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Artur Hawkwing
since 1999-06-30
Posts 444

0 posted 2000-03-17 02:55 AM

"Despair, Desolation, Destroyer"

Why are all my questions directed to myself?
I ask questions of thousands of sorts,
and the questions get answered by only me,
can't poetry rest on thoughts as well?
My thoughts fall like a boulder
and I have to bear with the shoulders of Atlas,
what thoughts might lead to infidelity.
Life turned grey, it is only the shadow
that curtains every single sunset,
it is only the darkness
that swallows me up whole and empty,
the soulless roam the night.
The midnight, sunless knights rise their banners
with screams of agony and pursuit,
while the waves weep under their feet
and they run across the seas,
to conquer, to plunder...
"I came, I saw, I conquered," announced the first,
the second says, "I know, Earth resembles a cupcake."
"First you bake the cake, then put it in a cup."
The third says, "Time to forever destroy the world."
So Despair,
             and Destroyer sprint across the seas.
Despair plots war first,
He leads his horse into the battlefield and stands still,
like a tower he stands strong and fortified,
and towers despite his small size... men gaze up at him, and courage fails,
then hope turns to despair all of a sudden.
So mighty Despair is, men scream as their pursuers overcome.
The pursuers' dark shields and sunless faces
reflect into the men's eyes the horror of seeing war forever.
They are thrown into a dark tunnel,
but the light at the tunnel is there, it is seen. And so Despair rallies his legions.

Then booming from nowhere, from above the seas
to the ends of the earth, from axis to axis,
while Despair plunges all nations into a state of tumult,
the one who paints with colorlessness comes, with ever-haunting voice
and a sword as long as the horizons, as vast as sky to sea,
to which even the mightiest of men are struck down
and left crying on the ground as they look
for that faraway star unseen...
Desolation, made from of old, says,
"The world is but a cake, as I suspected. I will contain it in a cup."
His legion sweeps ahead of him, they make no sound,
except for the echo of death in life
and into the shadow of the valley of death they make war...
the men standing guard see nothing approaching
until a brief breeze sweeps their shoulders,
and sudden their world flips into chaos
as the spiritual invaders empty their soul of color.
And the men are left standing pale-faced,
phantoms who will never realize the joy of life ever again,
not even all the stars combined in heaven can rouse them from this spell.
They try to cry, but lack the emotions to do so.
Desolation's sword firmly planted, he stands in front of the tunnel
and all sunlight that once crept through utterly vanishes.
And so Desolation begins to rally his legions.

Humming into the pipes of the netherworld,
There comes Destroyer on the winds of the moon
with his hosts of fallen angels from their own paradise lost,
one sin, one fall, that was all it took them.
Thus he blasphemies, "I will unmake things, and I will turn
mankind against itself, and put murder on people's hearts."
Hearing him, the angels of hell rapidly descend
with the sword of avengers,
striking down every soul and mirking it with murder
and hate so profound no other thought exists except power,
ambition, greed, lust, covet, and murder;
nation rebels against nation, the innocent become criminals;
the legions of the fallen rush forth, all merging,
despair, hopelessness, and death all in one place.
The war continues without end.

© Copyright 2000 Artur Hawkwing - All Rights Reserved
Lost Dreamer
Member Elite
since 1999-06-20
Posts 2464
Somewhere near the Rainbow
1 posted 2000-03-17 07:18 PM

This is quite intense, but fabulous in the images you use to make your points, I do need to read it again with no interuptions to get the full value of this one, I just felt I wanted it to have a response because it deserves at least that.
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
2 posted 2000-03-17 07:21 PM

I too shall have to read this again but wanted to leave a comment for now... amazing  my friend this was image filled, interesting.. Bravo!!

 May the world hug you today,
With it's warmth and love.
I pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart,
That tell you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world,
Wishing you well and
wishing you love......
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

since 2000-03-04
Posts 268
Medford, Oregon, USA
3 posted 2000-03-17 11:29 PM

"the one who paints with colorlessness comes, with ever-haunting voice
and a sword as long as the horizons, as vast as sky to sea,
to which even the mightiest of men are struck down"

Powerful words!!! This has so many strong images and words within it!

I too will need to really take the time to read it over again and take in all that it offers.


Senior Member
since 2000-03-03
Posts 796
4 posted 2000-03-17 11:32 PM

I am speechless! Your storytelling ability is amazing, and the imagery here is so vivid....I was captivated from beginning to end!

 Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
-Edgar Allen Poe

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