Spiritual Journeys #2 |
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She Talks To Her Flowers |
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Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
She Talks To Her Flowers She talks to her flowers and treats them all the same. Each night before she goes to sleep she calls them out by name. "Bless my little Rose bud who's just about to bloom. Dear Jesus, please, protect the one who rests there in her womb." "Bless my Hollyhock stalks whose blooms grow high above. Please, fill their hearts with wisdom, Lord, that words will shadow love." She talks to her flowers and treats them all with care. Each night before she goes to sleep she says their names in prayer. "Bless my Morning Glories dressed up in royal blues, Favor them each morning, Lord, like angels with good news." "Bless my little Pansies. Please, keep them smiling bright like all the dearest children, Lord, protected by Your light." She talks to her flowers and I don't think it's odd each night before she goes to sleep she covers them with God. "Bless my Geraniums and, yes, my Daffodils, my Snapdragons and Primroses and Tulips on the hills." "Bless all my flowers, Lord, and keep them safe from gloom. Please, let each one be filled with Love and fragrant growth and bloom." -Lighthouse Bob [This message has been edited by Lighthousebob (03-25-2003 07:23 PM).] |
© Copyright 2003 Robert E. Michaud Jr. - All Rights Reserved | |||
Joyce Johnson![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-10
Posts 9912Washington State |
Lovely Bob. A gardener after my own heart. Love, Joyce |
Enchantress Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113Canada eh. |
Oh how lovely!! I spent yesterday in my garden talking to the tiny heads peeking through the earth. This is a must for the book! ~Hugs~ ~Somewhere in my heart I'm always |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Beautiful! A gardener's prayer. I love it. ![]() |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() ![]() (smiles) Oh Robert, this is sooooooo beautiful, sweet friend, and every gardener who pays virtues and blessings to his or her flowers, they are bound to bloom as healthy as can be! (big hugggssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, I love this, this has my daffofil vote, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Robert, thank you for sharing! ![]() May love and light always shine upon you! Love, Noah Eaton "Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..." |
GG Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532Lost in thought |
this somehow reminds me of Psalm 8: 3-5 ...all of God's creation around us, so beautiful, and yet in all his creation we are the ones he's choses, mere humans, to crown us and due for us... I guess I don't think simplistically too often ![]() great poem! Always, Alyssa - And so it was that time stood still - |
jjote Senior Member
since 2002-12-25
Posts 1088Ontario, Canada |
A lovely poem to read to a child at bedtime- make it a prayer before going to sleep. I vote for this one too. [This message has been edited by jjote (03-25-2003 11:59 PM).] |
suthern![]() ![]()
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
How very beautiful! *S* I'll bet her garden is as lovely as her heart! *S* |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049California |
The garden so blessed in prayer must be lovely! |
Justbleu Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
Posts 3329Oregon, Originally From Alaska :) |
I would say God has blessed you with the written word.....This is wonderful and lovely!!!!! Enjoyed!!!! Bridgette ![]() "Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again. To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
LightHouseBob~ What delicately precious thoughts~ *Huglets* ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ |
Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919New York, USA |
Bob you've just got to know that I am loving this one, what a beautiful piece you have brushed with that pen of yours. Bonnie [This message has been edited by BSC (03-28-2003 09:04 PM).] |
BloomingRose Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
Posts 3092Florida |
He blesses flowers with beauty and with perfumes so sweet, we can't help but be blessed. Lovely poem! Deb |
Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
