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since 2000-09-02
Posts 175

0 posted 2000-09-19 08:57 PM

Even the sky needs to cry,
Needs to release what it's holding inside
Even the trees understand why
Though we would rather drown than die
The puddles in the streets reflect the sky,
But we are concerned about mud on our shoes.

Children laugh and play in the wetness
See?  I say, the adults don't get this
The sun on your back is the heavens' kiss
If you don't feel it, how much you miss
Sun and rain both foster bliss,
But we would like sun all the time.

Even the thunder needs to break,
Needs to give and needs to take
Even the insects beauty make
While we wait outside of heaven's gate
The earth and the sky harmonize with the lake,
But we turn a deaf ear to their song.

Mother Nature shows her face
In all she dreams and then creates
She weaves her intricate web of fate
And directs the course our lives will take
Though we worry that it's too late,
We hope our growth is guided.

In every leaf on every tree
Is the signature of a man referred to as He
Who made lame beggars walk and blind men see
And who isn't so different from you or me
He gives his gifts selflessly, gives them for free,
And all we have to do is receive them.

© Copyright 2000 Pearls_Of_Wisdom - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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1 posted 2000-09-20 07:44 PM

Wonderful, and it's thunderstorming here in Indianapolis, I love it!!!


Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
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New York, USA
2 posted 2000-09-21 05:03 PM

So very beautiful Pearls..... Bonnie

"In every leaf on every tree
Is the signature of a man referred to as He
Who made lame beggars walk and blind men see
And who isn't so different from you or me
He gives his gifts selflessly, gives them for free,
And all we have to do is receive them. "

Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
Posts 1816
3 posted 2000-09-21 10:24 PM

My-my Pearls,
  This is Awesome!! Not only does it flow beautifully but it is something I may try and memorize. The leaf's signature! Every line and verse gives me something to ponder and makes me more conscious of things often
taken for granted.  This is great writing, my friend.  Love, Marcy

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
4 posted 2000-09-22 10:54 AM

This is some deep thought! You've brought it out well! Lots of things here I haven't though about before.  It's great to have different persepectives, to make one think on things in a different way!



I know not what the future holds,
but I know Who holds the future.

since 2000-09-02
Posts 175

5 posted 2000-09-22 03:29 PM

Thanks everyone!

Alle-cram - Wow, you might memorize it? Boy, I think that's the first time someone's said that to me about my poetry! Thanks!

WhtDove - Really? What ideas did it bring up that you hadn't thought of before, if you have a sec to fill me in? Thanks to you too!

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
6 posted 2000-09-22 07:14 PM

A beautiful, touching poem.  I often think about the rain as God's tears and as heaven weeping.  A very wise poem, indeed, people, for the most part, would like sunshine all the time, but, it's the hard things that make us stronger and growth comes with the rain  

Take care,
Melissa Honeybee

The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams

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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2000-09-22 08:45 PM

Ah Yes, Pearl, and then the Rainbows come...
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2000-09-23 12:06 PM

This is just a lovely render.

'In every leaf on every tree
Is the signature of a man referred to as He'

Such a thoughtful phrase.
I'm so pleased to have read the beauty here.

He signs His name each dawn to lay
across the beauty of the day and night.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725
9 posted 2000-09-23 12:40 PM

It's wonderful when "We" can get back into the rhyme of things and see all the beauty God has for us through receiving the gift of His Spirit which opens our eyes to a whole new heavenly world of innocence and closeness with Him. I am one of those who get out of rhyme with God and I grumble about such things as the rain, but He does keep an open door policy and I do run for His shelter quite often... Anyway, I like your poem and your rhyming scheme is very clever. Bob <><
since 2000-09-02
Posts 175

10 posted 2000-09-23 01:00 PM

Thanks Marge and Bob!
Yeah, I've never used this rhyme scheme before or since and I didn't even try to use it at the time - it just came out that way as they usually do. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Or do you guys edit your poetry? I've always been interested in other people's methods of writing.

Ashley (Pearls)

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