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Open Poetry #32
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Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada

0 posted 2004-05-01 09:06 AM

(Brian ... thank you for prompting this rusty old muse of mine out of hiding, and thank you for your lovely poem.)  
If Not, Perchance

Do I have some grand connection
To a master plan of old?
Conscious thought proclaims derision ...
Queries all, if truth be told.

Where’s the purpose? Where’s the meaning?
I decry through barren tears;
Seeking, searching, begging, pleading ...
Nothingness takes hold my fears.

Hollow, empty tests of wisdom,
Conjured in a vacuumed world;
Sweep me through the endless bedlam,
Whereupon my fate’s been hurled.

In the ruse of my existence,
Far beyond the mortal mind,
Lies an answer in the distance ...
Teasing, taunting - undefined.

Why so, do I drift and wander,
Through this maze of discontent?
Unrelenting mindless ponder,
Crying out it’s harsh lament.

All alone, with no connection,
Groundless in my silent pain ...
Not a word can dare be spoken,
In this lonely, bleak domain.

Solitary ... lost ... abandoned,
Not a voice to call my own;
Tell me, have you ever questioned,
All that you have loved and known?

Is it simplified illusion?
Trickery in splendid scale?
Mocking me with sly delusion ...
Questions sought to no avail.

Caught within a void of anguish,
Muted by my own design;
Still I ponder to the finish,
That, which I cannot define.

Though I seek my resolution,
Through this lonesome, mournful dance,
Rationale belies the notion ...
I am here, if not, perchance.

/Kit McCallum

© Copyright 2004 Kit McCallum - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
1 posted 2004-05-01 09:29 AM

"Caught within a void of anguish,
Muted by my own design;
Still I ponder to the finish,
That, which I cannot define.

Though I seek my resolution,
Through this lonesome, mournful dance,
Rationale belies the notion ...
I am here, if not, perchance."

Wonderful write Kit and what a treat..
to see you here this morning gracing these pages blue.

I have often pondered these same thoughts..
and, I don't think any of us are here perchance,
but rather each and every one for a reason.
So good to see your pen never goes dry.
~Smiles & Hugs, Nancy~

~I love you - those three words have my life in them.~

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2004-05-01 09:46 AM


'Solitary ... lost ... abandoned,
Not a voice to call my own;
Tell me, have you ever questioned,
All that you have loved and known?'

Oh ... sometimes, yes sometimes~

Your voice speaks through the inking-well of a grand poetess~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
3 posted 2004-05-01 09:58 AM

A little bit of excellence with just a touch of indolence.

Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
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Texas, USA
4 posted 2004-05-01 10:04 AM

This one really hits home!  Excellent poetry.

She said: ”You look cute in the dark.”

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
5 posted 2004-05-01 10:32 AM

Indeed you ARE here - you think perchance???...  You lend much grace to our blue pages, dear friend...

(muttering and sputtering that my own muse is still in hiding...)

passing shadows
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6 posted 2004-05-01 01:34 PM

it's always good when you are here
Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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7 posted 2004-05-01 02:42 PM

"Caught within a void of anguish,
Muted by my own design;
Still I ponder to the finish,
That, which I cannot define."

Don't we all at some time or another?!  Great poem, Kit!

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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8 posted 2004-05-01 11:23 PM

Very well expressed, Kit! You're a very talented writer!
aujussy wolf
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9 posted 2004-05-02 12:02 PM

Is it simplified illusion?
Trickery in splendid scale?

kit , what an outstanding write !!
much to relate to , and to ponder also
- jw

Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
10 posted 2004-05-02 12:29 PM

I know ye not except in name
and therein perchance lay your fame
preceded by your reputation
not happenstance our adulation


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2004-05-02 09:14 PM

Someone want to try and convince me this is not spectacular writing? I thought not...

Same perfect rhyme and meter as always, Kit, made more striking by the fact that I believe the sentiments in this poem do not reflect your true feelings, which makes your believable portrayal of them all the more brilliant.

