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0 posted 2003-05-30 11:15 AM

"Peace" from Webshots

She finds herself hurting and sad
when someone else has trouble
Always wants to be there for them
tries to be there on the double

But of late she seems to be
letting others problems get her down
Some people seem so hard to help
or this is what she has found

Each time this happens to her
she says again she will not get involved
Then when next time they seek her help
she tries to help their problems to solve

She can not solve the worlds problems
many times she has been told
But all someone has to do is to ask her
and their hand she will be there to hold

Many times she has found
that when some people to her talk
All they want is a good listener
so they can decide which path they will walk

They do not really want her opinions
about the circumstances of life they tell
Oft times she has no idea what to say
so to listen suits her well

So no matter how she worries
about the others problem
When they ask she will be there to help
find their own way to solve them

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (05-30-2003 01:31 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Ethel GG Kent - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2003-05-30 11:47 AM

You are very right about this Ethel.  I think that is what most people want...just an ear.  I have this can read a little bit about him in the poem, "Dear Reader, Please Advise."  He tries to help, but of late he just wants to control my whole life...thinking he can make everything better.  All I want is a little support and empathy, but he has these plans for me.  One of which includes giving up my poetry.  Well, I let him know that I need to do what is best for me.  And giving up that part of me is an impossibility.  So, yes, my friend, continue to lend your ear...but do not allow the world's problems to consume you.  It is very nice you that you care...but you must also care for yourself, as well.  If their problems are wearing at you, you need to step back for awhile.


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2 posted 2003-05-30 11:50 AM

Where would we be, Ethel, if this type of person did not exist?  We need people just as she, sometimes a he, who know when to reach out, and touch someone...

Thank you Ethel...for the touch.

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3 posted 2003-05-30 12:10 PM

yes it's always nice to have someone to listen to our lifes events.  and sometimes comment and sometimes not.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2003-05-30 12:25 PM

You could have named this one 'Reflections In The Mirror Of ME' ... for I see myself so clearly herein~

It's all about reaching out and touching~
You do so admirably~
*Huglets* for a wonderful write~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
5 posted 2003-05-30 01:26 PM

Ethel, you are so right here. We all need someone to lean on at times. But, we shouldn't lean too hard, nor should we become "over involved"...I sometimes tend to do this. I worry too much about friends and family.....lost pets....fledling think you know what I mean. Great write. Chris

"Hope" is the thing with feathers-
that perches in the soul....
                       -Emily Dickinson

passing shadows
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6 posted 2003-05-30 01:29 PM

beautiful and true
Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
7 posted 2003-05-30 01:39 PM

This poem sounds a lot like me. My friend Marci calls me just to talk about her problems and I sit there and listen and give advice where I can give it. Very thruthful poem here.

Cold hands means a warm heart

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Canada eh.
8 posted 2003-05-30 01:47 PM

I know exactly what you mean Ethel...
Well said...Bravo!
~Smiles & Hugs, Nancy~

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain~

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
9 posted 2003-05-30 02:00 PM

The picture was stunning, the picture you conveyed even more brilliant.
Hugs, TD

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
10 posted 2003-05-30 04:12 PM

Very nice...and I hope she also has someone that will listen to her when she needs some support...James
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11 posted 2003-05-30 05:02 PM

Poignantly beautiful.

Mistletoe Angel
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12 posted 2003-05-30 09:46 PM

(big hugggssssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, I truly believe we should always listen, and at the same time when one doesn't want to be helped and wants to get through the situation on his or her own, it is best we respect that persons decision and let them handle it, unless of course it was suicide or harm! (sigh) God Bless You, sweet friend, your heart beats with pure compassion, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Ethel, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Underneath your clothes, there's an endless story


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Between the Lines
13 posted 2003-05-30 10:29 PM

beautiful picture, truthful words...


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Florida, USA
14 posted 2003-05-31 05:57 AM

thank you for your loving reply. It was
full of wisdom. Sometimes people do step
in and say thinkgs that they shouldn't. I
try very hard not to do that, because I
know how sometimes all I need is a listener,
not an advisor or counselor. Even though I'm
sure that your friend was wanting to help
you, I think he may have stepped over the line
somewhat, with he started making plans for
your life.
Thank you for your reply.  
Heart Hugs  

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (05-31-2003 06:35 AM).]

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Florida, USA
15 posted 2003-05-31 06:08 AM

I agree, Decaflame,
we do need this type person in the world.
Everyone needs help sometimes, even if
it's just a caring and listening ear.
Thanks for your reply.  
Yes Glenn,
it's just hard sometimes to tell if the
person wants our opinions or just our
caring ear. Thank you for replying.
Yes, Marge,
I can tell by your poetry and replies that
you are one who people rely on to listen
to them and offer advice when needed.
Thank you, sweet Lady, for your reply.  
Yes Chris,
I know  exactly what you mean.
It seems as though I worry about everybody and
everything. I worry about the ones here on
Passions that leave or are off for a while.
I appreciate someone like you, Chris. Thank
you for being you.  
I appreciate all of you so very, very much.
You are all very nice people to know.  
Heart hugs to you all,

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (05-31-2003 06:09 AM).]

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Florida, USA
16 posted 2003-05-31 06:27 AM

I'm so glad that you liked it.
Thanks for your reply.  
it's good that you are that kind of
person. I know that your friend
really appreciates it, too. Thank
you for replying to my poem.  
yes, I can tell that you know exactly
what I mean. I just wish that we could
really help everyone who seeks our advice.
Don't you? Thank you, Lady.  
thank you so very much. I really
do appreciate your sweet words.  
I appreciate you all so very much.
Thank you all.  
Heart Hugs to each of you  

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (05-31-2003 06:36 AM).]

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Florida, USA
17 posted 2003-05-31 06:35 AM

oh yes, I do. And one of my best listeners
is my best Honey-Love, my Gary.
We talk about everything. We know each other so well that we don't even have to
tell the other when something is bothering
us. We just know. Thanks for replying.  
thank you very much.
I'm so glad that you liked it.  
yes, I agree. When someone wants to
confide in us we should always listen.
It's just hard for me to keep my mouth
shut when they seem to be going to make
similar mistakes as I have made in the past.
I want to persuade them not to make them.
But, it is their life, so I just try to
listen and not offer advice, unless I'm asked.
Thank you for replying.  
thank you so much for your sweet reply.
I really do appreciate it.  
I appreciate all of you so very much.
Thank you every one.
Heart hugs  

Member Elite
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Victoria, Australia
18 posted 2003-05-31 08:25 PM

Ethel, I enjoyed this, aren't we lucky to have such people in the world, the givers of compation, brought to earth to bear the and share the hurts of all man, to always give to only recieve maybe a thank you or another problem.
Thank you for sharing this Ethel, see you again soon.
Liked the picture as well.


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Member Patricius
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19 posted 2003-05-31 08:26 PM

liked this much
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