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since 2002-07-13
Posts 79

0 posted 2002-07-17 05:27 AM

I Am A Single Rose

I am a single rose, a twin who has lost her other
I wonder if she knows that fate was wrong
I hear her voice calling out to me beckoning my soul
I see her standing before me, calling out to me saying,
"come I am here"
I want to comfort her, to tell her I care that I love her
I am a single rose, a twin who has lost her other.

I pretend she is here by my side, that fate has not played its ungly hand.
I feel her soul surrounding me, enclosing me in its light
I touch her mind and she becomes one with me.
I worry she cannot sense me, that she has forgotten who I am
I cry for she is not here; fate has taken her from me
I am a single rose, a twin who has lost her other.

I understand she is inside my soul, her mind dwells with me
I say that life is a gift that should be given to all and no man may take from another.
I dream that someday she will return in the flesh for her soul is already here.
I try to forget the pain of losing her, the hurt of not having her here.
I am a single rose, a twin who has lost her other.


This poem was written when i found out my twin sister had been killed, i didnt find out until 1999, when my mother told me she had an abortion that killed my twin but somehow i was spared.
she died sept 21st 1982

Aol/Aim name: mjhawaii50
Yahoo Messenger name: Akiras_Fire
Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2002 Felicity Kino - All Rights Reserved
Larry C
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1 posted 2002-07-17 12:05 PM

What a tragic burden to bear. I can't imagine. An excellent image through which to write your loss. Well expressed. Peace.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Joyce Johnson
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2 posted 2002-07-17 12:38 PM

What a terrible burden to put on you.  She must have needed to.  I can see your dilemma.   You tell it very well.  Welcome to our corner.  Joyce

[This message has been edited by Joyce Johnson (07-17-2002 09:59 PM).]

Mistletoe Angel
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3 posted 2002-07-17 01:54 PM

(tears fall down my cheeks) Oh Akira, this is so very sad, sweet friend, my heart goes out to you for I know how tragic this is and my heart goes out to your loss and I hope you know always that your twin sister will always love you and guide you with her love! (BIG HUGGGSSSSSS) My thoughts are with you, sweet friend, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Akira, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
4 posted 2002-07-17 04:32 PM

Akira:  You have expressed your feelings so well and I'm sure no one can read your poem without feeling some of your pain and loss. It is esepcially hard for a twin to be without their other half.  To have it happen in this manner is even harder. I am so sorry for what has happened in your life and hope you can rise above it.

Betty Lou Hebert

since 2002-07-13
Posts 79
5 posted 2002-07-17 10:42 PM

Thank you all for your feed back, yes loosing my twin has been the hardest thing i've ever had to deal with, but her spirit is here to guide me...thank you for your feed back

Aol/Aim name: mjhawaii50
Yahoo Messenger name: Akiras_Fire
Email: [email protected]

since 2002-07-10
Posts 117
6 posted 2002-07-24 11:46 PM

akira, knowing you not very well, i beleive i know you well enough to say that god has chosen you to be the one who was spared for perhaps your sister if she had lived and you had died would not have beleived the things you beleive or done the wonderful things you have done or blessed each and every one of our hearts with this beautiful poetry. and perhaps if your sister had lived and you had died, she would not have been able to carry the burden in her soul, perhaps she would have felt too badly and perhaps god was making it so that that feeling never existed and taking away the pain that could have been. i pray for you wonderful friend..i do

life may just take a while but i guess heaven's worth the wait


since 1999-08-26
Posts 323
7 posted 2002-07-25 09:29 PM

I understand that this is a burden that you carry.  I too had an abortion years back, and I often sit at home wondering why I wasn't brave enough to keep it.  At the end of this August I would've had a healthy 6 yr. old boy.  
The Lord works in mysterious ways, I truly belive that the loss of your sister has made closer to the man upstairs, It's made you a stronger person, and you seem like someone that i could sit with and have a long conversation with.  It's all about hope and faith, and belive me one will see your sister again.  You will be able to hold her physically, but for now settle with embracing her in your soul and mind.  She is still with you, maybe not physically, but don't consider your sister gone.  Because she will always live in your heart.

miriam coronado

since 1999-08-26
Posts 323
8 posted 2002-07-25 09:37 PM

I know that you are going to have this burden for a while.  You will carry it with you until you change your way of seeing it.  Don't consider your sister gone...truly, she is still living in your heart is she not??  You say her presence is always with you, I believe every word of that.  Embrace her in your soul, and live with faith and hope that someday you will see her again.  
I had an abortion years back, by the end of August my son would be 6 yrs. old.  I feel him with me at all times, and I truly believe that his presence is always with me.  Maybe the Lord thought I wasn't ready for a kid at the age of 15, but I do know that after that, I devoted my life to Jesus Christ, and here I am witnessing to you.  HE has reasons and answers for the things that make no sense to us.  Remember that.

Did you already read "Let's raise a prayer?"

miriam coronado

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since 2002-07-28
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9 posted 2002-07-29 07:21 PM

I am sorry that you had to endure such a loss.

You have a way of using your experience and feelings from a situation to paint an incredible metaphor for such a loss.

I would like to give you a positive outlook for it. You shared that space within your mother with a spirit that no one else had a chance to harm, corrupt, or hurt. You shared a truly pure moment with a truly pure being. She was spared many of the indignities of life and in turn, gave you her strength.

She is the rain so that your roots may grow and strengthen


Disintegrated to materialize in reformed delight.

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