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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2005-06-04 08:25 PM

It was a day that fell between the cold of Winter's sting
And warming rays that indicated days of early Spring,
Not cold, not hot, a gentle breeze came rolling off the bay
That made it feel like paradise on that mid-April day.

I sat there with my baseball glove in my ten year old hands
Looking at the lines of people filling up the stands.
Ebbets Field was ready to begin another year.
I sat there, waiting patiently, for my Bums to appear.

I still recall I was surprised to hear my old man say,
"Grab your glove, son. Let's head down to watch the Dodgers play."
We seldom went to baseball games so it seemed strange to me.
My dad was always working to support the family.

But this time it was different, though I couldn't tell you why
As if there were a glint of some emotion in his eye.
Although it has been sixty years, his words live in me yet.
He said, "This is a game I want you never to forget."

So there I sat while waiting for the Dodgers to come out.
In my ten year old world this was what life was all about.
About three rows in front of me I saw a young black child
Around the same age I was and he looked at me and smiled.

The Dodgers took the field! The stands exploded with applause
(Though cheering for the Bums was normally a hopeless cause!)
Blacks outnumbered whites by more than double in those stands
And, to a man, they all stood up and wildly clapped their hands.

I must confess I was surprised to hear their mighty roar
As if they'd never chanced to see a baseball game before
And then I saw the reason for theirthundering outburst
For, out there on the field, was a black man playing first!!!

I'd never seen a black man in the Major Leagues before.
I had a stack of baseball cards that dad bought at the store
But everyone I had was white, not one with colored face
Yet there he was at Ebbets Field, standing at first base.

I'd heard about the Negro Leagues and WIllard "Home Run" Brown
Cool Papa Bell, I heard them say, had been the best around
And I recalled Ted Williams calling Satchel Paige by name
While saying he had been the best to ever play the game.

But in the major leagues? Wow! I thought that was really neat.
He stood there like a giant, smoothing dirt out with his feet.
I looked up at my dad and saw his eyes were shining bright.
He put his arm around me as he squeezed my shoulder tight.

Jackie was a BLACK man, not a caramel-colored, light-
Skinned, cream in your coffee negro that could almost pass for white.
He wore his blackness proudly as he stood out there on first,
A drink of water for a people suffering from thirst.

When Jackie came up to the plate the stands screamed out with joy,
" C'mon, Jackie!! Hit it outta here!! We're with you, boy!!"
With fingers crossed or hands in prayer, their pleas filled Brooklyn air
As, to a man, they stood and cheered their hero standing there.

In fairy tales or movies Jackie would have done just that
And hit a homer every time that he came up to bat
But, in the first he grounded out, third flied out straight away,
The fifth he hit a grounder turned into a double play.

It didn't matter, though. In days to come he'd show them all
That he was more than worthy to be out there playing ball.
The day was his, no matter what he did. They didn't care.
What mattered to the people watching was that he was THERE!.

The Dodgers won it, 5 to 3, and we got up to go.
I saw the black boy rising, too, down in the other row.
He smiled and stuck his thumb straight up and I did mine the same
For we both knew that what we saw was more than just a game.

The first time I saw Jackie was a day I won't forget.
The vision of him standing there on first stays with me yet.
Goliath wore a baseball cap on that day way back then,
No arrow, rock or sling would ever bring him down again.

[This message has been edited by Balladeer (06-06-2005 05:02 PM).]

© Copyright 2005 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
1 posted 2005-06-04 08:34 PM

What a write! What an experience! What a memory! So vivid! So stirring! ~ Rockwell would have had a field day painting scenes right out of this empassioned piece of real life poetry!


[This message has been edited by Earth Angel (06-04-2005 09:24 PM).]

serenity blaze
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2 posted 2005-06-04 08:36 PM

This style is your homefield advantage lovie, so this home run doesn't surprise me a bit. But know my appreciation isn't lessened by familiarity and yes, my expectation of excellence. Everytime I read you, I smile.

I know how hard this is accomplish.

Homerun, Mike!

