Dark Poetry #4 |
deToTed |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
detoted Where have we gone, you, within the wall of steel and stone and I, within the wall of flesh and bone? With common threads, we set our course, began our journeys and weathered the storms. Linked by boundaries of time and space, those common threads we can't erase. Searching, from horizon to horizon. Haunted, by ever expanding boundary functions. Yet, always remaining equidistant from a point, within, called the center, only to be relegated to some niche upon the magnificent arc of life. Remaining focused, we found choas and truth, with the realization... out of chaos, order comes! Thus, all good things come to an end. |
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Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Hey doll.... I enjoy your writing style... it comes from the heart. Do you prefer chaos over order? ~~~May~~~ Our scars are the foundation for what we have become |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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i believe chaos is a tool, to be used to promote change and with each change there will arise a new order. when i was a young man, my life was continuously in a state of flux and i derived an inner surge from the use of chaos. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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oh, i have dreamed the dreams of yesterday as we built our foundation in that past, asking, why? and now, i dream the dreams of the changing future, exclaiming, why not, for out of chaos order comes! |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
So, ultimately, you prefer order and only appreciate/utilize chaos for the order that it brings? Our scars are the foundation for what we have become |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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i prefer a form of order that provides for individual freedom of movement and expression. i was born into a world of systems and those systems became the order of the day for me until i matured enough to invoke change and different directions in my life. i appreciate chaos for what it is...a tool. it is an insturment that can be used to promote change...sometimes on an individual or micro level and sometimes on a national or mega scale. |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
With so many different ideas of which changes should be made or what directions we should go in, it could just spawn more chaos which would spawn more 'change' which would spawn more chaos.... an infinite cycle of chaos that would never end in order. There can be low levels of order but on a larger scale, I don't see it as feasible in our near future (meaning the next several hundred years).... I'm not saying that it's impossible.... just very unlikely in the near future. Chaos is a necessary evil that we can learn to utilize, like you said.... but not resulting in order on a larger scale. Small steps over time? Dunno.... just some random rambling from my head |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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yes, may... we exist in a cycle of infinity where matter is neither created or destroyed...it just changes forms and the same holds true for energy as well. human ideas are a form of energy. the evolution of human thought patterns is an interesting subject to me. i have observed its impact upon detoted, upon self and violent groups such as hamas and al qaida and come to realize chaos is the change agent within our world...both the big and the small! therefore, chaos is not seen as a necessary "evil" but is viewed as a useful tool enabling directional change! [This message has been edited by r v wooo (02-25-2008 12:37 PM).] |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
But rv.... where does order fit into all of this on the larger scale? I still don't see that as feasible. And just curious.... do you believe that reincarnation fits into your theory of energy transferring from one form to another? I personally do, but that is my personal belief. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may, i don't mean to be facetious but, on the surface, my dyslexic mind is a topo map of the earth...its matter and its energy. to what level do you want me to go, regarding order on the "large scale"? yes! to your second question regarding belief in reincarnation, but, the nature of my belief is envisioned as an elemental recycling process of "basic units" of matter and energy rather than a total personality or spirtual transfer. [This message has been edited by r v wooo (02-26-2008 11:54 AM).] |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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within the boundaries, on the topo, there are as many governments as there are countries. with the overthrow of governments(examples...iraq and afghanistan)the tool, chaos, is in place to change all aspects of the societies. in an oppressed society...freedom and its systems gradually replace or change the order that was oppression. there is no distinct line of demarcation because it is a chaotic process and not a linear one. not sure if this explains your first question. [This message has been edited by r v wooo (02-26-2008 12:42 PM).] |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Well rv, the way I'm reading into your response, order and chaos are as postitive and negative energy balancing each other? And what we would assume to be positive (order) could actually be negative and what we would assume to be negative (chaos) could very well be positive.... depending on the situation. That was actually a very good example that you gave.... it made me look at it from a different perspective. We see words and have preconceived ideas of what they mean so it can be difficult to take a step back and view it otherwise. As far as reincarnation..... I do believe that our 'souls' or 'spirits' do remain connected but I do believe that it is in the form of energy. But those are my personal opinions. