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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2002-05-19 08:21 PM

When I was just a young boy sitting on my father's knee,
I marveled at all the stories and fables he nightly told to me
And one fable, in particular, stayed in my memory -
About the small kingdom of Lox.

Lox was ruled by a kind and gentle king
Who gave his subjects everything
But he had one quirk, one tiny thing
Which made a paradox.

He would send gifts to his subjects - precious gold and diamond rings,
Porcelain vases, painting masterpieces, pottery and things
But each precious gift he wrapped up, tied it with a piece of string
And used a flimsy box.

The recipients were proud that he had sent them such a token
(Though, normally, when they unwrapped it, they would find it broken),
But they considered him eccentric - not an unkind word was spoken.
Such was life in the kingdom of Lox.

Late last week my father left me - calmly up and passed away,
A spirit so unbending lost to sickness and decay.
The ticking of a heart with strength to take one's breath away
Stopped .... like a rusted, battered clock.

And me, I spend time contemplating life and death and things
And who will win the pennant - will the grass return in spring?
How beautiful the moon looks when I hear Frank Sinatra sing -
And about the small kingdom of Lox.

Now, when nighttime falls and crickets sing
I wonder and ponder on why MY king
Placed such a very precious thing
In such a fragile box.

© Copyright 2002 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2002-05-19 08:23 PM

I remember this...and your heart is showing.  Rightly so.  From the King of a wonderful friend.

Thank you, 'Deer...

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2 posted 2002-05-19 08:25 PM

Well done, Balladeer. You understand what loss, and love, are all about.
Larry C
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Member Patricius
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3 posted 2002-05-19 08:26 PM

Such a healing poem for such a broken heart. Bless you kind friend and dear, 'deer man!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2002-05-19 08:27 PM

What a beautiful sharing from your heart to Larry's~

'Now, when nighttime falls and crickets sing
I wonder and ponder on why MY king
Placed such a very precious thing
In such a fragile box'

Such a tender share~
Thank you for being you~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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Canada eh.
5 posted 2002-05-19 08:30 PM

Very inspirational Michael....
And so thoughtful of you to repost for Larry.

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6 posted 2002-05-19 08:31 PM


This is a poetic gift of thought and thoughtfulness, for Larry...and it touched a place in me as well.  Love you for it!

Titia Geertman
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7 posted 2002-05-19 08:34 PM

This is just beautiful Michael


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
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8 posted 2002-05-19 08:35 PM

This is a beautiful poem, Michael.

Its amazing how delicate our bodies are.  Our spirits and our minds are strong, but we are put into a very fragile box.

The whole Passions family is in mourning today...thank you for sharing this with all of us.

~sad hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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Member Rara Avis
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Maidstone Kent England
9 posted 2002-05-19 08:37 PM

’Deer dear heart this is utterly utterly perfect, you’ve really surpassed yourself this time. Normally your writing is superb, in this one poem you have explained something beyond explanation. This has to be a terrible time for Larry but that you’ve posted one of your superbly crafted pieces simply must aid him and bring some comfort to his soul. That you have held out your hand in friendship and love is so typical of you ‘Deer it shows exactly what you are made of. Your compassion does you great credit. And I just know Larry feels it within his heart.

This is exceptional writing, certainly I’ve come to expect the very best from you, creatively and in language form. This is a real beauty, and absolutely wonderful first class piece. YOU do know I LOVE this don’t you? Good it is exquisitely crafted.

Love and warm stuff
As always

Breathe through the heat of our desire
Thy coolness and they balm
Let sense be dumb let flesh retire
Speak through the eathquake wind and fire

doreen peri
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10 posted 2002-05-19 09:00 PM


too sad to comment

Mistletoe Angel
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11 posted 2002-05-19 09:21 PM

(tears fall down my cheeks) Oh Balladeer, I am speechless, there's not much I can say right now other than you are a true angel and your heart shines with such love that I know will help our dearest Larry so much tonight, for your wisdom shines and feels for all love and what it is worth even after a loss! (big hugggssssssss) Forgive me,I have nothing more to say about this since I feel sad right now, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Balladeer, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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12 posted 2002-05-19 09:24 PM

Perfect for the moment.
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where insanity meets breeding
13 posted 2002-05-19 09:39 PM

Michael, this is just beautiful. And a very appropriate one to repost for Larry and his precious daughter.
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Member Rara Avis
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14 posted 2002-05-19 10:05 PM


She said burn ... together.

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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
15 posted 2002-05-19 10:28 PM


you are showing your heart, and how lovely it is....


I would rather have one breath of his hair,
one kiss of his mouth,
one touch of his hand
than an eternity without it.

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16 posted 2002-05-19 10:38 PM


Indeed. and some of us are lucky enough to realise that while our loved ones are around

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
17 posted 2002-05-19 10:41 PM

Oh Balladeer, it is so nice of you to share this with Larry.
Member Ascendant
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Ontario, CANADA
18 posted 2002-05-19 11:58 PM

You've really got me crying now, this is just so YOU, Michael.  This is such a kind gesture for Larry and such a beautiful and tragic story.  It's a keeper, in fact, I'm also printing it out!~

Take care and hugs for just being you!,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
19 posted 2002-05-20 12:02 PM

Thank you, Melissa...and everyone. How I wish there had not been a reason to post this tonight....hug your loved ones.
since 2002-05-11
Posts 66
20 posted 2002-05-20 07:31 AM

’Deer hi there that you have taken the time to repost such a superbly crafted poem to offer in some way comfort to Larry shows without doubt how compassionate and loving you are. Beautiful writing and amazing sentiments, but over all the love you feel for Larry C must give his soul some measure of comfort in a time of inconsolable grief

lots of love

Eternity, stands laughing at old time
for ages? In the grand ancestral line
Of things eternal, mounting to divine

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Member Seraphic
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21 posted 2002-05-20 10:25 AM

This has always been one of my very favorites... a glittering jewel in your beautifully crafted crown of words. It's one I've read countless times and would hate for anyone to miss... but how my heart breaks at the "why" of its repost.
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