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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA

0 posted 2002-05-21 06:07 PM

Were There Roses?

My garden's beautiful and yet,
It often fills me with regret,
That I was not around to see
The garden Eden used to be.
I try to picture it but find
It places limits on my mind.
For I am sure no one today
Has seen such beauty on display.

Nor can imagine faithfully,
That world of perfect harmony
And were there roses?Surely yes
And all the other blooms I guess
That scent the air and please the eye
And as the seasons pass on by,
I wonder were there seasons there
Or was it always warm and fair?

I'll never know the answers to
These questions I am asking you.
At least there's one thing I don't fear.
For I have found no serpents here,
But neither have I found the tree
That promises eternity!

Betty Lou Hebert

Published in Best Writers of 1998 by Drury's Publishing

[This message has been edited by Trillium (05-21-2002 06:08 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 Betty Lou Hebert - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
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1 posted 2002-05-21 06:34 PM

I liked that.

She said burn ... together.

Member Rara Avis
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A Mountain Paradise
2 posted 2002-05-21 08:25 PM

Bravo!!  Often when I am praying, I see a beautiful garden and I think you have described it perfectly. I know there will be roses - lots and lots of them. I smiled at the last line!  Hugs, Marti

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3 posted 2002-05-21 10:17 PM

This is a beautifully contemplative poem on a wonderful theme.  Surely this falls under the "whatsoever things are...lovely...think on these things" of Philippians 4.

But I also so like that anticatory statement of I Corinthians 2:9,which indicates the best can and will be even better,"But as it is written: 'Eye hath not seen, nor ear heared, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts with us.
P.S. Remember if there were roses in Eden, that was in their pre-thorn days!


[This message has been edited by deleeme (05-21-2002 10:18 PM).]

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
4 posted 2002-05-21 11:26 PM

bsquirrel:  Thanks for commenting.  Glad you liked the poem.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
5 posted 2002-05-21 11:27 PM

Marti:  Thanks.  I firmly believe there were many roses of every type and hue. Glad you enjoyed the poem.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
6 posted 2002-05-21 11:29 PM

David:  I appreciate your quotations and they certainly are relevent to this poem. Glad you liked it and thanks for your remarks.

Betty Lou Hebert

Mistletoe Angel
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7 posted 2002-05-22 12:51 PM

(big hugggssssssss) Oh Betty, this sounds so very sad, sweet friend, it too hurts me deeply to see man throughout the ages destroying our land and Mother Nature and leaving Eden like a graveyard where only the seeds remain trying to resurrect the dreaming tree! (sad sigh) I too dream that somehow such a paradise can be resurrected with Loves Hope, sweet friend, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet betty, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Joyce Johnson
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8 posted 2002-05-22 11:39 PM

Oh I am sure there were roses in the Garden of Eden.  Why would this earth be blessed with them and not Eden?  I think I saw this poem before in our old forum and I wrote an answer to you with a poem telling you I had found the Eternity Tree right here in the gardens of the Puget Sound.  Joyce  
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9 posted 2002-05-23 02:41 PM

this poem make me think! I like it.

Eliza Simmons
~Flower lasts so an hour, yet spring will brings her back to life again.

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
10 posted 2002-05-23 06:56 PM

Noah:  Thanks for your reply.  So glad you enjoyed the poem.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
11 posted 2002-05-23 06:58 PM

Joyce:  What a good memory you have!  I did post this on the other forum we were both posting to.  Do you ever go there anymore? I haven't checked in for a long time.  There was just nothing happening there at all when I did check.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
12 posted 2002-05-23 06:59 PM

Eliza:  Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm glad that you liked the poem.

Betty Lou Hebert

Ivy Rose
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13 posted 2002-05-23 10:44 PM

Beautiful poem with an intriguing question. Surely with the rare beauty of a must have bloomed in God's Garden.

***Ivy Rose

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Member Patricius
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14 posted 2002-05-24 01:52 PM

Ivy Rose:  Thanks for reading and commenting. I agree, there had to have been roses of overy kind in Eden.  The question created the poem though so I went with it.

Betty Lou Hebert

ellie LeJeune
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15 posted 2002-05-26 10:13 AM

How wondrous is this poem...the eternal questions you ask are always answered with Love entwined among the roses!

A friend hears the song in my heart, and sings it to me when my memory fails.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
16 posted 2002-05-26 01:57 PM


'And were there roses? Surely yes'

Surely yes, indeed~

This is such a lovely word-offering by you~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
17 posted 2002-05-26 03:59 PM

ellie:  Thank you for your lovely comments! I always appreciate hearing from you.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
18 posted 2002-05-26 04:01 PM

Marge:  I always appreciate your comments so much. Thank you!  Glad you liked this poem.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Laureate
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19 posted 2002-05-26 08:13 PM

This was so beautiful and I am sure there must have been roses, but it is certainly something to think about isn't it?

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (05-26-2002 08:14 PM).]

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
20 posted 2002-05-26 08:39 PM

Don't you think there must have been
a garden of roses way back then
a thornless bush, perhaps, but when
the serpent lied, so did all men...

Thank you for the Inspiration...

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
21 posted 2002-05-26 11:33 PM

Mysteria:  I'm sure there were roses too. Where did they come from if not from God?  Good to see your response.  Don't hear enough from you.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
22 posted 2002-05-26 11:34 PM

Sunshine:  Thanks for responding to this poem and also for that little poem of your own!

Betty Lou Hebert

Member Elite
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23 posted 2002-05-28 10:33 PM

Thanks for sharing this very thought provoking poem, well penned

Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

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Member Rara Avis
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Deep in the heart
24 posted 2002-05-29 01:04 PM

I enjoyed the read and the thoughts you presented.
The garden must have been of surpassing beauty

His Poet
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25 posted 2002-05-29 04:04 PM

Betty Lou, as always, your poetry is done beautifully and entertains the mind with wonderful images. Cheryl
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26 posted 2002-05-29 10:17 PM

Yes there were certainly roses there.... for why would a loving Father exclude any of His creation in the perfect garden.... The whole place was bathed in the Holy Spirit, a master piece of perfection by tended by the Master Himself.  We will not see again that sight till we are called home....but what a beautiful reunion that will be!

Love, Light and Peace,


Cherish the good memories past and look forward to the adventure called Tomorrow.
But above all... be kind to yourself today.

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
27 posted 2002-05-29 11:29 PM

Cheryl:  Your kind remarks are much appreciated.  Thank you.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
28 posted 2002-05-29 11:31 PM

Sherry:  Thanks for your comments and of course you are right.  Everything was designed by Him.  The question made for a format for this poem, but I really did know the answer!

Betty Lou Hebert

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