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Lil OnE
since 1999-12-14
Posts 234
Pasco County. Fl.

0 posted 1999-12-27 10:26 AM

My death is imminent
my life is worthless.
My dreams are impossible,
my wishes, unable.
My head is hung, my hope is gone...
My life cut short,
it was intended to be long.
I tried and tried,
but I couldn't hang on.
No matter what I did,
I couldn't stay strong.
My left is right,
my up is down.
My happiness is depression,
my smile, a frown.

© Copyright 1999 Christine L. Kelly - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-11-03
Posts 267

1 posted 1999-12-27 11:22 AM

Lil 1,

Your piece definitely brought across the feeling of it's title.  

Hope you are able to experience the great trips towards the dreams. They have been infinitely more satisfying to me than actually achieving the dream.

The admission is steep but Life is well worth the ride.

There you go. I can see you now. Looking past  the dragons in search of your dreams.

Wishing the best for you.

 There must be some kinda way out of here... say the joker to the thief

There's to much confusion, I can't get no relief

- Hendrix

Lil OnE
since 1999-12-14
Posts 234
Pasco County. Fl.
2 posted 2000-01-04 12:53 PM

Thanks for those encouraging words! I'm working on getting there... to achieving my dreams. Always shoot for the moon... at least you'll land among the stars!  
           ~ Lil OnE ~

Senior Member
since 1999-09-01
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Northwestern, NJ.
3 posted 2000-01-04 12:59 PM

So very well written!
I relate to this one alot!
I really like short verse that speaks volumes  

Well Done


 Love is an attempt at penetrating another being,But it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual.

Member Elite
since 1999-12-15
Posts 2184
4 posted 2000-01-04 04:59 PM

You write so well. Sorry if you are still feeling down.  I know what that is like.
JOY 14
Senior Member
since 1999-09-22
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Wisconsin USA
5 posted 2000-01-04 06:31 PM

Your smile a frown.  I hope you can smile again.  Smile when you read the replies to your poems.  Smile at the simple things, even if it lasts only a little while!


since 2000-01-01
Posts 196
6 posted 2000-01-04 06:40 PM

I think this is very good, excellent writing and its true to form, being a slight depressive myself.
Senior Member
since 1999-11-20
Posts 688
7 posted 2000-01-05 01:16 AM

i think everyone has had a brush with this feeling. You have captured it well. great work lil one.
Lil OnE
since 1999-12-14
Posts 234
Pasco County. Fl.
8 posted 2000-01-06 01:01 PM

JOY 14... I shall try. I wrote this at a time in my life when I had nothing to look forward to. Nothing to live for. You may say that one always has something to look forward to, but I honestly didn't. I'd like to tell you that all is peachy now, but that'd be a lie. However, I am doing better.
patchoulipumpkin... I'm more than a slight depressive. Manic. I also have P.T.S.D. You'll get through it... we all will. You can e-mail me any time you want to talk, I'll be there.
Also... thanks to everyone who made me smile by replying to this poem.   It really does help to know that people care!!
~ Lil OnE ~

 I merely say what's in my heart
and you call it a style.
Don't put it in a cage, don't
mistreat it. You say you're
hungry for knowledge... Here it
is... EAT IT!! -DMX
~Lil OnE ~
~Lil OnE~

Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
9 posted 2000-01-17 03:35 PM

At times it is soo easy to slip into believing these is sooo hard to do!!  I hope all is well!!

Take Care

Dark Enchantress
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meet Morgana
10 posted 2000-01-17 05:00 PM

This was beautiful Lil One...I can most definately relate to this one. I have manic depression...I used to be on medications and seeing councelers and such. But then I decided that I could be strong and happy on my own. Didn't need any drugs or help. And even though I felt this way too, somehow I didn't jump off a bridge or anything. (obviously)
Everyone has hidden strength.
They just need to know how to look.

 "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
-Antonio Smith

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
11 posted 2000-01-18 05:06 AM

This is a clear picture of depression and I don't think I want to be there.  I've had my share of sadness and emptiness and loneliness though.  It seems like a terrible thing to lose your hope.   But I do hope you are doing better now Lil One.  James
Lil OnE
since 1999-12-14
Posts 234
Pasco County. Fl.
12 posted 2000-01-18 02:40 PM

James... I'm doing a better, just not a whole lot better. I hope you never have to experience the true depression. It sucks. That's a road that I wouldn't wish it on the person I hate the most, let alone you... you have wonderful talent. I hope the M.C. treats you well. As for me, I'm either going Air Force, Coast Guard, of Navy. I'm not quite sure yet. My brother and my dad are in the army reserves, and my other brother was in the coast guard... he had an honorable discharge, so he works at the airport now, but anyway... Thank you all for your kind words and your support.

