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since 1999-06-17
Posts 306
Yuma, AZ, USA

0 posted 2000-04-07 08:03 PM

Just as I begin to wake
from the slumber of my viscious past
I hear the talons as they scrape
Across the tile on the floor of my bath
And I sense the presence of terror
so thick, it has a texture of candy cotton
Then in haste I make my great error
I run back to places I've long forgotten
My faith is seemingly non existent and weak
& I disguise this insecurity as being meek
I'm incognito in my laughter
I keep everyone at bay through my senseless chatter.
Everyone seems to think they know my brain
Yet they have no clue to what is really happening
And I am sitting here in a puddle of eye rain
Licking my wounds as I sit here and sing
A song of self pity which is vile to my spirit
And now I am vomit in my father's mouth
I cry out in repentance so that he may hear it
I shout out for love and to show me how
to humble myself to the lowest of levels
& release my heart to Christ to evict the devils
Begone you wicked creatures of the dark
I am bought by Christ's blood and I have his mark

[This message has been edited by jfreak (edited 04-21-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 jfreak - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
1 posted 2000-04-07 08:27 PM

Hey there Brandon! Glad you decided to come see us  

Lots of detail in this one, and some imagery that makes me shiver. I've been in this boat, losing touch of where I should be. I'm still slackin...that is the opening for evil to mess with us. And they do.
Some times it's not easy to get away from licking those wounds....but in the end, just like you've written, there is always hope.

Thank God, he never leaves us, and is always willing to take us back and forgive us with His unconditional love.

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since 1999-10-09
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2 posted 2000-04-07 11:17 PM

Dear Brandon,
  I like what you wrote here--painful honesty with God and with yourself.  Surely that is good for the soul, that is if we are really willing to truly seek the way out and back to God.  It is also beneficial to share such honesty with others and to secure a trusted support group who will help and encourage you in your spiritual odyssey.
God bless you, that as you seek, that you will continue to find!   David

 "Our Creativity points to a Higher Creator--we couldn't have just happened, and for what ability we may possess--to God be the glory." -dlw-

since 1999-06-17
Posts 306
Yuma, AZ, USA
3 posted 2000-04-08 07:32 PM

Hey Becca and David,

thanks for the insights and the encouragment.  I wrote this one for you becca.  You kept plugging Spiritual Journeys so I just came into this one and wrote this poem in like five minutes so your appetite would be settled.  I hope you truly enjoyed it.


ellie LeJeune
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since 2000-01-10
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King of Prussia, PA USA
4 posted 2000-04-09 07:54 AM

Dear Brandon; awesome poem! This is right from your heart and written so beautifully. It's not till we hit bottom that we find God. Stay around here and the love on this forum will be most delicous. Ellie


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
5 posted 2000-04-09 11:08 AM

LOL Brandon! Well 5 minutes, this is pretty terrific. I did enjoy it! I wish you'd join us in here more often. Thank Brandon, you're a sweetie  
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-04-11 12:50 PM

I like the open honest look of this.
Thank you for sharing.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

since 2000-04-09
Posts 82
scranton,pa. u.s.a
7 posted 2000-04-11 03:57 PM

hurt crying out to do battle with the devil's temptations in our lives this can be viewed from the heart of each person who reads it thanks for the sharing
Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
Posts 932
8 posted 2000-06-14 05:35 PM

Brandon~ you really have a way with words! I loved this poem! especially knowing a little piece of your past and what the references to your father mean. I enjoy reading your work! keep it up! Love Always~*~Jessica~*~

 "Love is the product of our discontentment with ourselves."
"Bleeding hearts release tears of fire"
"work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt,and live everyday as if it's your last"

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since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725
9 posted 2000-06-15 12:11 PM

Thanks for the transparency.  God loves that in us all.  We need to be transparent so God can see our heart...

Bob <><

since 1999-06-17
Posts 306
Yuma, AZ, USA
10 posted 2000-06-15 11:16 AM


Hey Just to clarify something, this poem does have a little to do with my father, but the reference to my father-

"And now I am vomit in my father's mouth"

Is talking about in the book of Revelation, I believe chapter 3, (not totally sure though) but it says, "be hot or cold but do not be lukewarm, towards Christ, or God will puke you out of his mouth."  It's about trying to ride the fence.  Either your a Christian or not.  You can't be both.  Just wanted you to understand what I was writing.  Thank you so much for dredging this one up from two months ago.  I totally forgot that I had written this.


I totally agree with you on that.  My passion is to be real.  To be transparent b/c I just want to reach people and I have learned that people are looking for real examples.


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