeune 6 2000-04-09 07:04 PM
Dying(please read) Nikkisweet 7 2000-04-09 05:44 PM
Violets Crushed ellie LeJeune 6 2000-04-09 04:47 PM
Godspeed My Friend BSC 6 2000-04-09 03:35 PM
He Is Risen(nc) BSC 4 2000-04-09 03:23 PM
My Sweet Maresy Bears ellie LeJeune 8 2000-04-08 08:42 AM
Psalms 127 Revisited Dennis L. White 4 2000-04-07 11:23 PM
My Weakness, His Strength Jonas 5 2000-04-07 04:39 PM
break me LORD pharon 7 2000-04-06 10:46 PM
Count It All Joy pharon 7 2000-04-06 10:41 PM
CLEOPAS: My Amazing True Story (nc) deleeme 7 2000-04-06 08:59 PM
Soul Mate erieval 5 2000-04-06 05:33 PM
Savior **Angel** 6 2000-04-06 02:09 PM
Could it Be? BSC 9 2000-04-06 02:06 PM
Your Magic Touch BSC 6 2000-04-06 02:02 PM
The Soul of Wisdom....1st post here Mensah Olatunji 3 2000-04-06 12:49 PM
Learning from Life's Painful Lessons deleeme 6 2000-04-05 11:47 PM
Time for a new Challenge(NC) deleeme 2 2000-04-05 10:20 PM
Hey every one put in a line or two MelBear 11 2000-04-05 04:20 PM
Brink of Belief KimW 11 2000-04-05 08:22 AM
God Makes Fairy Tales Come True ellie LeJeune 6 2000-04-05 08:16 AM
Mourning Dove, Don't Mourn For me ellie LeJeune 8 2000-04-04 09:42 PM
Dear Friend..... pharon 5 2000-04-04 08:06 PM
Unto You For Good, #21 Finale Songbird 7 2000-04-04 08:02 PM
Just For Today : -^ {) deleeme 6 2000-04-04 07:54 PM
Unto You For Good, #20 Songbird 3 2000-04-04 12:52 PM
Hawk ellie LeJeune 5 2000-04-03 11:01 PM
Mary erieval 3 2000-04-03 10:57 PM
Unto You For Good, #19 Songbird 3 2000-04-02 08:25 PM
Equally Yoked Michael 8 2000-04-02 06:50 PM
Forest without any Trees. pmc 8 2000-04-02 12:22 PM
The Search Thurman 7 2000-04-02 10:06 AM
You Build Towering Castles Lost Dreamer 13 2000-04-01 07:21 PM
Unto You For Good, #17 Songbird 4 2000-04-01 03:37 PM
Unto You For Good, #18 The Noon Dinner Songbird 5 2000-04-01 01:38 PM
Unto You For Good, #16 Songbird 4 2000-04-01 12:54 PM
Sin In Ignorance WhtDove 12 2000-03-31 12:40 PM
Three Days and Three Nights ! Dennis L. White 9 2000-03-31 08:57 AM
Grandma's Lessons Alle'cram 9 2000-03-30 09:45 PM
The Day The Smiley Faces Cried MelBear 7 2000-03-30 09:16 PM
Gratefully Yours ellie LeJeune 5 2000-03-30 09:01 PM
Laura ellie LeJeune 7 2000-03-30 08:38 PM
Unto You For Good, #15 Songbird 4 2000-03-30 06:24 PM
I am God WhtDove 7 2000-03-30 10:39 AM
Do You Have...? Yes You Do...! deleeme 8 2000-03-30 07:54 AM
Empty Eyes erieval 5 2000-03-30 07:11 AM
Exhausted Jim !!! ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-30 07:05 AM
With JIM as my Guardian Angel (EL Challenge) deleeme 8 2000-03-30 07:01 AM
Taste The Music erieval 6 2000-03-30 06:54 AM
Beauty Flutters on Fragile Wings Stephen Jones 5 2000-03-30 06:43 AM
No other rwood 4 2000-03-30 06:19 AM
I Am Helpless Scarlet Lady 3 2000-03-30 06:14 AM
Unto You For Good, #14 Songbird 4 2000-03-29 09:43 PM
Unto You For Good, #13 Songbird 3 2000-03-29 09:40 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 12, Guilty Conscious Songbird 4 2000-03-29 09:38 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 11 Songbird 4 2000-03-29 09:37 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 10 Songbird 3 2000-03-29 09:34 PM
The Proud Robin ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-29 08:49 PM
The Son's Light Aiden Kelly 11 2000-03-29 06:21 PM
Within the Hearts of Many Righteous Stephen Jones 4 2000-03-28 11:46 PM
School and God MelBear 3 2000-03-28 11:22 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 9, The Decree Songbird 3 2000-03-28 08:48 PM
Brothers And Sisters erieval 6 2000-03-28 03:11 PM
Every Step of the Way (Ellie's Challenge) BSC 6 2000-03-28 12:33 PM
I Am Persuaded (A Sonnet) Denise 13 2000-03-28 11:42 AM
Unto You For Good, Part 8, Songbird 3 2000-03-28 10:24 AM
Unto You For Good, Part 8 The Interpretation. Songbird 2 2000-03-27 09:54 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 7, Pharaoh's Dream Songbird 4 2000-03-27 09:44 PM
Elijah (dw challenge) WhtDove 23 2000-03-27 08:59 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 6, Genesis 40:1-23; 41:1 Songbird 5 2000-03-27 07:59 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 5, Genesis 29: 20-23 Songbird 3 2000-03-27 07:54 PM
Faith Is Believing...............#1 WhtDove 16 2000-03-27 07:45 PM