Joyce, Yes, like I believe that you are, she is a wonderful Christian woman and a fine gardener to boot. Thanks for your response. Enchantress, So exciting to see the first indications of spring sprouting forth from the earth and I am very sure that your attention given your plants will be most fruitful indeed. God Bless. Poet deVine, Thank you. My wife's friend, for whom this poem was written, actually relates certain people in her life with certain flowers in her garden and then prays for them. I thought that this was such a neat idea and thus inspired this poem. So very nice to hear from you again. Thanks again for your kind response. Mistletoe Angel, Thank you for your Gorgeous picture of lavender daffodils. I think your picture compliments my poetry very well here. Thank you... and thank you for your kind words and your daffodil vote too. (Smiles) You're such a good poet friend to be so very faithful to read and to respond to so many. Thanks again and God bless you. GG (God's Girl) Psalms 8:3-5 is Great!!! I was planning to share this poem at our next mini church or cell group of about 40 dear Christian friends and I will be sure to include this verse that you have shared with me. I do think that it applies very well and I also like Psalms 8:1!!! (Actually, I love the whole chapter) O Lord, our Lord, your greatness is seen in all the world!!! (YAY!!!) Man and Woman truly are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Amen) As said above, this poem was written for a friend who actually relates certain attributes that her flowers have to her human relations which inspires her to lift her friends and loved ones up in prayer. God bless you and thank you and God for your complexity. (Big Smiles) jjote, I think that I agree with you that this poem does have a child like quality about it as the person whom this poem was written has a deep child like faith as to see her friends and loved ones represented in the attributes of her flower garden. God bless you, welcome back, and thank you again for your most kind response. suthern, (Big Smiles) Just seeing your name here brings a Big Smile to my face. Why??? Because, you said that you intended to rectify missing my work and I now Know that you are a woman of much integrity... Thank you, my friend, and I must say that by what I have witnessed of your heart's garden, you are also a most fragrant and blooming presence here at Passions. Thank you. Martie, I am so Happy that you stopped in to read and to respond. Thank you. Oh, yes, I am a true testimony of the fruits of her lovely flower garden prayer as I know many others are as well... You see, the gorgeous flowers of her garden are but a confirmation from God to her that her most fervent prayers are being heard and answered. God bless you and keep you and yours my poet friend. [This message has been edited by Lighthousebob (03-28-2003 12:10 PM).] |
Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
Justbleu, So nice of you to return for another visit to our little corner and what a nice thing to say... I do believe and am convinced that there are many wonderful poets here who are so marvelously gifted as you have stated with the blessing of the Written Word. Again, thank you again for your most pleasant reply. Marge Tindal, My poet friend you have such a delightful way with your words... Yes, and her flowers as well as her prayers are most 'Delicately Precious' as well. (Smiles) Thank you for stopping by and again for your kind reply. BSC, Oh, I am so glad that you had the opportunity to read this poem in particular and that you found this poem favorable as I have understanding that you are a most dedicated gardener and find and have shared such great inspiration and delight from your own spriritual as well as your own natural garden. Thank you, my poet friend, for your kind response to this poem and it is most wonderful to see your postings once again. God bless. BloomingRose, (Amen!!!) Both the natural flowers and the spiritual flowers that result from prayer are truly most sweet and beautiful as you have stated. God bless you, my poet friend, and thank you for your reply for both you and they are most appreciated. |
Poet4Christ Member
since 2003-02-19
Posts 211Oklahoma City |
Bob - I loved this poem - maybe it has something to do with the fact that I love digging around in the dirt. I am so glad that spring is here. My bulbs are coming out my trees are bursting with buds. It is a beautiful prayer that will surely bring good rest to all the hearts that read it.. I really enjoy your work. Thank you and God bless. - Tim PS - I voted; it would be a shame not to share this one with the world. He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. Proverbs 28:26 [This message has been edited by Poet4Christ (03-30-2003 01:14 AM).] |
mysticpoe Senior Member
since 2003-02-28
Posts 883 |
Hi Bob, your poem seems so tranquil and meditating. As if posessed by love and in that garden with the Holy Spirit. Enjoyed mysticpoe |
LngJhnAg Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
Posts 3508Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion |
Bob - You have such a great flair for coming up with really neat slants on things. I truly enjoyed this poem. It read well, had some neat twists of phrase, and concluded perfectly (I think writing a good exit is a lot harder than writing a good entrance). Chalk up another vote, Bob. BTW - I have this niggling feeling that, because you're making my poetry look bad, I may have to lump you in with 'Deer and Toe the next time I get the urge to poetically scandalize rascals. Just a friendly warning (but more a friendly welcome). |
