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Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA

0 posted 2002-08-21 08:12 PM

She wandered across our lawn
that afternoon.
Diligently and with purpose
she dug her hole under the
hot sun of summer.
sliding back and forth
this dance went on for about
an hour and a half.
The pride and labor of her work
were eight white eggs
deposited in a crescent shaped 3" deep hole.
I watched in awe that day
this amazing feat of nature
unfolding before my eyes.
When she had finished depositing
her brood she carefully blended
the dry dirt with her own watery secretions
that glistened in the sun.
Carefully and painstakingly
she scooped each tiny
spoon filled size of mud
back feet palming backwards.
Satisfied her task was complete
she crossed back through
our lawn and disappeared into the woods.
In fifty to ninety days they say
hatchlings may appear.
The sum of her worth.
And if by some miracle of fate
they should make it
and not fall prey to cars or
creatures of the night,
I have come to realize
no matter how invinceable
we humans feel we are at times,
I've never been more humbled
than I was that day
by a turtle
who just happened through
one warm summer afternoon.

© Copyright 2002 June Schultz - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
1 posted 2002-08-26 10:43 PM

Mistletoe Angel
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2 posted 2002-08-26 10:55 PM

(smiles) Oh my gosh, this gorgeous poem brought a huge smile to my face knowing God can create such miracles of life! (kiss on cheek) This turtle made me smile the whole time making so many sweet babies to bring love and harmony to nature too, sweet friend, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet June, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
Posts 1203
Wisconsin, USA
3 posted 2002-08-27 12:17 PM

Christopher-Bumps & prost back at you.
M.A. Thank you, your sweet words are always a welcome visit my friend.

[This message has been edited by Gemini (08-27-2002 12:20 AM).]

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
4 posted 2002-08-27 12:42 PM

Gemini:  I enjoyed your poem so much.  I live in the country and see so many wonderful events involving wildlife, but we don't have turtles here.  Small ones at the lake nearby but not in the timber where we are.  How privileged you were and I'm glad you wrote about it.

Betty Lou Hebert

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5 posted 2002-08-27 06:28 AM

I too share your meaning of a miraculous moment in time.


since 1999-08-26
Posts 323
6 posted 2002-08-27 06:33 PM

My dog just had puppies!! 5 beautiful pugs!! I sat there in awe at how she cleaned each and everyone of them, fed them, and stayed up as they slept.  Our God is so wonderful for giving us such miracles.

miriam coronado

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Wisconsin, USA
7 posted 2002-08-27 09:49 PM

Trillium-I thank you soo much! In as much as I love nature, I can only imagine how beautiful your country area must be.

2dalimit-Thank you for your kind words.

miriam-We had a male and female dog at one time in the hopes of breeding them, but they did nothing but fight! I am so happy for your having witnessed the miracle of birth, it sounds like it must have be a glorious event.  Thank you for sharing.

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
8 posted 2002-08-28 12:49 PM

How exciting.  I don't think I have ever seen a turtle.  None here.  We have racoons, possums, coyotes an occasional porcupine, but not much other wildlife in this farmed area.  That must have been an interesting sight, but what a laid back mother.  To just go off and leave them.  Joyce
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
9 posted 2002-08-28 11:24 PM

Oh that was a wonderful sharing of a special moment, and for me especiallly as I have only seen one turtle ever, and that was at the aquarium.  Lovely work on this one and I really enjoyed it.

The most valuable thing you own is a smile, wear it, and share it.

Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
Posts 1203
Wisconsin, USA
10 posted 2002-08-29 10:22 PM

Thank you Joyce for your kind words, I'm sure you must have seen alot of wonders of nature being on a farm.
Mysteria-Your words mean alot to me, thank you so much.

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