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Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383
in the shadows

0 posted 2003-06-12 10:23 PM

Walking blinded by the sun,
undone and left behind,
theoretically I'm real
although I doubt it;
yet I walk a'windward on,
beyond the living dunes
and gone,
I want to touch the peace
not destroy it.

Jaggedly confronting me,
an arm of broken ebony
sprawls silently,
saluting no soul's name;
a manmade monolith,
but free,
it quietly denies the sea
is slowly draining energy
and life from it.

Tireless crescendos!
Pound the rocks!
They can no more stop you than can I.
Still I walk a'windward on
beyond the living dunes,
and gone,
I only sense the majesty
not keep it.

What power
brings these waves to crest?
At best I only feel it
never know it;
I face the sea and openly
it challenges my right to be,
although from where I stand
it can not touch me.

blinded by the sun,
undone and left behind,
self-consciously I'm frightened
but deny it.
So I walk a'windward on
beyond the living dunes,
and gone
in search of honesty,
forced to steal it.

©2003 by icebox

© Copyright 2003 icebox - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
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standing on a shadow's lace
1 posted 2003-06-12 11:24 PM

"I want to touch the peace
not destroy it."

"What power
brings these waves to crest?
At best I only feel it
never know it;
I face the sea and openly
it challenges my right to be,
although from where I stand
it can not touch me."

blinded by the sun,
undone and left behind,
self-consciously I'm frightened
but deny it."

how you write of me and do not even know it...h

since 2003-06-04
Posts 58
New York USA
2 posted 2003-06-12 11:25 PM

forced to steal it....

love it...

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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3 posted 2003-06-12 11:26 PM

I think I just had an epiphany!

A shrink once told me that I feared success.


A decade later? I finally get it.

Thank you!

Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
4 posted 2003-06-12 11:27 PM

Awesome poem.

Cold hands means a warm heart

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
5 posted 2003-06-13 12:03 PM


"So I walk a'windward on
beyond the living dunes,
and gone
in search of honesty,
forced to steal it."

The honesty in this poem is what grabs the heart and touches something felt by many.  That is what makes a poem not just good, but great!

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
6 posted 2003-06-13 03:38 AM

awesome write! very powerful! yes!
Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
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7 posted 2003-06-13 09:01 AM

Jaggedly confronting me,
an arm of broken ebony
sprawls silently,
saluting no soul's name;
a manmade monolith,
but free,
it quietly denies the sea
is slowly draining energy
and life from it.
quiet denial... something I understand too well...

enjoyed this Mr Ice... enjoyed it a great deal.

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348
8 posted 2003-06-13 10:29 AM yummy.  


since 2002-11-29
Posts 306
Pheonix, AZ, USA
9 posted 2003-06-13 11:15 AM

Fascinating read. I'm sure I'll be thinking of this the next time I'm on a beach.

"I don't need to scream for you to deem me aggravation."

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
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10 posted 2003-06-13 12:19 PM

Jaggedly confronting me,
an arm of broken ebony
sprawls silently,
saluting no soul's name;
a manmade monolith,
but free,
it quietly denies the sea
is slowly draining energy
and life from it.
that part hit me right between the eyes

Marge Tindal
Deputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2003-06-13 12:34 PM


'I want to touch the peace'~

There is a quiet that touches the senses throughout this read~
Greatly enjoyed~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
12 posted 2003-06-13 10:14 PM

Great read. Into the face of adversity , we stare, and do not blink, nor waver from our chosen course, and so, shall prevail, not by changing it's nature, but indeed, by changing ours'.

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
13 posted 2003-06-13 10:18 PM

Fantastic write!!
Very much enjoyed.
~Smiles & Hugs, Nancy~

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain~

Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383
in the shadows
14 posted 2003-06-14 12:05 PM

1slick_lady ~ I swea' ta god, I have not been peeking!!!   *grin* I am glad you did not find it too intrusive.  Thank you for you time in reading and for your comments.

