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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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0 posted 2001-07-08 08:05 AM

The following is a list of poems submitted to by one Hasiya Kerimova:
Shorter Link

I've found two of my poems in here.  I also just by glancing have recognized poems by Ron and others from the Passions home page.  Anyone interested should look over this three page list to see if any of their poems are on it.


© Copyright 2001 Michael Anderson - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2001-07-08 01:10 PM

Michael, which two poems are yours? You should contact this person for some resolution or perhaps contact the main site of the starlight cafe

A while back at this same cafe, I recognized a senryu that was very similar to one I had posted at passions, but I just let it slide. Since that person's senryu was a bit different from mine, I just assumed that it was coincidence, but, now that you have brought this up, it makes me wonder, because the senryu was still too similar to mine

-keep us updated  

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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2 posted 2001-07-08 05:01 PM

The two poems that are mine are "A Friend" and "For Shame" - I also recognized Ron's " When Best Friends Love" and a poem that's a greeting card on the Passions Main Site - "Just A Little Longer" but I forget the author of that one.  It wouldn't surprise me if every poem on this list was a plagiarism...

I will do some in depth cross referencing today, I was just too tired last night when I came across this.

And I will be in touch with,
I just wanted to have everything submitted by this person taken down, not just my poems.

Poet deVine
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3 posted 2001-07-08 05:12 PM

Oh lord....when someone steals from me, it makes me want to crawl away with my poetry and hide...
Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
4 posted 2001-07-08 05:39 PM

Ok..I'm mad...I'm replying right there that these are stolen....
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5 posted 2001-07-08 05:41 PM

Here's one of mine, A Faded Rose

and one of Bonnie's (BSC's), Heaven's Playground

Both of these were posted by a 'Sea~Breeze.' Shorter Link  

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6 posted 2001-07-09 08:58 PM

Oh my! This is horrible, I'm glad that Sharon, Michael and Elizabeth have pointed this out!
Perhaps I should look around that cafe for my senryu?!

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7 posted 2001-07-09 11:08 PM

I came from that site and can confirm it is ill run. I still post ocassionally under "DuPayans". Despite numerous complaints in the past of unsavory goings on including plagerism, vulgarity and insults posted in the comment sections under ficticious e-mail addresses, no amount of complaining ever rectified the situation. That's why I am pleased to have found Passions. If there is any legal recourse to be taken I'm all for stopping the thefts immediately.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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8 posted 2001-07-09 11:41 PM

Well, I was successful in having my two poems removed but could not get the moderators there to remove the other plagiarisms I noted for them.  I guess they feel they need to hear first hand from the actual poets...  A poorly run site indeed.  


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9 posted 2001-07-10 12:58 PM

Melissa and Marge, thank you for your support of me in your replies to Sea Breeze!  

Everyone, if you have poetry on the main site (both my poem and Bonnie's are posted there, as well as in these forums)....go to the Starlite Cafe and search for them.

Irish Rose
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10 posted 2001-07-10 06:29 AM

I've posted on this site as well, thank you for informing us of this outrage!

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11 posted 2001-07-10 10:58 AM

"Just a Little Longer" is Maria Byrne's poem. She posts in the forums as Moon Dust.
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12 posted 2001-07-10 11:33 AM

It was Michael's original post here that made me want to check out the starlite cafe (I haven't posted there for a very long time now)
well I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I discovered a haiku that was far too similar to mine, actually it is mine! I love penning senryus/haikus and tankas and this annoys me!

originally posted at Passions in open poetry 6
"Senryu - Untitled" By Melissa Honeybee /pip/Forum31/HTML/001314.html

then I posted it at The Starlite Cafe
"A Simple Truth Haiku"

now Bradley R. Langley
posted 7/9/2001 (very recent)
"Truth Haiku"

his is not exactly the same as mine, but I feel that it is too similar, does anyone agree or can help?!

Perhaps I should search for my other haiku I spotted a while back?  This cafe has a search engine

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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13 posted 2001-07-10 03:45 PM


"Just a Little Longer"  is one of the poems I tried to get them to remove... sigh

As well as "As Days Flew By"

As I said before, they did remove my poems but not the plagiarisms I noticed from other poems from either Passions Main site or elsewhere.  If anyone knows how to get a hold of the original poets of any plagiarized work here, please do so and alert them to the situation.

