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My Opinion Only.. |
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nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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I am glad that a certain person is well and that the announcement made on PIP was not true..but... I feel that the poster and all of us being deceived this way and the explanation given, just doesn't "cut it". I am a very forgiving person, but when I think of those who really cared and the time they took to acknowledge their prayers and caring, then to find out it was a "miscommunication" that "should have been checked up on" is very upsetting, especially with the support this community offers so freely and lovingly. If it wasn't for the fact that this was a "child" still in my eyes, especially with the way this played out, I would be feeling more irate than I am. I think of Larry and what he has gone through and to be told about this, just as he was going back for his daughter's estate...and I am even more hurt for him. I may be wrong in posting this..but I felt the need... and hope it never happens again. M "Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more, it is willing to see less." (Will Moss) |
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Duncan Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
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"I think of Larry and what he has gone through and to be told about this, just as he was going back for his daughter's estate...and I am even more hurt for him." Exactly. And wrong or not, I'd have to agree with you Maureen. |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Thank you Duncan. I am not looking for anyone to really agree... and normally wouldn't even post my thoughts as such... but I awoke this morning, trying to find out some news and then to scroll up and read what now is the "truth" in a very poor explanation, just makes me wonder what kind of games some think are ok to play, with other's feelings. And I am sure some on here are still waiting to hear some good news, not knowing that it never happened. Thank you for understanding how I am feeling. M |
Miah Senior Member
since 2002-08-26
Posts 1062Pennsylvania |
I feel very glad Kellie is okay. I hate to see anyone hurt, no matter the age. When I first got my chat programs, I thought they were so great; until I had a hour conversation with someone I thought was my friend Chris but turned out to be a friend who borrowed her computer. I should have known, but since the conversation was so light I did not think anything of it. I finally found out when my friend Chris said she was at work all day and could not have talked to me. From then on, I am very careful, saying private things either in person or over the phone. Even when I talk to my friends online and recieve information,(like there coming to town for the week) I usually always call them back on the phone to confirm plans. |
Toad Member
since 2002-06-16
Posts 161 |
This would, I presume, be about the post in Announcments that CowboyAtHeart posted: /pip/Forum3/HTML/002579.html quote: And the clarification by Kellie from the same thread: quote: My opinion is that someone made a mistake, I’m not sure who, why, or how but it seems nobody got seriously hurt in the process so it’s not a big deal as far as I’m concerned. Perhaps those directly involved (Kellie and Cody) could shed a little more light on the incident by explaining how this misunderstanding came about but that’s just my opinion. [This message has been edited by Toad (07-19-2003 11:14 AM).] |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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I agree Toad..I think it's the explanation that needs to be clarified. But if Cody said he was chatting on aim with her Mother..wouldn't you believe what was said to be true, also I have aol and instant messenger and no one can use your name to chat unless they have your password. And the comment by her "Regardless of what was said in the conversation" which tends to make one think she was playing her mother...(yes, I think a better explanation is needed) I feel bad for all involved and as I said we are all glad it isn't true, but "near death" and death and accidents and illnesses should never be taken so lightly. Thanks for each of your opinions. *And you are possibly wrong about someone "getting hurt"...I do hope someone notified Larry so he isn't having one more thing to worry about while on his trip back to Oregon. And Toad, I was trying to not make this seem personal, thus not posting the link, as I would feel the same if anyone else had posted the same. I am sure those who gave their prayers and concern would know what I was posting about. And again, I am very glad that it wasn't true. M [This message has been edited by nakdthoughts (07-19-2003 11:42 AM).] |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
Yes, Maureen...Larry was expecting an e-mail from me, when he reached Portland, to tell him where to go to see Kellie. Instead of that information, I have e-mailed him with what we now know. I'm sure he'll appreciate your concern, and so do I. ![]() [This message has been edited by vlraynes (07-19-2003 11:48 AM).] |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Thanks Vicky, the first thought that came to me after saying a prayer for her wellness was... about Larry and how much can a person handle, especially on this necessary trip. Thank you and give him my love, ![]() Maureen that was a wonderful poem you wrote, I hadn't had a chance to tell you so and respond to it [This message has been edited by nakdthoughts (07-19-2003 11:58 AM).] |
Toad Member
since 2002-06-16
Posts 161 |
quote: Well, with respect nakdthoughts, you failed, it took me all of 15 seconds to find out exactly who and what you were talking about. I have a pet peeve about people talking about people without mentioning their names which is why I posted the details above, potentially one, and hopefully both of the people involved haven’t done anything wrong. However not mentioning names always seems to infer, and confer, an element of guilt on the unmentioned and falls into the same category, as far as I’m concerned, as replacing profanity with asterisks – it’s ineffective and counterproductive if everyone knows what mean anyway. If you really wanted to save Cody and Kellie any distress or embarrassment asking them to clarify what occurred via email would possibly have been a better solution, but that again is only my opinion. [This message has been edited by Toad (07-19-2003 12:08 PM).] |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Toad ... as I said, those who needed to or wished to look it up you did. My posting was about deceit, intentional or not and that "The" explanation was not clear enough...and that it did cause undue worry and caring and time for those who posted poems and responses. I am not going to argue with you over semantics..or my reasons or justification for writing my feelings. We are in agreement after all, that the explanation was not clear enough...and everyone is glad it wasn't true. AND I don't feel I alone need an explanation..I felt in this thread that WE as a family are due one. And I basically was expressing that when something like this happens it makes one think twice about other situations needing prayers. If you would like to discuss this could email me..I would welcome it. There is more I would say but I don't want to get personal as that is one of the guidelines of this site. (And that is why I named no one) oh and about embarassment???? doesn't seem to infer that by the response given in that link...only blame that we should have made sure it was the truth by confirming it before caring. ![]() Maureen [This message has been edited by nakdthoughts (07-19-2003 12:31 PM).] |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
No one likes to be deceived. But, if passions made an error it made the right one. It is never in error to care ![]() A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. -- Mahatma Gandhi As to the rest -- wisdom comes from experience, experience from making mistakes. We all have our experiences. ![]() [This message has been edited by Local Rebel (07-19-2003 12:50 PM).] |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
I everything you have said..we are a caring group...and showed it by our thoughts and prayers. And knowledge and growth comes with experience and hopefully "death" or "near death" is never a joking matter to anyone. That was all I was trying to say...and will now let the thread go... Thank you to each of you... When illness and death happens more often, especially as we reach later years in becomes more emotional to some of us. That is the only reason I felt the need to express my opinion. My apologies to anyone who feels that I am trying to embarass or lay blame to the post discussed above. I hope that we don't have to spend time confirming truth every time someone is in need of our love or prayers. Sincerely, Maureen |
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774Ontario, Canada |
Kellie has been contacted by two administrators in an attempt to bring appropriate closure to this incident. We very much appreciate Cody’s thoughtful concern, as we do everyone else who responded with their well-meaning thoughts and prayers. At this time, we have decided to close this thread as Maureen noted that she would like to “let the thread go”. We have asked that Kellie review the e-mails from Poet deVine and myself, and respond to my specific request within the next 24 hour period. Thanks for your understanding, everyone. /Kit |
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