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Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines

0 posted 2004-07-29 08:42 PM


It has only been one month...

We use to feed off of each other,
especially towards the end, when
I could still get you to understand.

I am listening to some calming music this evening,
not your type, but that never stopped me
from remembering how you use to
hold onto the kitchen drawer knobs, to do the bop
when you were fourteen or fifteen and I was only eight.

I use to peek around the corner
and watch without you knowing
and then when you would go out,
I would turn on the radio,  
remembering those steps and copy you.

I mentioned this to you only days before
and I saw that slight smile cross your thinning face
and knew you remembered too.
I tried so hard to keep you thinking,
even when it became too hard for you.

You were always better at everything
than I much talent for one person.
I always wished I could sing like you, or
draw like you, but I wasn't gifted that way
and whenever you would ask me
to help you with something creative,
I would be so proud.

To show you how to do anything
was always a treat and I learned
so much more from you
than you ever did from me.

When memories cross me now,
and you are not here to share them with,
I write them down, so I can always
have a part of you near me.

I plan on making a treasure box,
piece by piece, inserting or inlaying
those pieces of jewelry that I chose.

That way I can look at it and see you,
and I will be able to open it at any time I choose
and will know you are somewhere near in spirit,
as I look at the photos and items in my possession.

And I will never forget those last moments,
even though you were fading.
You still wanted me to be the one by your side,
until you no longer could hold on.

I will treasure the good and sad of it always.
It could not have ended any other way...


"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
(Will Moss)

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Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348
1 posted 2004-07-29 08:52 PM


Of course you understand now that you were always better at being you and that is what she needed.  

"cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind"
~Sarah McLachlan~

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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962
just out of reach
2 posted 2004-07-29 08:56 PM

Bless your heart Maureen.
This brought me to tears and I wished that I lived closer to my sister Enchantress so that I might hold her close this moment.
  You will always have your dear sister near in spirit and in beautiful memories.
  Hugging you in my heart. Chris

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-19
Posts 7392
3 posted 2004-09-24 11:37 PM

somehow she knows

time prophet
since 2003-07-30
Posts 371
In New Zealand Amongst the Ancient Trees
4 posted 2004-09-25 06:19 AM

Treasures that will never leave you. Nicely said M.
Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
Posts 5104
walking the surreal
5 posted 2004-09-25 06:35 AM

Reading this, I thought, wow, this is how I would feel having lost my older sister - what a sad, sad thing, my heart to you.  You expressed your love for her so beautifully here-


Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
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6 posted 2004-09-25 09:52 AM

very touching M
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
7 posted 2004-09-25 02:37 PM

Maureen, I have as I am sure many have been through this time of remembering, (especially the dancing with the doorknob   part,) and somehow it was the ultimate pain and joy all rolled into one package.  So many stages of acceptance in letting go, and I have to tell you the truth I am still in the process a few years later.  Sometime loving someone and letting go just don't have a point of being severed maybe?  Nicely done poem.

Howdy Neighbour!

Member Elite
since 2003-01-31
Posts 4178

8 posted 2004-09-25 03:27 PM

very poignant...very beautiful.


Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
Posts 7081
On A Journey To The Unknown
9 posted 2004-09-25 05:38 PM

Sending you a hug. Sisters are special. I wish my sister and I had been close.
Member Elite
since 2003-12-21
Posts 2917

10 posted 2004-09-27 12:53 PM

People never leave you because they have a place in you

Yes I can share your words and someone else will have to start to share their own words with their Aunt before too long although I dont think they realise it


Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

11 posted 2004-09-27 01:20 PM

there is presently someone in my family whom we are loosing...she was a pillar of society, a woman of strength and independence
love, care, understanding, rather a privet women...respectable, peace loving, embraced people beyond any sense of obligation....and you, in your words have reminded me of her...thank you, I'm going to give her a call tomorrow.  
Love to you

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2004-09-27 03:59 PM

This is a gifting from your heart~
So beautifully you~

I know this loss ... and have made the 'trinket' boxes with love~

Thinking that I will read this one over and over~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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