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Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA

0 posted 2002-06-04 08:52 PM

All righty, guys - Everyone who wants to play with Kit's feet, gather round...

Here goes...

Poetic meter is not just a matter of syllable count - A poem that is written with a rhyme scheme, but still sounds "forced" is most likely not in proper meter - Conversely, a poem that "sings" to you will most likely be written with both intact - "rhyme and meter"

So, how to assess your meter? Here's a brief synopsis:
There are two elements to proper meter - the number of "feet" per line, and the pattern of "STRESSED/unstressed" syllables (ergo the syllable count thingy).

Let's start with the pattern of "STRESSED/unstressed" syllables - It's much more than just counting to make sure you have an equal number on each line. The patterns are?

...iambic - (short/LONG) - (e.g. - re-PLY')
...trochaic - (LONG/short) - (e.g. - REA'-son)
...anapestic - (short/short/LONG) - (e.g. - in-ter-FERE')
...dactylic - (LONG/short/short) - (e.g. - SYL'-la-ble)
...spondaic - (LONG/LONG) - (e.g. - HEART'BEAT')
...pyrrhic - (short/short) - (e.g. - darned if I know, this one's tough.. )

So, combine a rhythm of iambic, trochaic, or the like - with a specified number of "feet" (repetitions of stressed pattern) and you have a poetic rhapsody.

...monometer -
....One foot per line - (e.g. - "Be-HOLD!" - iambic monometer)
...dimeter -
....Two feet per line - (e.g. - "Re-FLEC-tions FOUND" - iambic dimeter)
...trimeter -
....Three feet per line - (e.g. - "Yes, it AL-ways takes TWO side by SIDE" -
......anapestic trimeter)
...tetrameter -
....Four feet per line - (e.g. - "TWIN-kle, TWIN-kle, LIT-tle STAR" - trochaic tetrameter) syllable shy - btw -
...pentameter -
....Five feet per line - (e.g. - "Our VI-sion NOW be-STOWS the BLIND with SIGHT" -
......iambic pentameter) This format is used for any properly written sonnet
......(along with a specified rhyme scheme in 14 line format)
...hexameter = six feet
...heptameter = seven feet
...octameter = eight feet......

You'll need to choose one from each list - Such as.. iambic pentameter... or... trochaic tetrameter... or... anapestic trimeter... or... spondaic monometer..OH BOY!!!..

So, my dear friends... That covers the metered aspect of poetry...

Now - what to write about?.. That's up to you - Feel free to write something new, or bring in a piece you've already written, if you choose - We can fine tune it for you..

A Simile is as easy as pie, but a Metaphor is a piece of cake ~*~ Nancy Ness

© Copyright 2002 Nancy Ness - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
Posts 7081
On A Journey To The Unknown
1 posted 2002-06-05 08:49 AM

Ok Nan! I will give this a try.
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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
2 posted 2002-06-06 04:44 PM

well. . . I'm going to be basic and do iambic pentameter. . .

Sven takes a deep breath. . .

wish me luck!!!


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2002-06-09 03:01 PM

You'll need to choose one from each list -
One from EACH LIST ?
You have GOT to be kidding !
Of course she's kidding !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2002-06-09 07:24 PM

How much does meter really matter ?
It starts to rise, then it goes flatter.
I cannot whip it into meter
Now my face has turned so red-beeter !

Someday I'll get the hang of it
(Oh, like I really give a twit !)
Until I do I hope you see
You are stuck with unmetered me ! (see?)

*Hey ... it's okay ... I'll tickle my own feet~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Bridget Shenachie
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since 2002-01-23
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Kansas USA
5 posted 2002-06-10 04:03 PM


I'm still scratching my head and sharpening my pencil.  This newbie is a bit overwhelmed with this one.  I'll try...I'll try...


Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
Posts 7470
A Mountain Paradise
6 posted 2002-06-10 05:09 PM

HUH? Oh boy, look at the big words she used and she expects us to understand this? Good grief!!!!

" My wrinkles are badges of courage and reveal that I am a Mother."

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2002-06-10 09:49 PM

Yeah .... I keep seeing -
.... and I am~


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
8 posted 2002-06-11 09:58 AM

Mutiny - It's pure mutiny around here... You're all totally outa control...

Try to put a little rhythm into this place and they get all defiant and go out to the playground...

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
9 posted 2002-07-21 02:08 PM now I am CONFUSED.......where the heck am I in my poetry?  Suddenly, I feel totally lost in meter.  Saving this to study by and hope to understand where I sit in all of this.  
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
10 posted 2002-07-21 02:12 PM

sorry........forgot to save in library.
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