The Tiniest Angel of All (El challenge) rwood 11 2000-03-27 04:18 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 4, Genesis 39:13-19 Songbird 4 2000-03-27 02:58 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 3 Genesis 39:6-12 Songbird 4 2000-03-27 02:54 PM
Unto You For Good, Part 2 Genesis 39 Songbird 4 2000-03-27 02:51 PM
Unto You For Good (Part one) Genesis 37 Songbird 5 2000-03-27 02:48 PM
The Parable of The Sneaker! ellie LeJeune 7 2000-03-27 02:36 PM
Life's Springtime deleeme 6 2000-03-27 02:30 PM
Power-Play/or/Power-Way? deleeme 4 2000-03-26 08:33 PM
In Paths of Righteousness Stephen Jones 5 2000-03-26 07:49 PM
On My Way... deleeme 5 2000-03-26 07:46 PM
Heaven's Playground BSC 11 2000-03-26 06:41 PM
The Power of Choice deleeme 4 2000-03-26 03:37 PM
In Need of a Savior ! ellie LeJeune 6 2000-03-26 03:16 PM
These hills rwood 8 2000-03-26 09:25 AM
New Challenge !!! ellie LeJeune 4 2000-03-25 10:39 PM
Unlike Spring Time's Enigma deleeme 5 2000-03-25 08:27 PM
Rock rwood 6 2000-03-24 10:35 PM
The worried cow Ruthie J 9 2000-03-24 08:49 PM
Always And Forever erieval 5 2000-03-24 11:04 AM
New Angel Sparks 5 2000-03-23 11:07 AM
Magnolias on high rwood 3 2000-03-23 10:55 AM
Love for whom??? Ruthie J 5 2000-03-23 06:25 AM
Mission Impossible BSC 8 2000-03-22 11:12 PM
Like A little Child erieval 7 2000-03-22 11:09 PM
Little Prayers ellie LeJeune 7 2000-03-22 10:22 PM
How Do I Thank You? BSC 4 2000-03-22 10:08 PM
At Last!!! BSC 5 2000-03-22 08:24 PM
Life's rollercoaster rwood 5 2000-03-22 05:48 PM
Sparrows Also Dream Stephen Jones 10 2000-03-22 01:37 PM
My Quest (DW's Challenge) BSC 7 2000-03-22 01:30 PM
Joining my own Challenge(dw Challenge) deleeme 7 2000-03-22 01:28 PM
All Things! (dw challenge) Dennis L. White 10 2000-03-22 01:24 PM
Traveler I Christopher 6 2000-03-22 12:36 PM
Ways to E's Life's Tensions deleeme 7 2000-03-22 11:37 AM
When the..... Ruthie J 8 2000-03-22 10:42 AM
Of Butterflies Stephen Jones 6 2000-03-22 09:58 AM
EXAMPLE! Philippians2 v 5-11 ellie LeJeune 9 2000-03-22 09:49 AM
Jesus Touch Me erieval 5 2000-03-21 11:46 PM
A New Challenge for this Week(3/19-25/2000) deleeme 6 2000-03-21 07:21 PM
THE 23RD PSALM [DW challenge] ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-21 07:10 PM
have you ever really loved someone? Ruthie J 3 2000-03-21 07:03 PM
Soar....(DW challenge) rwood 7 2000-03-21 11:52 AM
The words they would not come to me Ruthie J 7 2000-03-21 11:50 AM
Not so Perfect! ellie LeJeune 10 2000-03-21 11:43 AM
Monarch Butterflies BSC 7 2000-03-21 02:33 AM
he was a phantom of delight shagirl 4 2000-03-20 08:17 PM
The Love Bird's Anniversary [3/19/2000] deleeme 6 2000-03-19 11:42 PM
The Sentinel of the Light BSC 6 2000-03-19 11:34 PM
My Mom maureen 8 2000-03-19 08:27 PM
The Treasure Entrusted & Secured (2 COR.4:5-10) deleeme 7 2000-03-19 04:54 PM
The garden gate rwood 5 2000-03-19 12:19 PM
The Empty Egg sandgrain 9 2000-03-18 10:24 PM
Papaw's Words - WhtDove's challenge???? BSC 5 2000-03-18 10:19 PM
In the beginning (Whtdove's challenge) rwood 4 2000-03-18 10:13 PM
Ola, a tribute rwood 6 2000-03-18 09:46 PM
Hi Guys....Miss You BSC 7 2000-03-18 06:59 PM
Spirit KimW 7 2000-03-18 06:25 PM
Determination or Devastation? deleeme 6 2000-03-18 04:10 PM
The Brightness of the Saved(the Challenge) deleeme 5 2000-03-18 03:39 PM
Never Beyond Your Reach WhtDove 13 2000-03-18 03:07 PM
Balaam's Talking Donkey Dennis L. White 9 2000-03-18 07:47 AM
Growing Old Gracefully? deleeme 8 2000-03-18 07:34 AM
Crooked Halos, Broken Wings BSC 9 2000-03-17 11:22 PM
My Anchor ellie LeJeune 7 2000-03-17 11:13 PM
Before the Light Departs deleeme 7 2000-03-17 11:11 PM
Hell Is Real Keli1019 5 2000-03-17 11:05 PM
Memories ken 5 2000-03-17 10:27 PM
My Angel awaits KimW 14 2000-03-17 10:07 PM
Nails, a prayer rwood 5 2000-03-17 07:56 PM
My Heavenly Friend Divine deleeme 10 2000-03-17 03:09 PM
What do you think? WhtDove 7 2000-03-17 10:24 AM
In the City rwood 7 2000-03-16 09:57 PM
A love Growing ill_tactics 8 2000-03-16 09:45 PM
Angels Sanctuary BSC 9 2000-03-16 09:31 PM
Some ramblings WhtDove 11 2000-03-16 09:28 PM
The Trouble with Tender/or/Tough deleeme 8 2000-03-16 09:24 PM
Fragile Freedom Willem 9 2000-03-16 08:24 PM
My Discovery: Childless, yet Cherished deleeme 11 2000-03-16 03:27 PM
