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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart

0 posted 2004-07-13 09:06 AM

Just thinking on paper

if I were to be obscurely
obtuse then I most certainly
would not be luculent

and I think you would agree

and if you suffered
Don Juanism
no way could I care

but you would make me care

and if we were to
be fantabulous
you could be one
and I the other

and then we could interchange

and it seems
that everything
under the sun
has been known
to the sun and
is not new to
the sun

and I would have to agree

but it would not make
me love you less

and then we get down to
the real banter
of the evening
the give and take
of my taking of
your giving
but when will you
take up my giving

for I do, you know

give, that is

so my mind wanders because
it's tired of being here right now,
listening to the
same tape of talk
that won't change and
refuses to stick enough
so I could pull it out
and be rid of it once
and for all

and I think, had I
been born on 12/12/15
instead of 12/12/51 I would
have perhaps known in person
a really famous person
but I have to be content
that God had dyslexia
that day and I was planted
here 36 years later
so I really only knew Sinatra
through movies and music
and such as that, and
of course,
through my mother's eyes

but to share with him
two out of three
ain't bad

so I guess if I let my
thoughts keep rambling
like the tumbleweed it is,
perhaps it will cross over
some land where a cowboy
wrote a note and lost it in
the rainstorm where it stuck
to a smaller weed and me,
tumbling along, would
eventually spear that ratty
scrap of paper and carry
love letters on into another

Kansas style romance
bites the dust

can't you just read the

and he comes in and wants
to know "when will you get
tired of it all" and I just look at
him and sigh and turn back to
reading and writing and not being
tired of it at all…

isn't that strange?

if I were to be obscurely
obtuse then I most certainly
would not be luculent

and I think you would agree

and if you suffered
Don Juanism
no way could I care

but you would make me care

and if we were to
be fantabulous
you could be one
and I the other

wouldn't it be nice?
gets stuck in my head….


12.02.00; 02.21.02;
Time for a Repost

© Copyright 2004 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
1 posted 2004-07-13 09:12 AM

Fantastic Karilea!!
I wanted your ramble of thoughts to continue on forever!
I was so caught up in this that I was sitting here smiling in certain places
and nodding in agreement.

I love it!!
Do it again?

Hugs YOU!

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
Dancing with you in the summer rain ~

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

2 posted 2004-07-13 09:25 AM

Very much enjoyed this one...thank you for sharing.
Senior Member
since 2003-09-03
Posts 972
Out Making Anticlines
3 posted 2004-07-13 10:21 AM

I agree -- very much time to repost this beauty, give it new life on a sky-blue page!


Deputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962
just out of reach
4 posted 2004-07-13 11:19 AM

perhaps it will cross over
some land where a cowboy
wrote a note and lost it in
the rainstorm where it stuck
to a smaller weed and me,
tumbling along, would
eventually spear that ratty
scrap of paper and carry
love letters on into another

Hey! Anything's possible ... right? Right.
Loved this Karilea. hugs, Chrislane

   Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.
                                          Hans Christian Anderson

Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
Posts 6128
Texas, USA
5 posted 2004-07-13 12:00 PM

Deep, insightful, with humor.  Wonderful write.  I enjoyed the read a lot!


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
6 posted 2004-07-13 12:09 PM

"the real banter
of the evening
the give and take
of my taking of
your giving"

~ I hearya! lol

Enjoyed the rumble and tumble of thoughts and words.

I see that your Life Path is the Master Number 22!
~ which is the Master Builder! ~ the same Life Path as Oprah Winfrey!

1+2+1+2+1+9+5+1= 22

Hard-working, strong leadership capabilities, work ethic, builders of empires, luminaries


Love & Light,

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
7 posted 2004-07-13 10:08 PM

You now qualify to be a soul sister (as if you weren't already)......just kidding.  I can tell this came from a great depth within you.  I understand completely.  Loved the write,
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
8 posted 2004-07-13 11:48 PM


I must have missed this one...I'm so glad you reposted it.  Some things change, and others stay the same...and you keep growing in the right direction!!  

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-19
Posts 7392
9 posted 2004-07-14 07:00 AM

rambling thoughts yet insightful, and humorous too, i liked
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