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Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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0 posted 2006-06-28 06:49 PM

The Bluebird And The Purple Flame

(it’s burning through
                                        it’s burning)
I’ve never seen the bluebird in this place
                of course the turtle always
(and the flame
                                the flame)
           clunking by on his own errand
like a turtle that will die without
                                  or die in water
                       or never
but he knows the ways
                 and he cannot be stayed
or turned from them
                       (what time is it
in forever?)
             blue quiet song of wing
                                              and wind
oh the crows
                        the crows know nothing
of the purple flame
but the bluebird
                     even this robin if she
they too can see it growing
                 around our resting place
   (come with me
                             I will teach you rest)
bluebird is more facile
                   and a keeper too
                                       of flame
wing flicker hold the
                                      crows at bay
they will not cross their lake
                              to splinter the day
            with strident
      (where is
                         where is everywhere?)
         and the turtle strides resolute
knows where
                              the goal
will find a way walking
        but the bird      
                           blue flitter on a branch
edge aside the leaves
    (burning through to the air it is
down to ground and back to
                                    leaves to ground
            to another careful
                             leading straying near
and toward a resting
                                  a place
under the crow jangle breeze
                    there from over across
                  and here the green
green the white primrose
                                      like scallops
here yellow faces turning up
                 (ask a dare what is all
we will see him if he chooses
                        will walk among them
and this bird who consents
just at the edge a
                               purple shimmer
            no breeze can fan nor
        (burning through now
                                     it is burning)
           nor any dark thing
        above the sound of it

[This message has been edited by Ratleader (06-29-2006 09:47 AM).]

© Copyright 2006 Ed Ratledge - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2006-06-28 07:55 PM

I would like to smile,
but this resembles my mind set
so much, I don't know
if I should...

weighty gravity comes to mind...

flitting about comes to mind as well...

but the glue is sensitivity...

it is what holds this poem,
and any poet

we sense all of the things that go wrong
in lives;
we activate what is required to live;
and then we hold on to the rainbow,
bluebirds, yellow orioles...

all of the things that we see, but are
few and far between...

you have concreted a poem that I felt earlier,
so I shall now pen it...

not to match, let alone outdo you
[wouldn't know how to do that...]
but the inner silence has been split
and it has been too long.

I must write the may poem....

Thank you for the shove.

My knees are bruised from the gravel.

Somewhere in all of the above
is a thank you
a do it again
and a reverence that your tongue
found a poem
to rehearse often....

to other ears...

them that don't know passion...

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
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2 posted 2006-06-28 09:06 PM

well drat...I just simply forgot what I was going to say here after reading such a profound piece and then Karilea's stunning reply

but I know it put me in a mood I love to be in

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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
3 posted 2006-06-28 09:24 PM

Dixie....I know what you are saying and I
do agree....they both have given us a gem
of a read...  and Ed,  good to see your
laser point pen at work....

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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4 posted 2006-06-29 09:32 AM

wing flicker hold the
                                      crows at bay
they will not cross their lake
                              to splinter the day
            with strident
      (where is
                         where is everywhere?)
         and the turtle strides resolute
knows where
                              the goal
will find a way walking

I have read this in the middle of the night ... last night and it kept beckoning me today ...

There is a sound of awe I perceive.


Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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5 posted 2006-06-29 09:56 AM

well, it's been so long since I've read you, I forgot what I was missing, not only you, but your spiritual guidence, within the heartbeat of words you gather in depth, humbleness, not to mention touch the enzyme of sound, keeping everything else working, defy gravity, by placing yourself in the center, seriously considering long hard walks...

and it is from those walks that you climb, with patience, truth of understanding much more

God rest you

and thank you for sharing you

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2006-06-29 11:01 AM


'oh the crows
                        the crows know nothing
of the purple flame
but the bluebird
                     even this robin if she
they too can see it growing
                 around our resting place
   (come with me
                             I will teach you rest)'

Ahhhh, that's my poet ... you 'teach'~

This is just the way it should be~

*Huglets* for the *gifting* of you~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -       [email protected]     

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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7 posted 2006-06-29 04:13 PM

we will see him if he chooses
                        will walk among them
and this bird who consents
just at the edge a
                               purple shimmer

I've read this several times.... stealing poem moments from the day like an addict hovering near his next fix... and I've yet to be able to remember to breathe as I read it! To say this is fantastic is to show my vocabulary limitations... for it is so much more. *S*

I could copy so many lines... for you've given us a sensory banquet... but I keep returning to these... maybe because it's all about choice... choosing to accept or deny what we are offered... both that which we understand and that we must take on faith.

Reading this is stepping inside a symphony... being the music as well as listening.

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8 posted 2006-06-29 05:27 PM

An amazing write..enjoyed this..thank you..


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Member Empyrean
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9 posted 2006-06-29 10:51 PM

oh, I love those striving turtles...
but flitting bluebirds flitting?
I suppose that would generally be me

Poetic Concept
since 2006-06-25
Posts 66
God's Fingerprint
10 posted 2006-06-29 11:05 PM

I think this is beautiful written and without the structure it would not be as nearly as wonderful. I think that the structure takes away from this at the same time. I had to read this at least four times just to get a basic knowledge of what u  r talking about the structure is so difficult and unattractive. I hate to "have" to reread something because the structure...anyways I think that besides the structure this is a wonderful piece and I semi-enjoyed it honestly speaking...good job elevation is the key.

Return the favor on Valentines

"How vain it is to sit down and write when u have not stood up to live"
                     Anonymous (Unknown)

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
11 posted 2006-06-29 11:31 PM

Well, I don't do 'em all that way -- I probably write in more styles than any other person in may see a sonnet next!

Seriously, writing of spirit is tremendously hard, if you try to do it right. You have to reach beyond words, because there simply aren't words, even in this huge language of ours. When I scatter one like this, it's very much intended, and sometimes it is for exactly the reason you cite, to slow the reader down and let the feeling catch up with the words.

[This message has been edited by Ratleader (06-30-2006 01:05 AM).]

Senior Member
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L. A. (Lower Alabama)
12 posted 2006-06-30 07:37 AM

Drifted down the page like a falling leaf Ratleader. Enjoyed! :-)
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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13 posted 2006-07-05 07:02 PM


If a poet is made of words then I could reply to this...but there are other things, things that have no words...somehow you have written them.  The poet in me has no words for the feeling of this I will tell you that I feel this poem from that other place and trust that you will understand.  

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2006-07-07 04:34 PM


So needing to slowly wander your thoughts again this day~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -       [email protected]       

Member Elite
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15 posted 2006-07-07 05:18 PM

Would like to hear this one read aloud, with my eyes closed.
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