Long Way Home Scarlet Lady 11 2000-03-16 05:05 AM
Deja Vue /// to Bsc and Cassie whipsnade 12 2000-03-15 11:33 PM
My Thanks-written by my son ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-15 09:11 PM
The Trail Songbird 9 2000-03-15 08:42 PM
The Church of our Lord deleeme 9 2000-03-15 08:25 PM
WARNING! Warming Waters sandgrain 10 2000-03-15 05:06 PM
What are dreams? rwood 7 2000-03-15 04:04 PM
Doxology Aiden Kelly 7 2000-03-15 03:56 PM
Stained Scarlet Lady 9 2000-03-15 09:20 AM
Molly Anne ellie LeJeune 7 2000-03-15 01:39 AM
A Few Little Words BSC 7 2000-03-14 11:23 PM
Alone! ellie LeJeune 9 2000-03-14 11:04 PM
Joyful Abandon ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-13 10:44 PM
A Mini-Course in Bible Interpretation deleeme 9 2000-03-13 09:46 PM
Eternity Alle'cram 6 2000-03-12 04:03 PM
Laughing..... BSC 8 2000-03-12 01:01 PM
A Hard Heart Melted Scarlet Lady 11 2000-03-12 10:36 AM
Challenge/Help WhtDove 12 2000-03-11 11:44 PM
Heaven, Sweet Heaven Dennis L. White 12 2000-03-11 04:57 PM
What If WhtDove 13 2000-03-11 04:34 PM
Adult Child (repost from #6) BSC 7 2000-03-11 09:19 AM
We Are Nothing Apart From You ellie LeJeune 7 2000-03-11 09:03 AM
The Learning Process BSC 7 2000-03-11 08:44 AM
Flapping Folder Alle'cram 10 2000-03-11 08:33 AM
If Jesus Came Today (found on web) WhtDove 5 2000-03-10 11:08 PM
Trust in GOD, but Believe in the Devil deleeme 6 2000-03-10 10:06 PM
Only When ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-10 06:00 PM
food for thought mirjam 7 2000-03-10 12:45 PM
~Gifts From My Angel~ Janet Marie 8 2000-03-10 06:05 AM
Lothlorien whipsnade 12 2000-03-10 01:15 AM
All Things" Romans 8:28 ellie LeJeune 19 2000-03-09 08:51 PM
Fulfillment ellie LeJeune 9 2000-03-09 08:16 PM
The way rwood 7 2000-03-09 08:06 PM
Coming out of the Rain BSC 8 2000-03-09 08:05 PM
Watching me Andreja Nikki 6 2000-03-09 07:57 PM
Of Choosing Growth & the Serenity Prayer deleeme 9 2000-03-09 07:41 PM
Why? (a Psalm) Dennis L. White 8 2000-03-09 07:13 PM
The Shadow Of The Cross Michael 24 2000-03-09 12:36 PM
Little Boys....Where Does the Time Go?? BSC 5 2000-03-09 10:03 AM
God's Artistry (At the Lake) BSC 10 2000-03-09 01:41 AM
Here I Am Lord, Alle'cram 10 2000-03-09 01:37 AM
Value Discovered sandgrain 11 2000-03-08 03:18 PM
i'll always love you clynng2003 8 2000-03-08 02:55 PM
Sweet Dreams rwood 7 2000-03-08 02:43 PM
The Beginning of Angels ellie LeJeune 6 2000-03-08 02:40 PM
Springtime of my Life BSC 5 2000-03-08 10:39 AM
If You Let Him In (a sonnett w/ help from jbouder) bboog 8 2000-03-07 08:49 PM
Controversy rwood 10 2000-03-07 08:13 PM
Thank You All in this Forum BSC 9 2000-03-07 06:11 PM
Diagnosis: Terminal!!! deleeme 9 2000-03-07 04:17 PM
In Honor of God-fearing Women deleeme 7 2000-03-06 10:33 PM
Great link....beautiful rwood 5 2000-03-06 10:04 PM
Just wait LoveBug 3 2000-03-05 11:16 PM
Everywhere clynng2003 8 2000-03-05 09:23 PM
Sunday Morning in Spring! ellie LeJeune 4 2000-03-05 09:13 PM
The year of the dove rwood 6 2000-03-05 05:17 PM
~When Angels Fall~... Janet Marie 10 2000-03-05 11:25 AM
A Letter to my Angel paulsm 10 2000-03-05 10:56 AM
Alzheimer Buddha 9 2000-03-05 10:46 AM
God's Awesomeness WhtDove 14 2000-03-04 08:43 PM
The Greatest Gift of All Alle'cram 12 2000-03-04 06:28 PM
Signs along the Road of Life Dennis L. White 14 2000-03-04 01:32 PM
When it rains, he pours rwood 9 2000-03-04 12:56 PM
I'm Sorry to Ask Again.... BSC 10 2000-03-04 12:51 PM
Comfort me ellie LeJeune 14 2000-03-04 12:43 PM
The mist in the valley rwood 8 2000-03-04 12:11 PM
My Hope clynng2003 12 2000-03-04 11:03 AM
Delight Thyself in The Lord! ellie LeJeune 12 2000-03-03 09:41 PM
Heart Surgery sandgrain 14 2000-03-03 07:44 PM
Dancing In Dreams (Inspired by Ellie) BSC 10 2000-03-03 07:32 PM
First Hint of Spring! ellie LeJeune 8 2000-03-03 06:31 PM
May I....... deleeme 9 2000-03-03 11:41 AM
His Only Son sandgrain 9 2000-03-03 10:55 AM
Appointment with Christ mirjam 14 2000-03-03 10:14 AM
Song ellie LeJeune 11 2000-03-02 08:48 PM
Motherhood rwood 10 2000-03-02 01:04 AM
My Kite Songbird 10 2000-03-01 10:29 PM
Isn't This Funny??? WhtDove 9 2000-03-01 11:33 AM
Compassion to Realization sandgrain 7 2000-03-01 10:06 AM
The Rest Will Come BSC 8 2000-03-01 08:38 AM
Of "Common" Things Stephen Jones 8 2000-02-29 11:54 PM
