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Senior Member
since 1999-10-09
Posts 1766

0 posted 2000-04-13 10:16 PM

It only was a tender child,
So full of life-yet meek and mild
With all his life yet still ahead-
That was yesterday--Now he's dead!

It only was a little gun,
Scare some folks and make them run
After all they were unkind,
This will help put them in line!

It only was a prayer in school,
Until 'twas stopped by unwise fools
"We can't be mixing church and state,"
And so they taught us God to hate.

It only was a Nation blest,
Founded on God's Rigtheousness
Now blasted by the A.C.L.U.,
Crud to uphold, persue!

We owe more to our Children-
And so the Violence must stop!
Let's all pray for our Nation
Lest to the depths we drop
Children are our Heritage
Guns misused deny,
Let's uphold True righteousness
PRAY ON, Our battle cry!

< !signature-->

 "Our Creativity points to a Higher Creator--we couldn't have just happened, and for what ability we may possess--to God be the glory." -dlw-

[This message has been edited by deleeme (edited 04-14-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 David L. White - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
Posts 1816
1 posted 2000-04-13 11:48 PM

AMEN, PUT GOD BACK INTO OUR SCHOOLS!! When I was growing up, we had a third or fourth grade teacher that gave "extra points" for memorizing bible verses. Guess what, 44 yrs. later, I still remember those scriptures. Praise the Lord for extra points!! As our teacher instilled within our little brains the word of God,we grew in understanding. She fed some before us and after us, that may otherwise not have exposure to the Word of God. Marcy

[This message has been edited by Alle'cram (edited 04-14-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
2 posted 2000-04-13 11:49 PM

David another exquisite poem from you! Thanks so much! I'm posting a link to this poem in the Announcements Forum.
ellie LeJeune
Member Elite
since 2000-01-10
Posts 4156
King of Prussia, PA USA
3 posted 2000-04-14 06:25 AM

David: Perfectly said. Put God back in the schools is surely the answer. As usual, you have created another poem that touches the heart and wakens our spirits. Ellie


Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
Posts 520
Mechanicsville, Maryland, USA
4 posted 2000-04-14 11:28 AM

With the children of today your either for them, or against them, there is no middle ground
They are truly ten foot tall and Bullet proof so they think , we have to use what God has given us.. and hope in their own time they will follow the path... as we followed our path to Him..
But we can not expect them to reach the path or ever find  the path unless we lead by example
And understand the rewards and the sorrows that comes from what God has given us, a mind to make Choices..
We can't reach them with bullets flying on the streets where they live. We can't reach them if the school's they attend are bullet ridden and blood stained,  they are frighted, they feel as if only the strong survive and the only strength they know is that of Brute Strength... Not of His love and compassion
I agree with you David God is the solution to all violence!...So I like the kids, am  armed and ready for action! The only Difference is I have the greatest weapon man has ever known. The love of God who hears my words no matter where it is  I am!
Lets all help with a solution and send our message loud and clear, Our Father gave us a voice, a mind and a heart, He sent out his disciples amongst men, to share His gift of True Love and Peace
Let the White Doves Fly on Washington DC May 14th, 2000..
Peace To you,
Please Submit your heart felt poem and join in with me, and be One of A Million.... its a start.
Submit to: [email protected]
Copyright info, where you are in the world, email, and site info if you like!.

 If with pen in hand I've made you think
I've not wasted one drop of ink
visit my site~

Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
Posts 3079
Southern Florida
5 posted 2000-04-14 01:27 PM

Powerful piece, David .....
Excellent !!!!!

since 2000-04-02
Posts 66
Marietta, GA USA
6 posted 2000-04-15 07:41 AM

Wonderful piece of work, david! so true, and yet, what are we to do? Pray, pray, pray...and teach our children what life is really all about, not what everyone else says it's about!

 God bless you all. :-)

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

7 posted 2000-04-16 09:38 PM

this contained such a powerful message and delivered it with style and grace.


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