Mistletoe Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816
Portland, Oregon
09:00 PM
(Be prepared for a great acrobatic rhyme trip here! (giggles) )

Happy Dance Grab Bag (Part of: “Emmanuel Endorphin’s Serotonin Sundae”) By: Noah Eaton 5/15/05
Well, I’ve been all around the world, socially decentering, Every tale can be told in a different way, it’s all about relational empathy, on behalf of acculturation and enculturation, let me show my appreciation, with this ad-libbed celebration, bringing drama to our ambitions, practicing positive affirmations. Well I’ve started my own dancing school, right here in the middle of the street, do whatever comes naturally is my philosophy, boogie down, sassy clown, get to the sugarfoot stampede, dancing on pianos and oxygen bars, vaudeville hoofing like Fred Astaire, dancers really are the athletes of God, so let me pull something special out, of my happy dance grab bag!
Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, Enrich the tapestry of the culdesac, Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity tap, Wiggle like a muppet, you happy Burmese puppet! Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, Emmanuel’s pumpin’ with the bumblebee boppers and the tumbleweeds and grasshoppers, and I’ve got a bunch of lollygags, doodads and knick-knacks, tucked right here in my happy dance grab bag!
Each dance is a poem, in every movement there’s a world, sweetening this vanilla lifestyle, with a caramel fudge swirl, relieving all my shoulder blade tension, with these acrobatic calisthenics, stretching my fingertips toward the heavens, savoring the flavor of life’s truest expression. Well I’ve started my own dancing school, right here in the middle of the street, Gotu Kola can rumba while practicing Capoeira, Girl scouts showcasing the Thin Mint Flit along the Rainbow Riviera, We treat the boardwalk like a catwalk, All the translations are chalked on the sidewalks, dancers really are the athletes of God, now’s the time to introduce another number, from my Happy Dance Grab Bag!
Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, Enrich the tapestry of the culdesac, Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity tap, Wiggle like a muppet, you happy Burmese puppet! Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, Emmanuel’s pumpin’ with the bumblebee boppers and the tumbleweeds and grasshoppers, and I’ve got a bunch of lollygags, doodads and knick-knacks, tucked right here in my happy dance grab bag!
Care to try the Crab Apple Raffle, Or the Maui Pineapple Gaffle, The Elm Street Kombucha, Or the Macadamia Nut Tut-Tut, My dances flood the world with melodic hurly-burly, Flavoring communities like masaman curry, And when we need to catch our breaths, We’ll take a moment to sit on all our backs, And rest our gentle heads… . . . …enjoying the feeling of contentment flooding our souls… . . . . . Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, . . Enrich the tapestry of the culdesac, . . Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, . . The dance is our most cherished hidden language, . . Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, . . Emmanuel’s pumpin’ with the bumblebee boppers and the tumbleweeds and grasshoppers, and I’ve got a bunch of lollygags, doodads and knick-knacks, tucked right here in my happy dance grab bag!
Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, Enrich the tapestry of the culdesac, Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity tap, Wiggle like a muppet, you happy Burmese puppet! Tip-tap-tappa-tippity-tappity-tap, Emmanuel’s pumpin’ with the bumblebee boppers and the tumbleweeds and grasshoppers, and I’ve got a bunch of lollygags, doodads and knick-knacks, tucked right here in my happy dance grab bag!

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"
Mother Teresa
[This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (05-16-2005 01:06 PM).]
Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962
just out of reach
10:58 PM
Oh Noah, this really has my toes "a-tippy-tap-tappin'" !! Excellent my sweet friend. hugs, Chris 
Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647
02:06 AM
Noah! you are a word magician! LOL, tip-tappity-tap.
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
07:28 AM
Oh, Noah! You outdid yourself with this happy dance! Boogie down, you sassy clown! 
Keep on doing what comes naturally and practicing those positive affirmations!
"dancers really are the athletes of God," ~ 
Your happy dance grab bag is full of treats and surprises!
This poem is a dance and your words prance right into my boogy-woogy soul!
"Wiggle like a muppet, you happy Burmese puppet!"!!!!!!!
Your "feeling of contentment" is flooding my vanilla swirl world!
~ and, yes, "The dance is our most cherished hidden language," ~ and you know that language VERY well!
Love you, Angel Boy!  EA
Senior Member
since 2001-10-12
Posts 1218
10:57 AM
This has my toes "a-tippy-tap-tappin'" too; and you really have a way with words! This is well crafted too!
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
11:26 AM
LOL, Noah, you had me grinning just from the title alone, before I even opened the post. 
Add that to the smiles and the tappin' fingers and toes as I read through this piece, and you've got me smiling and laughing from ear to ear. "happy dance grab bag" ... I love that! 
This was a terrific mid-workday pick-me-up! 
Best wishes and hugs, /Kit
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676
with you
01:22 PM
Noah you have such energy! You are better than coffee!! 
Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296
02:35 PM
this was outstanding...and, many many congratulations to your accomplishments...Noah, while reading this, well, it made me feel like I need to stop at a cold stone ice cream parlor tonight...
wonderfully festive this
Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
09:05 PM
Wheeee!!! How much fun is this??!! Love it Noah...my feet are a tap tap tappin'!!