The Alley |
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Quotable Bush (favourites) |
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Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space ![]() |
This came out of a conversation I on Dan Quayle. Considering Quayle was crucified for far less, it's only fair we take a look at Bush. Here's a small sampling of the Leader of the Free World's grammatical prowess. Random: “The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur.” Um...isn't that a french word? “There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.” A fan of The Who? "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." Ah, the man in charge "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." ah.. "There is no doubt in my mind that this country cannot achieve any objective we put our mind to" gee, thanks "We want those objections heard, of course -- every citizen needs to hear a voice." ... "There are people who can't stand what America stands for, and desire to conflict great harm on the American people." inflict..inflict ""This is an historic times." "We've got to make sure there is more affordable homes" "But the true greatness of America are the people." "I like to remind people, medicine has changed, and Medicare hadn't." is..are..tenses!tenses! for god's sake "I mentioned early on that I recognize there are hurdles, and we're gonna achieve those hurdles." that's the spirit! "This isn't one person's land, it's the people's land, and foreign visitors about the mountain so they can enjoy their time and leave only footprints behind. " head.. "Our nation must come together to unite." "If you don't stand for anything, you don't stand for anything" On Education: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" I hope they is. "Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling." Yes, sadly our children's literacy are appaling. "You teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." wow. "We didn't need any more theory in Washington. We needed people that actually done." And done good "If you believe every child can learn, therefore we ought to know whether that's the case." ... there's...just....too...many....must resist...temptation to post...more...and more.. [This message has been edited by Aenimal (07-09-2004 01:52 AM).] |
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Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
![]() Opinions firmly in play the devil's advocate - aren't you being just the tiny bit petty? heh ![]() |
Krawdad Member Elite
since 2001-01-03
Posts 2597 |
Oh, I don't think you are being petty at all. An empty suit is an empty suit. If only you had the facial "expressions" to go with these! sad sad sad |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
K, seperate my disdain for his administration's policies. This is simply a look at Bush himself. There are pages worth of these quotes, I just posted my favourites. I don't think it's petty to think it's absolutely frightening that a man this vapid is in a position of intense power. lol Kraw |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
ROTFLMAO! this is the highlight of the political portion of my day ![]() that man is such an embareassmint |
Duncan Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455 |
Every day I'm becoming more concerned about the path this country will likely take, given four more years of Bush's agenda. I've voted ever since I was old enough to do so, just figured if I didn't vote, I'd have no right to complain. But this year, I've also been encouraging friends/relatives to vote. (Ok, I've been pestering them till they registered). Anyway, funny post Raph, if it wasn't so absolutely frightening.'s a link to register if anyone's interested. It really is quick and easy and once you complete the process, you'll receive a special, "Don't vote? Don't b*tch" t-shirt to wear to the polls!!! ![]() |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Amen, sleep tight |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Frankly and to be candid, I'm not comfortable or liking any of the candidates for President...not that their bad men...they just simply to me seem to be puppets...unconcerned about making decisions for the people. Lest we also remember folks, everytime they suggest they are giving us something...we will pay for it. You know what boggles me the most...these men and all of government...are being paid by us, our monies...they are supposed to be working for us...and yet, no one says a word about all the money they if they actually think they deserve it. Like they're above all of us...on our money? That is what I find hardest to absorb, not to mention, why oh why have people sat back and bought all this...especially the environment between the extreme left and right parties...that scares me even more, and I can't help but wonder, who initiated this seperation and hate, anger to begin with, is this to a part of the plan. Talk about separation of Church and state huh? Sorry, I apologize if I've offended anyone. It really worries me. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Ah yes, Bushisms. Here's just a couple I've found kind of amusing. "Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods." -George W. Bush, Dec. 20, 2000 "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - so long as I'm the dictator." -George W. Bush, Dec. 19, 2000 Sincerely, Noah Eaton "You'll find something that's enough to keep you But if the bright lights don't receive you You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20 |
since 2004-03-21
Posts 3188The World of Poetry |
I'm over here Aenimal LMAO!! HAHA!!! ![]() ~Alli~ |
Juju Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429In your dreams |
