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Member Elite
since 1999-12-15
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0 posted 2000-04-17 01:36 AM

While He was passing by
I called out to Him
To heal my blind eyes
He gently rubbed mud
Into my eyes
Washing it out with
The cleansing water
Of His Word

While he was passing by
I called out to him
Thou Son of David
Heal me!
My leprous spots
At his command

While he was passing by
My unclean spirit
Was flowing from my body
As it had done for
Far too many years
Seeking many physicians
I had found no remedy
The answer
Was as simple
As touching
The hem of His garment

Though for years
I had not been able
To walk
I called for the elders,
For me, they tore apart the roof
In order to lay me down
At Jesus's feet

Though I was dead in my sins
Hope was still there
For I had a mother, father, brother
Or sister in Christ
Who cared
Believing salvation was for me
That miracles still do happen
For the blood, Christ shed on the cross
Still cleanses, heals, and resurrects

Amen. He has come that we can have life and have it more abundantly.

© Copyright 2000 Marcia Estep - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 1999-10-09
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1 posted 2000-04-17 06:52 AM

  This is a wonderful poem about the compassionate powers of Jesus as illustrated in the first person of several of those He healed--it speaks volumes of the power and grace which He also has for our own lives. Thank you for this lovely poetic-message.

 "Our Creativity points to a Higher Creator--we couldn't have just happened, and for what ability we may possess--to God be the glory." -dlw-

ellie LeJeune
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since 2000-01-10
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King of Prussia, PA USA
2 posted 2000-04-17 07:21 AM

dear rose; What a wonderfully creative way to share with us all the many times Jesus has healed the wounds of body and spirit. Beautifully written and totally inspiring. "that miracles do still happen", glorious!!!!  Love Ya, Ellie


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2000-04-17 07:42 AM

A beautiful reminder of His compassion
to all.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
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New York, USA
4 posted 2000-04-17 09:03 AM

SeptSong - What a beautifully, inspiring piece of work this is, such a great message.  Bonnie
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
5 posted 2000-04-17 10:59 AM

You know years ago I ordered tapes of the Bible that were put into cartoon form. I had no idea how I was going to pay for them, but I knew I had to have them for my kids. There was a will and God found a way.
There is one tape that came in the series, called The Miracles of Jesus. Which has become a dud and isn't working, but when I watched that, everytime I saw it I found myself in tears at the things he did for others.

I noticed something a while back in the Bible that really made me think. For the woman who touched his robe, he said by your faith you are healed!

In Matt 9:29, Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you

According to your faith are so many things. That just struck me, when we ask for healing or something like that, how is our faith? Are we defeated before we ask, not really believing that it will happen?  According to your faith be it unto you.
Just a thought...< !signature-->


When you can't make up your mind,
Which way is right for you,
Stop and softly ask yourself,
"What Would Jesus Do?"

[This message has been edited by WhtDove (edited 04-17-2000).]

Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
Posts 1816
6 posted 2000-04-18 01:40 AM

Stepsong, This is lovely. I ditto everything above and would like to add what you spoke of in your last verse and how it relates to the last miracle you wrote of. The men letting the man down by the ropes were the men of faith, as you spoke of those cherished family members praying for the unsaved one, there was the hope. Amen.
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