garysgirl![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237Florida, USA |
Bob, I've been noticing your poetry in the Reflections Forum and all of it is absolutely excellent....and beautiful. But, Sir, I love this one more than any of yours I've read. I think because it reminds me so much of the way my Mother feels about her flowers. I wouldn't be surprised if she has every one of them named. Would I be asking too much if I asked you if I could print this poem off for her? I think she would absolutely love it, too. Thank you. Hugs, Ethel |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
smiling. YES. |
Jason Lyle Senior Member
since 2003-02-07
Posts 1438With my darkling |
Another beautiful, perfect write.Does this ability to write so beautifully, and in perfect meter roll of you pen naturally? Or like me must you count syllables with your fingers like I do. ![]() Jason |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
This is truly beautiful LHB ![]() |
Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
Poet4Christ, Like your beautiful sprouting bulbs and your budding trees, I have noticed a coming out or a blooming of such in you in more ways than one. Just to let you know, it is a real pleasure to see you blossom here at Passions and to see your posting a book submission is quite a leap from where you first began just a little while ago. WOW!!! The Lord is truly marvelous my friend. Again, thank you for your very kind reply and may God continue to bless you and your poetry writing. mysticpoe, Thank you for your wonderful words. I do believe, as you have said, that there remains a spiritual garden, a kind of Garden of Eden, that we can still visit often within the realms of the Holy Spirit and as I am sure you already know, it is a most tranquil and a most loving place in which to meditate upon our Lord. Thank you again for your caring and your most tender thoughts. LngJhnAg, I really don't know what to say about your friendly welcome, but to say Thank You (I think) and that it would be my fine pleasure to be 'poetically scandalized' with such delightful rascals as Balladeer the Catholic priest and Toerag the Rabbi. Just, No Bears, Please!!!! My wife and kids are enough for me to handle right now. (Big Smiles) Truly, I do enjoy your and yours humor and think that it would be an honor in a strange kind of way to be included as part of your next poem. Good luck, God bless and again, Thank You. (I think) I'll need to wait and see how your next poem turns out before I can be for sure... (Amen). garysgirl, Big smiles for thoughts of your Mother being like my wife's good friend. Oh, that's such a beautiful thing, my friend, when someone has a passion such as gardening or poetry and they can relate and expand that passion and/or gift to its full potential to do something beautiful and uplifting with it such as to inspire thoughts and prayers for loved ones.... and Yes, Yes, Yes, for how could I refuse such a beautiful spirit as yourself and your dear mother's and how could I refuse to allow my poetry to reach its full poet-ential. Again, thank you and I do hope that your Mother enjoys the poem. serenity blaze, Sometimes a big YES is just perfect for expressing a little love Thank you. Jason Lyle, I do love it when you come out of the shadows... (Big Smiles) No meter doesn't come that easy for me. I'm afraid that I'm just like you in that regard. You'll find me counting fingers in the most strangest of places; At church, you know, the sermons can get a little long at times... I'm always waking my wife up in the middle of the night... Actually, I think my Family and my Pastor may be conspiring behind my back to soon have me committed. I hope not. Thanks, my friend, its always a pleasure to hear from you. Dark Angel, Thank you!!! Your words are always so kind toward me and my poetry and I do appreciate you for that. Again, thank you. [This message has been edited by Lighthousebob (04-02-2003 12:39 PM).] |
Titia Geertman Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182Netherlands |
You sure you're not talking about me???? I talk to my flowers too, specially my 200 roses in the garden. They're still asleep now, but soon I'll wake them up when it's time to bloom. Titia Like scattered leaves...my words will flow |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I will never tire of reading your work, for each time my spirit is so lifted by the words you put into poetry. I have to give thanks for your gift and sharing it with others. I voted ![]() |
Lost Dreamer Member Elite
since 1999-06-20
Posts 2464Somewhere near the Rainbow |
This is an absolutely beautiful poem. ![]() Sometimes we have to follow a stronger voice, even if it's silent. |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
