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Dark Poetry #1
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Dark Enchantress
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0 posted 2000-03-13 07:55 PM

By the wake of every new morning
I have become even more real
and yet so translucent.
So elusive in my own eyes.
The despair sinks deep
into the heart of my fleshy tomb
and spreads through my veins
and seeps into my lungs.
Weight placed upon my every breath,
dragging it in
before I can ever let it out.
Feeling it fall around me.
Slow suffication
is the motivation of this fiend.
This demon,
which lives inside me.
So I try,
but the shadow has embedded itself
inside me.
A dark angel,
clinging onto grace.

Note - This may seem kind of non-poemy but I still wanted to share it because just like came from the heart and soul. I type all this stuff up into MW (Midnight Whispers) because I don't have a diary or anything like that. I only write when inspired. So here ya latest entry.

 "The dark weight of the hour
humming madly
filling my head
with blood
and sorrow
and dread
the executioner's song."
"The Dark Bells"

~*Angel of Darkness*~

© Copyright 2000 Morgana - All Rights Reserved
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Charlotte, NC
1 posted 2000-03-13 08:46 PM

I don't know what everyone else will say..but this stuck me as poetry. It came from your heart, therefore it is a piece of art. I personally enjoyed reading it very much. It had some powerful messages in it, and deep emotion. Keep them coming, and I'll keep on reading. Take care.


 ~Live today as though it were your last but prepare for tomorrow as though it were here~

since 2000-02-11
Posts 149

2 posted 2000-03-13 09:13 PM

THIS IS POETRY!  Like this on a lot.  Mz dark, hope to read more like this, and hopefully more thoughts are coming our way.  Much love, One love, PeACE
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3 posted 2000-03-14 12:27 PM

mine often comes out this way as well. it is most definately poetry. well done.

 i love too much, and not enough.

Dark Enchantress
Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
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4 posted 2000-03-14 06:42 AM

Thank you very much Amy, ill, and danni. Your replies are greatly appreciated.  

 "The dark weight of the hour
humming madly
filling my head
with blood
and sorrow
and dread
the executioner's song."
"The Dark Bells"

~*Angel of Darkness*~

Janet Marie
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since 2000-01-22
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5 posted 2000-03-14 03:59 PM

reads like poetry...touches me like poetry... are a poet  

Feeling it fall around me.
Slow suffication
is the motivation of this fiend.
This demon,
which lives inside me.
So I try,
but the shadow has embedded itself
inside me.
A dark angel,
clinging onto grace.

very well expressed, jm

 Now for me some words come easy
But I know that they don't mean that much
Compared with the things that are said when lovers touch
You never knew what I loved in you
I don't know what you loved in me
Maybe the picture of somebody you were hoping I might be
jackson browne

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since 2000-03-13
Posts 12

6 posted 2000-03-14 03:59 PM

Have to agree this is a poem, a very good poem, it is always best i find when you dont know what to make of your own work as it normaly surprises other people. I liked this a lot, it made me think which is amazing in its own right!!!!!
Very good i cant wait to read more, glad i joined up.

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East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2000-03-14 09:24 PM

Excellent DE. . .I can really feel the transcendance of your body and spirit into something that defies description here. . .

You have really found it with this one. . .


 That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Dark Enchantress
Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
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8 posted 2000-03-15 02:31 PM

Once again...many thanks to those that have replied.  

 "The dark weight of the hour
humming madly
filling my head
with blood
and sorrow
and dread
the executioner's song."
"The Dark Bells"

~*Angel of Darkness*~

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with you
9 posted 2000-03-16 10:01 AM

DE~ sounds like you are trying to quit smoking!LOL no, really, this seems like poetry to me, I liked it very much!   -SEA
since 2000-03-12
Posts 271
The woods
10 posted 2000-03-16 02:54 PM

I to write only when inspired, and you`re and inspiration to me. I can also see that your poems are kind of similar to my poems.
Keep on writing, keep on inspiering me.

Dark Enchantress
Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
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meet Morgana
11 posted 2000-03-16 03:26 PM

Thank you very much Sea and Broken.   lol...No I don't smoke, never have and don't ever intend to. But anywayz, I'm flattered but really...I only write my honest feelings and opinions which do not deserve that kind of recognition. But still...many thanks.
            Yours truly,
< !signature-->

 "The dark weight of the hour
humming madly
filling my head
with blood
and sorrow
and dread
the executioner's song."
"The Dark Bells"

~*Angel of Darkness*~

[This message has been edited by Dark Enchantress (edited 03-16-2000).]

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12 posted 2002-04-09 02:48 AM

*walks around with a limp*

No, I really have no idea where that came from. Merely trying to express what I was thinking... which was.... damn. I use that a lot in response to your poetry, but, most of the time, your work leaves me that way.... can't quite put it into words. I would surmise the combination of imegry, depth, and darkness. Anyhoo...

"The despair sinks deep
into the heart of my fleshy tomb
and spreads through my veins
and seeps into my lungs.
Weight placed upon my every breath,"

What imegry! You take the idea of despair and freshly describe in such a way there is no doubt in our minds what it can be like... to drag one's self out of such despair is a hard-earned meddle of bravery, and courage.

"A dark angel,
clinging onto grace."

I'm curious... who is the dark angel here.... you, or the shadow?

Mon Verite

"Tesous Christos, Theou Uios, Soter"

Dark Enchantress
Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258
meet Morgana
13 posted 2002-04-09 07:08 AM


"I never claimed to be your savior
I said I had a dirty mouth
Stop analyzing my behavior
If you’re too dumb to work it out"

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