When God Sighs Poet deVine 14 2000-02-29 11:49 PM
Relying on Him (repost again...the last of the "oldies") January Flowers 6 2000-02-29 05:22 PM
God, my Rock Please be ellie LeJeune 4 2000-02-29 05:03 PM
THE COLD WITHIN (Author unknown) deleeme 6 2000-02-29 04:33 PM
Here am I Dennis L. White 8 2000-02-29 04:21 PM
Jesus Was--and Jesus Is! deleeme 8 2000-02-29 03:56 PM
God Is Love Lost Dreamer 11 2000-02-29 12:04 PM
The Simple Things Dennis L. White 8 2000-02-28 11:27 PM
Getting the Best out of Blessings! deleeme 7 2000-02-28 11:12 PM
Sweet Salvation BSC 14 2000-02-28 11:00 PM
Why? (moved from #6) January Flowers 8 2000-02-28 06:14 PM
Sort Shot Soleil 4 2000-02-28 10:25 AM
Not So Little Stephen Jones 8 2000-02-27 10:34 PM
The Dance ellie LeJeune 6 2000-02-27 05:20 AM
(((God Sent))) ill_tactics 5 2000-02-26 09:23 PM
Advice for Living deleeme 4 2000-02-26 09:10 PM
My Humble Prayer miriam 7 2000-02-26 05:15 PM
Three Points Of Unity Michael 7 2000-02-26 12:30 PM
In the Light of Love Above Marina 9 2000-02-25 09:04 PM
Peace Of Mind Lost Dreamer 6 2000-02-25 08:17 PM
It's Your Choice Lost Dreamer 9 2000-02-25 08:14 PM
His Vision Songbird 4 2000-02-25 07:50 PM
Striving for Dignity deleeme 8 2000-02-25 09:20 AM
What If? Songbird 9 2000-02-25 09:14 AM
Christian Hymns--for Better or Verse deleeme 10 2000-02-24 06:21 PM
Just When! ellie LeJeune 6 2000-02-24 06:15 PM
The Sinner's Proper -Ections(Actions) deleeme 5 2000-02-24 06:13 PM
Demolishing the Derby deleeme 6 2000-02-24 06:11 PM
Stepping Stones WhtDove 7 2000-02-23 11:58 PM
He Speaks And I Listen Marge Tindal 15 2000-02-22 10:04 PM
Gold Rush Days Songbird 10 2000-02-22 04:01 PM
~In Search of an Angel~ *** thank you reply added for the special people here:) Janet Marie 12 2000-02-22 02:45 PM
Have You Ever Wondered? OWPEMT 10 2000-02-22 02:42 PM
The Oak And The Soul ellie LeJeune 7 2000-02-22 02:40 PM
~As Days Go By~ Janet Marie 13 2000-02-22 02:36 PM
Reflections on the Lord's Supper deleeme 8 2000-02-22 02:06 PM
My Coach Willem 11 2000-02-22 02:03 PM
Tell the World About Jesus OWPEMT 10 2000-02-22 02:02 PM
If Love Be True Michael 14 2000-02-22 01:57 PM
Oh, Shout My Soul (from Open 2) Denise 13 2000-02-22 01:49 PM
more from Voice in the Wind WhtDove 1 2000-02-21 11:06 AM
A Voice In The Wind WhtDove 5 2000-02-21 10:31 AM
For Michael (on Disgraced) sandgrain 10 2000-02-20 11:03 PM
(((The Light))) ill_tactics 5 2000-02-18 11:34 PM
(((God's Blessings))) ill_tactics 9 2000-02-18 05:02 PM
Whirly Bird ellie LeJeune 7 2000-02-18 04:57 PM
A Backslider's Prayer Michael 4 2000-02-18 04:38 PM
Misty Moon ellie LeJeune 6 2000-02-18 04:27 PM
Sharing My Feelings about this Place deleeme 11 2000-02-18 03:19 AM
Judgement day LoveBug 5 2000-02-17 10:19 PM
The Trial OWPEMT 6 2000-02-17 08:11 PM
Who -Why - When OWPEMT 7 2000-02-17 08:10 PM
Let's All Sing Lost Dreamer 5 2000-02-17 06:31 PM
Angles Came a Calling OWPEMT 10 2000-02-17 05:37 PM
Procrastination Vincent Spaulding 10 2000-02-17 05:17 PM
Diamond in The Rough dovesongs 14 2000-02-16 02:58 PM
Envoy Willem 5 2000-02-16 11:17 AM
The Best Part of the Day deleeme 10 2000-02-15 11:03 PM
Whisper To Me serenity blaze 11 2000-02-15 07:45 PM
Arise OWPEMT 7 2000-02-15 07:39 PM
A Brighter Day LoveBug 11 2000-02-15 07:34 PM
Angels Raul Noriega 6 2000-02-15 03:34 PM
Springtime of The Soul ellie LeJeune 9 2000-02-15 03:23 PM
The Challenge of Perpetual Gifts deleeme 5 2000-02-15 03:15 PM
Walk Alone Lost Dreamer 7 2000-02-15 03:09 PM
A Gift thumper4him 7 2000-02-15 01:42 PM
Disgrace Michael 11 2000-02-15 11:43 AM
A Dream Echo Rhayne 11 2000-02-15 09:34 AM
The Unfolding ellie LeJeune 11 2000-02-14 10:57 PM
Let's Label Jars, Not People! deleeme 8 2000-02-14 08:56 PM
He heard me Cross my heart 9 2000-02-14 08:50 PM
Cancer......AGAIN? sandgrain 20 2000-02-14 08:47 PM
My Power in Prayer thumper4him 8 2000-02-14 08:01 PM
~Heavens Not So Far Away~ **thank you reply added ** Janet Marie 8 2000-02-14 07:40 PM
Nothing Compares To You WhtDove 26 2000-02-13 10:10 PM
Redemtion LyricFetish 10 2000-02-13 10:09 PM
Another Dream Echo Rhayne 10 2000-02-13 09:48 PM
When Poetry Speaks shock gospel 4 2000-02-12 11:00 AM
How??? BSC 6 2000-02-11 11:09 PM
My (Friendly) Valentines deleeme 6 2000-02-11 11:00 PM
