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Open Poetry #20
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since 2002-03-20
Posts 112
The One

0 posted 2002-06-04 12:53 PM

How many times have you felt that this lifes corrupt
walking around dazed and confused, things not looking up
when everythings goin sour and youve lost all youre power
everyone ignores ,and doesnt try to be there
everyone just sits and decided to choose to stare
on the edge of youre sanity cause life aint fair,
wanting to fall because noone would care.

when i can move mountains earthquakes will awake
leave my hatefilled peers in the sun to bake
Tell children corruption and hatred and fear
hearts will darken, and no light will shine here
apocolypse will awake and deliver his wrath
fifteen filled with hate add a gun, now, you do the math
does it take a genious to see what my brew will come from?
when i can move mountains the ground will shake

alone in my room ,sactuary my cd blaring
these my hyms at my side that i live to follow
the walk of a saint but the the face of a sinner they all be staring
wanting to see this physique fall, not like i be caring
last man that tried to end my day in the sun,
ended up cryin and begging then started to run
my glare gives you nightmares and ruins youre lives
crying at night wishing that you would could curl up and die

when i can move mountains ill be stronger then you
ill unleash my terror upon this world, make  everyone as misserable as me
when my corruption is bestowed, the sword drops on thee
youll be alone in the dark youll see was no bluff
thugs on the street will figure that they aint so tough
relentless and restless showing no remorse,
this darkness will fall and will run its course.
ill stop when youre eyes have cried enough
you figure that my path wasnt paved it was rough
and atop my throne then i shal reign
when i can move mountains you shall all know my pain

-sorry for re-post my computer was being weird and i cant see my 1st post annywhere

The man of few words...

[This message has been edited by TriXter (06-05-2002 11:37 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 TriXter - All Rights Reserved
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since 2001-08-07
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1 posted 2002-06-04 01:05 AM

when i can move mountains ill be stronger then you
ill unleash my terror upon this world, make  everyone as misserable as me

Reminds me of a blonde I used to  Good luck!

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto


passing shadows
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since 1999-08-26
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2 posted 2002-06-04 01:07 AM

*sigh* I know it well
Mistletoe Angel
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3 posted 2002-06-04 11:31 AM

(BIG HUGGGSSSSSS) Oh Trixter, such angst and frustration fill your words, sweet friend, I can relate to this a little bit, for before I was depressed everyday when I was growing up and wanted to show others how I felt but I couldn't and I just wished the world could end, then I realized it wouldn't help at all and hurting others is not the answer whatsoever, it's first loving yourself and believeing in yourself then winning the respect of others in result! (sigh) My heart goes out to you, sweet friend, this is just a phase that you will soon pass by, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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