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0 posted 2000-10-16 09:20 PM

This doesn't qualify for poem status. I am so filled with emotion and love for witnessing  Trixie, my mut, give birth, that I wanted to share.

Miracles of nature,
how awesome they are!

Watching as my sweet Trixie
gives birth to seven precious puppies.

Her first time to give birth,
instinctively, she guided each new pup
into our world. Cleaning each one, then
giving sup.  Keeping them nestled beside
her, with a occasional glance towards me,
awaiting approval.  Within my voice, she
knew, I loved her puppies too.

Thank you God, for You.  For bringing my
Trixie through, her brithing time.  For
the wonderment I witnessed and knew, it
was a design of Your creation, since the
beginning of time.  I am blessed to know
You.  I remain in awe with each and every
miracle, I witness from You.


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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-10-16 09:34 PM

How wonderful !
Neat birth announcement !
Why that seems heavenly to me !

Trixie, girl .... way to go !

God takes care of the creatures of the earth.
Thank you, Lord.

Congratulations, Marcy !
I'm just tickled !
And I'm first to reply ....
soooooooooo you can just name one of them WHITE FEATHER !  

Love ya'

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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2 posted 2000-10-16 09:40 PM

..and Marge, I have only one that is solid white, her/his name is "White Feather", first time to witness such a event and I was in total awe. Of course these puppies are VERY special to me.
(Actually had a dream about her puppies, where she only had one white one, so you know gal, that white one is special indeed.

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3 posted 2000-10-16 10:34 PM

  C O G R A T U L A T I O N S  

What a wonderful experience to see the miracle of life taking place in the life of a loved one.  Every night my children say their "God Bless" prayers and they always include our cat the babysitter's cat and two dogs by name... tonight we will say a special prayer for Trixie.  Thank you for sharing, Bob <><

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
4 posted 2000-10-17 02:34 AM

Congratulations on the birth and your witnessing the event.  I believe it to be the single most beautiful miracle in the world today to watch the birth of a new life no matter what life form it is.  Beautiful rendering of a most precious event
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2000-10-17 07:33 AM

Alright !

This lady is grinnng from ear to ear !
I think your dream was part of our connnection !
Big smiles here !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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New York, USA
6 posted 2000-10-17 09:11 AM

Hey, hey, hey.....Way to go Trixie!!!!!!  Congratulations Marcy....7 puppies, WOW.  It is amazing to watch such a miracle take place isn't it?  We live in a rural area and have several friends who are farmers, they have called often so we could watch a calf being born, unfortunately, we are always too late, but my boys have been there and were just awed by the experience.  Thanks for sharing this great news.  Bonnie
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7 posted 2000-10-17 09:12 AM

Bob, thank you and thanks for sharing a special time with your children...there is no doubt, our Saviour hears & smiles on our children's prayers....they are lucky to have you for a dad.  

Mark, so true! I was made more aware of THE MIRACLE of birth after witnessing. I am thankful for the spiritual experience that was a result of "seeing". Although I knew, I was flooded with joy and thanksgiving to God for the beauty of nature and birth as His creation.

Marge, Little WhiteFeather is snuggled deep within the pile this morning. She is on bottom....on this frosty morning...I took extra towels out to them for warmth. Thankyou.

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8 posted 2000-10-17 09:15 AM

Bonnie, Thank you can tell, I am still flooded with joy and bubbling from the experience.  Marcy
Member Seraphic
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9 posted 2000-10-17 09:06 PM

This is so sweet, Marcy! It definitely is a poem in my eyes!


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Sycamore, IL, USA
10 posted 2000-10-17 09:51 PM

Such joy can be found witnessing the wonder of nature as God created it to propell!  I think I was more nervous when our kittens were born, than when my children were, as I just stood by in awe of how animals know instintively just what needs to be done.  It is a miracle and I'm so glad you shared it.  Rae
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11 posted 2000-10-17 10:02 PM

Denise, Rae;
Thank you for your sweet replies.

Denise, thanks for the poem.  

Rae, it is awesome how they "just know" and you are so right, I was a nervous wreck thinking she would need my help, when the truth be told, she taught me, making me EVEN more aware of the mighty God we serve.  
   BTW, when I returned home this afternoon, the count is now TEN PUPPIES.  Whew!!!!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2000-10-18 01:33 AM

Oh, my goodness !
Three more little ones ???
How wonderful ! ! !
Awwwwwwww !
My little heart is just melting with love.

I have four dogs and 12 birds - so ... Critters-Are-Me !

What a splendid surprise little Ms. Trixie had in store for us !

I'd say Trixie deserves a special prayer !
Done !
Thank you for the joy of this post.

~*White Feather*~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
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13 posted 2000-10-19 06:56 PM

I have to tell you that I think this is a wonderful way of telling of Gods creation. It is all a miracle to me. How the animals just know what to do...
What better teacher than the creator himself.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
14 posted 2000-10-23 09:29 PM

Marcy this is fantasic! I've watched one of my cats give birth a couple times. Though the first litter didn't turn out to well. All of them died and that was heartbreaking!

I'm glad everything turned out all right! and that White one, how precious!  

Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
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North Carolina
15 posted 2000-10-24 02:10 PM

Awww Marcy this is just so precious. And Trixie, you rock girl. Give them all kisses from their Auntie

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