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Senior Member
since 2001-04-14
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Selah, WA, USA

0 posted 2003-06-29 11:08 PM

To shave the sideburns or not to shave the sideburns?  

      - Cody -

Note To Self:  If Pigs Can Fly, So Can I!!!

If someboy laughs at me, does that make me funny or just plain stupid?  

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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
1 posted 2003-06-29 11:46 PM

Technically, Cody, you don't shave sideburns.

Sideburns are trimmed. Faces are shaved.

Senior Member
since 2001-04-14
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Selah, WA, USA
2 posted 2003-06-30 12:50 PM

-scratches my head-

But I shave the sideburns off of my face by shaving my face where my sideburns are...

      - Cody -

Note To Self:  If Pigs Can Fly, So Can I!!!

If someboy laughs at me, does that make me funny or just plain stupid?  

Local Parasite
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Transylconia, Winnipeg
3 posted 2003-06-30 01:12 AM

then those aren't sideburns, they're the sides of a beard.

weird huh?  but I guess it all really matters where it's connected, at the chin, or at the hair... ??

Me?  whenever I shave, I brush my hair behind my ears and shave all the way up to where my sideburns WOULD be... so I disagree with Ron.  

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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4 posted 2003-06-30 01:25 AM

Shave or trim just do it man!
since 2003-06-19
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London, England
5 posted 2003-06-30 03:29 AM

in England we call those Lamb or Mutton Chops.
And they rule!!

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6 posted 2003-06-30 07:12 AM

If you're asking the question [even if it was phrased wrong...LOL] it's time!
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7 posted 2003-06-30 07:27 AM

If YOU like them then don't shave them off. It's only a dilemna when you are forced by others' opinions to change something you don't want changed. *s
Janet Marie
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8 posted 2003-06-30 07:46 AM

How bout a compromise...if you dont feel comfortable or are unsure how you will look without them ... then why not just try reshaping them ... trim/shave them so that they are thinner, you can leave them longer or take a little off the length. On a rounder shaped face a thinner longer sideburn will have a slimming effect.
That way you can get used to the change gradually if so needed.
My dad had "greaser" 50's sideburns for years..they became his trademark..
Be yourself.

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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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9 posted 2003-06-30 10:22 AM

Oh, Cody....please shave them off. I looked and looked at your pic...and I could swear those "sideburns" were done with magic marker pen. Sorry. I think they called them in the old west days...muttonchops..seriously. hugs,Chris
Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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10 posted 2003-06-30 04:09 PM

Seriously, those have got to go!!! What were you thinking???


Susan C.

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
11 posted 2003-06-30 06:08 PM

...Just trim...

since 2003-02-14
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Jersey City NJ
12 posted 2003-07-01 11:07 AM

Why don't you just go all out and let it alone, and maybe get a goatee while you're at it [get hard slap at the back of my head] ..I mean trim it! Shave it!! [gets nod of approval from a VERY blonde friend and gets another smack for the comment]
Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
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13 posted 2003-07-01 01:46 PM

To trim, or not to trim: that is the question.
Or is it that to trim or not to trim is not the question, but in fact is but a plea,
to gaze upon and ponder this,
doth trim suppose a alteration, delineation,
or simply put, but just a trim.
What implications doth arise in answer to a question put, or question not, if but a ponder? I know not, and so I squander precious space as through here wander, and answer not the question pondered, as I know not of what I speak.

since 2003-06-24
Posts 94

14 posted 2003-07-02 01:21 PM

nice chops man. Mine are abotu that big only really long and curly. I say keep em. cause lets face it...chops are

The only difference between the creative and the conformists is that the creative will not be conquered and the conformists already are.

[This message has been edited by Ron (07-02-2003 05:24 PM).]

Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
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15 posted 2003-07-02 01:44 PM

I like a man with sideburns that go to the middle of the ear or a little longer.
Cut the extra and then grow a moustache. I think a man looks dignified w/a moustache.

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since 2001-05-27
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Ohio, USA
16 posted 2003-07-03 01:45 AM

Bring 'em in a little closer to your ears... they go too far out into your cheeks.

But I do like chops.

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17 posted 2003-07-19 01:59 PM

LOL at this thread. What do YOU want to do? Don't listen to anyone else, except your girlfriend maybe.LOL
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Senior Member
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18 posted 2003-07-19 03:04 PM

Shave man, shave 'em. I've grown my hair out these last few months, to where I can suck on it with my mouth (not that I do, though.) I love having the long hair, and I, too, like Brian, shave up to where my 'burns would be. I like gottees (sp), but think men generally look better with shaved 'burns.


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