Yeah If Kerry wouldn't wavor so much on his platform It would be alot easier to bash bush. Unfortunitly bush doesn't right down his speeches and does them free hand and forgits the quotes. So because he tries not to be a drone, and try to be sincere, people attack. Remember Kerry Voted to go ahead and proceed to attack Iraq with or with out the Un assistance. sigh......... then again I started the "Kerry looks like a Zombie..... He will work with other contries to make them fold there will by eating there brains making them mindless Zombies..... oh wait to late." I meant it as a stupid joke that was stupid..... but poeple actuallly thought it was funny. Two weeks later rumor and tabloids showed pictures of kerry leaving a clinic face red and the millions of wrinkles gone. So my question is "Where's Kerry's winkles?" |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Look Juju many people speak off the cuff and still manage NOT to sound like this. There's no defending this, especially speeches on education and literacy. It isn't an issue of Democrats vs Republicans which is what you're trying to make it. It's an issue of intelligence and command of the english language. Or in this case the lack thereof. |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
Aenimal -- I have to laugh everytime I read your name....and I'm giggling at your quotes, too. I pay attention to these things, as well. No wonder he doesn't give press conferences, poor guy (tongue in cheek). All politics aside and I am not looking for any arguments, but I do wonder how can this be the leader of the free world? Have you read the book, "Dubya?" |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
illian no I haven't read it yet. The more I read about Dubya the more I get depressed and anxious. |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
I read it before the election last time. It was written by Molly Ivins, the famed columnist with the Star-Telegram out of Fort Worth, Texas. Ivins is a fantastic writer with a terrific sense of humor -- there is only one Molly! And, she knows her Texas politics (and national as well). It's a great read. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Yep. it's always fun to nitpick and come up with bloopers and stuff committed by our political "giants". ![]() ![]() There were some interesting quotes at the Hollywood Kerry fundraiser yesterday, too. Chevy Chase - ``Clinton plays the sax, John plays the guitar, and the president's a liar.'' Chevy Chase - the most recent book Bush had read was "Leader of the Free World for Dummies." John Mellenkamp - ``Texas Bandito, how much money did you put in your pocket today?'' ...and. of course, WHoopi Goldberg using profanity and sexual innuendos to describe the president. Waving a bottle of wine, [Goldberg] fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush's name in a riff about female genitalia," reports the New York Post. John Kerry - "every performer tonight ... conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country." John Edwards - "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values." As was reported by the Boston Herald, which has always been predominately Democratic,... That Kerry, by his silence, tacitly endorsed the content of his supporters' remarks says something troubling about the tone of his campaign. That he allowed his military service to be used once again like some prop in a movie, says something even more troubling about his character. John Kerry (the next day) - ``Performers have a right to speak their minds even when we don't agree with everything they say." ``The views expressed by the performers were their own views,'' Kerry-Edwards campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill said. ``It is not what Sen. Kerry and Sen. (John) Edwards would say, and they don't approve of some of the comments that have been made.'' I'll take those Bush bumblings any day over those examples listed. The bumblings make me smile. The others make me ashamed for the speakers.... |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
I have to admit that Deer makes his points well, but I'm back to the issue of the thread. This wasn't really suppose to be political, but how can it help but not be. Deer, I am a registered Republican.....and my comments are nonpartisan....just wanted you to know that. My job requires me to know what is going on in law, politics and current events as I interview attorneys for a living. I have stories that would raise the hair on your back -- are there any politicians who are not corrupt (and that includes judges, as well -- I've known a few good men/women but not nearly enough)? That is what troubles me most. The media blitz on "trial attorneys" and how money mongering they are makes me sick every time I hear it because it is only the defense bar that kisses the patuties of big business and they are well paid for that. Not that there aren't some decent defense lawyers, but the "plaintiffs' bar" is made up of the some really good lawyers and I might add hardworking, because they have to prove their cases and that's a lot harder than defending; I know this from personal experience involving 20 years working on both sides...those advocates, those trial lawyers, invest their own money in trying to win cases for the people who can't afford to hire lawyers....not like big business. Sure, if they win big (which is really hard since tort reform), they can get rich....but in so doing, their biggest reward is usually not the money -- it is the delight in helping someone who needs help badly and knowing justice was served. There are bad apples in every barrel, and there are bad Plaintiff's attorneys, too, but I sure have met and known more good than bad. I'm not down on defense attorneys, don't get me wrong. The hard part of their job is reconciling in their heart of hearts how to remain ethical and do good work for their clients (big business). What a state we are in that