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Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
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California Desert

0 posted 2004-11-19 04:34 PM


Whose memory is this
that sits shattered,
on a dumping ground
in the California Desert.

It is an acknowledgment
that this soldier
paid his dues,
for his country.
A minimal gratuity
yet it renders a motion
that this man
honestly and faithfully
gave of himself
for the many.

He was proud of it,
took it home,
bought a frame for it,
and possibly had it hung
in a place of honor
within the walls of his home.

So why is it here,
behind broken glass,
fading in the strong sun
and severely weathered
…to imperfection.
Is it the mirror image
of a man’s being…
Is it a life wasted,
transitioned, forgotten.
Does this existence
no longer matter,
to anyone  that it
was of importance to.

I passionately dislike
this picture…
but it reaches out
with invisible fingers
and touches me.
It forces me to feel
and  face the reality,
that so many have laid
themselves on the line
that I might live in a world
worth living in.

I just don’t know
whose memory this is
that sits shattered,
on a dumping ground
in the California Desert…
but I will hold it as valued,
and I will not forget.

© Copyright 2004 das - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2004-11-19 04:57 PM

Thank you!

Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
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California Desert
2 posted 2004-11-19 05:53 PM

Thank you - my son took the picture and it touched me.
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Member Seraphic
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with you
3 posted 2004-11-19 07:23 PM

did he pick it up, or leave it there? I don't know what I would have done with it sad that it was thrown away like that...I am so proud of those that serve, I have many in my own family that have and are currently. I think I would have picked it up
Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
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Texas, USA
4 posted 2004-11-19 07:29 PM

You pierced my heart, and drew a tear.
These memories are truly needed by the family.
I hope the family can be found.

Great write, and for me a keeper for sure!


Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
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California Desert
5 posted 2004-11-19 07:31 PM

Thank you for reading and commenting I appreciate it very much.

It was on private property, the owner collects all the throw aways from unpaid storage sheds, he appears to have his own agenda as to what happens to the items that litter his grounds. He was kind enough to let my son and a friend go in and take a few pictures.

Huan Yi
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since 2004-10-12
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6 posted 2004-11-19 08:10 PM

Summer grasses—

all that’s left
of warriors' dreams.


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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
7 posted 2004-11-19 08:16 PM

I remember going to get my father's things in a storage shed that held them.  I saw things that would make you cry in the bin there as I did discard things of no value before sending things that could be used to the Salvation Army.  Obviously relatives discard "memories" like so much garbage.  Makes you wonder if you should retrieve them and find an owner that would care, or just leave them be.  So sad.  I even buy things like this at flea markets so they have a "home" at least.  Nice to see you writing again Spirit.  
passing shadows
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8 posted 2004-11-19 09:30 PM

so touching, yes
Member Empyrean
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9 posted 2004-11-19 10:24 PM


Thank you for posting this.  Now that photo is appreciated.  I've been in antique stores or thrift stores, even garage sales, where photos were for sale...families from long ago, held together by a camera for an instant.  It seems so sad that they be so neglected.  Good to see you again!  

since 2004-01-04
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GA, Camden
10 posted 2004-11-20 12:30 PM

This person is not forgotten.  Yes the honorable discharge lying in the dirt may be, but the soul who earned it is not!  God, pictures like this just makes my blood boil.  Great write.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2004-11-20 10:19 AM

How this touches me ... so sad that something like this couldn't have been traced to the owner's family~

Thank you~

I am the proverbial 'buyer of other folks legacies' ... It would have come home with me !


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

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Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
Posts 1745
California Desert
12 posted 2004-11-20 10:30 AM

Thanks for responding - if I had been there when my son took the photo I would have got it home somehow with me. I have tried to magnify the name enough to read it - but no dice. I did find out about the Brigadier General Briggs who signed it. My son saw it as a 'good' picture subject other than that really thought not to much about it. I asked him to take me to this out of the way place in the boonies, but he could not pinpoint it again. Not for lack of trying that I did not retrieve it. If that was laying around I was very curious to see what else might be found to give/find a home for.
Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
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walking the surreal
13 posted 2004-11-20 02:45 PM

The symbolism of this picture is not lost upon those of us who recall men and women who served and then were forgotten - lost - this photo and your poem are a poignant reminder of the way men and women of the armed services should be considered - thanked - not discarded -

Excellent -


Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

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