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Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296

0 posted 2002-06-09 12:32 PM


In the sixties
we were hippiechicks
protesting the war
and Richard Nix

our flower power
kept us close to the earth
we grew our own veggies
and chose natural birth

we wore our hair so long and straight
and snickered loud at Watergate
we are the Woodstock generation
and our music is still a sensation

songs of love and peace, not war
its hatred and bigotry, we abhor
Simon and Garfunkle, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan
at outdoor concerts in pavilions

we kept our kids away from guns
and showed our love for everyone
the age of Acquarious stood for sharing
we're hippiechicks...we're still so caring


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

[This message has been edited by Madame Chipmunk (06-09-2002 12:33 AM).]

© Copyright 2002 Lyra Nesius - All Rights Reserved
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
1 posted 2002-06-09 12:33 PM

Very cool

Cold hands means a warm heart

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2 posted 2002-06-09 01:52 AM


You are the coolest. Yes, hippiechicks were and still are happy chicks, who still chant "make love, not war" and "give Peace a chance" and love rainbows and tie dyed T's. Thanks, dear Lyra, for staying in Love with Humanity. And we rock, and not just in rocking chairs either.

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
3 posted 2002-06-09 07:48 AM

I like this, Lyra. Even though my hair was long, in no way was it straight. I was(as they say) blessed with curly hair. But, I wanted straight hair.
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
4 posted 2002-06-09 08:28 AM

I like hippy chicks.....This is a delightful write.....I did my time in the scene!!
since 2002-06-06
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5 posted 2002-06-09 09:20 AM

Been there done that. Good one earth mother!
Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
6 posted 2002-06-09 09:38 AM

A little old for that generation but I remember it well. Enjoyed

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2002-06-09 10:46 AM

I was there ... and you just took me back~
A delightful nostalgic remember~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~                    

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
8 posted 2002-06-09 01:33 PM

Me too, Lyra! I was there, and I want to go back.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
9 posted 2002-06-09 01:36 PM

While of "this generation" parents were fairly straight laced how I would go about celebrating it, so while I enjoyed the music, [some of the best ever] I can truthfully say...I never inhaled...LOL...

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
10 posted 2002-06-09 01:48 PM

Yes we are and darn proud of it. My oldest son went to Woodstock revised a few years ago. He hated it! Guess you had to have done the original to understand the greatness of it.  :-)   Oh how we could use a little peace and love today.  Hugs, Marti

" My wrinkles are badges of courage and reveal that I am a Mother."

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11 posted 2002-06-09 02:30 PM

Although I am a faded flower child.I still like to wear my "Puka bead" necklace.Peace and love.


Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
12 posted 2002-06-09 06:18 PM

Thanks so much, loner...I sure miss those days...but its probably just because I miss being young again.

~ hugs from an old hippiechick


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
13 posted 2002-06-09 06:22 PM

Thanks so much, Kacy....

I love your reply very much...

And we rock, and not just in rocking chairs either.

yes...we still rock, don't we....and we still love our fellow men/women and still protest war and love the environment....but one difference between now and then is that back in the sixties....I remember being ashamed to be an American....but now...this old hippiechick is proud to be one.

~ hugs from one hippiechick to another......yes, we rock!!!!!!!


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
14 posted 2002-06-09 06:25 PM

Thanks for your reply, Sue...You mean, you didn't iron your hair?
My sister has always had totally perfectly straight do I....but, I couldn't believe it when I saw her ironing it one day.
I guess she was trying to make it straighter than straight.
Actually, I wouldn't mind having some curly hair.

~ long haired hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
15 posted 2002-06-09 06:26 PM

Thanks Eric...for some reason, I didn't think you were that old!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.

~ hippie hugs from the scene


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
16 posted 2002-06-09 06:28 PM

Thanks so much, bags...
I am surprised at how many poets here, remember those times...
I thought I was one of the oldest ones here.

~ hugs from back in the sixties


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
17 posted 2002-06-09 06:29 PM

Thank you, Sy... No one is ever too old to be a hippie...its a state of mind, not an age....although that does help.

~ hugs from the hippie state of mind


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
18 posted 2002-06-09 06:31 PM

Thanks Marge...I wonder how many of the poets here at Passions, were hippies back then?  Maybe we should issue a challenge or something like that...

~ hugs from the sixties


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
19 posted 2002-06-09 06:33 PM

Thanks Sandra...I want to go back also.
If you can figure out how, please email me and let me know.
I think its not so much that we want to go back to the sixties....but that we want to go back to how old we were back then.

~ hugs and memories


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
20 posted 2002-06-09 06:36 PM

Thanks Karilea...I never inhaled either LOL
You, me and Bill Clinton...what a motley crew.

~ hugs for not inhaling


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
21 posted 2002-06-09 06:43 PM

Thanks, Marti....I think things are so very different now, that our kids really have no understanding of how it was back then.
The sixties can't be reproduced  and Woodstock will never be the same Woodstock as it was in 1969.  Too many things have happened in the interim, and we can just never go back.
I remember my first husband wanting very badly to go to Woodstock, but I was 9 months pregnant.  When we finally saw the looked like a lot of babies had been born there.  I am so grateful that mine wasn't.  And I agree with you about the peace and love...but I think in some odd way...we do have it here in our country...we just need the rest of the world to have it too.

  ~ looking back on good times hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

[This message has been edited by Madame Chipmunk (06-09-2002 06:44 PM).]

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
22 posted 2002-06-09 06:47 PM

Thanks Paladin...I still have my old peace sign that I used to wear around my neck and also a very old pair of blue jeans with a peace sign embroidered (by my sister) on the rear end.  They are hip hugging bell bottoms and I wouldn't dare try to fit my middle aged body into them now.  It would be much too depressing.

~ peace to you...flowerchild hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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Member Empyrean
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23 posted 2002-06-09 10:50 PM

Is there such a thing as a 'vintage' hippiechick? like a vintage wine? Cheers to the vintage that has proven itself superior, year after year. BTW, although I was often embarrassed about being American as I traveled in other countries, I was never really ashamed, as I always fought against what I thought was unjust, and fought for the same freedoms we as a nation were supposed to stand for, and was actually still proud of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. Someone once told me I suffered from cognitive dissonance, and was unable to separate myself from associating with 'troublemakers,' even though I was a 'good girl'..... What ever that is !!?? Maybe, maybe not, and maybe it doesn't even matter in the long run. Wow, am I rambling?
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