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Open Poetry #32
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Titia Geertman
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0 posted 2004-05-14 09:18 AM

Tsjip's illness is progressing rapidly and I'm afraid we will have to put her down maybe even before the end of the month. Some people put their dog in a cart and say they're still happy, but we don't buy that. No one can convince me that a dog is happy when he can't walk anymore, that's a human's vision and not worthy to a dog who used to roam the open land, chasing rabbits or birds.

Today Henk had to carry her home, because she couldn't walk, couldn't get her rear legs to coƶperate. In the quietness of home she's still doing ok, but day by day you see her rear end giving up more and more. Degenerative myelopathy is incurable, just like Multiple sclerosis for humans.
It will be hard to put her down, because her mind is still very vivid, playfull and so darn sweet.

Like scattered words will flow

© Copyright 2004 Titia Geertman - All Rights Reserved
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2004-05-14 09:25 AM

Honey...I know how hard this time is...just hold her and love her, and she will know she gave you the best times of her life.
Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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2 posted 2004-05-14 09:33 AM

my oh my, such sad times...she is beautiful...

sending hugs your way

Bonnie j
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3 posted 2004-05-14 09:42 AM

Aw. So sweet. My son's dog Wolf looks like this pretty baby. I'll find her picture and share with you.

Member Rara Avis
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Victoria Australia
4 posted 2004-05-14 11:20 AM

This is so sad. Hold her Titia but don't hold onto her. *HuGS

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

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5 posted 2004-05-14 11:27 AM

  You're right.  The loving thing is to put her down.  My sister once had her beloved dog in a cart.  It was not the fix.  She ended up putting Missie down afterall.
My heart goes out to you.

  Tsjip wrote a beautiful poem.  I send Tsjip a hug and one for the master.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2004-05-14 11:34 AM

You know my heart holds your sorrow~

All of those of us who know you, know your immense love for your critters~

It's hard to be strong in times like this,
but when we know we are doing the right thing,
it becomes the right thing to do~

I love you girlie~
And Tsjip is so very beautiful~
*Hug* her for me dear~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
7 posted 2004-05-14 11:47 AM

Ah Titia this is so sad and she is such a sweet dog.
She will let you know when it is time...
Heart Hugs, Nancy

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
Dancing with you in the summer rain~

passing shadows
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8 posted 2004-05-14 11:54 AM

oh, I'm sorry Titia...
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9 posted 2004-05-14 12:07 PM

Dear Titia...I am thinking of you and Tsjip and giving my "Chip" a big hug.  
Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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10 posted 2004-05-14 07:17 PM

Sweet Tsjip knows about love and about bonds lasting forever.
I think it is a compassionate act to end her pain. But it is heartwrenching, I went through this with my cat Mizar. And Mizar came back many times in dreams, full of light and love ...
A caress for Tsjip and a hug for you Titia.
Love, Margherita

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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11 posted 2004-05-14 07:40 PM

Tsjip is sure a cutie.  I understand how very difficult this must be.  We have three aging dogs.  One, a little weiner named Pickles began to show serious problems last year in her spine.  The vet said this was typical of her breed.  I could not bear the thought of putting her to sleep and we could not afford a $2000 surgery.  Solution for us was to use small doses of MSM (the vet did not recommend this -- we came to this prescription on our own knowing it had benefits to humans and was originally used abundantly by vets).  She has not cried out in pain since (a full year now) and she has been nearly normal ever since -- a little less trying to fly from chair to couch or from chair to table (as was her practice) but other than that, it's hard to believe I was ready to put her out of her misery. Our other dogs have had increasing problems, too, and we've tried it on them with great success. Have you tried that?  Best wishes.......... jo
since 2003-11-28
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Ohio, USA
12 posted 2004-05-14 10:54 PM

Hugs go out to you for I too, have been there and done that! Get ready to let go
when the only thing is to let go but never
ever let the memories die! Sometimes the only one I wanna be with is my dog Gizmo!
thanks for the read!
pictureme :-)

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in the shadows
13 posted 2004-05-14 11:54 PM

Hold the feeling of her spirit within you and when it is time you will find her in the eyes of another and you both will remember.
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14 posted 2004-05-14 11:59 PM


I understand the love for a pet...

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
15 posted 2004-05-15 12:39 PM

Thanks for sharing...hugs...James
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Moved from a shack to a barn
16 posted 2004-05-15 12:50 PM

I had to put a long time companion to rest last May...One of the saddest events in my life, but he was ready. My friend the vet, who came to my shack to administer the shot said he seemed to welcome it.

Now, my other very ancient dog is starting to fail. Like yours, her rear end is weakening. (She can still hop up into my chair though.)

If she sees Autumn she'll be 16. Very, VERY old for a Lab.

All the best to you, I know what you go through.

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
17 posted 2004-05-15 01:08 AM

I'm sorry to hear that, Titia. There are fewer things more heart-breaking than the loss of a pet to an animal lover. I haven't gotten over the death of mine, which happened five years ago. It's just a fact of life. My sympathies are with you...
Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
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18 posted 2004-05-15 03:48 AM

Thanks all for your support.

There's nothing to be done about DM and because her rear end is paralizing, she not in any pain. It is the same as MS with people, a slowly degeneration of the spine nerv and there's nothing that can stop that.
I've read a lot about it on the internet. Especially German Shepherds suffer from it.
There's some food and exercise therapy developped by a dr. Clemmens, but it only will extend her life for a few months, so what's the use of putting her through all that agony, just for my sake. I can't see the point in that and it would be rather selfish I think.


Like scattered words will flow

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Elapsing, Eclipsing, Evolving
19 posted 2004-05-15 06:00 AM

a beautifully written poem, and your little dog is the cutest....i send hugs to you to help you all through this sad time.
Bonnie j
Senior Member
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20 posted 2004-05-16 11:17 AM

Wanting to share my baby with you. I hope I am doing this right.
Hugs Bon Bon


Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
21 posted 2004-05-16 12:02 PM

Titia...they are so hard to let go, a member of our family and always giving so much more than they take. I had to put my precious breeze ( a shetland sheepdog) down about four years ago and thoughts of him today still bring tears to my eyes. I held him as he passed and at seeing my tears, the kind old vet said, "It's difficult to day goodbye to a friend isn't it?" Yes, indeed it is...Let go of his pain and suffering, but do keep his memory near.

Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
22 posted 2004-05-16 12:04 PM

Bonnie, Wolf is a lovely dog, thanks for sharing her and be sure to love her each day anew, because one day you'll realize she won't be there any longer, just like our Tsjip.

When her sister Sarah died of Addison's disease last November, we were glad to still have Tsjip around and she was a healthy dog, running along my husbands bike for 7 miles every morning, but suddenly we noticed her instability in the rear end and now it's May and she hardly can walk across the street.

I've had several dogs in my life, but Tsjip is just something special.

Ruth, luckily she's not in pain at all, because she's paralizing, but it's still hard to see her struggling. She doesn't like to be left alone anymore, so we won't. My retirement came just in time, one of us will always stay with her. She still has a lot of fun and likes to play. But as soon she can't get up at all by herself anymore, we will put her to sleep.

Thanks again all for your lovely, supporting words.


Like scattered words will flow

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