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Larry C
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0 posted 2004-05-18 04:31 PM

Completion of Assignments From My Daughter
By Larry Chadwick
In Loving Memory of my beloved daughter Ginger Michelle Chadwick
February 19, 1974-May 18, 2002

Today is the second anniversary of my daughters sudden death from a brain aneurysm. For just over a year now I have been working on this project. It is now complete. My writing technique was in keeping with the requirement and spirit of the teacher’s assignment, impromptu. The following explains why I wrote:

L.L. Bean wasn’t really her style. But then again that hat. She had to have that hat. It would work so perfect with her classroom. So she sat down at her computer and proceeded to write a whole sequence of topic titles. Relying on her kindergarten experience she got her scissors out and separated each title into a single paper strip. When they were folded in half they went into her hat. And the hat went to her high school English classroom. It would do her juniors and seniors good to write impromptu papers on random topics. I had no way of knowing they would gift it to me the day I visited her classroom after she died.

Assignment From My Daughter #1 – Flattery Versus Praise

Assignment From My Daughter #2 – If I Could Meet a Star

Assignment From My Daughter #3 - Words Don’t Always Mean What They Say

Assignment From My Daughter #4 – Where My Money Goes

Assignment From My Daughter #5 – Keeping Peace

Assignment From My Daughter #6 – The Most Important Invention of Our Time

Assignment From My Daughter #7 – Get Rich Quick

Assignment From My Daughter #8 – You Can’t Chose Your Relatives

Assignment From My Daughter #9 – Good Bye, High School

Assignment From My Daughter #10 – Improving Government

Assignment From My Daughter #11 – Just Say “No!”

Assignment From My Daughter #12 – How To Get What You Want

Assignment From My Daughter #13 – Making Our Highways Safe

Assignment From My Daughter #14 – The Influence of Motion Pictures

Assignment From My Daughter #15 – Vacation USA

Assignment From My Daughter #16 – Today’s Music

Assignment From My Daughter #17 – Gold Is Where You Find It

Assignment From My Daughter #18 – Proper Clothes For The Young Adult

Assignment From My Daughter #19 – Honesty In Advertising

Assignment From My Daughter #20 – “I Predict…”

Assignment From My Daughter #21 – I Don’t Want To Be Rich

Assignment From My Daughter #22 – That’s Not Funny

Assignment From My Daughter #23 – My Hero

Assignment From My Daughter #24 – If I Could Write A Column

Assignment From My Daughter #25 – “Prom Etiquette”

Assignment From My Daughter #26 – Living Cheaply But Well

Assignment From My Daughter #27 – “I Was So Embarrassed!”

Assignment From My Daughter #28 - My Best Friend

Assignment From My Daughter #29 - Never say, "No!"

And the following were assignments done by PiP’s writers (my apologies to the writers whose links I do not have). Each of you have added a healing touch to my broken heart and I thank you:

If I Could Meet a Star by Janet Marie

The Influence of Motion Pictures by Sudhir Lyer

Flattery vs. Praise by Sudhir Lyer

Gold Is Where You Find It by garysgirl

My Best Friend by garysgirl

Keeping Peace by kaile

Independent Writing by croyles

Where My Money Goes by Alyssa

Epilogue to Assignment From My Daughter #1 – Flattery Versus Praise

Epilogue to Assignment From My Daughter #1 – Flattery Versus Praise
May 18, 2004

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (06-26-2004 05:17 PM).]

© Copyright 2004 Larry Chadwick - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
1 posted 2004-05-18 04:38 PM

As I said over in Prose Larry...
Ginger Michelle will always and forever be remembered..
by her parents, and family, students and friends...
and we here at Passions who knew her and grew to love her
through you, her father.

I pray God continues to keep you and Nancy Lee strong
until you meet with your beloved daughter once again.

~Ginger Michelle-always loved, never forgotten~

Member Ascendant
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standing on a shadow's lace
2 posted 2004-05-18 05:12 PM

what can i say to you? you go deeper than skin to places no one else even cares to look at, and can see straight into someones soul. you see beauty even when your own eyes tear and for that...i could never say thank you enough. through your pain you reach out and save others and that is something few people are either willing or able to do. the words i could use to describe you could never be summed up for special can not even come close to touching it.
i hope you know how much your friendship touches me and means to me as well as others here. please let me bestow the same pleasure of love you have given me in being my friend by knowing that you are always in warmth and in thoughts and hearts. your pain is our pain as well.
i know this doesnt help you but in your friendship i am so blessed and i know your daughter looks down today on this sad day for you and smiles ....proudly knowing what a wonderful man you are, and she is NEVER that far away.


Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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3 posted 2004-05-18 06:12 PM

What a wonderful way to share with us the eternal bond of love that ties you to your daughter.
She is alive in your heart. You confirm this with every word.
God bless.
Love, Margherita

Larry C
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4 posted 2004-05-18 09:13 PM

Nancy Lee,
You have been a faithful friend. Thank you for you kind words and thoughts.

