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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration

0 posted 2002-08-15 12:12 PM

Uhm - good luck, or sorry, whichever fits best... blame it on the book i'm reading.  

The Concealed
©2002 C.G. Ward

could she speak less
for moths pinned to the grace of her lips,
or even breathe
as thorns press her throat
with seven flights of scars?

great ears brim outward
to catch a dove by its little toes.
     and again, they have no toes?
ah, yet these do -
white and green and freckled
like a sun burnt pig.
they dance;
flutter excrement into the waves
of ebon (fine, black) hair,
chuckling at her expense.

let us forget about toes then,
and look to her eyes:
- couvert dans les papillons -
unclothed from the neck up,
bears wisps of consequence
on the tilt of an eyebrow.
     (the cat took the other, I hear, smoked
it off with a pair of pliers and duct tape)

so, one tilt only.

still, I say,
let children beware
a woman who's cancelled debts
through skin tinted blue,
and poetry tendered in blindness.

[This message has been edited by Christopher (08-15-2002 03:49 AM).]

© Copyright 2002 C.G. Ward - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2002-08-15 12:34 PM

Must be some book, Chris!  Many lines that I really liked.  Hell, I liked the whole poem just didn't much understand  Still, good to read ya.
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east coast
2 posted 2002-08-15 01:26 AM

I've read it a couple of times as well and didn't quite understand it. But, yeah... everything Duncan said...


"I shall never bond again, as I have bonded with you..."

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
3 posted 2002-08-15 03:42 AM

awww... come on, it's not that hard.

i'm curious to see how others respond to this / interpret it (if they even try). I will give you one hint - the book i'm reading (well, one of them, lol) is "Surrealistic Poetry in English", published by Penguin, circa 1978. A coooooool read.

Anyway, Tier, D, thank you for reading and appreciating.


PS - D: this is me being honest... telling what i see, even if it doesn't make sense.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
4 posted 2002-08-15 03:47 AM

oh - and "couvert dans les papillons" translates from French to English as "covered in butterflies."

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2002-08-15 09:27 AM

Ah, now see?  Here I was being engaged by what I thought was something akin to Silence of the Lambs as I understood the French...

sometimes I like being wrong!

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
6 posted 2002-08-15 10:06 AM

WOW....WOW...I will be back later....but wanted to say amazing sir...


The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind pretend I am weightless and in this moment I am happy

Senior Member
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Sitting in Michael's Lap
7 posted 2002-08-15 02:34 PM

I can't reconcile it with all the details you include here, but the impression I got was that of a statue of Justice, presiding over a court of pigeons.

Or doves, what have you.

An interesting piece nonetheless.  I shall be interested to see your true subject unveiled.


since 2002-08-14
Posts 126

8 posted 2002-08-15 03:43 PM

I am totally in awe. Excellent poetic piece. Although I am as others, in hopes of learning the true subject of this. lol
serenity blaze
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9 posted 2002-08-15 06:27 PM

I think it's a trick question---chuckling. This reminds me of one those--don't know what y'call em, but "How many hidden images can y'find in this picture" Puzzles. Which I always felt was only partially the point of surrealism--except that the images are more like "ink blot" points of perception--which tells more about the interpreter than it does the artist.

I could be wrong, of course, but you'll have to convince me. Of course. *smirk*

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10 posted 2002-08-15 07:06 PM

Christopher--You are such a challange...hmmmm, okay in the first stanza I saw a flower...a very interesting one, and then after that you lost me in the painting I was making in my head.  Funny though, I could actually visualize what you said, sort of like a dream, where making sense doesn't matter or maybe does under the surface somewhere.  

I enjoyed it, yes.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

11 posted 2002-08-15 09:40 PM

Haha Martie - Welcome to Surrealist Poetry...ever read any? A lot of which seems to play with the contrast between the surface/depth opposition...blah blah modernism etc...shut up already about modernism Kamla...

The peam..

ok, so I really want to SEE the cover of the book now C...but all I can do is piece together what it might look like from this...

I can see Martie's flower for sure (rose) but then there's the freckled sun-burnt dove toes? Hmmm..and this is you being honest...god help us all. Hah. ~shaking head~

There isn't some surrealist painting on that cover is there - of roses and a woman with black hair...(and doves and things)?

poetry in blindness - ok so I'm seeing that as the crucial line in this, the culmination - representing the poetic content of the book...concealment through surrealism...

Hm...and, for you, the cover is representative of the book as a whole?

Now don't be coy...spill..I know I could be completely wrong here (don't want to be of course heh).