we need attorneys to fight for us, the little guys. It would be so much easier if big business took responsibility for their mistakes (that also includes doctors, people who cause accidents, etc.). If there weren't so many defective products, drugs, car accidents where insurance companies will not even offer you doctor bills, then there would be no need for lawsuits. Sometimes plaintiffs' attorneys, like John Edwards, win for the little guy; sometimes the attorneys lose their shirts (and that is happening more often than not now-a-day). As for medical malpractice cases, the fact that a doctor pays high premiums is not because of lawsuits as one would have you believe; doctors I have interviewed who have the guts tell me the truth say that their premiums have not gone down since tort reform, only up, and continue to rise. Now why is that, since maybe one in 20 of the lawsuits (which are never frivolous because plaintiffs' attorneys cannot afford the investment/gamble for something frivolous) go to trial. A frivolous lawsuit in this state NEVER makes it that far! And then, if someone does win a big case at the trial court level, there is the appeal, and the supreme court, where many times, the decision is reversed or sent back to the lower courts for a new trial -- and the defense firms get richer (paid by the hour on each file usually or by retainer) and the plaintiff's attorney (the little guy's advocate) gets broker. We have all been so brainwashed by big insurance companies that we cannot see the truth anymore. I was once blind, but now am in a position to see. Deer, don't get me wrong, I'm not promoting Kerry. It is just I know some of the truth behind some of the spin we hear coming from the current administration. I don't know what to think about the war. I'm not pro-Kerry/Edwards 'cuz I'm not particularly fond of Kerry (I mean, after all he was reportedly in the same frat as Bush at Yale -- the Skull and Bones society). But it chaps me how twisted the media and all the talking heads play things. It also bothers me that Bush cannot speak English, let alone promote education the way he sisters, both teachers/principals (and Republicans), agree his policies on education are ruining public schools. His thing here in Texas when he was governor was to privatize education through vouchures....on paper it sounds good.....but it doesn't work for single-parented families or many both-working parents of middle class, who can't provide transportation to the children to get them to the "big business privatized charter schools" even if they were eligible for a freaking vouchure. Education is a big issue in my book, as well as tort reform! I hope you'll take this as just me blowing off steam tonight and not any personal affront. It is not meant that way, at all. And, as far as I know, we still have freedom of speech. [This message has been edited by iliana (07-11-2004 10:37 PM).] |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
iliana -- you might be interested in this thread /pip/Forum6/HTML/000819.html titled 'Pain and Suffering' from last year -- a good discussion on award caps and tort reform -- and please add any perspective you think wasn't covered ![]() aenimal? what was it Quayle got in trouble the most for? oh yeah.. adding an 'E' to a word that doesn't have an 'E'... ![]() ![]() Look for my own version of this from Y2K campaign.. ![]() and just to be fair A Gore Phobic |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Hey Reb did you forget? "What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is." butchering the United Negro College Funds "A Mind is a terrible thing to waste" slogan Here are some more classic Quaylism's "I think especially in her position, a highly successful professional woman, it would be a real exception to have an unwed child." oh those crazy married kids.. "It's wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago." Quayle Geography 101 "[Abortion] is not an issue with the American people. It is a figment of your imagination if you think that this is an issue that is talked about a lot." Way to keep on top of things Danny boy "Speaking as a man, it's not a woman's issue. Us men are tired of losing our women." On breast cancer "For NASA, space is still a high priority" ..who'd of thunk "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system" pssst..Earth is in a solar system..pass it on "My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will never, never surrender to what is right." "I happen to be a Republican president -- ah, the vice president." atta boy "This isn't a man who is leaving with his head between his legs." pssst Tail..tail "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." Confucius say.. "Unfortunately, the people of Louisiana are not racists" Damn non-racists! "We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made." "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made" you gotta take a stand somewhere "Let me say it one more time. It is ill-rel-e-vant." more time please "I didn't pay a lot of attention as I should have in college. " Who'd have guessed "They are going to be dealing with all those issues like abortion, bussing, voting rights, prayers. I'm not interested in those issues and I want to stay as far away from them as I can." ah yes, when politics get in the way "Votes are like trees, if you are trying to build a forest. If you have more trees than you have forests, then at that point the pollsters will probably say you will win." ??? "If you give a person a fish, they'll fish for a day. But if you train a person to fish, they'll fish for a lifetime." Message: don't give people fish "I've been very blessed with wonderful parents and a wonderful family, and I am proud of my family. Anybody turns to their family. I have a very good family. I'm very fortunate to have a very good family. I