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Dark Poetry #1
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Sandra Cox
Junior Member
since 2000-03-24
Posts 48
Essex, London,UK

0 posted 2000-03-26 06:54 PM

The Power of Love.....

It has a power that is second to none
Far more than any battle fought and won
It takes control and before you know
You have come across your greatest foe

It makes you lose all sense of reason
It has no care for time or season
A sickness this could seem to be
A cancer that no medic will see

Your mind is controlled and thinks no more
You cannot function that's for sure
Its frightening and strikes out of the blue
You're not even sure how it got to you

But it found a flaw in your body and struck
You'll look for a cure but there's no such luck
For now its got you and reeled you in
You're on to a loser and never can win

A logical thought is a thing of the past
But the feeling is good and surely can't last
Just thinking of them can make you feel sick
Then back to reality well that was quick

Its a power game between heart and head
A path that sometimes is tricky to tread
Your heart says yes but your head says no
You're so confused but which way do you go

The things in life that were so easy to do
Are no longer the ones important to you
To be with that person no matter the cost
Forgetting the price or whatever you've lost

Its the strongest emotion a human can feel
And when it hits you you'll know when its real
But if you should fail to keep this heart
Then you will learn the hardest part

Its not a feeling turned off like a tap
You'll know you are lost but there isn't a map
The pain in your heart will go on forever
It doesn't go away and the hurt leaves you never

Even when they give you a reason for hate
You cannot do it they were still your best mate
And as the years pass you on by
There are still the times when you want to cry

For once love is given and surely meant
There's a niche in your heart from where is went
It cannot be filled and never ignored
For that would mean you are truly flawed

You just have to store these feelings for now
Its a difficult process but you'll learn how
And then you can move on within your life
These feelings no longer fill you with strife

So listen to your head and love with care
You don't know how long this person will be there
Don't take a chance if the risk seems high
Listen to your head when it asks you why

If you're lucky to love and find the best
Then you won't need to put this to the test
You can survive eternity happy with your mate
Sure that everything is not all down to fate

The moral of this tale is easy to tell
Once you have suffered you know it well
Love with care and if your heart rules your head
Listen to you brain and let that rule instead!

Sandra Cox x

© Copyright 2000 sandra cox - All Rights Reserved
Junior Member
since 2000-03-22
Posts 20
1 posted 2000-03-26 07:07 PM

Great first post!    you captured love and heartbreak really well.   I cant wait to read more by you.
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
2 posted 2000-03-26 07:23 PM

Welcome to the dark forum Sandra.  You did a great job with this, descirbing love this way is no small feat!! Bravo  

 There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self...
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

since 2000-01-28
Posts 84
Oviedo, Florida, U.S.
3 posted 2000-03-26 07:35 PM

WOW!  This was a very very good 1st post.  Heck this was good for ne post!  I loved it from beginning to the end!

 Be careful!
It's a jungle out there!

Junior Member
since 2000-03-25
Posts 10
Daytona Beach, FL USA
4 posted 2000-03-26 07:55 PM

great work! It's so true, the conflict between your heart and head! Use wisdom in's beautiful!

since 2000-03-19
Posts 476

5 posted 2000-03-26 09:50 PM


What can I say except this is truly excellent...and beyond.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2000-03-27 03:29 PM

Wonderful writing..yes love does possess lots of power.  James
Junior Member
since 2000-03-27
Posts 46
7 posted 2000-03-27 05:03 PM

the hardest part is thinking with your mind instead of your heart.  If that was so easy, there wouldn't be heartache....great poem.
since 2000-03-12
Posts 271
The woods
8 posted 2000-03-27 05:09 PM

Welcome to Dark Passions. Great first post! I look forward to read more from you.

 I`m running out of time, I`m out of step and closing down, I never sleep for wanting hours the empty hours of greed. And uselessly always the need to feel again the real belief, of something more than mockery. If only I could fill my heart with love. -Robert Smith

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since 2000-03-27
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9 posted 2000-03-27 11:24 PM

"You cannot function that's for sure."  Here I thought I was one of the few staring at my ceiling at 3:00am wondering why I couldn't close the emptiness inside.  Good job.
Aiden Kelly
since 2000-02-14
Posts 148
Ft. Wayne, IN USA
10 posted 2000-03-28 02:16 AM

i like the style of this...has a "moral tale" quality to it (like chaucer)!    welcome to passions!  great poem!   understand those images very well...
Walter Poe
Senior Member
since 1999-10-13
Posts 787

11 posted 2000-03-28 04:53 AM

What can i say Walter says Hi This is a great poem full of what love can be I certainly recognise much of this poem from my own life.

Very beautiful

  Did you write the Book of Love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Do you believe in rock 'n roll
Can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow

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Member Seraphic
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with you
12 posted 2000-03-28 04:54 PM

Sandra~ Welcome!   This is a wonderful poem. Love is tricky stuff! -SEA
Sandra Cox
Junior Member
since 2000-03-24
Posts 48
Essex, London,UK
13 posted 2000-03-28 05:55 PM

Thank you all so much for all your kind words and for welcoming me to your family.  I am so pleased that I decided to join this wonderful group!

Love Sandra

Angel Usagi
Junior Member
since 2000-03-29
Posts 11

14 posted 2000-03-29 08:07 PM

Too true.  Too true.

 ~*Angel Usagi*~

since 2000-01-01
Posts 260
Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
15 posted 2000-03-29 11:16 PM

a;; has been said all i can do is give you a great warm *hug* welcome to the family dear  
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