 You don't know me, but you don't like me.
You say you could care less how I feel.
But how many of you who sit and judge me
have ever walked the streets in my shoes?-Korn
~Lil OnE~

Artur Hawkwing
since 1999-06-30
Posts 444
13 posted 2000-01-18 03:53 PM

I know exactly what you are going through my friend. I returned home from college to recover from depression - it interfered with my concentration in aren't alone. I have been writing a lot of sad poetry lately due to the had to do with a lack of friends in my life. I hope it changes soon, truly. And I have an admiration for the way you write. When people are depressed, it is as if they see no light at the end of the tunnel. But a great read. I will also throw in my poem 'feeling..." and you can check that out and see if it relates.
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
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Sunny Queensland
14 posted 2000-01-18 08:23 PM

LO so sorry I missed this, I thought I had actually read and responded and I hadn't silly me.  It is a hard road depression I have been there too, but not to the extent you and others have mentioned.  I still functioned etc.  You have to with a young child in your keep.  You are not alone here, and if you ever need to talk I am only an email away.
Forgive me for not responding sooner?  

 Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.
(Sovereign of the Spirit)

Dark Enchantress
Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258
meet Morgana
15 posted 2000-01-18 09:29 PM

I think that it's mostly dependent on your mental state. My worst year was last year....although it seems as though when I ran with it...I didn't get far. But like I said...I think that it's mostly a mental state. I night I told myself that I wasn't going to let it destroy me and the battle is far from over but it's easier. I don't know...maybe I'm just too damn stubborn. Granted...right now my only standard of living is surviving. I have no goals or real dreams. I don't know where I'm going. But my point I've said have the strength. Hidden somewhere inside you. And you are not alone...just as Isis has said. I am offering the same...a backbone to anyone who needs me. I'll just listen if that's all you want. (I know I talk a lot but I'm a passionate person, what can I say?   ) Uck..I've replied three times already...I think..but it's something that I feel strongly about. And I know what it's like not have somebody. Or atleast to feel that way. Oke..I'll shut up now.  


 "They can take away my belongings. They can beat me. They can torchure me and they can kill me. Then they will have my dead body. But they will not have my obedience."

~*Angel of Darkness*~

since 2000-01-01
Posts 196
16 posted 2000-01-18 10:55 PM

Perfect description of what its like, its not fun, at all, but at least it is something.  And we can write about it...which can help distract us from living with it.  At least for a little while...Keep up the writing.
since 2000-01-03
Posts 391

17 posted 2000-01-19 02:15 AM

I cant believe I havent replied to this.  short but well said Lil One


"Write down what you say if what you say is not written down" (Bojopy)

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
18 posted 2000-01-19 05:20 PM

LilOne thanks for your nice comments about my writing.  My son Jeremiah is in Germany right now in the Army and he really loves it. He's doing well, he bought himself a BMW and he has a German girlfriend and he wants to do lots of traveling.  I was in France and Germany when I was in the Army.  I have wonderful memories.  And I made some of the best friends while in the military.  My friend Ronny Leroy from Missouri (a true farmer), James Jones from California (he looked like Elvis and he thought he was, he also thought he was GGG, or Gods Gift to Girls), Johnny Akins from Georgia (we called him Johnny big honk and he could play a mean guitar, one problem he loved to fight) and more.  Anyway the military becomes your home away from home but never forget your family and where you came from.  I tell my son to try to visit home at least 2 times a year and I live in Hawaii so I also try to go home to California 2 times a year where most of my family is.  My dad was in the Air Force for twenty years so after I got out of the Army I went into the Air Force Reserve and the Air Force is a joy.   I was a heavy equipment operator, bulldozers, graders, excavators, loaders, and more.  I enjoyed the Air Force.   Take care,  James
Lil OnE
since 1999-12-14
Posts 234
Pasco County. Fl.
19 posted 2000-01-24 02:33 PM

James... Hey. I didn't know you lived in Hawaii. That's cool. Thank you for your kind words, also. And to you who have just recently replied to this... Today I am doing really bad-struggling-trying to find the strength from somewhere deep inside to have the courage to live. Struggling to not pick up a razor blade and cut to my heart's content. Oh, how I wish I could just let myself go. It is a mental state, and I don't think I came equipped with any kind of state. People just have the ability to piss me off and I swear that they use it to the biggest advantage. owell. Life goes on (sometimes) Anyway... I wanted to say thanks to all of you... so Thanks!!

 You don't know me, but you don't like me.
You say you could care less how I feel.
But how many of you who sit and judge me
have ever walked the streets in my shoes?-Korn
~Lil OnE~

Senior Member
since 2000-01-13
Posts 873
Hammond, La USA
20 posted 2000-01-24 03:25 PM

I have contemplated suicide before and know that the problems you face can be remidied even though you feel not.
Take refuge in the fact there are many in this room alone who care and would do to help you see the light.
For ever bad there is a good somewhere.
Please look for the good
WE care!!

G. A. Webb
since 2000-01-21
Posts 441
Stanton, California, USA
21 posted 2000-01-24 04:54 PM

I know where you are coming from with this one, for I stand on the same ground. But sense I've been here I've found that I'm not alone.

Well done.


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