I absolutely don't know where to begin. Never will I be able to replace my daughter. But there was no expectation on my part that I would gain so much in her place. The impact on my life by friendship(especially yours) that has sustained me is still beyond my comprehension. I am told faith alone is enough. But still I cannot prove as friends have stood in this gaping hole of grief.
i know this doesnt help you but...
Now that put a smile on my face, as you could not be more wrong. But I am more than eager to forgive you. Thank you will never be enough but it is all I have...

Such kind and gentle words you share. Thank you so much for caring.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2004-05-18 09:47 PM

You have given Ginger Michelle's memory such beauty~

As she gave to you all ... you have shared with others~

And ... in my remember ... I bumped this one for you~


Love and heartfelt

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Larry C
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6 posted 2004-05-18 09:51 PM

Thank you Marge,
You're the best even if you made me cry.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Kit McCallum
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7 posted 2004-05-18 10:43 PM

Larry, I am without words ...

I hope you know that you have touched my heart through your daughter and her memories.

Member Seraphic
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8 posted 2004-05-18 11:11 PM

Larry, Ginger would be proud of her Dad! (((HUGS)))
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9 posted 2004-05-18 11:30 PM


I'm always there in understanding with you...thank you for knowing that.  

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
10 posted 2004-05-19 12:11 PM


I haven't read all of your assignments yet, but I hope to.  The ones I have read were eloquently written and revealed glimpses of what a fine woman your daughter was. What wonderful memories you must have of her. My thoughts are with you today.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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Listening to every heart
11 posted 2004-05-19 06:58 AM

I hope this time, next year, you will see how the gifts of both your daughter, and of yourself, have grown, and how you have bothed helped others to grow with you.

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New York
12 posted 2004-05-19 10:40 AM

Memories, shared for hours on the phone last night on 3way with a friends from high school, deemed a momentary reunion amongst friends who have moved on with their lives away from high school, but returned to support each other, and The Chadwick family on the 2nd year anniversery.

I'll soon fly to Washington and return to the tree and plaque we unvieled last year for Miss Chadwick and leave a token of remembrance and a token of thanks to the teacher who always understood and throughout the years since she passed, contiunues to teach.

God Bless

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
13 posted 2004-05-19 01:41 PM

Many of us here certainly remember when that news came to us and I doubt we will ever forget it. You certainly showed your true colors, Larry, and just how great of a man you really are. It's easy to be strong day to day. The measure comes from how well one handles the bad. I certainly cannot imagine the deep pain you and yours went through but you handled yourself with class and dignity and, even now, you are still dwelling on the good and not the bad.

You may be Larry C but you get an A in my book

Janet Marie
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14 posted 2004-05-19 06:23 PM

Dearest is indeed hard to believe it has been 2 years already, its been a journey, one that you so graciously took us along, allowing us to learn and grow in the lessons and examples you set as you traveled this most painful road of loss, and in time, it became an exploration of healing and discovery. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating, you showed such class, dignity and grace, both in the loss of Ginger, your dad and your heart attack. A heart so heavy that it  broke...yet you opened it and took us in and showed us all there is inner strength that allows us to celebrate the spirit and more so--you introduced us to an Angel.
Thank you for all you have shared with me, so many times your replies to my "butterfly" poems touched me, and I knew you truly understood the truths of "traces of love left behind."
Heart-hugs to you and all your family,
thank you for making us an extended part of that special group.   

Larry C
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15 posted 2004-05-19 08:12 PM

I think you save your words up. Because once they are collected they touch me deeply. You continue to bless my heart. I shared your writing this weekend from the new book and my scrapbook with my favorite aunt and uncle. They added to my memories. Thanks.

If only I could explain to how much I admire you. You are a woman of integrity with a tender intellect. God bless you...always. Thank you.

I do know and take great comfort in the knowing...thank you.

Betty Lou,
I am touched by your kindness. And I am appreciative of knowing of her influence. Thank you so very much.

There is much joy in discovering the growth provided by grief. It seems hard to imagine that there is more to gain. And I hope you understand how truly important you are to me. Bless you for your kindness you share with me so faithfully.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Larry C
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16 posted 2004-05-19 08:49 PM

Yup. I heard from Ciaran yesterday too. And thank you for remembering. I hope you have safe travels. Peace.

I have found much to admire in your life as well. It has been a delight to me to hear about your daughter. I thank you for your understanding. It was a pleasure this weekend to share your writing with my aunt and uncle both from the book and my scrapbook. Thank you kind sir.

