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Member Seraphic
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0 posted 2005-02-18 11:08 AM

Others hate being at the farm alone
Where a ticking clock and the silent phone
Are civilized, but sounds that chill the bone
Scream from woods and swamp.

I never minded the isolation
And didn’t feel fear or desperation
There was always the anticipation
Of being with you.

You’d shelve your dignity to play the clown
Just for me… I soon learned wearing a frown
Was impossible when you were around
Did I tell you thanks?

I would have given anything to save
Your sweet life, but now you lie in a grave
I’m not sure I’ll be either strong or brave
As coyotes howl.

You were my buddy, not merely a pet
I loved you from the first moment we met
And I promise you I’ll never forget
That you blessed my life.

For over 14 years of purest cat love... I am so grateful. Boy Cat - February 12, 2005

© Copyright 2005 suthern - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2005-02-18 11:12 AM


I've loved many a cat....understanding this with my heart.  

Janet Marie
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2 posted 2005-02-18 11:13 AM

You were my buddy, not merely a pet
I loved you from the first moment we met
And I promise you I’ll never forget
That you blessed my life.


as you blessed his...
heart hugs Ruth

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Member Rara Avis
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3 posted 2005-02-18 11:28 AM

It's been only one for me....after four dogs during my lifetime... but I miss Shadow most of all.

I know what Boy Cat meant to you, heard you speak lovingly of him long since....and I know it's foolish to dismiss that small animal as animal because there isn't a human intelligence and language. There IS both language and personality, and the communication goes both ways....that's a small furry person you're holding, whether the book says so or not, and you love them.

Saying goodbye was harder for me than the loss of some human relatives has been....because she was inside me and they weren't.

Ya did it again, of your poems set me rambling....

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

Seymour Tabin
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4 posted 2005-02-18 11:45 AM

I miss mine too.

Member Patricius
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5 posted 2005-02-18 01:09 PM

had dogs, a few cats and horses all my life....but having to put the last dog down was the roughest, perhaps b/c of having to do this so many times....

Hugs to you, and your furry little companion....they surely are man's best friends...

A lovely tribute and heartwarming poem...thank you for sharing

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2005-02-18 02:06 PM

Great big *HUGS* of loving friendship come your way~

You know I feel this deeply and hold you in tender thought~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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7 posted 2005-02-18 02:51 PM

This is a place of friendship -- the real kind. I just wanted you to know that, and know there are folks who understand the hurt that came to you with this.

Chin up, Suthern gal!


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Texas, USA
8 posted 2005-02-18 04:05 PM

Heart breaking
Dogs, their friendship, faithfulness, and dedication make their lives with ours a marvelous memory to cherish when they pass on.
Sad.  Sorry for the loss.


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9 posted 2005-02-18 04:54 PM

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Member Seraphic
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10 posted 2005-02-18 05:17 PM

Martie: Thank you. *S* They give us so much. *S*

JM: Thank you... I hope you're right. *S*

Ratleader: My Dad swore that Boy understood English. *S* But even if he didn't... we didn't just co-exist, we communicated. *S* And yes... they get inside you... especially when you're lucky enough to be THEIR person. *S* Ramble on, my friend... I thank you so much!!!

Seymour: Hugs, my sweet friend... and thank you! *S*

Lee: It never gets any easier... but I wouldn't have missed that friendship for the world. *S* Thank you so much!!

Marge: Thank you for your kind thoughts. *S*

Jamie: I'm trying, my friend. *S* Just don't be surprised if there's flooding in Louisiana tonight. *S* Thank you so much... for both the read and the reminder. *S*

JL: And Boy gave me so many memories. *S* One of these days I'll write of being served breakfast in bed... or sandpaper kisses. *S* Right now... I just miss. Thank you! *S*

Edder: Thank you... very much. *S*

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Listening to every heart
11 posted 2005-02-18 07:43 PM


I'm glad I came in, m'dear...

let's see...

Cleo, who had Claude & Pepper...

they allowed me to let them cats...

and dogs?


Abby...who is not just a dog, but when you get to know dogs, or cats, they become more than "just an animal"...they kind of take over your life, and give you unconditional love, respect, tolerance, understanding, and more love...they read your signs as you read their's; they know your style and temperament and sleeping habits; they know when to beg, and when to give comfort; and sometimes...

they just know quiet holding of hearts.

Titia Geertman
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12 posted 2005-02-18 07:44 PM

This is such a sweet tribute to your friend the cat. I lost 1 cat and 2 dogs last year and I still miss them very much.

But memories are a marvellous invention.

Hugs, Titia

Like scattered words will flow

Member Patricius
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13 posted 2005-02-18 09:11 PM

Ruth, your Boy Cat was so beloved and it is so evident in your poem.  This is the sweetest tribute for your friend.  Our pets are so special to us.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  Boy Cat would want you to have another companion, I think.
Earth Angel
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14 posted 2005-02-19 01:15 AM

"You were my buddy, not merely a pet
I loved you from the first moment we met
And I promise you I’ll never forget
That you blessed my life."

~ Oh, suthern, I am so sorry that your Boy has passed. I know what a loss like that can be and I have much compassion for how you must be feeling at this time.

The love that he also gave to you ~ was earned. Any animal that was fortunate to have you as their "master" would be living in a good and caring home.