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
3 posted 2005-06-04 09:19 PM

Bravo Sir!!  Indeed this is a homerun!
Excellent write 'Deer!!
Another keeper for my library.

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain~

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South Carolina, USA
4 posted 2005-06-04 10:45 PM

'Deer, ya gone and dun it again.  Smacked
one ouf of the part!  Great message, much

wandering glider
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5 posted 2005-06-04 10:45 PM

Impressive piece, Sir!
since 2003-08-30
Posts 175
6 posted 2005-06-04 10:59 PM

There aren't too many moments in our lifetime that leave a lasting impression so much as something like this. We all remember where we were when Kennedy was shot (those of us that were alive back then), for instance, we can remember that moment when we heard that news vividly. This had to be a moment like that for so many. You paint a wonderful snapshot of a remarkable day, one that changed baseball forever. This is a beautiful creation and worthy of much praise.
Paul Wilson
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7 posted 2005-06-04 11:35 PM

Balladeer...Enjoyed this gem of a story that has stayed with you a lifetime...Paul

~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~

since 2002-01-09
Posts 285
New Mexico, USA
8 posted 2005-06-05 01:14 AM

A write worthy of the subject.

What an experience to have been there and seen him play.

I envy you and applaud your writing which took me there.

Thank you

never try to teach a pig to sing
it wastes your time AND annoys the pig

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
9 posted 2005-06-05 01:52 AM

This was just wonderful, Balladeer.
Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
10 posted 2005-06-05 02:02 AM

Great tribute, Balladeer!  I saw him play, too.  I will never forget it!
Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499
11 posted 2005-06-05 12:23 PM

This actually sent shivers through me.You are the master. Sent it to my baseball loving grandson.... martyjo
Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
12 posted 2005-06-05 04:46 PM

Aren't those special memorable days the jewels of ones life?
And as always, you worded them beautifully my dear friend in your special ballad way.


Like scattered words will flow

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
13 posted 2005-06-05 06:30 PM

My son said that was incredible and he sent it to his own team players to read!  (They are all grown men.)

His mother wishes to tell you that I could hear you reading that - strange right?  I did, I did!  Again, you made me cry.  What a storyteller you are.

~* Carpe' Diem *~

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
14 posted 2005-06-05 09:39 PM

Earth Angel...I think Rockwell would have done it proud. Thank you!

serentiy thanks for your expectation of excellence...keeps me trying harder. Thank you, belle..

Enchantress...thank you!!! Feel like I should change my name to Homer!!

Magnus...and those fences are getting farther away!! Thanks, my friend.

glider...thank you - and call me Mike

MorninGlory..thank you for such a kind comment. Yes, there are times that stand out and mark passages in our lives. This was one...

Paul...I thank you, assuming you know it's just a story and I'm not old enough to have been there!!!!

Canuckster..I'm sure it was a wonderful experience for everyone who was thanks.

SmartChick..thank you, my good friend. lucky you are....I never did! Thank you

martyjo...I hope he likes it..hugs at you!

Titia...yes, jewels they are...and you are one yourself..thank you, my Dutchie.

Mysteria..please give your son my thanks and  I send his mother a kiss on the cheek in gratitude.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
15 posted 2005-06-05 09:51 PM

Indeed - another of your wonders, m'deer - I enjoyed every word...
A home run for sure...

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
16 posted 2005-06-06 07:17 AM

Thanks to your Dad...
he didn't allow us
to forget, either.

Senior Member
since 2003-11-29
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Portland, OR
17 posted 2005-06-06 02:06 PM

Good story. I loved your rhyming too. Nice.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
18 posted 2005-06-06 03:10 PM

This is now a 'favorite' of yours that has been printed and tucked inside my First Edition book of Sports Stories From 1945~
(can you believe I FOUND the book laying at a corner bus stop in a sprinkling rain ?)

You tell such stories so wonderfully, they have a magic of their own~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
19 posted 2005-06-06 05:19 PM

This is superb, Deer... I swear I could smell the peanuts as well as see the quill on history's pages. *S*
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