Right Here kari 4 2000-02-11 08:03 PM
Flowers in a field Nimphf84 4 2000-02-11 07:53 PM
Goodbye... Nimphf84 6 2000-02-11 07:43 PM
Christian Living thumper4him 4 2000-02-11 07:32 PM
Nothing Is By Accident WhtDove 9 2000-02-11 07:15 PM
Age Before Flesh WhtDove 5 2000-02-10 08:53 PM
Take My Hand kari 4 2000-02-10 08:51 PM
Would I Hit Him shock gospel 12 2000-02-10 12:32 PM
August 1945 Willem 6 2000-02-08 11:39 PM
Contradict. kari 9 2000-02-08 10:47 PM
The Faith of Man Majestic 6 2000-02-08 08:27 PM
My beliefs kari 8 2000-02-08 08:14 PM
Our Common Faith Vincent Spaulding 8 2000-02-08 07:58 PM
I Created You shock gospel 12 2000-02-08 06:08 PM
One Summer Day Geo 8 2000-02-08 06:04 PM
Untitled LoveBug 10 2000-02-08 05:59 PM
Leading the Way (last poem before I leave) Echo Rhayne 10 2000-02-07 11:09 PM
It's You thumper4him 4 2000-02-06 09:45 PM
Mine thumper4him 4 2000-02-06 09:19 PM
Happy Birthday David and Ellie WhtDove 9 2000-02-06 08:27 PM
This One's for & about Ellie LeJeune deleeme 8 2000-02-06 03:43 PM
Heart of Heaven ellie LeJeune 4 2000-02-06 12:51 PM
Although Songbird 7 2000-02-06 12:06 PM
To Let be ellie LeJeune 8 2000-02-06 11:58 AM
Look At The Signs shock gospel 8 2000-02-06 10:28 AM
Path of Life Jer 6 2000-02-05 09:54 PM
Let's Talk shock gospel 10 2000-02-05 09:50 PM
Safe For Releasing ellie LeJeune 6 2000-02-05 07:55 PM
Close As The Wind shock gospel 8 2000-02-05 02:32 AM
Yours sirreen 7 2000-02-05 01:07 AM
Lions and Lambs Willem 4 2000-02-04 09:50 PM
Feelings Nimphf84 4 2000-02-04 06:43 PM
At The Gate hoppy 6 2000-02-04 06:14 PM
Wronged Vincent Spaulding 5 2000-02-04 07:24 AM
Trading Epiphanies for Daydreams sirreen 3 2000-02-04 03:27 AM
The Heavenly Want-Ads deleeme 7 2000-02-03 07:17 PM
Announcement For All You! WhtDove 4 2000-02-03 05:36 AM
Reflected Light LoveBug 6 2000-02-02 10:10 PM
Simple Truths Sunshine 8 2000-02-02 09:17 PM
Angel Smile dovesongs 6 2000-02-02 01:23 PM
Faith vs. Belief Safwan Arekat 6 2000-02-01 06:23 PM
Loss of respect for words. Nimphf84 3 2000-02-01 05:40 PM
Sky Islands-Inspiration And Getaway Madden18 3 2000-02-01 01:41 PM
Fear of Dreaming Willem 4 2000-02-01 11:57 AM
Peaceful Winter's Night WhtDove 30 2000-02-01 10:47 AM
The Twelve Apostles Vincent Spaulding 6 2000-02-01 03:21 AM
(Not Titled) -Suggestions Welcome Buddha 5 2000-01-31 11:15 PM
If Only We Would See dovesongs 9 2000-01-31 11:04 PM
No Title Yet (Need a sugg. or two.) Jer 14 2000-01-31 10:30 PM
These Moments Will Remain...(thank you reply added) Janet Marie 7 2000-01-31 03:15 PM
God Knows When Willem 6 2000-01-31 12:35 PM
His Will mirjam 8 2000-01-31 12:34 PM
Peace in Faith Janet Marie 7 2000-01-31 12:27 PM
Poetry Family Geo 10 2000-01-31 12:24 PM
A Scriptural Study of SNOW deleeme 8 2000-01-31 12:21 PM
Even Angels Leave Footprints WhtDove 31 2000-01-31 12:17 PM
We're All on a Spiritual Journey deleeme 7 2000-01-31 12:17 PM
God is Smiling Upon Me Travis 7 2000-01-31 12:08 PM
In A Moment In A dream Geo 7 2000-01-31 12:04 PM
8 year old's view of God Poet deVine 8 2000-01-31 03:28 AM
Life's Lessons Buddha 6 2000-01-30 11:55 PM
Love Falls to Death (My personal favorite-for all the romantics-don't miss this) Madden18 6 2000-01-30 11:50 PM
My Angel Echo Rhayne 10 2000-01-30 11:20 PM
Sarah Grace ellie LeJeune 6 2000-01-30 10:57 PM
ANGEL WINGS [a little whimsy] ellie LeJeune 4 2000-01-28 10:52 PM
Silence Fulfilled ellie LeJeune 5 2000-01-28 10:27 AM
Rose of Life ellie LeJeune 12 2000-01-26 08:21 PM
The River of Life catslair 7 2000-01-26 08:15 PM
Night Storms Songbird 5 2000-01-25 10:48 PM
Shooting the "White" Rapids deleeme 3 2000-01-25 12:01 PM
He Sets Me Free Lynn Burdette 4 2000-01-25 06:44 AM
What Price Freedom? Willem 7 2000-01-24 07:50 PM
You Are Mine And I am Yours - Song of Songs 2:16 ellie LeJeune 7 2000-01-24 09:07 AM
Heaven Lynn Burdette 7 2000-01-23 11:29 PM
Silent Snow ellie LeJeune 6 2000-01-23 11:20 PM
A Journeys End Janet Marie 5 2000-01-23 08:40 PM
Life Geo 5 2000-01-23 07:33 PM
Heart Wings ellie LeJeune 7 2000-01-23 07:16 PM
The Waves (Repost from Open # 2) Denise 7 2000-01-23 05:51 PM
Always There (repost from #3) WhtDove 13 2000-01-23 03:28 PM
Ok all of you, you talked me into it WhtDove 13 2000-01-23 03:26 PM
So--My Life's Going to the Dogs! deleeme 7 2000-01-22 10:42 PM