Thank  you, Brian!

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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
12 posted 2004-05-02 10:14 PM

just amazing dear Kit.....

le vent chante avec le calme doux
calme de nuit
sien beauté sur mes lèvres

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
13 posted 2004-05-03 07:11 AM

Enchantress:  It was a good feeling to finally pen some words again. Thanks so much Nancy …

Marge Tindal:  Thank you Marge, for letting me know I’m not alone … sometimes, yes sometimes. Hugs.

Seymour Tabin:  Ah Sy … you always make me smile. Thank you.

JL:  I’m glad you enjoyed JL … thank you so much!

Nan:  Perchance, Nan, perchance … but I see your muse came out of hiding too! Woohoo!

passing shadows:  Awwwww, thanks Dixie … it’s always good to be here.

Iliana:  Thanks for letting me know we all find this sometimes Iliana, very much appreciated.

Denise:  Thank you so much Denise, I truly appreciate it.

aujussy wolf:  I’m glad I could help you ponder James … thanks so much for the kind words.

Local Rebel:  And what a beautiful response, written in the language and style that I admire so. Beautiful, and thank you!  

Balladeer:  Ah, sweet poet … sometimes, somedays … I know these feelings all too well. Feeling better now that I’ve gotten a reminder of why I love this place so.  Thank you my ‘Deer for your always encouraging and beautiful comments.  

Greeneyes:  Thank you Lauren … I’m glad to know you enjoyed!

With much appreciation to all,

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (05-03-2004 10:05 PM).]

Janet Marie
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14 posted 2004-05-03 11:30 AM

Solitary ... lost ... abandoned,
Not a voice to call my own;
Tell me, have you ever questioned,
All that you have loved and known?

Is it simplified illusion?
Trickery in splendid scale?
Mocking me with sly delusion ...
Questions sought to no avail.

Caught within a void of anguish,
Muted by my own design;
Still I ponder to the finish,
That, which I cannot define.


Can a tardy moth get in line still??
I cant miss the all too rare chance to read  my gator girl now can I?
Kit-girlie...this is a powerful and masterful blending of rhyme and verbiage...
one that must be read aloud to do it a true tongue was giddy.
you just do those da-dums so damn well!! LOL

And your expression is of depth and impact...words ache off the page...
Mr. Poe would be proud. *S*

Outstanding job groovy girl.

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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15 posted 2004-05-03 01:21 PM

The treat of reading your words comes all too rarely... but is SO worth waiting for! *S* Absolutely excellent! *S*
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
16 posted 2004-05-03 07:56 PM

Local Parasite
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Transylconia, Winnipeg
17 posted 2004-05-03 08:09 PM

Just like me to go and miss something like this.  Well I'm here now, pardon me for having been AFK for the last couple of days.

I remember reading over the course of last year Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus, wherein he describes how every human being is subject to momentary glimpses of what he calls the absurd, how every now and then we're allowed that little moment where we find ourselves lost & wondering what it all means.

What I thought about it, was that it's interesting how many artists take hold of that subject and draw their own minds into it.  It's daring, as well, because to create art is to make a profound statement and draw attention towards something that's not always looked at correctly (so to speak), and shed a certain light upon it.

Now in my opinion there's a difference between a genuine encounter such as this one and a "vent" poem that you see all of the time.  I wonder if you were aware that this poem might seem a bit "vent"-ish, just because it seems to have a kind of negative/personal reflective message to it?  I found that the reflective ruled this poem, which is why I like it so much... it's a good example of how one's own feelings of discontent and discomfort with life doesn't necessarily have to be written in an angsty teenager format... but can be eloquently crafted into something unique and beautiful, as you've done.