Cannon_D_111 ~ I am glad.  Thank you.

serenity blaze ~ Uh-huh, hmmm, yes I see...and how did you feel when you had this epiphany?
Oops!  Well, our time is up for this week; be sure to arrange payment on the way out.  Remember, my standard office charge is $185.00 for a  45 minute hour.  Same time next week?

*smile*   I am glad you enjoyed this poem.  Thank you for your comments.

the _loner_23 ~ Thank you for reading my poem and for your comment.

Martie ~ You are very kind my friend.  Thank you for taking time to read this poem and to comment.

passing shadows ~ I am glad you enjoyed this poem.  Thank you.

Cpat Hair ~ Oh yes, quiet denial, I too know it well; it is one click above quiet desperation.  Thank you for your comment.

Susan Caldwell ~ For some reason, your comment gave me a shiver! *laugh*

Eromyna ~ That would be nice, thank you.  Perhaps then you will share your thoughts with us all?  Than you for reading my poem and for your comment.

Midnitesun ~ Oh, I hope that it did not hurt!  Thank you for sharing your comment.

Marge Tindal ~ When I am on an empty North Atlantic beach, I often get a feeling that does not fit into words, and one which I have felt no where else.  The ocean is to me more mother than any person I ever knew.  Thank you for you time and comments.

Dr.Moose1 ~ It is true that the ocean is one of those parts of existence which will not change to meet our needs; we must adapt to it.  Thank you for reading my poem and for your comments.

Enchantress ~ Thank you Ma'am; I am glad you enjoyed it.

Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
15 posted 2003-06-17 12:40 PM

You are, without a doubt, the best poet I've read in this forum to date.
Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383
in the shadows
16 posted 2003-06-17 06:02 PM

Local Rebel ~ Thank you for your very generous compliment.  I think you will find many poets here with extraordinary talents which go far beyond my own.  I have read many poems here which have made me realize that I may get to "that" level of skill and insight in a couple of lifetimes...if I am fortunate.

Thanks again.

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-29
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South Africa
17 posted 2003-06-18 12:41 PM

I live miles away from the sea and yet it touches me - and now yet another poem to add to my collection.  Your words need to touch many more people than are here.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
18 posted 2003-06-18 07:34 AM

The master of metaphor... indeed...
Member Elite
since 2003-04-06
Posts 2160
19 posted 2003-06-18 08:45 AM

Honesty...steal it?  I have pondered this...rid youself of doubt and denial then honesty is apparent. To face yourself head on?  To live in truth of one's self, I don't know, Ice, if I can do this.  It is more comfortable to stay here in this place.  

This is the way I took this piece. You know I go off on my own with your words. But that's why I like you.


Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655
New York
20 posted 2003-06-18 08:50 AM


this is awesome!

self-consciously I'm frightened
but deny it.

yea - I know . . .

Local Rebel
Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767
Southern Abstentia
21 posted 2003-06-18 01:26 PM

Oh yes, there are many marvelous poets here.  And if you'll look over in the corner you'll see I've been perusing around the blue boards for nigh on 4 years.

Don't misunderstand.  There are poets here who have written better works than some of your works -- but -- I'm not going to get into a critical analysis here.

There are many who post in other forums that are, in my estimation, equal if not better -- we all write some bad ones and some good ones... and for some reason they still let me hang around too!  

You have a unique grasp of irony.  That's innate -- not learned.

Member Elite
since 2002-06-07
Posts 3689
Moved from a shack to a barn
22 posted 2003-06-18 01:29 PM

"What power
brings these waves to crest?
At best I only feel it
never know it;
I face the sea and openly
it challenges my right to be,
although from where I stand
it can not touch me."

Very nice, Ice

Member Elite
since 2001-01-03
Posts 2597

23 posted 2003-06-18 02:10 PM


You have certainly been on more beaches than
I, but I recognize this power, and the allure of living dunes and such.
And "stealing honesty"?
If you recognize it well enough to steal it . . . and keep a little piece snug in your pocket.

Well done verse, Sir.
Much enjoyed.
Wish I could do as well.


Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 8080
Realm of Supernatural
24 posted 2008-02-22 08:43 PM

Enjoyed the Poem!


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