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Suzanne Arlene
since 2000-10-09
Posts 377
Ontario, Canada

0 posted 2000-11-10 10:19 PM

My Friends Son

A friend lost his son
on a summers day.
So suddenly it happened.
How he wishes he'd stayed.

They are  so young,
to have this in there lives.
I wonder what it is
that made his son decide.

That his life should end,
no meaning it had.
But where he once stood is filled
with such a deep sad.

There loss  is so great.
A hard thing to understand
Words just don't come
to comfort this man.

He  wonders around
with a pain deep in his heart.
Not knowing where to begin.
Not knowing where to start.

And i pray to God that He
will keep his attendance.
They are all hurting inside
They are all doing pennance.

If I could make a wish and
undo the done.
I would wish for the return
of my friends only son.

For my good friend Steve
Love Suzanne
October 11,2000

© Copyright 2000 Suzanne Arlene - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
Posts 3092
1 posted 2000-11-11 09:54 AM

I am very sorry for the loss your friend is suffering. Sometimes in our lifetime we have no answers. One thing I do know, God knows the suffering, and feels your friends pain as well.
There are no words that can ease the hurt.
It is good that you are there for him, just be there for hugs.

Senior Member
since 1999-10-09
Posts 1766
2 posted 2000-11-11 01:34 PM

Dear Suzanne,
Everytime, something like this happens, so many are brought low--especially the closest ones.  You show that you are a true and genuine friend-nothing can bring the son back, but a true friend's concern & presence can help stay those who have been sadly left behind.  I hope that this poem may shock some other poor hopeless soul, and bring them back from the brink, before it is too late.    David

WOW- another day of life-and here among friends!
Ain't God Grand!

Suzanne Arlene
since 2000-10-09
Posts 377
Ontario, Canada
3 posted 2000-11-11 05:50 PM

Thank You Deb and David for your kind words. It is hard to deal with when you are not use to dealing with it.I had no words to comfort him   and i felt so helpless and also being a net friend i could not even hug him for real.I wrote this poem but i never sent it to him.I just needed to ask my questions. To vent.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
4 posted 2000-11-12 10:53 PM

Suzanne this was written out with the love and caring in your heart. I would send this to him. It is a deeply painful place for a parent to be. This poem speaks volumes, and I hope to that it reaches another soul, and will make them think twice about what they're doing.

Sometime the best thing a friend can do, is to just be there. I know I've heard many times, that there are no words to comfort. So just be there and pray, for God knows the anguish.

God bless the pain your friend is going through. It really is a very touching poem!

God Bless!


I know not what the future holds,
but I know Who holds the future.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919
New York, USA
5 posted 2000-11-14 09:10 AM

Suzanne ~ I agree with Becky, you should send this to him.  I lost a brother this way 14 years ago, and I understand the questions and pain...this will help, it's so beautifully written.  God Bless you and your friend.  Bonnie
Suzanne Arlene
since 2000-10-09
Posts 377
Ontario, Canada
6 posted 2000-11-14 11:32 AM

Well thank You everyone for your kind advise.I mailed him last night and sent the poem. He replied back that it was the 3rd month aniversary today and that he thanked me very much for writing it. He understood how hard it was for me to write to him and he agreed it was hard to read but he thought it was sweet that i did it. Thank you very much for the advise otherwise i never would have sent it .Just kept it to myself. I am so sorry Bonnie that you lost brother.That must have been a hard thing to go threw.I will never understand suicide . I don't think i ever will. God bless you all Suzanne
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2000-11-14 01:39 PM

I have a friend who lost a child to suicide -

Her pain is suffered every day in such acute awareness of what was lost.
She said that were it not for the friends who gathered her
in their loving arms and thoughts -
she never would have made it through.

'where he once stood is filled
with such a deep sad'

I glad for you that you shared it with your friend
and I'm pleased for him that he has you for a friend.
Bless you and bless Steve.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-11-12
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Palm Bay, Florida
8 posted 2000-11-17 08:11 AM

Very touching, though what a sad story!

With the word, I am mighty, with the pen I am free..

Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725
9 posted 2000-11-17 01:57 PM

My shared prayers and sympathies to this boy's family and loved ones.  This brings to my mind the need for us to remain faithful to the knowledge of no matter how hard life can get... God is always better.  Bob <><
Senior Member
since 2000-04-06
Posts 994
Small Town, Somewhere
10 posted 2000-11-27 02:06 AM

Suzanne, my sympathies are with your friend.  I understand what he/she's going through.  *hugs* to him/her and you.  
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