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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart

0 posted 2005-01-25 07:33 PM

Save the Light

Winter, more than hibernation
or than a time
for seeds to rest; sometimes
a spell in wait, see here,
reflect, hold consequences
there, in the pool of your palm
where lines runnel
some long, others short
and I’m trying to find my life.

Wondering if gray hairs might denote
every mistake
or just every other breath held, maybe

we angle the mirror’s reflection to spot-light
not ourselves, but our moves, decisions,
our hurried responses; times we didn’t hurry
in answering most urgent needs, but
stood silent, wondering
where is the damn book that would tell me
yes, or no…look at his eyes, hear the tear
in her throat ~ they believe their need is
greater than our love…

So, save the light this eve,
turn off sounds and quell any music
of our hearts; it is time to study once more
where I went wrong, so slip me
responsibility’s pill, and by dawn, maybe
I will have resolved the need of then
back into my spine,
and count a few more gray reasons
why I continue to love.

© Copyright 2005 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2005-01-25 07:51 PM

The good news is they've (the omnipotent "they") have found out why hair turns grey and you'll be delighted to know it isn't your fault. I doubt much else is either and gee, I wish I had a smile like that. Enjoyed

Poets against the war is redundant

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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
2 posted 2005-01-25 08:19 PM

I have to heartedly agree with RS...and if
gray denotes mistakes...well,  I guess
that bald is better cause it takes away a
lot of "them"...hehe.  

Hang in there lady....there is a candle
burning at the end of the tunnel...and
love is eternal..though sometime wavering.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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3 posted 2005-01-25 08:58 PM

Hi Sissie

"So, save the light this eve,
turn off sounds and quell any music
of our hearts; it is time to study once more
where I went wrong, so slip me
responsibility’s pill, and by dawn, maybe
I will have resolved the need of then"

I have to tell you, many times you are the light...the bright place in all the dark...and yes, love is forever, in the dark it is the light!  

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
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By the Seaside
4 posted 2005-01-25 09:41 PM

So, save the light this eve,
turn off sounds and quell any music
of our hearts; it is time to study once more
where I went wrong, so slip me
responsibility’s pill, and by dawn, maybe

I wish I wish, but as we know, or should by now, we are the ones responsible for our actions.  Thus, we must account for them, and put them to rest as best we can.

...then swallow the pill, whole!!  

  Your thoughts are keen, and I thank you for sharing your insight, Karilea~

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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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5 posted 2005-01-25 11:10 PM

So, save the light this eve,
turn off sounds and quell any music
of our hearts; it is time to study once more
where I went wrong, so slip me
responsibility’s pill, and by dawn, maybe
I will have resolved the need of then
back into my spine,
and count a few more gray reasons
why I continue to love."

Poetry doesn't get stronger than this...or more poignantly difficult to read.....

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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6 posted 2005-01-26 09:24 AM

I've come to believe that "wrong" is a nebulous word with many definitions, but feel that making the decisions we have is the best we could do at the time.  
Great fun to read you, as always.  KJ

Through rubble and trouble and dark of night
The yawn of a dawn will hasten the light

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7 posted 2005-01-26 09:37 AM

yep we do need that icon...cause this is you and me both....WOW! does this ever go deep
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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8 posted 2005-01-26 10:34 AM

where is the damn book that would tell me
yes, or no…look at his eyes, hear the tear
in her throat ~ they believe their need is
greater than our love…

So, save the light this eve,
turn off sounds and quell any music
of our hearts; it is time to study once more
where I went wrong, so slip me
responsibility’s pill, and by dawn, maybe
I will have resolved the need of then
back into my spine,
and count a few more gray reasons
why I continue to love.

Absolutely magnificent... another keeper from your pen.  *S*

Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
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Texas, USA
9 posted 2005-01-26 11:12 AM

“count a few more gray reasons
why I continue to love.”

L'amore concorda tutti
(Love conquers all…)
Irrespective, no?



Member Elite
since 2000-11-17
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east coast
10 posted 2005-01-26 12:02 PM

with a voice so familliar these words read...

how did I miss this treasure?



wandering glider
Senior Member
since 2001-04-04
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11 posted 2005-01-26 04:42 PM

"~ they believe their need is
greater than our love…"

a fine line
and one to ponder



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Member Elite
since 2004-03-21
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The World of Poetry
12 posted 2005-01-26 07:12 PM

This is so beautifully written.


Happy 2005!

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

13 posted 2005-01-27 06:52 AM

we angle the mirror’s reflection to spot-light
not ourselves, but our moves, decisions,
our hurried responses; times we didn’t hurry
in answering most urgent needs, but
stood silent, wondering
where is the damn book that would tell me
yes, or no…look at his eyes, hear the tear
in her throat ~ they believe their need is
greater than our love…

this reminds me of something I recently heard and that attention to the needs of others....

Tremendous as always pretty lady...this was a lesson well learned, by each reader....back up to the top you go

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
14 posted 2005-01-27 09:15 AM

this got me thinking for sure
about my own gray reasons

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