The trochaic ballad format is wonderfully done & an excellent choice, considering the nature of the poem (the falling meter is splendid in combination with a downbeat subject matter).  What's more, you've written it with such a natural rhythm that I find myself wondering if you actually think in feet... it's effortless, I can't see any awkwardly-inserted fillers or any such thing.  It reads through like something I'd see by Alexander Pope, and it makes me want to apprentice myself under you sometime in the future so you can really show me the ropes with meter arrangements.  I suppose it comes with practice, but really... I wish I could borrow your brain for a couple of months, I can think of a few things I'd like to write with it.

Most of us wouldn't dare go near it, especially not while the muse is AWOL... I highly commend you not only for your talent & skillful execution here, but for your courage in approaching a dusty old subject matter & giving it a new coat of paint...

Much love, Kit

"God becomes as we are that we may be as he is."  ~William Blake

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
18 posted 2004-05-04 07:33 AM

Janet Marie:  JM, I swear, you are “my” smile waiting to happen, lol.  It is always so wonderful to hear from you, and thank you for your ever-wonderful encouragement. Big hugs to you gater-gal!

Southern:    It was sooooo nice to post something again, Ruth … thanks so much your kind words, I always appreciate it tremendously!    

JamesMichael:  Thank you James … I’m glad you let me know you enjoyed!  

Local Parasite:  LOL, you didn’t miss it Brian. Thank you so much for your wonderful response. It’s funny how the “venting” poems can progress over the years.   I think all my poetry is “venting” poetry in some fashion or another, lol.  Whether it’s a story with hopefully some type of moral or substance, or just a way to reflect and express myself when I’m feeling depressed – they usually come from some incident within my little world that needs to be expelled  I haven’t read Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus, but I think I would relate. I get those “momentary glimpses of the absurd”, often, it seems.  

Actually I was watching a PBS program not long ago featuring Dr. Wayne Dyer, a particular self-development writer and speaker that I like, and have picked up his new book called “The Power of Intention”.  I was fascinated with his reference to all people being connected to “the source” and I suppose this was playing in the back of my mind when I wrote this piece.  He’s an incredible speaker, and uplifting to listen to. I read his book “Your Erroneous Zones” when I was about 14 or 15, hoping to learn how to say “no” back then and to manage my emotions and reactions a little better.  Actually my mom and I “both” read it, lol.  I was a chip off my mom’s block – I think a freight train could pretty much have run over either of us and we’d smile and say thanks, you know?  The book really made a difference in both our lives. Neither of us have forgotten it over all these years, and when I was telling her about this new book in particular, she marched right out and bought it as well.  He has some wonderful analogies about visualizing what you want and making things happen.

I guess I’m rambling now, but thank you for the inspiration to pen some thoughts, and for the wonderful comments about meter.  I do enjoy da dumming as Mysteria and JM would say, lol.  Thank you again, Brian.

With much appreciation to all,

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
19 posted 2004-05-04 01:08 PM

Hollow, empty tests of wisdom,
Conjured in a vacuumed world;
Sweep me through the endless bedlam,
Whereupon my fate’s been hurled

Sometimes we kinda seal our own fate Kitster.

Boy, this came from a place deep down in there, and I bet it felt wonderful to get it out, yes?  

You sure can "da dum" good lady, and lots of wisdom from an "ole lady" in them there words.  Luv ya.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
20 posted 2004-05-04 01:10 PM

Solitary ... lost ... abandoned,
Not a voice to call my own;
Tell me, have you ever questioned,
All that you have loved and known?


Perchance, Perhaps...

I'm glad Brian woke your muse, too...

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
21 posted 2004-05-04 01:12 PM

To Bri...

Now in my opinion there's a difference between a genuine encounter such as this one and a "vent" poem that you see all of the time.  I wonder if you were aware that this poem might seem a bit "vent"-ish, just because it seems to have a kind of negative/personal reflective message to it?  I found that the reflective ruled this poem, which is why I like it so much... it's a good example of how one's own feelings of discontent and discomfort with life doesn't necessarily have to be written in an angsty teenager format... but can be eloquently crafted into something unique and beautiful, as you've done.

