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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2000-05-12 12:32 PM

How Much Further Must I Go?
~*Marge Tindal*~

How much further must I go, Lord,
before I've reached the height?
I'm worn and I'm weary, Lord,
tired of struggling toward the light.

You promised you would be there
to help me on my way.
All I've seen so far, Lord,
are obstacles in my way.

I've tried to be the way, Lord,
that you would have me be.
I'm tired, so tired, Lord,
with the weight you've placed on me.

You said you wouldn't give me
more than I could carry,
but anymore than this, Lord,
and me they'll have to bury.

Suddenly before me
your footprints in the sand.
I see that you have carried
others across this land.

So pick me up, Lord,
I'm ready for the lift.
I'll pass it on to others,
as your precious gift.

Lifted to new heights,
above my petty greed.
Able to carry others,
in their time of need.

Thank you, Lord, for showing me
the way is to be humble.
I may be tired and weary
but you catch me when I stumble.

Use me to help others
carry their burdened loads.
Lord, I would be willing
if I should be the one you chose.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

© Copyright 2000 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-05-12 03:36 AM

oh my dear, how I am sure most everyone has felt the way you described in the beginning many a time.  I love how you ended this tho.  All it takes is perseverance.  Perseverance is the ability 'to hold on' and 'to stick with' something in spite of difficulties and obstacles.  It is the force of energy within your personality.  It continues to pursue a goal regardless of setbacks and discouragement. Perseverance is the strength in faith. 'Lay hold of eternal life.'  'How shall we escape if we let salvation's offer slip away from us?'  'The person who starts toward the Kingdom of God and looks back, he is not fit fot the kingdom of heaven.'  'Put aside every obstacle and the sin that so easily trips you up and run the race of life set before you.  Look to Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith.'  God does catch us when we stumble, thankfully because there is not even ONE among us who is perfect.  We all stumble, but God is always there to lend a hand if we so but ask.  This poem is wonderful and the message and earnst you so beautifully express are uplifting.  God bless you and thank you for this touching poem!

Grandma Amy

 ``Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, And eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination. ''

- Benjamin Franklin

ellie LeJeune
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King of Prussia, PA USA
2 posted 2000-05-12 05:51 AM

Dear Marge; Amy has said it so beautifully that i can't but reiterate. You are so right on that it all boils down to humble surrender. Just give up and give in to His abiding love and He will give all the Grace we need to live and love as He would have us do. Ellie


Member Seraphic
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3 posted 2000-05-12 11:25 AM

This is such an honest, heartfelt prayer/plea for strength and help, Marge. I love it!


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New York, USA
4 posted 2000-05-12 12:12 PM

What a beautiful poem Marge.  This is one that I'll remember on soooo many days.  Thanks.   Bonnie
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5 posted 2000-05-12 02:46 PM

What a lovely poem with a powerful message. Your poem especially has meaning to me now, as He is carring me! Thanks, marcy
since 2000-02-29
Posts 154

6 posted 2000-05-12 03:25 PM

Hi Marge!
Excellent poem! I especially like the line "So pick me up, Lord, I'm ready for the lift" You've expressed your heart so beautifully here. Great work!

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7 posted 2000-05-12 05:18 PM

Marge, this is truely beautiful, just like your soul. Great job.

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2000-05-12 06:17 PM

Thank you.  He is there always ... we just need to reach for His hand.

Thank you.  I do and He does !

I am so pleased that you saw the plea for strength ... we all need it at some time.
He delivers !

Thank you.  I trust that we all remember His hand is always extended toward our needs .. we need only grasp it to be given comfort and strength.

Let Him carry you .. until you're strong enough to carry another.

Thank you, honey.
You're always so kind.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2000-05-12 06:20 PM

I apologize ... I missed putting in a reply to your lovely comments.
I appreciate them so much.
That line means a lot to me too ....
sometimes I think I'm doing so great with carrying others ... I forget that I can't expect others already burdened to 'lift' me, but I can ALWAYS ask my Lord.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Ascendant
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Ontario, CANADA
10 posted 2000-05-12 09:23 PM


Thank you for posting this. As always your poems are true gems!  This is the first time that I have entered the Spiritual Journeys forum, I am so glad that I stumbled upon your poem, it's like I was meant to read it. It seems that for years I have asked "how much further must I go, Lord?" and I keep asking "why are you giving more than I can handle?"  But I have yet to receive an answer.  The hope at the end of your poem gives me more strength, although sadly, my faith may not last much longer because I am still waiting for that answer and for some light, it seems somehow that happiness somehow eludes me.  But, I still trust in God.  Once again thanks for posting this poem, it is very well written and expressed!  

Take care,
Melissa Honeybee  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2000-05-13 12:00 PM

Hon, I'm so glad you chanced upon this at a time that you needed it.
There is NEVER a time that He isn't there for us ... NEVER.  
Hon, use your light to shine in another's life and you will find that your 'batteries' are recharged immediately.

Happiness is so easy to find, Melissa.
It's in -
The wag of a puppy's tail.
The laugh of a child.
The tears of an elderly man ... missing the one who lived with him almost all his life.
The poignancy of a poem written from one's heart.
The warmth of the sun.
The quickness of a little boy chasing squirrels.
The hug we get from a friend.
The hug we give a friend.
The pealing of the church bells ... on any day, not just Sunday.
God ... yes, knowing God intimately is the most happiness one can hope for.

*Write me if you need or want to talk.
I care ! [email protected]
Love to you, my friend.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
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12 posted 2000-05-13 11:48 PM

Marge WOW! I know I've felt like this too. But it says it's not the Lord who lays burdens upon us. We are to give our burdens to him for his Yoke is easy.
Though human as we are, we'll suffer first before we give it up.

He is always there for us, it was His promise to us.

This is a remarkable poem Marge and has touched many. I for one am glad you share your blessed gift with us in here  

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
13 posted 2003-06-13 06:35 PM

As true today as it was three years ago~
He has given me the blessing of asking me to lift a hurting spirit ... I do so willingly~

God be with you all~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2006-05-26 03:45 PM

If I can lift but one Spirit today, let it be yours~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
15 posted 2006-05-26 04:06 PM

You just did m'dear..thank you.

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