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since 2001-02-06
Posts 65

0 posted 2001-04-03 01:40 AM

Is it participating the savageries and barbarisms
of Sodom and Gomorrah? I say , no. 'Tis the Staying behind with Dear Uncle Abraham, Aunt Sarah and Aunt Hagar to help him with his flocks and hers and his wives with their cooking and sewing. For there are neither men nor women for all are 1 in Christ jesus.

What Maketh a man? Is it climbing into a wrestling ring with some 400 pound brute and flailing awayat each other for 45 minutes or an hour or longer?
I say no. It is packing  the daughter's things into the '78 Station Wagon and driving them to soccer practice.

What Maketh a Man? The furious and firey passions of Sodom and Gomorrah? I say NOT! But rather slumbering  in the same corner of the tent close with with Aunt Hagar and Aunt Sarah, and if bad dreams disturb their beautiful slumber, those dreams that Lot had been consumed by Sodom's Damnable Fire, to wake them from that dream and comfort them however is necessary, to assure tehm that their big strong beautiful and handsome nephew is with tham and that all is well and that he will not leave again EVER! And to kiss their beautiful faces and dry the tears from their lovely eyes. And Kiss their eyelids as their syes closed, then kiss their warm soft sweet and tender lips  and tell them "Aunt Hagar, Aunt Sarah, Go Back to sleep. I'm here. And I love you both so very  much. More than I could ever tell you."

What maketh a man? Gawking at the XFL cheerleaders? I say not! But rather gazing in Reverent Awe  at the true inner beauty of thine aunts Sarah and Hagar, thy mother, thy sisters, and thy wives and daughters.

What maketh a man? The Warlike attitude of thy Brother Adonijah? I say no! But Rather  the truest and sweetest of all earthly love, that of Solomon for His Darling Sheba.

I ask again, Wht Maketh a man?

© Copyright 2001 lordmakemeweak - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725
1 posted 2001-04-03 08:23 PM

lord make me weak,

Though lived many generations ago still a most valuable lesson especially with all the seductive temptations available to our eyes as men today......  I have a goal and that is to keep all my sensual fantacies centered upon my wife.  Simply said, but a real challenge in the least.  When it comes to these matters of my flesh, I join you my friend in saying, "Lord make me weak!"  Thank you for your written support.   Bob <><

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

2 posted 2001-04-03 08:45 PM

Strong words goodness you put a lot of work in this one.
since 2001-02-06
Posts 65

3 posted 2001-04-03 10:36 PM

TY Both! God Bless You Both! I Love you Both!


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