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Junior Member
since 2001-06-23
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0 posted 2001-08-27 05:28 PM

When will you cease
Mixing reality in dimension
Are you really not alike
As humans there lies choice
Freedom of our will
Are you really dumbstruck
Passion broken and scarred
Caught inside the net
Crawl back out and walk
You need not be fearful
Honesty heals within
Let expression spill over
Like a healing fountain
Be raised up in spirit
Accept love for it's sincerity
Break away and observe
Bask in the sweetness
No crime in stumbling
Give charge to faith
Peek out from your cover
Accept the obscurity of your soul
Layer by layer so intertwined
Step by step it can be untied
A little child alone in terror
Look deep inside his heart
Reach out your heart in patience
Kindness begins the medicine
May the flame of jealousy be estinguished
Do not let arrogance rot his soul
May he know that truth does not hinder
This small creature is in deep pain
He feels abandoned, alone and unforgiven
Damaged by the lusts of his flesh
Break the worldly chains of entrapment
Pick him up and carry him
Give all he needs and desires
For the heavens watch with hope
While tears of sorrow fall upon your head
Look through and capture the light
Do you see the colors appear
Beautiful and healing this scene
Hang on and hold it close
For this promise is all your own

...and now these three things remain: faith, hope and love.  But, the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13.13

[This message has been edited by ShadowLost (edited 08-27-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 ShadowLost - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-12-15
Posts 2184
1 posted 2001-08-27 11:42 PM

I understand what you are saying here.. the childwithin.. the hurting that so many carry as adults.. a good prayer for those carrying that burden.
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