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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i believe the spirit or the soul of humanity lives as energy in the minds of its people and, the energy of one... or soul... can be transferred to another by writing, talking, ect. a form of mental intercourse, so to speak...whereas, the material/chemical aspects of thought-behavior, the gene or dna sequence, is transferred through physical/sexual intercourse. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may, i must tell you something...i have enjoyed our mental monogamy in the dark shadow of detoted. |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Haha well, rv..... I have enjoyed it immensely, myself! So here's a question.... if a person becomes a vegetable early in life (a true vegetable w/ no brain activity), and lives the remainder of their life as such, having no opportunity to partake in any of this mental intercourse, then does that mean that their energy(soul) is just released to mingle with the energy around them? |
firestorm Member
since 2008-02-26
Posts 109 |
breathlessly waiting for a reply to that one!! I am enjoying this immensely |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may, you have stimulated me to the height of mental pleasure with your question concerning the release of "e" or soul. you have taken a slight step toward my belief system. in your poem, "worship me", you "speak" of balance and living in symbiotic harmony. true, symbiotic harmony exists when the thought processes of one are absorbed and are accepted as building blocks in the living mind of another. this transfer of mental energy or soul, of an individual, is the method, whereby, a part of the "spirit" has the potential to continue to exist, but, in the temple of another. i don't see the spirit as a material "thing" but i see it as human thought...description of feeling, belief, philosophy, ect. hopefully, the person you described wrote a book or poem or left behind thought energy in some other way. therefore the spirit will continue on rather than parish. the human vegetative circumstance you described is not comatose but is one that is medically and legally dead as a result of "no" brain activity. terri schiavo existed in a vegetative, comatose state for 15 years before she was allowed to die. my nephew, matt, "lived" in abilene, texas in a vegetative, comatose existence for 27 years and died this past january. he should have been allowed to die with dignity long, long ago but that is another matter. [This message has been edited by r v wooo (02-29-2008 12:59 PM).] |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
firestorm, relax and take a deep breath. i sense may and i have not been alone. you are a quiet little voyour. we must make this a "menage a trois". |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
firestorm...you little devil...i meant that in mental way! i'm not a sexual predator!...i am only interested in your mind! you can keep the pants you are holding in your left hand as you manipulate your "keyboard" with the other hand. |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
ok..... so, I'm still confused.... if a person's brain is not functional when they do die, but they have energy in their body to release, does it or does it not (in your opinion) get released to mingle with the energy around them or does it actively move on towards a new cycle? The hypothetical 'book' or something that someone may have produced prior to entering this vegetative state would only be an impression... an echo, or a shadow.... of what they were, not the actual energy. So, although they leave something of themselves behind, it has nothing to do with the energy of their 'soul' when they die. You've got my mind going on a runaway train here! Firestorm! Get those pants back off! I'm your Mistress... he is not! Rv, you don't have to look if you don't want... just bask in the knowledge that it makes me happy! hehehehe I do loooove group 'intercourse'... mental or otherwise! |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
the brain is an organ. it is a touchy/feely thing. it exists on the material level. the mind on the other hand is a figment of one's imagination. it is not an organ. it is not touchy/feely. yet, it is still studied from a conceptual viewpoint and hypotheses, theories and principles have been developed concerning its existence. true, the hypothetical "book" is only an impression, an echo or a shadow of only a small part of the so called spirit or soul of an individual. (my opinion) or (thought process) at death, the energy within the material aspect of the body, of which the brain is a part, is reduced to its elemental form. it is in a potential energy state ready to be consumed and converted into kinetic energy for the consumer. however, each time the impressions, echos or shadows from a hypothetical "book" are "consumed" by another at least a portion of the spirit energy or soul of its creator is resurrected into the mind of the mental consumer. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may , don't go running down the track. the train is still in the station. |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