You should also search this whole site, using their little engine, for plagiarisms of any work you have posted on the main Passions page.  When I went through it, I found two other poems of mine beside the two I was originally griping over here.

The moderator I went through to have my work removed was:

Albert Victor
[email protected]

He was pleasant to me, even if he refused to remove ALL the poems I had asked him to.


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 07-10-2001).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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14 posted 2001-07-10 03:50 PM


Slightly changing a work in any manner, title or content, does not justify a "new" work.  It is still a plagiarism...

Send the links to the moderator I listed above.


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 07-11-2001).]

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British Columbia, Canada
15 posted 2001-07-11 05:11 PM

Well I was going to stay out of this discussion but feel I better say something here.  I left Starlite Cafe, and as you all some wonderful poets from Starlite have now joined me here as well.  Richard Wells (RS Wells), Julian Lester, Martha Cowan, Koko, Katherine Chandler, Frank Holcombe, Fight Against Form (Todd), Cheryl Klassen, Flutterwings(Maggie) to name a few.  I left Starlite and had all of my poems removed from there as I had an incident whereby one of the poets named Kane (among others), actually used my email listing to sent out an unacceptable email promoting his own work under my name, and his work is in my opinion unacceptable in almost every instance.  I reported this person's unacceptable poetry and obscene graphics to Albert, who promised to remove it, and finally most were removed, however when this person started harassing me I was told he would be banned him, which he was not.  All details were handed over to the site administrator who basically did nothing, saying he was not responsible for things happening in email (probably right), and the ongoing smut continued to be posted, so I left. I needed them to control this poet on their site as at the time I was very afraid.  I then asked for all my poetry to be removed from there, which took over two and one half weeks.

They have many problems at that site, and the main one being there is only one person, Albert, who runs the entire site, and as he works as well, he can't be on 24/7 so yes maybe it is poorly run, but there are so many loyal, long time poets who write beautifully there and post there.  I am sure not sorry I left for my own reasons, and I am sorry for all of you that have had your work taken by people there.  All you can do, is email Albert, he will try to accommodate you I am sure. What a shame this has happened to you.  Michael is right just email your findings to Albert.

If you have a choice to sit down or dance, dance!
 ~* Mysteria *~

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (edited 07-11-2001).]

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16 posted 2001-07-11 07:44 PM

Please let me know as soon as you notice these things.  I know it always feels better to vent, but it does not get these offending poems off-line.  We do remove poems that are suspect to have been plagiarised, you just have to let me know about it.

Michael is absolutely right .. Please do come on over to The Starlite Cafe and search the site to see if any of your poems have been plagiarised.  If you do find anything, click the "contact us" link on any page of The Starlite Cafe and send me a link to your poem and to the poem that you suspect is plagiarised.


Kit McCallum
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17 posted 2001-07-11 07:53 PM

Albert, it's nice to see you here. Thank you again for your quick response and removal of one of my poems in question earler this week. I do appreciate it, and am grateful to you for taking the time to correspond with me on these issues.  

Much appreciated,

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Ontario, CANADA
18 posted 2001-07-11 08:15 PM

I'm so glad that Albert left this reply  

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British Columbia, Canada
19 posted 2001-07-11 09:09 PM

Albert has the job of looking after that entire site himself, and I am sure he will remove anything you ask if you ask him.  Sometimes though Albert *wink* it takes a bit of time that is all.  He does have a life beyond that site, so hang in there, he will do it. Albert, nice to see you and your response as well.  

If you have a choice to sit down or dance, dance!
 ~* Mysteria *~

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (edited 07-11-2001).]

Mabel A. Dilley
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20 posted 2001-07-11 09:40 PM

It is painful to the many worthy artist to find their work attached to another's display of ego. My heart goes out to the "thief" who apparently has such a deep need for love and acceptance. I do not condone such an atrocity; however, one must pity the individual who must steal words to feel good about him or her self. To the artist who finds their work misused, one can only feel sorrow. Thankfully, this is brought to the light and perhaps can result in a solution.  Shalom

"I am not now that which I have been."

Heavens Tears
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21 posted 2001-07-13 03:40 PM

Thanks for seeing this.  I have actually posted at that web site before, but didnt like it too much.  There is nothing I hate more that someone stealing poetry.  It is so personal, and someone stealing it just bothers me so much.

I need more time to find the real me...
to fly like the birds... to be set free.

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