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Teen Poetry #6
Post A Reply Post New Topic A poem by me entitled: Helplessness Go to Previous / Newer Topic Back to Topic List Go to Next / Older Topic
since 2003-02-16
Posts 114

0 posted 2003-02-16 10:04 AM

I see...
a person surrounded in the darkness
unable to see what they're becoming
I see....
a person who drowns out the world with blaring noise
unable to hear the coming tragedy
I see....
a person who hides their wounds
unable to be flawed
I see...
a person bound by the chains of routine
unable to better themselves or their life
I see...
a person overwhelmed by the burden of fitting in
unable to to be unique for fear of being rejected
I see...
a person stricken with the grief of not being able to help
unable to heal the broken heart

I stretch out my hand through the darkness encompassing them
but they can't see it, they dont want to see it, they shut their eyes to avoid seeing...

I cry out to them through the violent sounds drowning me out
but they cant hear me, they dont want to hear me, they turn up the volume...

I try to help them dress their wounds
but I cant.. they keep concealing them, they won't show their wounds, they put on more makeup..

I try to show them a better way
but they cant change, the routine is to easy and safe, the normality gives them security..

I want to get to know them
but the mask hides them, they cant remove it, their fear holds it in place..

I try to help them
but they won't let me, no matter how hard I try, no matter how many tears I cry...

© Copyright 2003 Paragon - All Rights Reserved
since 2003-02-13
Posts 268
1 posted 2003-02-16 04:47 PM

For a first post, this was great! I love your form and I think the concept is excellent. I can relate to it and understand it perfectly...I felt it as I read. I like poems that make me feel, not think, because feelings are most important. Thank you for sharing. Good job!


"In life you must dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening and love like it's never going to hurt..."

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
2 posted 2003-02-19 01:02 PM

(big hugggsssssss) Oh Paragon, I know just how you feel and I too sympathize with your showing of compassion and wishing you could do much more, sweet friend, sadly so many are stuck in these trances and I pray they can find the courage to open their hearts to the light, God Bless You! (sigh) I generally do not go to Teen Poetry but I want you to know you truly are a gifted poet and you have my vote, Welcome to Passions, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Paragon, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


[This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (02-19-2003 01:03 PM).]

Senior Member
since 2000-08-19
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Up Creek w/Out Paddle
3 posted 2003-02-22 11:26 PM

"...I see....
a person who drowns out the world with blaring noise
unable to hear the coming tragedy..."

I see it too. It's a vivid image
you penned here. *s

When you think you have heard it all,
listen more closely.

frolicking dolphin
since 2003-02-23
Posts 268
my own special world
4 posted 2003-02-24 04:00 PM

Awesome poem, I can't wait to read more of your poems.


Lost Dreamer
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since 1999-06-20
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
5 posted 2003-02-25 01:26 PM

Excellent poem, sometimes we can only watch until someone is willing to let us be there and help.

Sometimes we have to follow a stronger voice, even if it's silent.

New Member
since 2003-04-03
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6 posted 2003-04-03 06:12 PM

Excellent poem!  Theres not much more i can say than that
since 2003-03-30
Posts 87

7 posted 2003-04-04 08:23 PM


Senior Member
since 2003-01-25
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Florida USA
8 posted 2003-04-13 10:04 PM

Real friends celebrate in who we are and have faith in all that we can become
Lots of Love

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since 2001-08-21
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Ocean Of Tears
9 posted 2003-04-14 06:39 AM

"I cry out to them through the violent sounds drowning me out
but they cant hear me, they dont want to hear me, they turn up the volume..."

Wow...great poem! Above are my favorite lines, although I like the rest of it just as much. Just like BabieDoll said, this had feeling. A lot of it. This is surely one of the best poems I've ever read! Good write! ~Jess

"The reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept."

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
10 posted 2003-04-15 01:05 AM

Welcome to Passions!
This is a very well written piece.
I truly enjoyed the read.
Well done.

"...until you have read the verse on his heart,
you have not truly met the poet.

since 2003-02-15
Posts 371
Lost and Broken
11 posted 2003-04-20 09:36 AM

This was a beautiful poem. I felt it the whole way through. You had good form, and excellent visuals. Beautiful job, just beautiful. You have my vote!!!

As I smile at everyone else, I'm dying inside... ~Me

Senior Member
since 2002-12-01
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...Coming to
12 posted 2003-04-20 09:49 PM

This poem really got to me...
I can't express how much I love it.
My vote of course, I hope this gets into the book!

"Even a fool knows that we cannot touch the stars, but that doesn't keep the wise from trying."

since 2001-08-17
Posts 495
LI, New York
13 posted 2003-04-20 11:03 PM

It's rare these days I wander into these parts, but I'm glad to see such talent still exists; that even though I may depart for reality for a time, I can always return here and find people who feel like me and are able to express themselves so well.  lol... I sound old... I watch too many sappy anime movies and read to many books...

I can deeply feel this poem, because in many ways I am both the helper to others, and the one in need of help.  I doubt I could find a poem that could better describe the way I feel right now than this, even if I wrote one.  This, if anything, in my opinion, belongs in the book.  I hope to see it in there!

Too strong to give up, to weak to move on....

since 2003-02-16
Posts 114

14 posted 2003-04-21 02:11 PM

Thanks for all the input... Been thinking of ways to revise this one without changing the meaning behind it. Mainly by removing the cliche sentence about makeup..
My thoughts thus far are to change the line about wanting to know them from a mask being the problem to a wall.. then change the makeup to a mask and format it to sound a bit better...

I am glad people can relate to this.. I feel that all the time.. my generation is not what it could be and it is a burden I constantly bear to attempt to better myself, and others around me. However as always there are barriers.

thanks again

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