ugh.... well, rv... if the energy you're describing is only resurrected in the mind of the consumer, than that is more a brand of immortality, not reincarnation. All you're saying is that it's one way that we'll remain to OTHERS when we are gone.... so how does our ENERGY disburse/move/transform after we have died? My mind is racing, I can't help it! But this is helping me refine my views a bit. I most definately adore you! |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may, there is a magnetic attraction to your personality and i enjoy our intercourse. the energy of the body disburses through the action of digestion and a form of digestion called decay. it is strictly a mechanical/chemical reaction. the idiodynamic transfer of energy, from potential to kinetic, by mind transformation and assimilation of artifacts of others, is, in large part, dependent upon the focus and power sources of the receiver's mind. not all people leave a soul, spirit, or mind energy source. therefore, they become nothing more than "dust in the wind" when they die, with their matter and energy being recycled as "basic" building blocks. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
semantics...immortality...interesting conclusion! |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Hmmmm.... it's difficult for me to envision it purely as energy. We have thought, conciousness, momories, ideas, etc.... that involves more than just energy. I look at the energy as a vehicle to transfer these thoughts/conciousness from one 'home' or shell to another. And for those bodies that die and leave no soul, does their energy disburse and meld with the energy around them to form a new energy? Perhaps changing the makeup of the energy which it melds with? Hmmmm..... |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may, you never cease to amaze me. your mind frame is closely "meld" to mine. however, i am fixed in the reality from which, i believe, your mind frame originated. i believe you have linked my belief system to the vulcans of star trek where personality is one's soul with a capability of being transferred by vulcan telepathy. my belief system originated from the mind kontroll study of harry murray that started in the late 50's and ended in the early 60's. at the time there were phases of the study being conducted by major universities throughout the country. by 1973 most of the research had ended and much of the data destroyed. however, psychological aspects learned by murray and, my mentor, saul rosenzweig and others influenced such works as the manchurian candidate, star trek, a clockwork orange and conspiracy theory. these works are the fantasies of the realities of mk ultra. |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Hehe well rv... I honestly do believe that our 'personality' is an integral part of our 'soul'. This Murray sounds very intriguing and I'm going to have to read up on him. Why was his research data destroyed? I know.... I ask a lot of questions. I am the type of person that likes to know EVERYTHING..... and I only speak if I know for certain what I'm talking about just so I'm ALWAYS RIGHT! hehehe.... I'm also the type of person that gets frustrated about the things I'll never know all of..... such as the universe's beginning and end, or lack thereof... and also like the subject we've been discussing. These are all part of my runaway train that speeds ever forward on this seemingly endless track. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
oh, harry's work has not been destroyed. a lot of it is accessible. however, the study involving detoted and the other 21 students in the late 50's and early 60's is not available to me. my good friend, dr. rose, whose frustration study was used by harry, with the 22 students, would have assisted me but he died in 2004. dr. rose could have been the key to understanding the idiodynamics of detoted's naughty behavior. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
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harry was dr. rose's mentor. they were like the poles of a magnet. harry was interested in the end result and dr.rose focused on the means to the end, he was an academic purist...scued results were not acceptable to him. he worked with harry on the development of the "tat". |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Well, it's a shame that that information is lost..... from what I've read, it was intriguing... So, I'm curious.... is this what you've focused your life and work on? Or is it something that you are interested in, therefore making a point to be knowledgable about it? I'm thinking that it is/was your life and work? Or a part of it? |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
the information is not lost...it is not accessible to me or to researchers in general at this time. has the research been my life work?...the answer is no, but understanding the mind of detoted has been of interest and has been a compulsion of mine for nearly 50 years...for 40 years, i was a teacher. today, i still do research as a hobby and i am a security supervisor at an international airport with an interest in human behavior. |
Mystress May Member
since 2007-10-25
Posts 296Taunton, MA |
Well, you're definately an intriguing person.... I feel that you must have been a pretty great teacher, as well. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pick your brain.... I feel as though I'm walking away from this with more than I came into it with. |
r v wooo Senior Member
since 2007-08-07
Posts 656 |
may,you have been a delightful energy source. please don't think of me as a parasite. i have enjoyed our intercourse and found our relationship to be symbiotic but as i said, earlier, all good things come to and end..."the aspiring trees, and men, and grass. the poet's forms of beauty pass and noblest deeds, they are undone"...you will be a part of me forever and i, of you! "all dies and not alone!" RV |
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