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since 2000-08-09
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0 posted 2000-10-19 03:27 PM

~They Know~

How do leaves know to sparkle like gold
or shimmer in the wind in shades of orange
and glisten in the sun in a blaze of red?
In joyous praise they declare Autumn is here!

How does the leaf know when to fall?
it ushers in snow to cover bare limbs
as they raise their branches in melodious praise
with the angels they sing...
Glory To The King!

How does the rose know to peek from under the snow
to rejoice again in her perfect pose?

The Weeping Willow cries in humble worship
to praise the father above
the Robin hugs her eggs with tender wings
as the Humming Bird nearby joyfully feeds

They know our redeemer lives!


© Copyright 2000 DebraS. - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-10-19 03:39 PM

Oh, so lovely. Great writing. Also, serves to remind me of Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8; v.1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"   Marcy
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New York, USA
2 posted 2000-10-19 03:40 PM

Beautiful, simply beautiful.  I could see the leaves and the willow and the rose, it is awesome how He paints our world for us, isn't it....Wonderful poem Blooming.  Bonnie
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3 posted 2000-10-19 06:44 PM

Marcy~ Yes that is one verse I like to remember also. It serves to touch on many things.

Thank you for your kind words. The creation around us is a constant reminder of who God is if we open our eyes and heart to it.

ellie LeJeune
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King of Prussia, PA USA
4 posted 2000-10-19 07:09 PM

oh, if we only could do His Will as perfectly as nature does. This is a beautiful poem. Thank you. love, Ellie

Summers haunting melody
that awakens
the butterflies,
calling them to join
the dance
in their silent song
of praise to God.


Mark Bohannan
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In the winds of Cherokee song
5 posted 2000-10-19 08:20 PM

You have shown us that we can learn much from the purity of nature as all in nature lives without the temptations of man.  Beautiful verse from you.  Probably one of the most wonderful messages I have ever read and really allows me to realize the weaknesses of myself which I openly admit are many.  You said it once on one of your replies, "I am but a weak vessel."  This is true and I can see that more clearly now...thank you for this verse and for you.

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 10-19-2000).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-10-19 08:42 PM

This lovely render certainly brought to mind the gospel verse from Ecclesiastes -

'And to everything there is a season and to every purpose under the heaven.'

He is the all powerful gardner of our souls.
Tending the care of all things.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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since 2000-08-09
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7 posted 2000-10-20 08:37 AM

Ellie~ So true, I have often thought of how the animals, and all of nature has never rebelled against God. How perfect life flows
when his plan is followed. We as humans make so many mistakes trying to be our own "God". He knows best if we just let him be who he is, and follow his plan.

Mark~ Yes, we are but weak vessels, but with his help we can learn to overcome. His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. Good insight from you. Thanks.

Marge~ He is ever faithful to tend to all that pertains to us. Thanks for your beautiful words, as a reiminder of that fact.

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8 posted 2000-10-21 12:55 PM

The scripture that your poem reminds me of is the one that tells how God provides for the birds and the lilies of the field and how much more he provides for our needs.  Maybe this is why we call it nature...
...because it all comes naturally.  Bob <><

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