Spiritual Journeys |
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Sunshine's Challenge (story) |
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WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois ![]() |
Even though I wasn't really taught of God when small, I remember asking many questions about him. I remember praying when I was scared, and I remember God taking that fear away. I used to have a ringing in my ears that would wake me from a sleep, (to which I've been told is called the death bells). I would sit up in bed and know that someone close to me was in trouble. I didn't know who it was, what would happen, or when it would happen. I prayed that I would be able to help whoever it was. After many times of this happening, I became frustrated and prayed that God take it away. One night when it happened, my girlfriend who lived around the corner from me, her house burnt down in the middle of the night. Everyone was ok, thank God. But how frustrating that you don't have enough information to help. Once I prayed, I never had it again. And God who gives us gifts won't take those away. But that wasn't a gift and it wasn't from Him. I guess I always knew God was there. Then went through a time with an abusive b/f who I then married. Didn't count to much on God, or remember Him at all. My mom, she would call and go on and on about him. I didn't want to hear it. There are just so many things that came together. One lady who's house burnt down and she came to stay with my Mom. Her faith was just something else. Praying and seeing things come to happen but counted them off as coincidences. I don't really remember the day I gave my life over to Him, but I do remember when I did things got awfully tough on me, and I remember telling my Mom, things were much easier before I started to believe. Ol' Satan had-had me and didn't want to let go. I do though remember a night I don't think I will ever forget. It was tax return time, and my hubby and I had gotten back our return. I had cashed the check, and had all the money in my purse. I was taking him and a friend to work. We had an old Nova, 3 on the tree, and it was raining. The drivers window didn't open and to grab the windshield wiper I had to open the car door. Well I had my purse next to me by the door. At a stop light going onto the freeway, I stopped and opened the door to fix the wiper. I took them to work and dropped them off. I noticed my purse was gone and got totally frantic. All the money I had in the world was in that purse. I also feared what my husband would do when he found out. I didn't know the roads to well, and went and got my girlfriend to help me find the spot I had been in. Poor girl, I was yelling at her because she wasn't getting out the door fast enough. We drove all over and it was gone. I was so devastated. As I was driving her back, I said a silent prayer to God, saying that he knew how important it was, that's all we had. If there were any good samaritans left in the world today to let them find it. All of a sudden I turned to my girlfriend and told her I felt such peace. I wasn't worried anymore. I went home and called my Mom and told her. She said to call the police. I was like what good is that going to do. Well, I did anyway. They picked up the phone and said Oh yes, how lucky you are. A preacher was passing through the intersection and saw it and picked it up. He just dropped it off here, you can come and get it. I was so totally blown away. One that it was all there, and 2 that it was a preacher who found it. I went to visit the man who had found it and told him my story. Never saw him again. That was one of my miracles that I will never forget. How God truly does work in our lives. He is there! In my life I've seen many miracles, my husband being one of them. He's changed by the grace of God. He was an alcholic and an abusive one. 9 years ago He rededicated himself to the Lord and has been sober ever since. A truly good man! He is a living example of what God can do in people's lives. I hope I didn't bore you all to death ![]() <*\\\>< God does have a sense humor. Just take a look at the platypus! |
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Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
WOW Angel, this is an amazing story. Yep I do beleive that the Lord is with us. ![]() Je t'aime plus qu'hier et moins que demain." I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow (unkown) |
ellie LeJeune Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156King of Prussia, PA USA |
Oh, Rebecca; your story has me on the edge of my seat and next to tears. What a testimony to God's miracles and His love for you. I'm so glad about your husband. God did almost the exact same thing for my husband too. Thank you so much for sharing your life here and filling us all with the hope and faith you give that you experienced. Love, Ellie 02 |
Alle'cram Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
Posts 1816Texas |
Rebecca, Bore us???? This is a miracle story. I get so excited over the miracles God works in our lives and He gets excited when we share them with others. You are special to Jesus, don't cut yourself short, He has already blessed you in ways you just shared but in many more ways of which you know not. Your heart, it is indeed one He loves and is special. You are very gifted. Thank you for this. Marcy |
Songbird Member Elite
since 1999-12-15
Posts 2184Missouri |
Rebecca that was beautiful, thank you for sharing it. A similar thing about the check happened to a friend of mind, only thing was he found the check himself walking down the middle of the highway after it had blown out the window. Miracle still happen! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Interesting story, Rebecca. The preacher was never seen again? Well, I believe in angels.... |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
Thank you one and all. Ellie I'm really glad to hear that He worked in your husbands life too ![]() Marcy, He has blessed me in ways I don't comprehend I'm sure. I'm sure I don't and even can't possible acknowledge them all. But I am so thankful for the ones I am aware of. Septsong it always blows one away when things like that happen. I'm glad he found his check too. Mine was all cash. Good thing it wasn't blowing down the highway. ![]() Sunshine, I'm sure he's still around, or maybe by now he's passed on. I never saw him again, meaning I didn't go visit his church or go to see him again. I believe in angels too ![]() |
deleeme Senior Member
since 1999-10-09
Posts 1766NEW ENGLAND, USA |
Thank you for going ito some detail about these things- your experiences are both interesting and an inpiring testimony, and help us appreciate you and God, even more. God Bless you dear Becky, David |
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