Oh, and I like it lol, it has a dreamy quality which is a departure from your other recent works that have been melancholy mixed with a hard edge...which I like too, it's just always good to see diversity in poetical works methinks..

hugs you


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
12 posted 2002-08-15 10:31 PM

not the greatest view of it, but here's the cover:

don't sweat l'il K - you were right this time... I'll break it down a little more and reply personally later. thanks all


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13 posted 2002-08-15 11:21 PM

Ok C, I'm gonna try and give ya an honest interpretation.  May take me a couple days, what with my attention span, work and I gotta get off here and call Tracey in a couple minutes.  But...I will be back.
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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14 posted 2002-08-16 12:00 PM

ah see? midi-k? my ass!

it's true...

I am the forgotten middle child...

Senior Member
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Sitting in Michael's Lap
15 posted 2002-08-16 12:38 PM

Bah, entirely unfair.

As if anyone but you have read that book and so would recognize a poetic description of the cover ...

*ducks the wrath of surrealism fans everywhere*

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since 2001-08-07
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16 posted 2002-08-16 01:13 AM

could she speak less
for moths pinned to the grace of her lips,
or even breathe
as thorns press her throat
with seven flights of scars?

Ok, formed an image much diff than your link, C.  Glad I did so first, cause that pic mighta done it for me.  (I’m way too visual a person).  I see a woman, a beautiful, sad woman, restricting her own voice out of some connection to a loss.  Scars…evident but needing only salve.

great ears brim outward
to catch a dove by its little toes.
and again, they have no toes?
ah, yet these do -
white and green and freckled
like a sun burnt pig.
they dance;
flutter excrement into the waves
of ebon (fine, black) hair,
chuckling at her expense

This is a fun verse.  Though still filled with loss.  The dove, elusive.  She doesn’t expect to find again but still there is always the serendipity to be considered.  And the consequences (excrement, yuck…really C…lol).

let us forget about toes then,
and look to her eyes:
- couvert dans les papillons -
unclothed from the neck up,
bears wisps of consequence
on the tilt of an eyebrow.
(the cat took the other, I hear, smoked
it off with a pair of pliers and duct tape)

This verse is incredible!  This is where it gets real for me.  Cause it’s the eyes much to my surprise that hold it.  And where I can see the  link pic fitting in.  I prefer my mental pic but ok, we’ll go with yours.  First gotta say…

unclothed from the neck up,
bears wisps of consequence

Truer words have not been written.  Given ya major points for writing reality here.  Cats have got that sense.

so, one tilt only.

still, I say,
let children beware
a woman who's cancelled debts
through skin tinted blue,
and poetry tendered in blindness

One tilt only.  Makes me think of a pinball machine and no second chances once ya rock it a bit too hard.  
And children…perhaps naiveté, trusting at heart though not yet in tune with the true dynamics of the movement.

a woman who's cancelled debts
through skin tinted blue,
and poetry tendered in blindness

I hesitate to even touch this.  As well I should.  What she has dealt those before, will she deal again?

Damn C, glad I went back and delved into this one.  Didn’t take nearly the time/effort I thought.  Maybe I’m just having a good braincell day.  lmao

Ya still awe me.  That’s a good thing.

We got something
We both know it
We don't talk too much about it
Ain't no real big secret
All the same
Somehow we get around it

Tom Petty

Janet Marie
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17 posted 2002-08-16 08:52 AM

could she speak less
for moths pinned to the grace of her lips,
or even breathe
as thorns press her throat
with seven flights of scars?

- couvert dans les papillons -
unclothed from the neck up,
bears wisps of consequence

a woman who's cancelled debts
through skin tinted blue,
and poetry tendered in blindness.

I wont pretend to know squat about Surrealist Poetry...Ive not a clue as to how this compares or qualifies as such...
I will have to broaden me mothy horizons...
I read this before the pic of inspire was posted, and that first verse blew me away for its imagery and poetic value...
I will confess ya lost me with the "dove toes, the pig and the excrement" and like those metaphors and images--its hard to think of duct tape and pliers as poetic. LOL ..
but the above highlighted verses are very cool and quite stunning...I would have loved to see them in a poem I understood
but ya had me from the moth on lips verse

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18 posted 2002-08-16 01:05 PM

And here I thought it was a particularly bad 80's flashback.  *sigh*  ah well, can't be right all the time. haha you know I'm joking     Very interesting style, me likes - especially now that I've seen the cover.  My original thought was close to what Linda was thinking - a statue, or something resembling the lady of justice.  
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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19 posted 2002-08-16 01:30 PM

sigh....I liked it better in my mind...
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
20 posted 2002-08-19 01:55 AM

there is, of course, more to this than just a cover... it does actually mean something, lol. I will get to that... uhm, one day, along with a personal thanks to all who've replied to this quirky piece.

hugs n' love


ps - midi-k: i didn't forget you... promise... i just have something... heh... special in reply to what you said (as, though k was more on visually, you came to part of the "point" with what you said.)

Brad Majors
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21 posted 2003-12-05 09:09 AM

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