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Dark Poetry #1
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since 1999-09-06
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Sunny Queensland

0 posted 2000-06-07 11:28 PM

Look guys this is a touchy subject but I am having to move, delete or close a lot of suicide stuff lately.  This is an open forum accessable by anyone any age.. so we must watch our content. Youth can misconstrue stuff so easily.. and read it as 'glorifying' suicide and none of us would want to be responsible for a teenager thinking suicide is an answer when by God it is not!!!!!
If you want a locked darker forum for these sort of posts, get together and petition Ron with the idea but for now, suicide posts have no place in Passions as it is.
So there will be no more warnings from this moment forth anything I deem questionable is deleted. Sorry but it's Ron's place, Ron's rules.
Hope you can all appreciate our position..
Isis Dark Forum Moderator

 I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

© Copyright 2000 Isis - All Rights Reserved
X Angel
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1 posted 2000-06-07 11:45 PM

*rah rah rah*
you go girlie

and you guys behave, poor Isis is worrying herself too much about this!
now play nice, write nicer or I'll have to sick my tiny baby kitty Darjeeling on ya'll by letting him cruise my keyboard like he did earlier rofl!

*hugs* Isis  

Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
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Sunny Queensland
2 posted 2000-06-07 11:58 PM

Thaks X Angel    I'm sure all our wonderful dark forum members will behave themselves, they're a great bunch!!!

 I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

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3 posted 2000-06-08 01:20 PM

I think we should have more people like acire in here. In that poem the person was contemplating suicide but decided to choose life instead. For all of those out there who cotemplate suicide it does not solve anything. Your pain might be over but you have to think about all those that you leave behind. What would your friends and family feel if you left them. You might not think that anyone cares but someone always does. And God especially cares and it is a sin to commit suicide and you would hurt Him most of all.  
Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
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Loomis, CA
4 posted 2000-06-08 01:41 PM

I guess I have missed a lot of stuff during my absense...

Can someone tell me what IS acceptable in the Dark Passions forum now days?

 Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

since 2000-06-05
Posts 89

5 posted 2000-06-08 02:18 PM

I'm with JP. I had asked about this in a previous post, but things tend to get buried in here I've noticed.

[This message has been edited by gothicmoth (edited 06-08-2000).]

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
6 posted 2000-06-08 07:42 PM

Dark Passions is for poetry that is of a more somber, soul-searching vein. But still, we don't want something that 'glorifies' suicide. Don't promote it..don't make it seem like a solution...there have been poems on suicide that are long as it doesn't make suicide attractive to the more impressionable members here. This forum is open to all and with over 3000 members, we have to assume that some of them are quite young!
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
7 posted 2000-06-08 09:03 PM

Thanks Poet Devine!!  I'll just add even those poems that say in the beginning suicide is the answer and then change at the end, could still influence younger members or readers.
The easiest solution is nothing pertaining to suicide and nothing blood and guts.  You can illistrate feelings of ending it all without saying suicide is the only answer.  After all we are writers we can do whatever we set our minds too.
As I said previously if we want a very dark forum where we can write death, suicide blood and guts, we should petition Ron about it.  It would have to be a passworded forum like adult.  If you guys want it, talk to Ron.
As it stands now there is no place for it in any forum, and as this is Ron's place we must all adhere to his rules or guidelines.
I have written stuff myself hinting at the possibilities but nothing outright you all can do that too..

 I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

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