Our cat (Magic)is failing and we are counting the days...

Sending you a warm, comforting hug,

serenity blaze
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15 posted 2005-02-19 06:12 AM

and a nod of understanding sweet friend

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16 posted 2005-02-19 02:47 PM

Suthern: Thank you for this.I printed it out for my Jackie,who is is still missing her Rottweiler, Thunder. She felt that no one understands how much she misses him. She and he used to play hide and seek in a two room apartment. He was an amazing dog. When her baby arrived she sent home his little shirts to smell and it worked, he was an amazing dog with children and the three kittens that came later. He died two years ago and she grieves.  Thank you, as she is still recuperating from her accident,it helped to see her smile. marty
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17 posted 2005-02-19 09:18 PM

You know I'm touched by this.  Lost my dog last summer, and yesterday, the second of our triplets died.  We bottle fed the "kids" in my kitchen about fourteen years ago when they were barely able to stand. (They were so cute!) It seems like yesterday!  The one remaining got out into the yard today and was knocking on my door with her nose!  I guess she remembers, too!  Silly goat!  

Hope you feel better, suthern.  Hugs,


passing shadows
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18 posted 2005-02-20 10:50 AM

that's many years of joy and both lived good lives

I'm a cat person too, so I know how difficult it is

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19 posted 2005-02-20 11:24 AM

Suthern, I can so relate to this. All the pets I ever had weren't just pets to me. They were my friends when I was a child and my kids when I grew up and with the losing of each one of them my heart broke. When I was just a lil girl I had this beautifullll white german shepard named, Rex. I can still remember being that very young girl and going to his grave many times and just crying my eyes out. And when I grew up losing one was no different than when I was a child. They become our family. My mama told me that Rex was a great protector of me. He loved me and watched over me. How can we not miss these furry creatures that become so much a part of us? I'm sorry for your lose Hun. Great biggggg hugs.

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Member Seraphic
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20 posted 2005-02-21 12:38 PM

I can't thank you all enough for your kind responses... all the names you've listed are proof positive of the impact our little friends have on our lives... and how intensely they are missed and mourned.

EA: My heart goes out to you in your day-counting... I know my time with my last kitty is limited... she's 18... and is a mere shadow of the cat she was when Cosette (her daughter) died 14 months ago... each day she greets me at the door is a blessing... even if my gratitude is mixed with grumpiness at being bossed around by someone I cannot please. *G*

And latearrival: It touches me beyond words that you're sharing this... I hope it helps! *S*

It was as lonely at the farm as I'd feared... until the military started flyover missions about 3 am... then it was just plain deafening! *G*

Thank you all... so much! *S*

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21 posted 2005-02-23 03:05 PM

I know I am late to reply as usual, but this...your kitty...and you....just beautiful.....hugs my friend
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The Hague, The Netherlands
22 posted 2005-02-23 05:36 PM

"Cats leave pawprint on your heart"

Since my very first cat I always wondered if I chose the cats, or did the cats chose me?

I know this leaves a gap in your heart, but, as you express so well, there is much to be grateful for and many memories to cherish. In a while Boy will still bring a smile on your face.

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
23 posted 2005-02-23 06:10 PM

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Member Seraphic
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24 posted 2005-02-24 10:59 AM

jellybeans: Thank you, sweet lady... so much. *S*

Munda: They do indeed. *S* And you're right about being chosen... we may open the door... but they knock where they want entrance. *S* Thank you! *S*

Nightshade: Thank you very much. *S*

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25 posted 2005-05-13 06:28 PM

When I was browsing through your library I found this, remembering how special it is.  I hope the time has helped a bit.

I rarely have much time to write or post anymore, but I try to at least sneak a few reads in during about 20 minutes of lunchtime.  Somehow or other, I just can't seem to eat and type at the same time, but I wanted you to know that regardless to whether I post or not,I enjoy reading your poetry.

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
26 posted 2005-05-14 03:22 PM

I have no idea how I missed this but glad I saw it now.  My heart sure goes out to you as one who owns a cat, lost a cat, and know they are family.  My gal is the only thing that is allowed to sleep with me.   I am so sorry but know you both enriched each other's lives in the best way possible, as only you could do.
D.Lester Young
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27 posted 2005-05-14 05:16 PM

A very blessed tribute to a dear friend who offered so much comfort.
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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28 posted 2005-05-15 08:16 PM

miscellanea: You are so dear... and your timing is great. *S* I've just come from the farm... and yes... when I'm there, I miss him so much... he made the bad bearable. But love doesn't die and there are so many good memories... he truly blessed my life. *S* So do you, my friend... thank you!

Mysteria: Thank you so much... and they are indeed family. *S*

D.Lester Young: I didn't realize how many times I turned to him for comfort... or how many times he made me laugh. *S* Thank you so much!!

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-19
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29 posted 2005-05-15 11:29 PM

You were my buddy, not merely a pet
I loved you from the first moment we met
And I promise you I’ll never forget
That you blessed my life.

as the mother of one housecat and 6 strays, i know this love; i feel blessed that they found me to serve them

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Member Seraphic
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30 posted 2005-05-17 03:03 PM

inkedgoddess: Thank you so very much... and I completely understand. *S8
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