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since 2000-02-28
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0 posted 2000-10-18 11:25 AM

For those of you who have a fear of dying
At one time I remember that I did
Unknown to me exactly what would happen
God blessed with a wisdom that was hid

I witnessed, a death as it happened
Except to say it wasn't death at all
My Mother's spirit, left her body
upon the final breath that she did draw

In prayer and meditation I lay beside her
embracing, her body to my own
Transmissions entered through my thoughtwaves,
informing me of what was going on

I can tell you what a honor and a privilege
for I knew, that I tread on sacred ground
As my mother left her body to be buried,
Her spirit went beyond to higher ground

[This message has been edited by Alle'cram (edited 10-18-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Alle'cram - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-10-18 07:17 PM

While I have not the fear of death -
I wrestle with emotional aching of those who
have left my side.

He comforts me through the tears He holds for me -
and I must believe that I will see them again
in the land that has no end.

Sometimes the loss is overwhelming.
That's when I seek His comfort most.

A touching experience you've shared, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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since 2000-02-28
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2 posted 2000-10-19 04:07 AM

Marge, the same was true with me, not a fear but unknown as to "when" the soul went to be with the Lord, also thinking about my loved ones.... I felt reasonable sure based on scriptures, still I had my doubts...until then, when I was allowed to "feel" her spirit leave her body and go "through" me, along with other revelations at the same time.  No question about it. The devil can never rob me of that experience, for the Lord made sure of it....No way I could have known otherwise, for she never moaned, moved or made a sound, nor did the gadgets attached to her (ICU)sound, nor was I expecting her to die...

  It was truly a awesome experience and brings me great comfort. My desire is to bring comfort to others.       Marcy

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New York, USA
3 posted 2000-10-19 07:41 AM

Oh Marcy, What an incredible experience you have so beautifully written about.  I have many the same feelings as Marge, not a fear of what is to come, but an ache for those who have gone.  When my Dad died I swore that I saw my Mother and brother (who had died 4 & 8 years before) come for him, unfortunately, at that time I wasn't where I am now, and simply thought my imagination was running wild.... Now I believe they were the angels who guided him home.  Thanks for sharing this truly inspirational experience.  Bonnie
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4 posted 2000-10-19 06:28 PM

We can thank God that we have that hope and peace for eternal life to share with loved ones there.  

ellie LeJeune
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King of Prussia, PA USA
5 posted 2000-10-19 06:45 PM

Dear Marcy; My sister and i shared a similar experience when oue mother passed away. God showed us his great Love and we had a beautiful spiritual experience. No fear here either. Just sadness and missing those I love. Thanks for sharing this. love, Ellie

Summers haunting melody
that awakens
the butterflies,
calling them to join
the dance
in their silent song
of praise to God.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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6 posted 2000-10-21 08:08 PM

Marcy you've written of a beautiful thing.
Some do believe that the spirit stays in the ground with the body, but that's just not so.
It is how you describe it to be.

What an awesome experience God let you have.

And Bonnie, they say your loved ones, or ones that you knew will meet you, to guide you through the dying process.

Just beautiful Marcy, and will bring comfort to many!  

Member Elite
since 2000-02-08
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Mississippi coast
7 posted 2000-10-26 07:27 AM

I am sorry for your loss. When I lost my mother, I was very saddened. However, it was for the best. My wife asked her if she was tired and she nodded, “yes”. She was ready to go.
Since then, I have realized that death is similar to the birth of a child. The baby doesn’t really want to leave the safe and secure world it is in- they don’t know what “our” world is like. But, we encourage the birth. WE are happy for the addition to our world. So, we must have faith that death is the beginning of a new life, although it leaves us mournful, but only temporarily.
Take care and thank you for this wonderfully penned thought,

Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
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North Carolina
8 posted 2000-10-26 01:18 PM

Marcy, I was sitting by my sisters side when she took her last breath. I knew I was witnessing an incredible experience and that was her spirit leaving her body. The gift God gave you with your mother is awesome and something I know you'll always treasure.

Oh and my dear friend, I have a question. Did you clean that tea off your monitor yet?....rotfl
Love ya girl,

Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
Posts 1816
9 posted 2000-10-26 02:39 PM

Thank all you dear friends here for your encouraging and kind words. Today  is the 4th anniversary of her death (rebirth)and it has been a emotional one for me, not because she is in heaven but I shed tears for me, selfish, I miss her.   Love you all so much.

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