My wife and I were reminiscing this weekend about your writing and how we have grown to understand that which you have learned from sorrow. But more important is your friendship and I thank you for it all. Such kind words generated from a tender butterfly heart that I love and respect.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
17 posted 2004-05-19 11:55 PM


I too am without words for this, a masterpiece in Grace and Love, what a beautiful gift you have so tenderly shared...I hope you continue to heal from all she left behind....I know how special she was and how special you are to all of us here....luv ya hon.....heart hugsss and Peace....

le vent chante avec le calme doux
calme de nuit
sien beauté sur mes lèvres

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18 posted 2004-05-20 01:56 AM

This is my first Pips read and post since moving (yes, again! ) and it seems fitting that it should be in order to re-connect with you, dear brother soulmate. Sara and I are now in Oregon, working with some magnificent classical dressage horse trainers. I hope to post a couple of photos she took of the magnificent horses, especially the Andalusians and Lippizaners.
My thoughts were with you yesterday. You have travelled a much rougher road these past two years than the ones I've ventured on, yet often, you've been one of my main sources of laughter as well as encouragement to grow from life's travails. Some day, I'll even the score by sending you that camel hair bikini photo.
Love to you and the family,
with an armful of big veggie hugs.

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Lost in thought
19 posted 2004-05-20 07:24 AM

I'm really not all too sure of what to say. I didn't know your daughter, I don't even know you too well. I've never lost a daughter, but I have lost ones I loved more than life... and with even that most minute amount of understanding, I can relate. So I just want to say that from what I've read I can see your daughter was absolutely amazing. And she must be looking at you right now and wishing she could tell you just how much she loves you. I hope this can be a time of peace for you, despite the pain.
I'll pray it is...

Always, Alyssa

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
                  Joyce kilmer

Larry C
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20 posted 2004-05-20 07:00 PM

Always you have encouraged me. You have been a dear friend and it means so much to have your support. I know you know...Thank you.

No matter the circumstances you put a smile on my face. Oregon, that's about as close to home as I can get. Wow! I love the desert but I love the mountains more. It's time we share some stories again. Please tell Sara I know she's getting old. And thank you always for your deepest friendship.

Thank you dear lady. This project gifted me with the opportunity to look forward to May 18 with eager anticipation. I was totally surprised by that. And I believe you do understand. Thank you for you caring encouragement.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
21 posted 2004-06-26 05:18 PM

You are a bright and shining example
of how to carry on a legacy, my friend.

passing shadows
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22 posted 2004-06-27 04:34 AM

you are in my heart
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23 posted 2004-06-27 01:39 PM

   Thanks for letting us meet a small part of her though you.  

Larry C
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24 posted 2004-06-27 01:54 PM

:bow: Thank you from the lady of class. I am humbled.

Thank you that means so much.

Welcome to Passions. I hope you love it here half as much as I do. And thanks for your kind words.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Patricius
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25 posted 2004-06-27 07:00 PM

Larry C -- I will honor the memory of your daughter by going back and reading all you've written.  Take care........
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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
26 posted 2004-06-30 01:15 AM

You know me I couldn't post a thing until I read your homework Larry, she is somewhere smiling at you, and maybe even giggling that you got stuck with the hat.  You did her proud, and I am sure a person that is so proud to have had you come into my life in the crazy way we are connected.  It is still family isn't it?  Strange this internet, but I bet Michelle is glad you wrote these, and your son will enjoy this too.  Great job Dad! A+
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where insanity meets breeding
27 posted 2004-06-30 10:58 PM

Hello dear friend, it's been so long. I'm a bit late to this thread, and I can't believe it's been over 2 years that you've been without Ginger now. But, I know you know, that she is always with you. Such a tragedy, and only God knows why. My thoughts are with you Larry. (Damn, I wish I could remember how the smilie icons work here. Picture a hug one here!!!)
Member Rara Avis
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the ass-end of space
28 posted 2004-07-01 02:56 PM

The last assignment Larry, to know that she's smiling at you.
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Member Seraphic
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29 posted 2004-07-01 03:42 PM

I don't know how many tears I've shed for your pain, my friend... but I know my admiration for your handling of the ultimate trial with grace and courage is boundless. I think she'd be smiling... for the fulfillment of the class assignment... and the incredible class you've shown.
Member Ascendant
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Ontario, CANADA
30 posted 2004-07-01 09:23 PM

Hugs to my favourite Saggitarius

Intellectually I know that Canada is no better than any other country. Emotionally I KNOW that Canada is the best country in the world!

Larry C
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31 posted 2004-07-01 09:34 PM

Wow, I promise not to hold you to that. I've written more than you think. And it is a lovely gesture, thank you.

Yup, it's family. And you are so right. You are an amazing friend. I cherish you so much. Thank you for your constant caring.

What an awesome surprise! Bless you, late is always better than never. Please know that God has blessed me in incredible ways. I am so humbled by His goodness. And just thrilled you paid a visit, thank you.

Now that was cool! Thanks for that it is a very rewarding thought.

Thank you. You do know how to put a smile on my face! Teacher's do it with class...and their daddy's too.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Larry C
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32 posted 2004-07-01 09:35 PM

It takes one to know one. And you are the sweetest one I know. Thanks.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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