BUTTERFLY'S LAMENT part I ellie LeJeune 4 2000-01-22 01:40 AM
THE EPIPHANY OF THE CATERPILLAR part II ellie LeJeune 6 2000-01-21 07:13 PM
silent thought Artur Hawkwing 6 2000-01-21 12:23 PM
Whatever! Songbird 5 2000-01-21 11:31 AM
The Coach Echo Rhayne 8 2000-01-20 10:58 PM
The Man In Tattered Clothes Echo Rhayne 7 2000-01-20 10:53 PM
falling... Artur Hawkwing 6 2000-01-20 08:40 PM
Thank You Shirleeah Storey 8 2000-01-20 08:21 PM
Somewhere, Sometime, Somehow. catslair 5 2000-01-20 09:34 AM
Conversations with a Greater Spirit Gurion 6 2000-01-20 08:42 AM
Child of God Michael 16 2000-01-19 02:48 AM
Untitled Jer 11 2000-01-18 07:31 PM
I know I've said this before... Echo Rhayne 10 2000-01-18 07:22 PM
Please Dear God (For Echo) Lost Dreamer 14 2000-01-18 07:18 PM
five and seven Artur Hawkwing 4 2000-01-18 06:53 PM
No Escape, No Return Artur Hawkwing 7 2000-01-18 01:50 PM
Gifts Upon The Sand ellie LeJeune 6 2000-01-18 10:13 AM
Looking Up, Life's Answers? deleeme 6 2000-01-18 01:12 AM
Warnings WhtDove 29 2000-01-17 11:55 PM
The Wind of Love Majestic 6 2000-01-17 11:09 PM
Crown of Life Majestic 9 2000-01-17 11:05 PM
Ashes to Ashes blueyz75 12 2000-01-17 05:41 PM
I Know A Man Shirleeah Storey 12 2000-01-17 08:50 AM
The Hands of Jesus Majestic 13 2000-01-16 03:02 PM
Guardian Angel ( updated version) Nate Dogg 9 2000-01-16 02:33 PM
Sunset Songbird 7 2000-01-16 01:46 PM
Lord, Watch My Sparrows Songbird 10 2000-01-16 12:40 PM
The Savior King Echo Rhayne 13 2000-01-16 12:36 PM
Man of Sorrows Denise 17 2000-01-16 12:21 PM
King of Kings Jer 7 2000-01-16 12:16 PM
Peace With God Jer 5 2000-01-16 12:02 PM
No Parole Majestic 3 2000-01-15 11:47 PM
I Never Thought Michael 16 2000-01-15 11:45 PM
Angel in Training Julie 14 2000-01-15 11:40 PM
recultivation mirjam 10 2000-01-15 11:31 PM
For Rainbow Girl, with Comfort from All Sunshine 11 2000-01-15 11:25 PM
A Past To Great Shirleeah Storey 8 2000-01-15 11:05 PM
For Our Dear Sister of Rhyme deleeme 7 2000-01-15 10:19 PM
The Blessing of my Present Imperfections deleeme 6 2000-01-15 09:49 PM
A Prayer for My Child Shirleeah Storey 8 2000-01-15 09:27 PM
Melanie WhtDove 16 2000-01-15 01:28 PM
Plea from a Canyon Wendy Flora 8 2000-01-15 01:11 PM
Bits of Proverbs Femme's Father 8 2000-01-14 09:08 PM
Answered Prayer Wendy Flora 6 2000-01-14 08:52 PM
Real mirjam 10 2000-01-13 11:34 PM
A Tree Shirleeah Storey 18 2000-01-13 11:24 PM
Request of the Forum (Important - Please Read) Michael 5 2000-01-13 11:11 PM
To Satan c/o Hell WhtDove 6 2000-01-13 10:44 PM
The Lower Seat (Repost from #1) Denise 8 2000-01-13 09:53 PM
resurrection part 2 mirjam 7 2000-01-13 12:05 PM
resurrection part 1 mirjam 8 2000-01-13 12:03 PM
In Remembrance of Your Sweet Debbie deleeme 9 2000-01-13 10:16 AM
Aurora Angelis Kevin Taylor 4 2000-01-13 09:53 AM
Emnity Artur Hawkwing 11 2000-01-12 10:25 AM
Sleeping under the sun Artur Hawkwing 4 2000-01-12 09:37 AM
Your Unconditional Love Jer 9 2000-01-11 11:42 PM
JESUS, The Son of God deleeme 7 2000-01-11 11:37 PM
Divine love blueyz75 9 2000-01-11 05:29 PM
water faucet blueyz75 7 2000-01-11 05:21 PM
Spare me the lecture, Father... Kevin Taylor 6 2000-01-11 04:12 PM
optimism quicksilver girl 10 2000-01-11 01:06 PM
W.W.W.W.W. & H. [repost and acrostic...have fun!] Sunshine 17 2000-01-08 06:49 AM
J.B.SR 0 2000-01-07 01:35 AM
Stone Heart Songbird 3 2000-01-05 12:53 PM
Of Going On and Beyond deleeme 6 2000-01-05 09:47 AM
God Life Strife besttpoet 9 2000-01-04 11:41 PM
Truths found where light fails Artur Hawkwing 8 2000-01-04 11:20 PM
A Gift Artur Hawkwing 5 2000-01-04 08:42 PM
In Jesus Name Redzippie 6 2000-01-04 01:41 AM
Colors.....repost from #1 WhtDove 15 2000-01-03 11:45 PM
The greatest gift of all Nate Dogg 15 2000-01-03 06:27 PM
A Desert Dream Songbird 9 2000-01-03 12:59 PM
Might Felix 12 2000-01-03 12:50 PM
You make me whole Redzippie 9 2000-01-02 09:41 PM
Hold on Y2K-We've Got Something to Say deleeme 6 2000-01-02 08:50 PM
Heaven's Majesty (from Open Forum 5) RSEvans 9 2000-01-02 09:22 AM
Isolation adam 6 2000-01-02 09:20 AM
ramblings really mirjam 6 2000-01-02 09:15 AM
Pretty Is Songbird 9 2000-01-02 09:10 AM
I've Been Redzippie 5 2000-01-02 09:07 AM
A Prayer for the New Millenium deleeme 7 2000-01-02 09:01 AM
