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Open Poetry #24
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since 2001-01-31
Posts 350

0 posted 2003-02-09 07:38 PM

Here I sit,  alone~
With this dark, luring emptiness.
In the early midst of life
I am lost............and alone.
I laugh aloud
With my salty tears that seem so endless,
And I cry aloud,
With my silent smiles slightly showing.

These lonely days seem like an eternity
With my ever searching eyes.........
I cannot find the light.
My eyes are closed and sewn at the hem,
If only darkness would leave
And give me sight.

I love life.........
But it does not love me back.
It leaves me confused,
Afraid........and by myself.
Why does it continue to shine bright rays
If all I can see is the blackness?
Why does the sound of laughter seem to evade me
And leave me with nothing
But the sound of my own tears?

Life  is a cruel and heartless game
A game for all to play......
some more cruelly than others.
How does one find the keys to happiness
And not pass them on to another
Who so desparately needs it?
How does one idly walk on by
When there is so much that can be done?
How is it that I feel so lonely and yet........
I'm not alone.
For around me.........
Are dozens of people........
But none of them............friends.

I do not see.......
For fear of what is to be seen;
I do not speak.......
For nothing is to be said;
My ears do not hear,
For nothing pleasant is to be heard;
No aromas rouse me
For there are none;
I do not feel,
For I am dead;
My heart does not yearn
For I loved once.........
And was cast downward.

A piece written in a very very depressive state.....

© Copyright 2003 Lisann - All Rights Reserved
Sun of faith
since 2003-01-31
Posts 101

1 posted 2003-02-09 07:51 PM

loved the final paragraph! Good write
Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
Posts 5479
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
2 posted 2003-02-09 07:51 PM

I like this poem a lot. Been there. Done that.

Cold hands means a warm heart

Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532
Lost in thought
3 posted 2003-02-09 09:32 PM

I'm kind of looking around me right now.
its night.. dads off to work and the house is empty except for me, and will be for over 12 hours. Friend just died last night.. and it also brought back memories.
And I can relate, to a lot, in my own way...

You wrote this well.. and I think you proved to yourself here.. or to me at least, that there are words to be said. Though though heart is still while stirring.
Keep writing, it helps.
oh and, if you need to talk.. I'm here.

Always, Alyssa

- And so it was that time stood still -
     (blink, breathe, stand, fight)

Member Elite
since 2003-01-31
Posts 4178

4 posted 2003-02-09 10:27 PM

Your words are the thread that lead you to the source. As Rumi said -
This grief you cry out from,
is the secret cup.

Your words are beautiful.

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
5 posted 2003-02-09 10:39 PM

I've been in the same state before...
and I agree, there wasn't much to see
or hear, or feel.

Needless to say it was hardly worth going there.

I hope you're in a better place now!

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
6 posted 2003-02-09 10:48 PM

You managed to do some pretty incredible writing during your very depressive state!
Very well done!--So much so that I feel like crying!...but I won't because the sun really is shining!

Love, Light & Laughter

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
7 posted 2003-02-10 02:48 AM

exactly! I know this well!
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