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Dark Poetry #1
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New Member
since 2000-03-21
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0 posted 2000-03-22 12:18 PM

I Need A Friend

I need A friend,
Are you out there?
I need a friend today.
I need a friend,
To fight this pain,
And take these tears away.

I need a friend,
I've really tried,
To hold my head up high.
I need a friend,
That I can hold,
As I sit and cry.

I need a friend,
To share the pain,
I can no longer bear.
I need a friend,
For just a while,
Tell me…are you there?

If you are, then tell me please,
Help me ease my pain.
Help me find the sunshine,
Help me leave the rain.

I need a friend,
I need your hugs,
I'm no longer strong.
I need a friend,
To see me through,
I've waited for so long.

If you are out there somewhere,
Please help me today.
Please don't just reject me,
Don't turn me away.

I need a friend,
I need your love,
So this message I will send
Is there anybody out there?
Hello….I need a friend.

Darla R. R.

© Copyright 2000 Darla - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-03-21
Posts 680
1 posted 2000-03-22 12:54 PM

This poem brought back alot of painful memories for me.  Very well expressed on ur part.  A friend is always out there.  Just sometimes they are also frightened too.  Never give up tho.


Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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2 posted 2000-03-22 01:02 AM

HI Darla and welcome to passions, you will find many poetic friends here...
beautiful poem, so nice to have you join us.
take care, jm

Broken Wings
since 2000-03-18
Posts 157
Miami, FL.
3 posted 2000-03-22 01:29 AM

This poem is BEAUTIFUL, i've cried these same words for so long. Keep faith, that one true friend is out there and all you have to do, even tho it's hard, is trust.

take care,
Broken Wings

 "As you learn and grow, you will realize the greater the pain, the greater the growth."

Senior Member
since 2000-03-05
Posts 679
4 posted 2000-03-22 04:07 AM

Darla Welcome !!! Great first post, think we have all felt this way at one time or another good job expressing those emotions !!

 "A poet is one who spends a lifetime standing out in thunderstorms, waiting to be hit by lightning"
~Randal Jarrell~

Walter Poe
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since 1999-10-13
Posts 787

5 posted 2000-03-22 11:23 AM

If you want a friend i am always here

E-mail me if it gets to much

always Walter

  Did you write the Book of Love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Do you believe in rock 'n roll
Can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow

Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
Posts 948
New Hampshire, USA
6 posted 2000-03-22 01:36 PM

Darla....great poem.  Such emotion, from deep within.  We all feel that way sometimes.  But you can always find a friend here....I know I did.  Hope to see more of your work.  I [email protected]
Dark Enchantress
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meet Morgana
7 posted 2000-03-22 03:32 PM

This is a wonderful poem Darla and if you hold on you'll find a friend. A real friend...they are so rare...but well worth the wait. Keep your eyes open...they're not too easy to find...especially with your head down. Once again, beautiful poem Darla and welcome to Dark Passions.

                Yours truly,

 "The dark weight of the hour
humming madly
filling my head
with blood
and sorrow
and dread
the executioner's song."
"The Dark Bells"

~*Angel of Darkness*~

Lone Wolf
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since 2000-03-16
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Lansing, MI USA
8 posted 2000-03-22 04:00 PM

Darla, welcome to passions.  We in the dark can relate to the pain you are feeling.  True friends are rare and precious like gems.  One is there for you.  Feel free to e-mail anytime you need to talk.  Great poem.

 Friends are friend forever if the Lord's the Lord of them and a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end.
--Michael W. Smith

Jesse Jaymz
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since 2000-01-24
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Youngstown, ohio
9 posted 2000-03-22 04:30 PM

*hugs*  you will always have a friend here.  dark passions is like a family to me.  and like family we help eachother when we are down.  and we care for eachother.  and you are now a member of that family.  so anytime you need a friend just e-mail me.  i will be there to pick you up.  keep your head up my friend. things will look up.  and welcome to the family.

 All we are is dust in the wind....

Junior Member
since 2000-03-22
Posts 20
10 posted 2000-03-22 07:38 PM

Hey Darla, that was a great poem.  I hope you find that special friend who will be there for you through it all.  If you ever need a friend, i am here.  Keep up the good work.

 Unspoken love is the loudest of all

JOY 14
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since 1999-09-22
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Wisconsin USA
11 posted 2000-03-22 07:55 PM

Isn't it amazing how relatable these people here are?  I am too.  Welcome to the family.  Many, many friends here for you to share your pain with.


Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
12 posted 2000-03-22 08:26 PM

Welcome to the passions family and the dark forum Darla!!  As everyone before me has stated we are indeed a family of friends here to share poetry and feelings and problems.
Very soon, you will make some wonderful friends here in Passions who will be there for you, only an email away.
Sad first poem, but hon you aren't alone...

 There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self...
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

Junior Member
since 2000-03-22
Posts 11
Sandy Lake, Pa
13 posted 2000-03-23 07:43 AM

Wonderful poem. This brought back a time in my life when I felt so desperately alone and helpless and I thought noone would help me out. no matter how bad it gets, always keep the faith in your fellow man to reach a hand down to pull you out of the pitfalls life sets.
Senior Member
since 2000-02-18
Posts 564
North Carolina
14 posted 2000-03-23 07:48 AM

Welcome, welcome, welcome, wonderful poet, darla.  This poem spoke to me like few poems can.  Friends are something everyone needs and sometimes you find the best ones in the strangest places.  Be strong and keep writing.

  Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence.

since 2000-03-19
Posts 476

15 posted 2000-03-23 09:30 PM

Great Poem

Stirs many emotions and memories I have had.  Only time will tell, be strong. A friend will be introduced soon.


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