Morning Prayer Songbird 5 2000-01-02 08:44 AM
His Eyes Songbird 6 2000-01-02 08:26 AM
Struggle Redzippie 7 2000-01-02 08:22 AM
The Golden Moon Songbird 4 2000-01-02 08:14 AM
How much? samsonheart 10 2000-01-02 08:04 AM
Heaven's Hue Lost Dreamer 12 1999-12-31 10:23 PM
A Man in The Wilderness Thaddeus 7 1999-12-30 08:25 PM
Moment of truth (part 1) Nate Dogg 4 1999-12-30 11:56 AM
as i am mirjam 4 1999-12-29 10:11 AM
this christmas day mirjam 9 1999-12-28 03:15 AM
A Holiday Prayer... Nan 16 1999-12-24 03:28 PM
A Stranger in the Manger? sandgrain 13 1999-12-24 11:05 AM
Kiss the sky ( part 1) Nate Dogg 2 1999-12-23 05:41 PM
She's got soul Nate Dogg 5 1999-12-23 12:44 PM
Growing Sir Real 6 1999-12-22 08:34 PM
The Forever Friend Artur Hawkwing 3 1999-12-22 05:53 PM
Soul on Ice (part 2&extra soul revision) Nate Dogg 4 1999-12-22 05:03 PM
An Old Story Revisited deleeme 4 1999-12-22 05:59 AM
The Light Mike 6 1999-12-22 05:56 AM
The Gift Denise 15 1999-12-21 01:14 AM
Life alone Nate Dogg 1 1999-12-20 10:40 PM
God ( Gaining One's Definition) Nate Dogg 4 1999-12-20 06:19 PM
Sin is no Freebie nor Friend deleeme 6 1999-12-19 02:36 AM
Bow down your head. Nate Dogg 4 1999-12-19 02:35 AM
Twas The Night Before Jesus (recieved this from a friend) PhaerieChild 3 1999-12-19 02:33 AM
Red Letters Michael 6 1999-12-19 02:32 AM
Out of the Ashes Femme's Father 7 1999-12-18 09:42 PM
Angels First__Knight 6 1999-12-18 12:12 PM
This Day Of Birth Lost Dreamer 5 1999-12-17 01:36 AM
Just Remember Lucie 7 1999-12-16 10:08 PM
Time Wasted MADDavid 8 1999-12-14 11:42 PM
Like Coins in Our Pocket Jer 7 1999-12-14 03:45 AM
Keeper Saxoness 6 1999-12-13 11:27 PM
It's Amazing! Jer 5 1999-12-13 06:01 PM
The Great Author poetry_kills 5 1999-12-13 01:25 PM
The Dream Sir Real 5 1999-12-13 01:22 PM
The End of the Road Is Just a Bend Jer 9 1999-12-13 09:23 AM
My Answered Prayer Michael 8 1999-12-12 11:32 PM
What Kind of Follower Are You? WhtDove 20 1999-12-12 08:04 PM
Daniel Echo Rhayne 8 1999-12-12 04:08 PM
Bible ( Basic Instuctions before leaving earth). Nate Dogg 5 1999-12-12 12:44 PM
Jesus Was An OUTLAW Echo Rhayne 14 1999-12-12 02:10 AM
Twelve Brethren Kenneth Ray Taylor 13 1999-12-12 01:08 AM
Psalms 23: (A Poem By My Father) Michael 11 1999-12-10 01:02 PM
sonflower mirjam 7 1999-12-10 12:44 PM
No Better Friend Echo Rhayne 4 1999-12-10 05:34 AM
Life's Purpose Femme's Father 4 1999-12-09 07:22 PM
Discovering His Love Jer 3 1999-12-09 07:10 PM
The Last Commandment Michael 12 1999-12-09 07:08 PM
Foolish People Jer 6 1999-12-09 06:49 PM
O God (repost from a LONG time ago) Severn 4 1999-12-09 06:32 PM
The Possibilities Of What Jesus Gave For Me Marge Tindal 9 1999-12-08 08:23 AM
be mirjam 7 1999-12-05 04:18 PM
Forgiveness Crystal Hudson 7 1999-12-05 04:15 PM
missing Him Severn 10 1999-12-05 02:57 PM
Mirror, mirror Paul III 8 1999-12-05 12:23 PM
Finding the way (whatever it is) Seaangel 6 1999-12-05 03:00 AM
Song mirjam 6 1999-12-05 02:18 AM
A Holiday Prayer Nan 5 1999-12-04 06:59 AM
Free mirjam 4 1999-12-03 05:04 PM
severn (reply) mirjam 5 1999-12-02 11:51 PM
Soliloquy Echo Rhayne 4 1999-12-01 11:09 PM
Eternal Ink (was sent by a friend) PhaerieChild 5 1999-12-01 10:24 PM
Truly Blessed Echo Rhayne 10 1999-12-01 07:04 AM
Thank you mirjam 6 1999-12-01 05:10 AM
Through The Eys Of A Child Echo Rhayne 6 1999-11-30 05:38 PM
A Letter to Our God marcellian 4 1999-11-30 02:41 AM
Life is a Gamble deleeme 7 1999-11-29 09:30 PM
Greatness Comes deleeme 5 1999-11-29 09:28 PM
Mirjam Severn 5 1999-11-29 07:03 PM
More thanks Isis 8 1999-11-29 12:34 PM
Where Will I Go marcellian 4 1999-11-29 11:10 AM
What Happened to the Truth? WhtDove 10 1999-11-29 10:13 AM
I Thank You danni 7 1999-11-29 08:18 AM
Temptation Echo Rhayne 6 1999-11-29 08:05 AM
Bring Not The Crown ... Marge Tindal 4 1999-11-29 07:58 AM
My House Echo Rhayne 9 1999-11-29 07:57 AM
Hope mirjam 3 1999-11-29 07:54 AM
The Devil Says Kenneth Ray Taylor 4 1999-11-29 07:01 AM
Finding our Place in God's Grace deleeme 5 1999-11-29 06:22 AM
Alphaomega mirjam 2 1999-11-29 06:05 AM
Gods Core... summer 3 1999-11-29 05:46 AM
WHEN GOD OPENS...(A Challenge from Echo Rhyanes) deleeme 7 1999-11-29 05:42 AM
Imagine deleeme 6 1999-11-29 05:33 AM
Guidance Lost Dreamer 3 1999-11-29 05:28 AM
J.c. mirjam 6 1999-11-28 05:25 PM