...ditto this - she complains with a smile on her face can you believe it?  Eloquent she is, she definitely is and my "hero."

I think a freight train could pretty much have run over either of us and we’d smile and say thanks, you know?

Well not only are you a good poet you are SO honest, and I dare ya - tell them the beer story, I dare ya!

Okay, this trouble-maker is out of here, and how a dreary poem can make me laugh I will never know, better assess the friends I keep - ya think?

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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22 posted 2004-05-04 05:22 PM

I'm sooo glad Brian woke your muse too...This is absolutely awesome Kit. It's always a pleasure to read you.


What are you my god? You touch me like you are my god
What are you my twin? You affect me like you are my twin.

Go Alanis!

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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23 posted 2004-05-05 10:17 AM

I've put off reading this because I wanted to read your woek when I had time to savor it, and well I did. I knew it would be a good one. I can just hear you reading it, as you did read your beautiful poems aloud to us in Falmouth.
This is exquisite.

Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
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Ala bam a
24 posted 2004-05-05 05:53 PM

You're an incredible poet...wish I had half the talent you and Bally have....
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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25 posted 2004-05-05 08:06 PM


Sorry to be here late....You have such a wonderful talent...every time you write, you amaze me!  

Larry C
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26 posted 2004-05-05 08:20 PM

In the ruse of my existence,
Far beyond the mortal mind,
Lies an answer in the distance ...
Teasing, taunting - undefined.

I have a theory that the answer exists. But there is much growth in the seeking. And in the mean time with your skills to find such meaning and delicate presentation it is extremely likely that you have the answer and are holding out!

The depth of meaning you add to my life is hardly expressable to me. Thank you so very much...

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
27 posted 2004-05-06 07:11 AM

Mysteria:   It did feel good to get it out Sharon, and thank you for your sweet words in both comments.  “Sometimes we kinda seal our own fate Kitster” … ain’t that the truth?  I’m glad this brought you a smile (lol @ the beer story – nah, best to leave that one be, rofl)  Luv ya too, lady of wisdom.

Sunshine:  I’m glad she woke up too Karilea. She’s been sleeping waaaay too long!

Dark Angel  Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed Maree! I really appreciate it.

Elizabeth Santos:  Isn’t it wonderful Liz, that we had an opportunity to hear each other read?  I too, can still hear you, Michael, Sy, Nan, Ruth, and Sharon as if it was yesterday. Boy that was a wonderful vacation.  I will cherish it always.  Big hugs to you, me twin.

Toerag:  Toe, thank you so much … that was wonderful to hear, I really appreciate it.

Martie:  Martie, the feeling is very mutual … I assure you … thank you for the kind words.

Larry C:  I think you are so right Larry, “there is much growth in the seeking”, though I can definitely say I do not have the answers yet … try I will to find them, lol. Thank you also for such a beautiful comment. Big hugs to you.

With much appreciation to all,

Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
28 posted 2004-05-06 07:47 AM

I am so glad to have made it around to read it ...


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
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Realms of Light
29 posted 2004-05-06 10:12 AM

Dear Kit Kat ~

I, too, am sending my thanks to Brian for prompting your muse out of hiding!!!

~ Oh, and my special thanks to your muse as well!

Big hugs to all three of you!


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
30 posted 2004-05-07 07:17 AM

Sudhir Iyer:  I’m glad you made it around as well Sudhir … it’s so good to see you again!  Thank you!  

Earth Angel:  Thank you Linda, from both me and my muse, lol.  It’s wonderful to hear from you … thanks so much!  

Much appreciation to you both,

Member Elite
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Lost in thought
31 posted 2004-05-09 12:35 PM

Ahh I miss so much when I'm here so little!
This is great! I need to pull out some of your writings and stydy them... I need to learn that whole da dum, rhyme meter thang
Excellent pennings here, glad I didn't miss them completely!

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

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