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since 2006-11-18
Posts 493

0 posted 2006-11-18 08:57 PM

Bleeding Still!

Upon the field of battle lay the heros of this heated fray,those
who fought and died for something they truely believe is right.
For family,heart,and home,for lands their ancestors roamed,for
the belief in their sacred places where Creator gave to them
True hearts forever led to defend their way of life,peace is
their first hope that their sons too will not need to bleed upon the
Freedom to continue on when all things are past and gone,of greed
and contention of wanting what belongs to another people.
Why do they fight and die you say why can not we just get
along,why must the world still be this way after centuries of bloody
So long as there is want and need someone stronger will take what
you own,so long as there are greedy men blood will run from those who
The gifting way of sharing can not be understood by those who
think they are superior,those who think only they and their way is
right will force their way on you by might.
How then to change these things you ask,and who will be here at
last,only the life givers understand true death it is their sons who
lie upon the ground bleeding out their lives.
The Cherokee were forced away from the homelands of their
hearts,so many bled their lives away in the battles of those days,and
my friends their hearts are bleeding still!



© Copyright 2006 Dekanogi Ulogilv - All Rights Reserved
passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
1 posted 2006-11-18 10:21 PM

my heart bleeds too

thank you for writing this

and welcome to Passions!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
2 posted 2006-11-18 10:23 PM

the belief in their sacred places where Creator gave to them


Life has always been
about direction.

Some needed it more than others
who already knew.

Thank you.

since 2006-11-18
Posts 493
3 posted 2006-11-18 10:31 PM

my heart bleeds too

thank you for writing this

and welcome to Passions!

Sigi Passing Shadows there is much of history the truth is never told,this is in truth my grandmothers telling me we must never forget it must never happen again. Let us learn to be a whole people,a loving,giving,sharing People and keep the lives of our children growing!


since 2006-11-18
Posts 493
4 posted 2006-11-18 10:36 PM

Life has always been
about direction.

Some needed it more than others
who already knew.

Thank you.

Sigi Sunshine my sister,we are a gentle People let us all learn together helping each other to understand.There is a connection to all things created by our Creator,when we again learn at our grandmothers knees that respect is the first lesson of life we will again learn to be kinder to each other,eh?


Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2006-11-19 09:02 AM


'Let us learn to be a whole people'

To accept the past ... to forge the future ... to GROW together in peace ... let this now be the beat of our hearts~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
6 posted 2006-11-19 09:12 AM

"True hearts forever led to defend their way of life,peace is
their first hope that their sons too will not need to bleed upon the

~ A brave and noble people and that nobility lives on through poetry such as yours, Dear Red Granny!

Warm, welcoming hug,

since 2006-11-18
Posts 493
7 posted 2006-11-19 12:22 PM

To accept the past ... to forge the future ... to GROW together in peace ... let this now be the beat of our hearts~


~AHO~ My beloved heart sister,Well said!
A future where all peoples no matter faith,creed,or color work together to make a better world for our children!


since 2006-11-18
Posts 493
8 posted 2006-11-19 12:28 PM

~ A brave and noble people and that nobility lives on through poetry such as yours, Dear Red Granny!

Warm, welcoming hug,

Siyo Elohi Anidawehi

We life givers,we know the deep cost of those sons and daughters who are lost to wars we sometimes do not understand.Though proud always of the warriors,we can hate still the war.Sometimes I think the world would be better led by grandmothers,and for those who think that is all soft dreaming,you did not maybe have a grandmother like my own?My oh,my a drill Seargent might have been easier at times,lol!


The Lady
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
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The Southwest
9 posted 2006-11-19 03:43 PM

that story is still told today
hearts still bleed
rivers of golden tears still flow

thank you so much for this...


since 2006-11-18
Posts 493
10 posted 2006-11-19 05:10 PM

that story is still told today
hearts still bleed
rivers of golden tears still flow

thank you so much for this...


Siyo Lady Kate these are things we must remember,for the sakes of the children yet to be,and the peace of all people in this country the stories hold the truth!


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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
11 posted 2006-11-19 08:31 PM

So long as there is want and need someone stronger will take what
you own,so long as there are greedy men blood will run from those who

Truth runs as pure as the crimson of sons

Well said Granny.

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