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Mabel A. Dilley
Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
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Seattle, WA, USA

0 posted 2001-06-10 09:06 PM

Many years ago, Reb Zalman,
a most simple man,
meditated on the Midrash:

“How did G-d create the world? He wrapped
himself in a robe of light and it began to shine.”

At that very moment, Reb Zalman received a command:
“Make a prayer shawl woven in vibrant colors
like a rainbow to match the ‘robe of light’
in which G-d wrapped himself to create the world,”
the spectrum that is literally the Primal Light.

Reb Zalman took his thread everywhere
and people laughed, “What is this you want?
A clown’s tallis?” And so he kept searching
for the person who would understand color.
His quest ended far from Brooklyn while visiting
Montreal’s, Karen Bulow –Vesement Religieux.

She knew and understood how to take a thread
and wove 5 beautiful Pnai or Rainbow Tallit.
All were given as prayer shawls but the fifth tallis?
I don’t know. Perhaps it belongs to all of us who
seek individual expression of spirit.

So it came out like this, this thread of rainbows:
white for light that flows into Chochmah-Binah
a wide purple stripe as it enters Chesed
[Lovingkindness or Grace],
an ultra-violet representing 'Beresh'it'
“In the Beginning,” the First Day of Creation.
Now, the next stripe is tekelet-blue,
representing Gevurah [strength/rigor],
the Second Day of Creation when the
“waters above” were separated from
the “waters below.”

Following the Creation story, the next stripe
is the Third Day, Tiferet [beauty].
Vegetation was created and G-d said twice,
“It is good.” Two green stripes represent his word.

Next is Netzach [victory], the Fourth Day,
when the sun, moon, and stars were created,
so they are represented by yellow. The Fifth Day
was when egg-laying animals were made. So Sefirah
of Hod [splendor] with orange, like egg yolks.

Now, the red stripe is Yesod [foundation],
representing Ego and placental mammals
created on the Sixth Day; this is red,
for the blood of life.

At last, we come to malchut, the Kingdom,
which is Earth, represented by brown,
because all things turn brown and return
to the earth when they die.

Years passed and muti-colored Tallaysim
are commonplace – so much so,
that a young man once remarked to Reb Zalman,
“yours is exactly like mine!”

Reb Zalman smiled lovingly. “Yes, Baruch HaShem
[praise G-d], I also have a rainbow tallis…we’re both wrapped in the Creator’s Robe of Light.”
So I say to you all,
“will you not take a thread?”

"I am not now that which I have been."

[This message has been edited by Poet deVine (edited 06-11-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Mabel A. Dilley - All Rights Reserved
Mabel A. Dilley
Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 859
Seattle, WA, USA
1 posted 2001-06-10 09:17 PM

Author's note where it says 'Bere****' that should read Bere**** that was censored by the site. Bere**** is Hebrew for "In the Beginning."  ~Shalom

"I am not now that which I have been."

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2001-06-10 09:54 PM

You've shared such a lovely piece with us.
This intrigues me, as do so many of the stories of the Hebrew heritage.

I am so pleased that you shared this.
Thank you.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Mabel A. Dilley
Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 859
Seattle, WA, USA
3 posted 2001-06-10 10:45 PM

Thank you very much, Marge. The program won't let me finish the Hebrew for Beresh*t, "In the Beginning" I wrote Ron, so hopefully he can correct this problem.

"I am not now that which I have been."

Member Elite
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4 posted 2001-06-10 11:04 PM

This is very beautiful and I enjoyed learning about this.
Mabel A. Dilley
Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 859
Seattle, WA, USA
5 posted 2001-06-10 11:10 PM

Thank you Songbird. I have always enjoyed to story of the colored threads.

"I am not now that which I have been."

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
6 posted 2001-06-11 03:40 AM

Yanno buddy o mine, I learn from you every day and today was no exception. This was something to be really proud of, and good luck with the challenge you entered with it, it is a winner. I wish to take a thread indeed!  Bravo my friend, bravo!  

~*~ Remember to tell someone today that you love them ~*~

ellie LeJeune
Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
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King of Prussia, PA USA
7 posted 2001-06-11 07:50 AM

Thank you so much for this wonderful lesson of faith and wisdom....wonderful! Ellie

A friend hears the song in my heart, and sings it to me when my memory fails.

Mabel A. Dilley
Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 859
Seattle, WA, USA
8 posted 2001-06-11 04:44 PM

mysteria and Ellie: thank you very much for reading and commenting. The theads should represent the lives we weave, but so often we weave our lives in gray monotones rather than in resplindit color. Be at peace.

"I am not now that which I have been."

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
9 posted 2001-06-11 07:26 PM

I hope you understand why I had to put the ' in your poem. The software filter has a mind of it's own sometimes. I hope this suffices!
Mabel A. Dilley
Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 859
Seattle, WA, USA
10 posted 2001-06-11 08:37 PM

Poet deVine: thank for trying to fix Beresh*t. My problem of course is the cultural discrimination. I understand folks swear, but frankly that should not apply to appropriate cultural languages.

"I am not now that which I have been."

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