Mistakes Are Good Kenneth Ray Taylor 8 1999-11-28 12:02 PM
He Walks (repost for WhtDove) DreamEvil 4 1999-11-28 02:33 AM
Clean Blood (Found and wanted to share this) WhtDove 11 1999-11-27 08:27 PM
Why? Systematic Decay 9 1999-11-27 05:08 PM
Love Calls Echo Rhayne 6 1999-11-26 09:07 PM
knotless mirjam 6 1999-11-26 12:10 PM
A Nail To My Heart (For Julie) Michael 5 1999-11-25 11:14 PM
I Hate You, God Systematic Decay 12 1999-11-25 10:00 PM
Proceed Nate Dogg 5 1999-11-25 06:17 PM
My Friend Michael 6 1999-11-25 06:12 PM
Not Exactly Strangers Poetess099 4 1999-11-25 05:58 PM
The Vine mirjam 4 1999-11-25 12:40 PM
What Will You Do With Your Gift? Marge Tindal 8 1999-11-25 10:14 AM
Boy Jesus Echo Rhayne 5 1999-11-25 03:31 AM
I'm Thankful for You, My Friends deleeme 6 1999-11-25 02:52 AM
Blessed Be danni 5 1999-11-25 02:05 AM
I Remember summer 3 1999-11-25 01:08 AM
The Gift of Grace WhtDove 14 1999-11-24 12:50 PM
Someday jcsparks 3 1999-11-24 12:37 PM
No greater love (to God) Nate Dogg 4 1999-11-24 12:15 PM
At present lesley walker 2 1999-11-23 11:59 PM
Between My Word and Deed Alicat 3 1999-11-23 11:55 PM
Soul on Ice (Part 1) Nate Dogg 2 1999-11-23 11:53 PM
For the Faint at Heart Julie 7 1999-11-23 11:21 PM
A short thankyou prayer Isis 10 1999-11-23 09:41 PM
Family Reunion Echo Rhayne 6 1999-11-23 07:36 PM
Dawn Mike 4 1999-11-23 07:24 PM
Child Of A King WhtDove 9 1999-11-23 12:42 PM
The Stresses of the World jessebf 2 1999-11-23 10:47 AM
The High Road jcsparks 5 1999-11-23 01:27 AM
father of mine mojar 4 1999-11-23 01:25 AM
I Hear God's Trumpet jcsparks 2 1999-11-23 01:11 AM
Faith Without Works (not mine wanted to share) WhtDove 5 1999-11-21 02:15 PM
I Believe in Angels Julie 7 1999-11-21 12:40 PM
Grace Mike 8 1999-11-21 12:38 PM
When God Opens Heaven's Gates (challenge from Echo) Julie 7 1999-11-21 12:18 PM
Your Call urendimaleldil 7 1999-11-21 12:16 PM
Dawn's Sonnet Nan 13 1999-11-21 10:52 AM
Ancient Ways jcsparks 5 1999-11-21 09:53 AM
Thankyou Lord Isis 8 1999-11-21 09:38 AM
Resurrection hoot_owl_rn 10 1999-11-21 08:20 AM
The Gates Of Heaven *Challenge by Echo* Marge Tindal 3 1999-11-21 04:40 AM
Snowdrops jcsparks 3 1999-11-21 04:36 AM
Our Papa Kenneth Ray Taylor 5 1999-11-21 04:25 AM
Finding True Peace with God deleeme 6 1999-11-21 04:21 AM
Significance jcsparks 3 1999-11-21 04:18 AM
(A dear Friends Poem) : Wisdom deleeme 4 1999-11-21 04:05 AM
The Fifth Horseman jcsparks 2 1999-11-21 01:38 AM
In Memory of Glue jcsparks 2 1999-11-21 01:31 AM
Too Busy Echo Rhayne 8 1999-11-20 03:13 PM
The Ten Words Kenneth Ray Taylor 13 1999-11-20 11:24 AM
i am the strength mojar 4 1999-11-19 06:17 PM
Jesus Wet 4 1999-11-19 06:10 PM
An Unordinary Day (Repost) Nicole 4 1999-11-19 12:43 PM
the coming starlight84 5 1999-11-18 11:35 PM
Miracle Echo Rhayne 6 1999-11-18 11:33 PM
My Prayer Isis 11 1999-11-18 11:26 PM
I Already Have One… Sunshine 8 1999-11-18 08:35 AM
The Beggar and The King Denise 16 1999-11-17 10:25 PM
The Calling of Twelve Echo Rhayne 13 1999-11-17 05:01 PM
The Miracle of Life deleeme 7 1999-11-17 09:17 AM
Prayer for Spiritual Delight GOETHE 6 1999-11-17 09:13 AM
Thank You Lord for my Ashley! WhtDove 8 1999-11-17 09:07 AM
Your Smile Lost Dreamer 6 1999-11-17 08:13 AM
Why? fjones 4 1999-11-16 12:55 PM
Heaven? suicidal dreams 14 1999-11-16 07:35 AM
My Creator Lost Dreamer 4 1999-11-15 10:33 PM
If Jesus Loves Me Kenneth Ray Taylor 7 1999-11-15 10:23 PM
The Child Lost Dreamer 4 1999-11-15 10:20 PM
The Whisperings [repost] Sunshine 8 1999-11-15 08:08 AM
God Whispers hoot_owl_rn 10 1999-11-15 07:15 AM
Prayer of Gratitude Julie 11 1999-11-15 03:55 AM
To See and To Be deleeme 7 1999-11-15 03:37 AM
Death's Invasion and Reparation deleeme 6 1999-11-15 03:34 AM
Captain of the Sea Julie 7 1999-11-15 03:10 AM
If I Were There.... deleeme 5 1999-11-15 02:54 AM
The Eyes of the LORD deleeme 4 1999-11-15 02:33 AM
Forgiven Michael 5 1999-11-15 02:07 AM
awakening mojar 6 1999-11-15 02:00 AM
The Lies I Tell Myself Alicat 8 1999-11-15 01:49 AM
A Voice Lost Dreamer 10 1999-11-15 01:44 AM
drifter mojar 3 1999-11-15 01:40 AM
Seeking Out Prayer's Garden deleeme 9 1999-11-09 11:54 PM
All times are ET (US). All dates are in Year-Month-Day format.
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