believe very strongly in the family. It's one of the things we have in our platform, is to talk about it." .... "I want to be Robin to Bush's Batman." ZOW! CRASH! Snort! "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children. It's a unique profession and, by golly, I hope when they go into the teaching field that they do have that zeal and they do have that mission and they do believe in teaching our kids and they're not getting into this just as a job or a way to put food on the table" by golly.... "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is `to be prepared'" one word(this one might be Bush's actually or both of them used it?) "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." or was this Bush's? Either way, Oedipus eat your heart out [This message has been edited by Aenimal (07-11-2004 02:41 PM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Iliana, we certainly DO have free speech and I thank you muchly for such an informative look into a subject you are obviously very familiar with. Best to ya ![]() |
Juju Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429In your dreams |
You can imply that I am stupid............ And I can impy (or in this case right out say)that you can't take Base youre political opinion on that. President Bush has supported education, (For those who lack on gov. structure knowlage) congress Passes and funds the laws. The Perfect society which was proposed by lyndoin B. Johnson (pes. that succeeded Kennedy.) and ok. What it basically did was set up wellfair, special servaces, special needs classes,(because all were to be educated) and other things two. Well it was a great ideal, but as even one of my most libril teachers pointed out or society has gotten worse. More funding is not the solution. Change is. That is what Bush wants with No child left behind act. Its change. Allot of poeple attack it and say that it is not funded, but you know what the schools will be funded. Teachers will change there curriculum so kids are prapared to pass a simple test which is basically what a kid should know by then. Its a fallacy in your argument to call me stupid, because some poeple can descredit you. Illiteret means problems reading not speeking. problems speaking don't make you less intelegent either. Juju |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Juju what are you talking about!? I'd like you to point out for me where I implied that you were stupid when I haven't made the even slightest comment regarding you or your views?!! You're reading something into my responses that simply isn't there. Christ, Deer's running around calling me an Anti-American and now you're claiming I'm making fun of you? I've been talking about Bush, and his questionable ability to speak english. A large part of public faith is at least the illusion of intelligence in positions of power and Bush doesn't offer it. If you needed to be represented in a trial, wouldn't you choose someone with exceptionable verbal/debating skills? Well the president represents your nation on a global scale, and I personally, would rather someone who commands respect. |
Juju Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429In your dreams |
sorry aenimal. I must of read it wrong, Dislexia kinda kicks in after 11:00. at the time I must of been tired, because looking at it now I see you were calling bush stupid. I am kinda opf sensitive about being called stupid, because every one thinks I am, because I am happy-go-lucky and Well you know after one year being with massive depressive smart poeple in smart poeple classes, Yeah there were a few personality clashes...................... My full apology, I am very embareced... Juju |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
No problem Juju it was just a misunderstanding. Nice to know that some people have the decency to apologize |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
Hi, Aenimal -- surprise, bumping up the thread after I read it to my daughter. Her name is Abby. Abby is raising her right hand and swearing on the U.S. Constitution that: When she was in high school and when Dubya was still the Gov. of Texas, she viewed a video in her U.S. Government Class in which, upon being questoned by a young hispanic student about his policy on Houston high schools becoming bilingual, he said something to the effect of....If English is good enough for the Bible, it's good enough for our public schools. Do you know the exact quote? This is Abby's favorite bush-ism, but we'd like to have the exact quote. |
Kaoru![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-06-07
Posts 3892where the wild flowers grow |
I had NO idea that posting "Bushisms" would cause some sort of political debate! My boyfriend is a conservative, in the most conservative of conservative ways, and even he laughs at these. In fact, he admitted to me that Bush is embarassing to the Republican party..he's still going to vote for him, though. ------------ Anyway, I have a few favorites, myself. Oh, and Raph? There's not just websites full of these quotes, there's BOOKS full. Books! ![]() - "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." The above is by far one of the best I've read. - "I understand taking tests aren't fun." - "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." - "There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once -- shame on -- shame on you. You fool me, you can't get fooled again." See if you can find an audio-clip of that one somewhere, it's hilarious. -- "I think the intelligy I get is darn good intelligence." If someone could tell me what intelligy means, I'd appreciate it. -- "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier... just so long as I'm the dictator." There's a lot more, but I'd just go crazy if I didn't stop myself now. |
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