This is after my heart ... and I could say what Titia said .... I talk to my flowers too ... I even caress them and say thank you for being so beautiful ... To be grateful for God's gifts and to show it, is all right I think. I very much enjoyed your poem. Love, Margherita |
SPIRIT Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
Posts 1745California Desert |
This is so lovely. You paint images on the canvasses of our minds. You leave me speechless a lot of the time, and that is no easy task - believe me. I wish I could vote more than once, but once will have to do it. |
Whippoorwill Member
since 2003-03-12
Posts 60Arizona |
Hi, Makes me see pictures of flowers, happy flowers, loved. I really did like how you wrote this poem. Beautifully created. Thanks, In the Spirit, Whippoorwill |
Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
Titia Geertman, (Big Smiles) Actually, I wrote this poem knowing that there were many more gardeners at this site and believing by faith that a few of you were just like my wife's good friend who by the way lives in Santa Rosa California. She also has roses and says that she has a violet rose that reminds her of my wife to pray for her. Anyway, this poem was inspired by her and, now, you have certainly confirmed my suspicions that there are some more of you out there who not only love gardening but who talk to their flowers also. (YAY!!!) Thank you so very much for responding. God bless. Mysteria, Thank you!!! That was quite a nice compliment!!! I always try to keep my mind open to new and fresh ideas so that I can keep my poetry fresh and new not only so that I don't bore you my reading audience, but also that I don't bore myself. It truly is a pleasure and a delight to write for such wonderful people who are so very very receptive to what I write. (smiles) OMG, I'm so very glad that I'm not the only one who's enjoying it!!! Lost Dreamer, Thank you for your very kind reply!!! I do appreciate it very much. Margherita, I think to be like Titia and also like my wife's good friend of whom this poem was inspired is a most wonderful thing indeed. And like I mentioned in my poem, I do not believe that it is at all 'odd' to give caress and to speak loving words to those things such as flowers that God has created to be so very very sweet and beautiful and I do think also that it takes a very special (flower like) person to do so. (Amen) SPIRIT, (Smiles) I too have stated that I wish that I could vote more than just once for those poems that I especially like, but rules are rules. I do thank you for your vote of confidence though because that means just as much to me as your vote to have this poem placed in the book. I really do appreciate your feedback that you liked this poem so very very much that it left you feeling speechless. (WOW!!!) That kind of leaves me feeling speechless as well. Thank you. Whippoorwill, (Big Smiles) Well, I suppose that they truly are very happy flowers that they have the Love and prayers of their Masters expressed over them... Kind of challenges me in thinking that I should be more like the same. (Amen) I do believe that there is One who speaks blessings in our lives day in and day out. What a most beautiful thought!!! Thank you for sharing your very inspiring thought about the flowers with me. God bless. [This message has been edited by Lighthousebob (04-08-2003 05:55 PM).] |
Flower Member
since 2003-03-15
Posts 240California |
It is always a treat to read what you write, I know I will move away with good feelings. Love reading all these great writes. |
Justbleu Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
Posts 3329Oregon, Originally From Alaska :) |
I sure wish I could vote again....I really like this!!!!! Bridgette ![]() "Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again. To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown |
Justbleu Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
Posts 3329Oregon, Originally From Alaska :) |
Bump.... "Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again. To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
Bob: you never cease to amaze me with your beautiful soul This reminds me of when I work in my garden you know - it is the one place I truly felt at peace with myself and God - I can relate to this more than you know thank you xxoo |
edh Member
since 2003-03-26
Posts 111 |
This is a very pretty poem Lighthouse Bob. I love flowers and if people want to talk to them I say hip hip hooray. |
SPIRIT Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
Posts 1745California Desert |
I just came in to read this lovely piece of writing again. It truly is lovely. |
MysticDreamer Member
since 2003-04-21
Posts 131 |
Beautifully Expressed. Thanks for Sharing this. Good Will Always, Mystic Dreamer |
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